Just did this fight on FV server and this guy was moved to the location of the other sphinxes. I had the group ready to jump him over by the Guktan camp and the beastlord had to train him halfway across the zone to meet up with the rest of the force. The rambling popped right where Zaz went down. So it would seem that they have fixed the spawn locs.
As you all know by now the frogloks have moved into the Mountains of Rathe. The Sphinx's have been moved to closer to the Feerot zone the dead end that is north of the zone in on the map. When I finished the dialog and the the first sphinx hit the ground. This mob didnt spawn immediate as he was suppose to...so I was a bit baffled especially when after about 5-7mins the sphinx got back up without the hand-in of the Anhk. After a bit of pondering I decided to go to the old spawn location on the Sphinx which is now the froglok stronghold. There on the hill was this mob sitting enjoying the scenery. Of course some swearing and name-calling insued but immediately after that we spanked the mob mercilessly. So this is just to let all Beasties know whom are in the process of doing this portion of the quest that the first spawned mob is bugged until it is repaired...it will not spawn at the point where the Sphinx's now reside but at their old home at the now Froglok Tent Camp. Why that is the case you will have to take that up with Sony...but just a heads up. The second spawned sphinx spawned as normal at the dead end. Good luck - Special Thanks to Icecus, Comstar, Sab, and Istraa on Povar for their aid in killing this mob. Thanks guys!! :)
Ravygen - 70 Shaman Povar Server Savyge - 65 Beastlord
Hits for 630 max, is slowable but mitigates (using bst slow i got mostly). Has a LOT of hp, while its attack rate isnt to bad i would suggest taking a few ppl as it had lots of hp and could easily get the better of solo or duo ppl due to how long he takes to kill.
This mob spawned after talking to Zazmoukh in his place in the furthest southwestern part of RM on top of the hill (Loc ~ -1730, 1176). Easily duoed by a 70 BL and 70 shammy. Mob was mostly slowable by the shammy and had to slap a quiesence on the BL, but that was it. Easy kill.