Found him up and promptly took him down using a 68 ranger, 69 cleric with cleric and tank mercs. Took a couple of minutes, but not a difficult fight at all. Clerics never even went to 80% mana, fabled Lodi doesn't run. Dropped usual types of loot - 3 spells, 2x shell piece, 2x map piece, fabled shield, ring and club.
Today he dropped Protection of the Glades (DRU 60) Death Peace (SHD/NEC 60) Ice Spear of Solice (WIZ 60) - all on the regular Lodizal loot table but needs adding here plus the usual ring, belt, boots, map x2, fabled shield, and Words of Burnishing
Today he dropped Protection of the Glades (DRU 60) Death Peace (SHD/NEC 60) Ice Spear of Solice (WIZ 60) - all on the regular Lodizal loot table but needs adding here plus the usual ring, belt, boots, map x2, fabled shield, and Words of Burnishing
Having been hunting fabled in Kael and EW, this 80 ranger, his 78 cleric box and a new 69 war friend decided to go see if fabled lodi was up. And much to my suprise, he was! We got in place a few yards away from him, buffed up and worked out our strat - the ranger would pull, the war would tag agro for rampage, and then we'd go ahead. I cast a group HoT, and charged my ranger at him shouting a great war cry!
Fabled Lodizal despawned.
He was off the track, no longer in my target window, and no where in sight. We scratched our heads a little, and laughed it off. The pocket wiz taxi we had with us TLed out the war while the ranger and cleric camped. With 5 secs on camp, I hit track one last time, and BAM he was back in the list! I canceled the camp, picked the war back up, and this time we pulled him asap!
He took ranger earthcaller slow first time, missed a lot on the ranger, and died quick and easy.
He dropped: 1 x Belt of the Great Turtle 1 x Fabled Lodizal Shell Shield 2 x Fourth part of an Iceclad Map 1 x Lodizal Shell Boots 1 x Section of Lodizal's Shell 1 x Spell: Arch Lich 1 x Spell: Monster Summoning III 1 x Spell: Gift of Brilliance 1 x Spell: Ice Spear of Solist (Each of those spells are level 60)
He tends to kick the living sh*t out of a young lvl 41 bard who happens to be strolling through the area near the northern island, by all the gnolls you meet when you first travel to the zone from N Ro
[Thu Mar 20 21:14:45 2008] The Fabled Lodizal bellows and thrashes around. His flippers kick hard snow and ice into the air. His maw snaps and opens like a promise of death. [Thu Mar 20 21:14:45 2008] The Fabled Lodizal is to the right. [Thu Mar 20 21:14:45 2008] Your song ends. [Thu Mar 20 21:14:45 2008] The Fabled Lodizal crushes YOU for 1768 points of damage. [Thu Mar 20 21:14:45 2008] You have been knocked unconscious! [Thu Mar 20 21:14:45 2008] You have been slain by The Fabled Lodizal! I was one hitted. I Exploded, much like our tanks used to, back in the day
Killed him a couple more times and here's a list of some of the spells that he dropped... Monster Summoning III (#8487) Arch Lich (#8475) Protection of the Glade (#8517)
Spawn for 1/2 hour then disappeared, i was hunting for the Fabled Stormfeather, my 73 Ranger clicking on track, ran to the lodii and it cons yellow, "Will take an army to defeat." Ranger had WS and some trick AA's but maybe not; "but I reconsidered," and went back to try spawn stormy. Lodii spawns then disappears, and then spawns again. Hummm.. Not sure about timer, JM2C.
70 beastlord 640aa's 12khp raid buffed, mainly dod/tacvi/anguish equip soloed this mob with the use of veteren aa's, was a heartpumping fight, almost died at one point but came out victorius has probably 100-120kish hp hit me for 1800's max but not often at all with 5% shielding and 1950ac. If anyone else has soloed him post it !
70 anguish/DoD geared Bst 15k hp and 9k mana druid boxed several times fun fight got summoned out of CH range on first fight so went back and have killed him 4 times since. mainly not for the fabled shield which req 68 is a joke, but for thr regular shield quest piece to make and sell shields.
Warrior pulled, hit Furious at 30% ,1st slow landed, stonewalled after furious, enchanter nuked and refreshed slow, cleric sat on horse and healed ( surprize! )
Nice shield,I dont feel so bad about forgeting to take off long after Ive the water.
And a "GREAT JOB" to my 5 year old daughter who was on the Cleric
Did her again, this time trio, Pal Enc and Clr. took chanty down to 15m, but outlasted with slow + ch. Pally was 13.5k, 2.6k at the time of kill. Enc had 10k mana, and both were Time-Qvic geared.
Min hit 444, max 1888 (no defensive) w/10% shielding
Did him today with pal, clr, bst and wiz. Simple fight. Not many HPs, lasted mebbe a minute. 3 time geared toons and a clr bot. At 2600ac, like 80% of rounds were minimum. Sending in a pic of the cutie mob.
Also dropped: Fourth piece of an Iceclad map, a section of lodizal's shell, Knotted Turtlebone Ring, Lodizal Shell Boots, Spell: Death Peace, and Spell: Spiritual Purity.
edit- forgot to mention, Lodi did give the ENRAGED message, but didnt see RAMPAGE at all during the fight.
It conned red to me at lvl 70, so must have a level ranger up to at least 73. Also, the son of a b$%ch depopped as I was bringing up my chanter to box it and kill it. I hate you SOE, truly I do!
The mob didn't depop, it merely went back up the beach where it starts out at.
So I killed it with a 70 war, 70 clr, 70 chanter, all boxed. Mainly this mob has a lot of hit points, it doesn't hit fast, summons, enrages, and is slowable with both forlorn and desolate deeds.
It dropped the fabled piece, the normal boots, a normal ring, two map pages, and two sections of lodizal shell.
This is an easy mob, and I would bet it will be camped up bigtime when the double xp is done.
Downed him yesterday after having fun with the fableds in ToFS. Was my Beastlord, Rogue and my box 68 cleric.
70 slow stuck first time and wasn't resisted after that. Max hit was 1700 but as stated above he is very slow to hit. Pious Elixir was more than enough to keep me up.
Shield is a nice upgrade for my box cleric and fairly achievable for most people.