All-Seeing Eye  

Raid Encounter

Uploaded February 11th, 2019 by FormerlyKnownAs
Updated February 12th, 2019

Can spawn a chest with additional loot after an enchanter at the right point in the epic 1.5 loots the All-Seeing Eye.


Enter the zone

Invis up to avoid agro

Run over to the castle moat. Remember the visible bridge over the moat is an illusion, you must use a map to take one of the two side bridges which are invisible.

Enter the main center corridor into the castle. Just before the end is a hidden door on the left with a guard and a wall picture. Enter and follow until you go down a flight of stairs and a big room is on your left. The room usually has a chest in the middle which we don’t care about, and a gorilla near the nw corner

Enter the room.

Go to the north west corner by gorilla , take the hidden door in west wall.

Now take a left around the corner , and then your first right.... you’re going down a long corridor.

Follow this way until you pass 1 door on your left hand side, and shortly after that there will be an invisible wall on your left hand side (where the hallway widens). Take it.

Go thru the invisible wall at end of next room.

Once you pass through the 2 invisible walls, your room has 2 gorillas (When I was there)

You will then click on the portrait of BB that is on the far wall, it will port you to another room.

This room has a lost hand or two usually (when I was there). Location is roughly 78, -6 to check if you didn’t get lost

You will then click on the torch on the south wall, that will port you to yet another room, this room may have a lost hand and a clever sphinx and at this time you will click the plant that is located on the north table.

You'll be in the hedge, probably facing a hedge warrior.

My map had a good map of the hedge.

Then it looks like you go to the right all the way around the hedge where there is an invisible opening halfway down the side of the hedge.

Go in it and go left, go down to the corner and turn right and go halfway up the path. There is another opening on your right.

Enter, go left (north) and around the corner and the entrance to the the center of the maze will be on your right.

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2017-04-25 08:41:23.

Level: 75
Expansion: Omens of War
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2019-09-03 03:02:33
Known Loot:
icon All-Seeing Eye

Known Habitats:
  Plane of Mischief 2.0
Factions Decreased:
  Minions of Mischief -1

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Just killed him
# Jun 11 2022 at 6:57 AM Rating: Decent
59 posts
Just beat him with 70 Pally, 70 Bard, 70 Druid, and 69 enchanter, box group. All around 300 AA.

Pally - 15k hp, around 980 AC. Using 2-hander.

Was a VERY tough fight though. Firstly, you can't seem to avoid his AoE even by getting what should be out of range. Not really sure why on that. Secondly, he murders any pets you charm pretty quick. And lastly - he rampages reasonably bad, so you'll be healing 2 people throughout the fight. Beyond that it's pretty straight forward, just make sure to tank him in the empty corner so no adds respawn.
# Aug 09 2017 at 11:56 PM Rating: Good
203 posts
[Thu Aug 10 01:49:08 2017] Your faction standing with Minions of Mischief has been adjusted by -1.
[Thu Aug 10 01:49:08 2017] You have slain All-Seeing Eye!

At the time of this post, the faction "Minions of Mischief" is not present in the database.
All-seeing eye and Hedge directions
# Apr 20 2015 at 8:51 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
Thank you so much for this write up it was spot on.
All-seeing eye and Hedge directions
# Oct 20 2017 at 10:34 PM Rating: Good
67 posts
I was having some trouble with the directions, but I found a youtube video titled "Everquest 1- How to get to the hedge maze from zone in. Plane of Mischief", and between the video and the directions I was able to make it.
# Apr 15 2015 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
Parsed at 660,000 HP. Max hit on 86SK with 5900ish AC was 1045, most hits were 255.
These days
# Nov 20 2013 at 10:21 AM Rating: Decent
67 posts
If you have any toons you can use over level 80 or 85, this fight seems like cake.

I used a level 95 monk--72k HP partially buffed. Kept my 71 chanter right outside the "room" of the eye just in case it decided to cast on her. Figured I'd run her in if I needed her, which I didn't. Didn't even need the healer merc. Monk got hit a total of 4 times, once for 221, next 2 times for 851, last time for 646. That's it.

No chest spawned....

On to the next part of the epic!

And thank you Morr for the great instructions on getting to the ASE :)
Downed with my 3 box team
# Sep 06 2013 at 9:04 AM Rating: Decent
Finally took him down. After reading through the entries below and seeing that a lot of people were level 80ish I was hesitant to try him until I had leveled my team and farmed a bunch of AA's.

My box team is a 73 chanter with 450 aa's, a 73 ranger with 150 aa's, and a 72 bard with about 20 aa's. I also had a tank merc and two cleric mercs (for this fight only). All are defiant equipped visible slots and comparable gear in non-visible slots.

I followed the directions of morromid below and got to the maze no problem. At the entrance to the maze I buffed my box team, invised up and went to the Eye. My tank merc immediately gained aggro so I started the rangers auto range and put the bard on auto attack and started /melody. A flower added so I charmed and 1.0 hasted for extra dps. Occaisionally I got dd spells to land but not for much damage. It's true that slow and detrimental spells won't land on him, which is fine since my tank and ranger never dropped below 60% and both clerics maintained over 90% mana. Nobody else in the group took damage. 7-8 minutes later he was dead and I had the piece. Much easier than I anticipated!
# Jul 20 2012 at 11:01 PM Rating: Decent
269 posts
Ranger HSable. Died in 13 seconds.. No chest drop though after Chanter looted eye.
Hitpoint Estimate
# Apr 02 2010 at 12:45 PM Rating: Decent
33 posts
Killed him today for my father's 1.5 after several years of waiting.

With him as a level 84 chanter(tank merc), me playing my 78 beast(healer merc), and his boxed 80 cleric(another healer merc) it took us about 7 minutes to kill him, parsing in at about 698k hp.

Good luck to anyone after him.
Took about 7 minutes.
# Jan 12 2010 at 7:41 AM Rating: Good
1,308 posts
85 necro, 1700 AA, 80 enc 100 AA. 85 T5 healer merc set effecient, 80 T5 tank merc set agressive. I don't really do group roles.

When you turn the corner, the all seeing eye sees you and hey, it's on, so be prepped before you turn that final corner. We has prepped in lobby and buffs were still good. Nothing saw invis up to this guy.

Dots that stuck.
Scorching shadow rk 2
Ashengate pyre Rk 2
Putrescence Rk 2
Putrification Rk 2
Splart Rk2
Din of Tashan

Nukes that hit

Nukes that didn't hit, ever
All enc nukes
Exigency of blood Rk2

Hit focus of arcanum, didnt seem to make a diff. Scorching only ever landed once. (Before focus, go figure....)

Both corruption dots landed no problem. Kept those running throughout the fight. Tank merc never went below 65 percent. Healer merc ended up at like 65 mana.

Both toons had 78 mage stuff on pets.

To be honest, I think we could've won this with just that bit of melee, but it would've taken a lot longer.

# Apr 27 2008 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
Dueod with a 80 cleric and a 79 Zerker. Cleric has 17k mana unbuffed and zerker 16k HP unbuffed. Cleric did CH cycle till rampage then quick heals. Cleric had to use 1 of the mana potions from the expansion package.
All-seeing eye and Hedge directions
# Aug 29 2007 at 5:00 PM Rating: Good
OK, here's my own directions after scouting out the other directions below (which were a big help, thanks guys. )

Enter the zone

Invis up to avoid agro

Run over to the castle moat. Remember the visible bridge over the moat is an illusion, you must use a map to take one of the two side bridges which are invisible.

Enter the main center corridor into the castle. Just before the end is a hidden door on the left with a guard and a wall picture. Enter and follow until you go down a flight of stairs and a big room is on your left. The room usually has a chest in the middle which we don’t care about, and a gorilla near the nw corner

Enter the room.

Go to the nw corner by gorilla , take the hidden door in west wall.

Now take a left arond the corner , and then your first right.... you’re going down a long corridor.

Follow this way until you pass 1 door on your left hand side, and shortly after that there will be an invisible wall on your left hand side (where the hallway widens). Take it.

Go thru the invisible wall at end of next room.

Once you pass through the 2 invisible walls, your room has 2 gorillas (When I was there)

You will then click on the portrait of BB that is on the far wall, it will port you to another room.

This room has a lost hand or two usually (when I was there). Location is roughly 78, -6 to check if you didn’t get lost

You will then click on the torch on the south wall, that will port you to yet another room, this room may have a lost hand and a clever sphinx and at this time you will click the plant that is located on the north table.

you'll be in he hedge, probably facing a hedge warrior.

My map had a good map of the hedge.

Then it looks like you go to the right all the way around the hedge where there is an invisible opening halfway down the side of the hedge.

Go in it and go left, go down to the corner and turn right and go halfway up the path. There is another opening on your right.

Enter, go left (north) and around the corner and the entrance to the the center of the maze will be on your right.

Here's a map from I marked up with direction to the hedge

Edited, Aug 31st 2007 9:47pm by morromid
All-seeing eye and Hedge directions
# Apr 22 2017 at 8:14 PM Rating: Decent
141 posts
this should be included in the mob's post itself, its so damn useful. Thank you for the information, it's still being put to good use in 2017.
Biko - Formerly of Solusek Ro
All-seeing eye and Hedge directions
# Apr 20 2015 at 8:48 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
Thank you so much this was spot on I would have never gotten there had it not been for this post
All-seeing eye and Hedge directions
# Oct 18 2012 at 7:35 PM Rating: Decent
lol 2007 i doubt you still play but this was great help , was trying for hours to find way never happend lol then thought to look for info here lol thanks .
All-seeing eye and Hedge directions
# Nov 01 2010 at 3:33 PM Rating: Decent
484 posts
Thanks for the writeup and the picture too. That was definitely worth a thousand words. I had gotten lost in this zone for hours and very frustrated. Then i checked here and saw your map. Awesome.
Necro Warning: This post occurred more than thirty days after the prior, and may be a necropost.
All-seeing eye and Hedge directions
# Dec 20 2010 at 11:24 PM Rating: Decent
That original plane of mischief map is awesome is it not? I man who who has the time and the skill to make such a smart looking map?
Glad you found my post, it's only posted under the All-Seeing Eye and not under the main zone.
All-seeing eye and Hedge directions
# Jan 12 2010 at 7:03 AM Rating: Good
1,308 posts
I wish I could rep this post +1000...
This was so helpful and the map! OMG!! Top notch!
All-seeing eye and Hedge directions
# Feb 01 2010 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent

I'm glad you liked it. It would not have been possible w/o the original map and the posts of the people before me

-- Morro

All-seeing eye and Hedge directions
# Jan 03 2008 at 8:00 PM Rating: Decent
phenominal write up. I didn't get lost, excellent. Thanks very much for this.
he's been beefed up a bit
# Aug 17 2007 at 11:13 AM Rating: Decent
Need to clear this up a bit... reading a few posts about people saying they almost killed him with 2 or 3 box with midlevel equipment, I decided to bring my anguish equipped box group to try and kill him 3 box style... and after 10 minutes of fighting nonstop and him still being at 70% hp, I realized this wasnt going to work.

I had to ask a couple more players to come in to assist, the group consisted of warrior, clr, shm, 2x wiz. The wizzies ran oom even after harvest at around 20%. The main problem with this mob is not it's dps or anything of that nature, it's having a very high amount of HP, as much as youll encounter in any epic fight, guaranteed. He also Rampages very very frequently, so a secondary healer type, such as a paladin or a shaman is recommended.

This mob is more difficult than the 2 previous chest spawning mobs, yet doesn't spawn a chest itself... no clue why.
he's been beefed up a bit
# Aug 17 2007 at 2:59 PM Rating: Decent
also the information is a ***** sketchy on how to get to this. I found the information confusing at the least. In order to get to the hedge area, follow everything the fella says until you get to the wall in the room filled with BB pictures. Go through the wall take a left, and then your first right.... follow this way until you pass 1 door on your left hand side, and shortly after that there will be an invisible wall on your left hand side (where the hallway widens). Once you pass through the 2 invisible walls, you will then click on the portrait of BB that is on the wall, it will port you to another room, you will then click on one of the torches on the wall, that will port you to yet another room, and at this time you will click the plant that is located on the table.

I hope this clears things up a bit to people who haven't been in this zone yet, it can be very confusing.
# Aug 16 2007 at 2:41 AM Rating: Decent
lol tryed this for fun for my 1.5 was me 71 chanter and a 75 ranger we got him down 8% befor he killed us so think a group of lvl 70 to 75 should handle this thing NP
CoTH Works
# Mar 23 2007 at 10:10 PM Rating: Decent
19 posts
Took a 66 Mage up there to a good camp spot just inside the third ring of the hedge and Cothed rest of raid across the entire zone to me, so you don't have to get an entire raid up there, just one person, lol. No see invis mobs on the way for me.
Easy Kill
# Jan 06 2007 at 12:04 AM Rating: Decent
Took this down 1/4/07 with 2 groups easily. One group was anguish/demi-plane geared and other group was time+ geared. Noone died or really even came close. Fight lasted all of 2 minutes. Took us longer to get there than to make the kill.
GET TO the eye
# Dec 27 2006 at 2:11 PM Rating: Decent
tried to reply to myself, but didn't work i is a short way of telling you how to get their. (this link was posted further down as well, but RPG site was down when I needed it lol)

To get to hedge...this site is helpful

first, up the invis bridge to get into the castle, take a left through the invis wall, and go untill you enter a room with bunch of pics on the wall, and a gorilla in the direction your facing.

in this room with pics of brislebane or whatever..and you'll wanna walk through the wall in the north west corner. Go west, south, west, untill you get to a room with a lost hand probably
(their is no wall or door to walk through to get to this room with the lost hand, its just a widening of space in the hallway your walking)...

then you'll wanna go south, through another invis wall, then east till you get to a bristlebae picture, click on it.

You'll come to a room with proably a lost hand, and a clever sphinx. Their will be two book cases, click on he torch in between them.

You'll be in a room with two bookcases... Click on it, you'll be in he hedge, probably facing a hedge warrior.

thus your in the hedge...

then it looks like you go to the right all the way around the hedge. untill theirs an opening, o in it and take another right, and keep going untill you come to another opening, o into it and take a left, untill theirs another opening, go right, and the eye should be here.
GET TO the eye
# Jun 10 2007 at 10:28 PM Rating: Decent
You'll be in a room with two bookcases... Click on the plant on the table, you'll be in he hedge, probably facing a hedge warrior.
GET TO the eye
# Mar 17 2007 at 12:55 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks for the info, that was alot of help.
gettting there...?
# Dec 26 2006 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
Anyone know how to get there?
gettting there...?
# Dec 27 2006 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
Well, when I asked that question rpg experts was down, so i couldn't use the link that was posed below, but here is the link, and breakdown of how to get there...

To get to hedge...this site is helpful

first go up the invis bridge into the castle, then go through the invis wall to the left, untill you get into the room with pictures, and probably a gorilla in direction right infront of you.

You'll be in a room with pics of brislebane or whatever..and you'll wanna walk through the wall in the north west corner. Go west, south, west, untill you get to a room with a lost hand probably...then you'll wanna go south, then east till you get to a bristlebae picture, click on it.

You'll come to a room with proably a lost hand, and a clever sphinx. Their will be two book cases, click on he torch in between them.

You'll be in a room with two bookcases... Click on it, you'll be in he hedge, probably facing a hedge warrior.

thus your in the hedge...

then it looks like you go to the right all the way around the hedge. untill theirs an opening, o in it and take another right, and keep going untill you come to another opening, o into it and take a left, untill theirs another opening, go right, and the eye should be here.
# Nov 08 2006 at 9:40 PM Rating: Decent
About to do this fight for my chanter, AE looks easily resistable, fight is probably one groupable, will let you know how it went when it dies.
# Nov 18 2006 at 2:15 AM Rating: Decent
Easily 2 groupable. Had 21 in raid, and was overkill big time. Clerics had 70% mana and I was sittin at 50. AE is nothing at all to worry about, even if you don't resist it. Getting there is the fun part, nearly impossible to explain it. Requires you to run through invisible walls and clicking random small objects. The best I can do is tell you the order of clicks. Picture, Fire, Pot in that order.
# Aug 31 2006 at 9:45 PM Rating: Decent
41 posts
Yesterday I tried 6 box ASE for my chanter.

1st PC
(my prim.) PAL70: Anguish/Tacvi/Time Geared - 14603HP, 3259AC, 1492AA - Tank
(friend's) CLR70: Yxtta/GroupTask Geared - 9314Mana, 440AA - Heal
(friend's) RNG70: Qvic/Time Geared - 11134HP, 724AA - Range DPS

2nd PC
(my alt.) DRU70: Tacvi/Qvic Geared - 9749Mana, 1377AA - Heal
(my alt.) ENC70: Tacvi/Qvic Geared - 9258Mana, 1098AA - Nuke
(friend's) WAR70: Tacvi/Qvic/Time Geared - 14454HP, 2539AC, 347AA - Rampage
(all stats buffed in group)

1st Attempt:
Used Infusion of the faithful, Holyforge and Trueshot.
But group got troubled with healing. PAL went down when 68% health left on ASE, then group evacuated.

2nd Attempt:
After CR. No Infusion AA, No Offense discs.
I focused healing more than 1st time.
CLR kept casting Yaulp and CH on PAL. She used Staunch Recovery when around 20% health left on ASE.
DRU patch healed by SI(sometimes ACB) and of course fully debuffed by DRU spells.
PAL healed Group and used HoT on PAL and WAR. Also tried keep WoT himself.
This time group done fighting successfully. no one died but ASE.
It took about 20 mins.
DRU had about half of Mana and CLR had around 80% Mana when ASE down.

Grats, Qanadanya and our guild.

No chest for us also.

[PAL70] Notungx Startaker of Karana
The Tribunal (Ayonae Ro) Server

Edited, Sep 1st 2006 at 9:35am EDT by Notung
# Aug 20 2006 at 1:41 PM Rating: Decent
1,273 posts
Two attempts, two successes, but zero chests :(
Avoiding DoT for Clerics
# Aug 05 2006 at 5:45 AM Rating: Decent
2 Aug 06 we did this mob. Popped Divine Aura immediately and seemed to have prevented my cleric from being dotted with the Gaze of the All-Seeing Eye. I assume it works with the higher level version as well.

Azureian Skye - 70 Cleric
spawn time
# Jul 23 2006 at 10:52 PM Rating: Decent
28 posts
Seems to be a three day spawn time.
# Jul 16 2006 at 7:04 AM Rating: Decent
Killed him tonight with 5 people

70 cleric, about 12700mana, was at 30% mana at the end - 845aa
70 Shadowknight, about 16300ish hp, 3200ish ac, only had conv and self buffs - 784aa
70 ranger 12kish hp, did ramp and all the dps, basically - 591aa
70 Enchanter 8300mana, 205 aa
68 druid 6100ish mana died at 9% on All Seeing Eye ...

No chest for us
all seeing eye
# Jul 16 2006 at 6:36 AM Rating: Decent
eye is up again as noticed on the 16th july 2006
Hes dissapeared
# Jun 26 2006 at 5:09 PM Rating: Decent
Not been up since zone has been fixed.
Hes dissapeared
# Jun 26 2006 at 7:45 PM Rating: Decent
I did bug report like a week ago and still nothing it's getting to be very upsetting....
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