I'm a lvl 58 shammy on Torv and got a pick up group at underbulk <left> camp, If you've not done these before be warned they can make your day go bad quick, I have reasonable gear 1050ac close to 3000hp buffed, 1st time I did this camp the 1st underbulk defiler that was pulled I cast turgors 20 secs into fight, resisted, tanks kept aggro, cast slow again, resisted it then came over to say hello, opened with HT of around 1150 and double of 300+, mmm got try and slow it again I thinks, resisted! despite valiant attempts from Cleric it beat me down pretty quick and killed me. Morale of this story start in with an Enc tash, or a maloise, otherwise...wait loading, unless you are 59+ I hear it gets easier after 59
Slacethehard lvl 58 shammy
Slace lvl 52 Warrior
Zappitt lvl 51 Wizard