a rampaging ulthork  

a rare creature

Uploaded July 24th, 2007


Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2008-01-02 15:09:18.

Level: 55
Expansion: Scars of Velious
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2020-08-19 08:54:40

Known Habitats:
  Siren's Grotto

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# Mar 27 2004 at 11:09 PM Rating: Default
23 posts
He seems to be a relative common spawn ; from my ~10 solo kills exeprience , Iwould say he drops the Miniature Nosering as common , the Ring as uncommon , and the no drop 2HB he shares with a few named as rare (hopefully ) . Never saw the range slot .
# Mar 07 2010 at 6:20 PM Rating: Decent
104 posts
There are 2 types of ulthorks in siren's grotto: 'a rampaging ulthork' and 'an enthralled ulthork'. 'a rampaging ulthork' does not drop the nosering or 2hb.
mob info
# Feb 05 2004 at 12:45 PM Rating: Default
hits for 240 max avg. hits were 113-166 but never doubled/tripledquad (whatever he does) for over 200 highest dps he had was (240 186 233 133 240 160 207 166 113 240 160 213 153 207 193 110 146) that were his very last hits doesnt rampage or enrage flurry or any of those stuns
killed with: 2boxing
57 monk tanking
65 druid healing (only had mana enough to nuke once with FT15)
droped the ring....
Spawn info?
# Jan 16 2004 at 2:42 PM Rating: Decent
Been hunting this zone for a few weeks and not once has this guys popped in. I have seen him on tracking a couple of times but he was in deeper towards the castle. Didn't try going in for him at the time since it weas reported that he would spawn in any bulthar spawn point. Either this info is incorrect, or he is extremely rare. I usually do the front entrance of the zone (CS side), the seahorses, swordfishes in the front pond and under the waterfall, and the walrus's, manatees, bulthars and moktors that spawn around it. I have done quite well here now, but no enraged ulthork. I have gotten the enthralled ulthork several times tho.

Anyway, if anyone has specific info about this mob (since his drops are what brought me here in the first place) I would appreciate it if you would share. Thanks
# Oct 31 2003 at 9:53 AM Rating: Decent
this dude spawns at the end of a tunnel underneath Mistress Latazura. very easy fight. he dropped the ring for us.
RE: Spawn
# Nov 01 2003 at 6:47 PM Rating: Good
105 posts
He spawns anywhere bulthars spawn.
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