Looks like the Hag can spawn anywhere the undead female zombie model is used. I've seen her spawn out in the yard, where death beetles ganged up and killed her, and I've seen her spawn on the 4th floor just outside of the undead knight room, where a festering hag is the usual spawn. Dropped the belt the one time I killed her.
For sure she spawns just inside the door on the 4th floor, in the undead knight room. After a couple of minutes she goes out and wanders in the hall and goes up and down the stairs, not quite to the 2nd floor.
This named was added later, for some reason. Not in the original population of the zone. Just like the Boss's brother, Torklar Battlemaster. I remember vividly because my friends and I lived in this zone back in 2000 for as many levels as we could manage and we never saw these mobs.
Ya wonder why they add a couple of nameds like that to a zone that was around from Day One.
This named was added later, for some reason. Not in the original population of the zone. Just like the Boss's brother, Torklar Battlemaster. I remember vividly because my friends and I lived in this zone back in 2000 for as many levels as we could manage and we never saw these mobs.
Ya wonder why they add a couple of nameds like that to a zone that was around from Day One.
Edited, Aug 27th 2018 10:38am by Sippin
This is a named that was added when they turned the zone into a hotzone during TSS.