the prized leopard which is actually called ironfist's pet as mentioned below , spawns an add "a Coldeye Leopard Tamer" . i was trying to fight the pet in the back room where Kaldimar is , but the add appeared to spawn in the first (the big) room, training the heck out of me in the process of charging/auto-aggroing me. So, still working on the split/pull and trying to determine if the add spawns immediately or upon damaging pet.
quest write up:
I just tried to use the click effect on the reward for this quest and realized that it won't work if you have casted your own Aura spell recently. I had just casted my paladin Blessed Aura (which is also on a 43min 20sec timer like this click's effect) and got the message that "You do not have sufficient focus to maintain that ability" message , just like when you try to recast your aura when you still have it up. So in other words you have to use Only this items aura or your own aura
the trap / aura on the reward seemed to go away very fast, /feedback'ed for them to increase it's duration. not sure yet but as the item creates a trap/aura on the ground i'm wondering if it buffs/affects people out of the caster's group
Edited, Nov 3rd 2006 at 1:54am PST by DukeLatan
Edited, Nov 3rd 2006 at 8:30am PST by DukeLatan