Chester Steelblade  

Quest NPC

Level: 50
Expansion: Legacy of Ykesha
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2019-09-08 19:27:32

Known Habitats:
  Dulak's Harbor
  Light of Life

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The wanderer is also a PH.
# Nov 20 2021 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent
56 posts
Even later. Chester may spawn from any of the four static mobs above the passage, not sure on that but the wanderer is a placeholder for him as I have camped the named just up from the four and always kill the roamer until Chester spawns then leave him as he is non kos.
Chester spawn
# Sep 23 2020 at 7:55 AM Rating: Decent
1 post
I know I'm about 12 years late to this party (58 Paladin wanting LoF) haha but I've been camping the spots described below for several days now and no luck! The major kick in the head is he DID spawn once back there when me and party were clearing the area before I knew what he was for. WE KILLED HIM NOOOOO! Oh well, I'll keep grinding out the camp, unless some hero has any better info they can post?

Edited, Sep 24th 2020 8:48pm by ChefBramdek
Spawn spot
# Jan 06 2008 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
Chester spawned on the right-side ledge above the 1st stairs (right side when in the tunnel facing down the 1st stairs), 3rd round of killing. He was not a difficult fight for 52 paladin with average, non-twinked gear, ie 3500hp, 2500 mana, 1100ac and atk.
not spawning
# Jan 23 2007 at 10:11 PM Rating: Decent
been killing everything around his spawn area for 4 hours, and still no luck, any ideas whats going on?
not spawning
# Mar 26 2007 at 10:44 PM Rating: Decent
This quest isn't broken. It took a long while to spawn Chester but he finally showed.
as of jan 10, 2007
# Jan 10 2007 at 2:59 AM Rating: Decent
he seems to be broken ive camped him for days killing everything in sight above and below the cave and cant get him to spawn...this with a 53 paladin and a 72 paladin on different servers....any info please post, as will I when the quest mob, Chester Steeleblade, finally spawns for me
# Sep 10 2006 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent
can i
# Feb 08 2005 at 6:12 AM Rating: Decent
i am a lvl 56 pally with 1240 ac and over 5700 hps... i should be able to solo him right? over 3k mana tank with kei so i can heal over time myself the whole fight and still have plenty of mana to keep going...any suggestions, comment?
# Apr 30 2004 at 6:37 PM Rating: Default
do u get the spell AFTER you kill him or before?
Minimum to kill him
# Jan 05 2004 at 10:20 AM Rating: Default
Was helping my buddy get the Paladin spell, a lvl54 and lvl48 paladin killed him no problems. Took a little time (about 2 mins), and he runs on low health (had to root). But a lvl54 shaman (with pet) and lvl48 paladin had no real problems killing Chester.
Durdaen Darkpoint
Lvl120 Dark Elf Assassin
infos on him
# Sep 15 2003 at 10:06 PM Rating: Decent
200 posts
We came there to get the LoY spell for a guildmate paladin level 52 (the spell is Light of Life, level 52, fast heal, good spell !).

The infos GOMN gave on this very page are totally correct, except for one thing : Chester can apparently spawn on several locations, but all in this hallway Gomn is describing.

For us he spawned just above the stairs on the left, at +1420, -570, -40.

He was dark blue at level 58, but was no problem at all for our 65 warrior tank :)
BTW he cons indiff and agroes only if you attack him or if the pally hands the quest item, but you all know this already hehe
RE: infos on him
# Dec 10 2003 at 11:54 PM Rating: Decent
I have also seen him twice in this location in the 2-3 hours i been around this zone, soloed him easy with my 61 shaman though both times he did not have any loot. Also killed him while he was wandering into the room below the stairs.
# Jul 03 2003 at 11:18 AM Rating: Default
22 posts
He is charmable, did it the other night 55 necro. Now was pretty stupid to do it with all mob around NOT killed and a group there too.

Ff you bring a good group and clear area then get druid to ensnare him and charm him just keep distance cause HE just landed into me when i had to FD break the mezz and that well mezz broke and FD fail go figure ...

Anyhow anyone could try to DC ... that would make some GREAT pet .... and if someone need him for the quest well YOUR obligated to drop DC.... but i'd wait to be close to refresh and get all paly to zone line ... heheehe ho well hope this help
RE: Charmable
# Aug 13 2003 at 4:20 PM Rating: Default
Well today i finally got to charm him and let me tell you, HE is a MEAN moffo.

Now i did not have anyone to help on MR, and thinking of it i didnt even have my CHA gear up (so i had aroun 80 cha) and i'm lvl 57 necro.

I charmed him at bridge while on his way to east path, was clear at the time. So just hasted him and sent him away. From there i proceeded all the way to entrance with first room on the right as you come in tunnels. Never needed to heal him and got like 3 pulls and more. Just sent him in ... Go chester GO ...

Well at that point charm broke with 3 mob (only death) then i zoned back in and charmed him again from bridge. This time i made it all the way to Windscorn docks but had to camp, RL stuff (NoooooOoooooooOOOo). Even with 3 DB hitting him, he lost only 15 percent HP.

I was getting XP while i had him charmed like crazy (fast kill i supposed)

Here are some log file:

Him on the best ONE fight i could find in the log Smiley: jawdrop - Click me

Him on the best fights i could find in the log Smiley: yikes - Click me

My 49 War pet Kabeker and 54 Monk pet Xenann compared with Chester Smiley: glasses - Click me

He kick all the other pet out no problem

Hard to stay close to mob to get info and not be foolish in same time, now i can't say the info is accurate at 100% BUT it's dame close !

Hope this help !

Edited, Wed Aug 13 17:17:12 2003
# May 15 2003 at 6:23 AM Rating: Good
52 posts
Someone asked what Chester is there for. It's part of a Paladin Quest for a new LOY spell. Level 52, I believe. The quest is a two...well....several parter actually. It starts with the Paladin standing at edge of cliff beside lighthouse. He sends you to either fort area in Gunthak or to Dulak's Harbor for "black Medallion"(kill troll pillager or plunderer at fort, or at dulak I've seen drop on scrubber, engineer and fisherman). This is no drop, and no good to anyone but Paladin, so if you see it, try and be curteous and yell that pally medallion has dropped. You take that back to the dude by the lighthouse and then he gives you another necklace, which you give to a "erudite ghost" on the S/E wall going up the beach. There is a circle of rocks surrounded by undead zombie's/skelly's and a broken ship behind it. *not far from the entrance to the cave going to fort/dulak/nadox entrances* this formation, there randomly appears a Erudite ghost (make sure its Male Erudite, Pallies, or you get to start all over again). Keep busy by killing the undead around the rock formation while you wait, because they will attack and kill the Erudite when he pops....You give him the necklace and he gives you level 44 spell and ANOTHER necklace...OK...I told you that story to tell you this one. Chester is there for part two...the necklace the erudite ghost gives you , has to be given to Chester the Mollester (why the mollester?...because when you give him the necklace, he gives you your level 52 (again, I THINK 52) spell and then promptly opens a can of woop butt on you. Yeah....It makes no sense, but who said it had to. So...if you aren't a Pally trying to get that spell....leave Chester alone and he'll leave you alone. I believe he's around level 52-54 keep that in mind before you decide to wrestle with him. OK....That's my good deed for the day. Another bead for my thingy. :O) I'm old (36) cubscouts/boyscouts were a long long time ago :O)
# May 08 2003 at 5:54 AM Rating: Decent
OH... the turn in is the result of your first Paly level 44 quest. its the glowing black medallion that you got back from the guy staring out at the harbor near the lighthouse in Gunthak.
Chester the Paly molester
# May 08 2003 at 5:51 AM Rating: Decent
Chester is level 48 (even con to me) up to 50 (yellow to me). He spawns at the bottom of the stairs next to the entrance to the room below. He pops there and stays there for a while. then he will wander from there to the middle of the bridge and back down to sit again for a bit. He con's indifferent and doesnt give a faction hit when killed. He spawns regularly. Camp at the top of the stairs and kill everything from the PH to the soulstealer on down to the room. I (48 Paly) and a 48 cleric and any other person in your group can take this camp. Adds are common but root park them and go. The Guy who drops the Soulstripper (The Enraged Soulstealer?) pops behind you and his PH is "A Servant of Hate" that pops in his place. Chester wont pay any attention to you unless you attack him or do the turn in. when you do the turn in he attacks after he gives you the spell. (Thank you Chester) Not too bad. and good vendor loot there as well.
what does he want?
# Apr 12 2003 at 5:32 PM Rating: Default
Found Chester spawned in the caves but don't have any idea on what he wants or what the turn in is. Anyone got any help?
# Apr 09 2003 at 2:32 PM Rating: Decent
2,602 posts
After you zone into Dulak from Gunthak, stick to the left wall.

You will come to a wood fence. There is a secret door you can walk thru here.

In there is a cave. Follow the cave straight back (stay left) until you get to a bridge that looks like it is made from an Octopus or Squid.

Halfway across the bridge, is a passage to the right.

Go to end of this passage and you will see some steps.

Chester spawns above the steps in the far right corner and has a spawn time under 2 hours.

After you give him the trigger item (do turn in), he will attack you (but only after having given you the Paladin spell in return).

This is a tuff area and a good 50-plus group with a good mezzer and healer is suggested.

Edited, Fri May 16 08:50:30 2003

Chester info
# Mar 10 2003 at 12:48 PM Rating: Good
OK, after days of camping the caves in dulaks, I've seen chester spawn about 5 different times, and only in 2 different places.

This mob does have a PH, well, he has two...

The first is the mob that wanders up the stairs and to the edge of the bridge, and then back down the stairs. I've seen Chester spawn instead of this guy 2 times now.

Second spot is the stationary guy, in the center of the little platform between the two staircases. (Stairs are off the side fork of the bridge)

I have not seen Chester spawn in a stationary position inside the large room at bottom of second steps at all, or in one above the steps.

I hope this helps some pallies out there )
RE: Chester info
# Apr 22 2003 at 10:34 PM Rating: Decent
I camp the SoulStealer often and have personally seen Chester in various places.
The above post does give the correct PH's but he also has a chance of spawning almost anywhere in that short tunnel before room. I've seen him on the right side of stairwell and IN the stairwell.

If you really want him to spawn, just kill everything from bridge to stairwell.
chester the molester
# Mar 07 2003 at 2:54 PM Rating: Decent
Chester cons indiffrently to everyone, but is usually surrounded by plenty of luggalds.
Chester does not hit very hard at all, has plenty of hp's, and didn't drop anything either time i killed em (sorry, didn't know he was a turn in mob for a quest at the time).

Edited, Fri Mar 7 14:50:01 2003
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