Captain Bloodblade  


Level: 50
Expansion: Legacy of Ykesha
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2019-09-08 19:27:32

Known Habitats:
  Dulak's Harbor

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Captain Bloodblade
# Dec 30 2006 at 4:49 PM Rating: Decent
6 posts
Was on boat with my necro, when I cleared boat and was on my way down from the upper deck I saw that the Captain and his crew had popped.
Started to pull and had some adds, but only 2 adds. 2 others had gone down on the dock while I was fighting so I continued to pull the ones left, while fighting 1 more left the boat. When the ones on the boat, except Captain, was dead I thought I would wait for the others to return thinking the Captain wouldn't be targetable untill all were dead. But when I got close to him he jumped me, not much of a fight though, the 3 that had left the boat came back just after I killed the Captain so killed them too. So It seems you don't have to kill all the others before the Captain gets targetable. Not recomending anyone to camp him though, got shawl and man what crappy loot for this encounter, got the Talisman too that is part of a quite time consuming quest that gives a charm that is even worse than the shawl. Someone at SOE should be ashamed of this one.
Captain Bloodblade's Crew
# Nov 26 2006 at 2:10 PM Rating: Decent
I came here looking for info.. I was clearing the Windscorn and the refinery looking for iksar blood. I didnt see the zone wide emote, but wasnt paying attention really.

I was on the bridge moving down to the Windscorn as usual (had cleared 2-3 times of all the iksars - I left the 2 DEs on the far side up each time, so they werent full clears), when I saw the Windscorn Midshipman and the Windscorn Shipmate come walking down the bridge toward me. I hadn't seen them before, but they were Iksars so.. fair game.

I killed them. Then more came. Then more and more until I had about 10 or more of them I was fighting. All outside on the dock. I figured I had unknowingly tripped a ring event.

Didnt count them but seemed like more than 10 to me.

When I finally got them killed, I did see a DE standing in front of the main area on the boat, but figured it was one of the ones that usually pop around there and didnt pay much attention to him. I ran up and ran a sweep around the boat picking up the iksars, then came back onto the main area of the deck to kill them. In the pack of mobs, there was a Capt. A dark elf. He conned green (light blue) to me. I killed him first. He seemed to have quite a few hitpoints. Then the others.

He dropped some shoulders. Shawl of the High Seas.

So perhaps you have to kill all his crew (Windscorn Midshipmen and Windscorn Shipmates) as they walk off the boat, then he becomes targetable and you can kill him. You'd have to have some good dps if a lower level group. They come pretty fast once they start.

# Jan 14 2006 at 10:47 PM Rating: Good
cleared boat for monk epic and he popped. Had to clear entire boat before we could target him.

Dropped Talisman of Gaerin and shawl of the high seas.

Observation. on taking on the Windy
# Jul 21 2003 at 2:17 AM Rating: Decent
OK...I'm new to EQ, only been playing since April so pardon if this is misinformation, but I am 90 percent positive, this is what happened.

Me and a grp of buddies...

(me)53 Druid
52 Druid
49 Druid
50 Cleric
50 Chanter
57 Warrior

...Were helping a friend (49 druid) obtain an emblem for healing water spell by storage area (by dandolak); when the Cappy of Windscorn does a zonewide shout saying something around the essence of "Go get the members of the windsorn, we're ready to head out" (very loosely quoted)...

We thought nothing of it cuz' we've seen it before while on boats. Low and behold about 6 or so minutes later we see a windscorn midshipman wandering about - he's DB to me at 53 and we had cleared both storage areas. Some windsorn people were also walking about but all were significantly far from the midshipman. So we said, cool - a named? and my tank after the mid came again (wind. ppl far away) pulled him.

Holy Moly He comes and all of a sudden out of nowhere a whole bunch of windscorn shipmates start running toward us. It wasnt a raid, but that was a wipe if I saw one. He's massive undercon because I myself tried nuking him for 612 damage and his life went down to maybe 98 percent or so. Well after a few swiped the cleric died, ofcourse when that happens you jet..
The druids all tried to snare and root but nothing would hold - I had just enough time to debuff a few who would then come running at me and we set up in that moment so I debuff, he comes at me, other druid ensnares, he goes at them, one roots...WELL...debuff and so, snare, root, etc. would not hold. At the end of it our succoring druid had no windows to be able to succor so we ran it (we were all wolfies).

My point of all this is...maybe it would be better to not go NEAR the boat when he's there.
Clear the area by the Windy and wait for him to spawn. He obviously has no PHs and must be on some sort of timer. (since we were there for hours, tons of boat checks and noone on windy), then he just spawns; then continue to kill off the ppl that come from the boat (and they will)..
Have someone invis up or a wizzy send an eye up there to monitor whats up on the boat and before the LAST set leave, run to boat to be able to engage the Cappy.

I believe when the cycle is complete he despawns because after a while he sent out a shout saying the Windy was setting sail....

Good Luck and let me know if this info has helped at all.

He must have some real good loot if he's on a timer and takes such high level people to even GET to him.
I'm telling you, we were a full grp and even if it was PLANNED to engage these things - they should have been at LEAST yellow to us. I've fought reds that don't resist as much as the midshipman did...

I've been camping Dulak for about a month now and to date, noone has broken the Windy's camp.
RE: Observation. on taking on the Windy
# Aug 03 2003 at 1:29 AM Rating: Decent
The captain says this (for anyone who cares)
"There is no time to waste I want this ship to be ready for deployment within the hour. All Windscorn crew members are ordered to pick up the last of their supplies from town in final preparation for this vessel to set sail"

I wasn't on that ship when he said this, but saw a "Windscorn Midshipmate" walk by. He was dark blue to me (level 56 Beastlord). I pulled him with my lethargy spell and had no adds. I had him to 30% health, then he poofed. The captain made some other comment about the ship leaving then. So I didn't get to see if the midshipmate had any loot. He hit very hard though, and seemed to have a good amount of hp's, but I had KEI on and let my pet do most of the melee.

From the captains message, I assume he maybe only stays spawned for one game-time hour?

Edited, Sun Aug 3 02:23:14 2003
RE: Observation. on taking on the Windy
# Oct 01 2003 at 3:22 PM Rating: Excellent
I was visiting windscorn just to farm some plat, didn't even see the captain zone spam.

I fight to the boat entrance and kill the two down there when all of a sudden a midshipman comes walking down the ramp.

NP, he is dark blue to 65 mage and pet starts whomping on him. He has pretty decent hp and max hits for 144. Well when he is at 70% another midshipman comes strolling down the ramp and jumps the pet.... then another... then another.... They seemed to have a new one coming ever 2 minutes or so.

Well I managed to c heal the pet 3-4 times and we killed about 4 of them and there were STILL 4 whomping on the pet! The cleric finally got aggro and got mushed while the mage gated out.

How many of these bastards are there when they spawn? It was a hella tough fight for 65 mage/62 cleric 2 box!

the mystery of the spawn
# Jul 18 2003 at 7:23 AM Rating: Decent
Just something to think about:

I see peeps including myself. Camp any of these boats for hours upon hours and never get a Capt. to spawn. ok - now :

I see these boats go with out anyone camping them for a few cycles. Three or more and as soon as someone comes along....after some down time for the boat...behold a Capt. Spawns.....This includes myself.

On the Stormwave: 1st time going to camp the boat. It had been uncamped for sometime and within 2 cycles had a Capt Spawn. ok. Now since then I've spent 12+ hours camping the boat and never get the Capt. to spawn.

On the Lady Di: 1st time camping the boat and behold same thing happened. Except the Capt. Spawn Twice in a row. Dropped the mace 1st and then the ring. Since then I've spent 8+ hours and no Capt.. has spawned.

Don't really think there is anything to this however maybe there is, just maybe ??? Besides it is a little hard to just sit there on the boat and do nothing when there are all those pretty MOB's begging for you to kill them and have their gems if any.

Just a thought about the mystery of the spawn.
# Jul 01 2003 at 2:43 PM Rating: Decent
Do you need to kill all the mobs on the dock also? Wondering because our group cleared the boat and kept it clean for a few mobs - but captain never showed... any thoughts?
Where its at.
# Apr 20 2003 at 9:48 AM Rating: Decent
He spawned for my group after a couple hours of killing regular spawns on the Windscorn, the last and hardest boat. He and his crew popped right in front of the doors to the cabin. Since the mobs that spawn with him are indifferent, we didnt kill them, and instead watched and waited to see what happened. The mobs wanders off, one or two at a time, until the captain was alone, and was untargettable the entire time - Even when all the mobs left, he was untargetable. After a couple minutes of standing there alone, he poofed, and the other mobs that spawned with him did not return.
RE: Where its at.
# May 04 2003 at 2:25 PM Rating: Decent
Dam u shoulda killed must clear all of the mobs around him... then he becomes targetable :P no one has any info on what he drops yet
#MysticConquest, Posted: Apr 20 2003 at 8:20 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Do You guys ever give useful information like (NAME OF BOAT) this capt pops on?
RE: Boat name?
# May 11 2003 at 7:12 AM Rating: Decent
Lol. Wow you really can't read. The post right below yours said what boat he was on. Windscorn.
RE: Boat name?
# Dec 09 2003 at 10:01 AM Rating: Default
41 posts

Edited, Sat May 15 21:14:49 2004
# Apr 20 2003 at 3:04 AM Rating: Decent
He is between level 55 and 56, conned dark blue to 57 but corpse had 30 minute decay timer.

Aye, this was my experience as well.

After the Captain and his Crewmen and Shipmates spawn, the crew begins to depart the ship in pairs.

My group:
57 Cleric (Me)
57 Ranger
57 Paladin
62 Enchanter & pet - a dire charmed Windscorn Templar

The enchanter mezzed every mob that ran down the plank - we fought on the pier at the bottom of the plank, so they aggroed as soon as they reached it - and we eventually were able to engage them all, which made the Captain targetable.

We had to wait to try this a second time, because there was some pathing error that kept two of the spawns on the ship - they kept trying to walk off the bow. Anyway, after maybe 20-30 mins those two and the captain had depopped. So the second time the chanter ran up to aggro those two. Took a while to beat down all 10-12 mobs (didn't really count - they just kept coming), but got a nice drop out of it.

Oxidized Fine Plate Boots - AC:20 DEX:2 WIS:5 INT:5 AGI:2 HP:30 Mana:30 SvC:8
WT 2.5 Class:WAR CLR PAL SHD BRD Race:All
Recommended Level 45, and FAR better than what I had been wearing. Only drawback is the color - a nice, bright, magenta. :)

Baron Yorek Soulhammer - Society of the Unknown
RE: Fun
# Jun 04 2004 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
66 posts
If you get the Oxidized leggings off Captain Osafters of the Storm, the hideous color matches the boots perfectly =)
Almost Forgot
# Apr 20 2003 at 3:24 AM Rating: Decent
Also dropped:
Talisman of Gaerin:MAGIC LORE NO DROP

Not sure what this is for as of yet, a quest of some sort most likely. Hopefully a nice charm. /em crosses fingers
# Apr 20 2003 at 12:46 AM Rating: Decent
He conned dark blue to me at 65.
Popped with a bunch of folks around him and seemed like a ring event.

He was untargetable at first so my group:

65 druid
65 ranger
65 bard
65 Magician

Started killing the mobs surrounding him. They were wandering awayfrom the ship so we killed those first. Suddenly. All Heck broke loose. The captain was targetable and we had about 15 light blue mobs beating on us.

Insta whipe. Bard tried dot kiting, no summoning. So it is soloable that way; however the pathing is hellacius. He depopped almost insantly after the whipe.
Incorrect Level
# Apr 17 2003 at 5:22 PM Rating: Decent
He is between level 55 and 56, conned dark blue to 57 but corpse had 30 minute decay timer.
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