Classes: The Enchanter

Enchanter - the game's traffic cop. When the enchanter yells stop, creatures cease what they are doing and just wait to die. A complex class, enchanters get a variety of spells as well as a pet, and can be played in a number of different ways.

What is the best way to develop and play an enchanter? What spells are most and least important? Can an enchanter be soloed, and if so how? What skills are the most important for an enchanter? How should an enchanter be played in a group?

Post your strategies on how to best play and develop the Enchanter and read, rate and comment on what others have to say.

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What Should A Enchanter Spec In?Follow

What Should A Enchanter Spec In?
#1 Mar 22 2006 at 8:08 PM Rating: Decent
Hi, I was just wondering what is the best for a enchanter to spec in Abjuration, Alteration, Divination, Evocation, Conjuration? I also was wondering what does this do, when you spec in one of the above? I was wondering what should a person do if by accident they Spec in wrong thing, should they delete char and start over?

Thank you for taking the time out and reading this post. I couldn't find a good web site to find the answer to this question.

Thank You,
What Should A Enchanter Spec In?
#3 Mar 23 2006 at 8:50 PM Rating: Decent
239 posts
While I agree, I do tend to cast alteration spells FAR more often than any other line, I went with Conjuration. I want my best mana preservation when I NEED it. When I need to mez alot, I cannot afford to have my mana run out. I rarely ever run into a situation where I don't have enough mana to slow things (unless I've already used all my mana mezzing things hehe).

You will rarely ever run out of mana while slowing. While there is less consistent use of mezzing, when you HAVE to mez that mana better be there.

My STRONG recommendation on this is Conjuration. Honestly, you could probably get by specializing in anything, though. Oh yeah, there are also certain events that require you to keep something mezzed for a long time. As an example, keeping four shissar mezzed while everyone else fights the Emperor in Ssra for like an HOUR hehe...glad I had Conjuration specialization then.

Edit: Added a couple lines and the example

Edited, Thu Mar 23 20:56:18 2006 by Semiopaque

Edited, Thu Mar 23 20:57:01 2006 by Semiopaque
What Should A Enchanter Spec In?
#4 Mar 25 2006 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent
Thank you for helping me out. I did mess up I spec in Abj by accident. I'm glad to know it's not the end of the world, that i can fix this by doing a quest. Thank You so much. /hugg.
What Should A Enchanter Spec In?
#5 Mar 25 2006 at 2:27 PM Rating: Decent
If you do jewelry and group traffic control like I do then alt is the best spec choice. The second most important for me is envoc. Good luck to you
What Should A Enchanter Spec In?
#6 Mar 31 2006 at 1:51 PM Rating: Decent
239 posts
If you do jewelry and group traffic control like I do then alt is the best spec choice. The second most important for me is envoc. Good luck to you

How does alteration help with CC? Are you charming/rooting over mezzing for this?
What Should A Enchanter Spec In?
#7 May 26 2006 at 3:29 PM Rating: Decent
421 posts
I did Conjuration then, about luclin, when Dazzle and GoK were IT in Crowd control I realized I would never go OOM with jsut those so I switched to Alteration.

Exspansions came out and Mezz costs went up.

I switched BACK to Conjuration just to help Crowd Control.

Then I started raiding a lot. On raids the only time I went OOM was when I chain nuked. I ALMOST changed again to Evocation.

I am glad now I did not as DoD and PoR have tons of Crowd Control to do. Just last week I had 6 level 71 mobs mezzed on 1 pull. 375 base cost of Euphoria adds up quick when you are casting it that over and over.

My problem now is deciding what I want to do my Secondary Spec in. Alt or Evocation? Leaning towards Evocation since Alteration isnt as big of deal in combat.
What Should A Enchanter Spec In?
#8 Jun 09 2006 at 2:45 PM Rating: Decent
Conjuration here, but it is mostly player-taste and scenario. Secondary Specialization I think will be Alteration more for the re-buff-while-running.

Though the thoughts of lowering my mana cost on nuke with Evocation is appealing, I find myself leaning more towards the Alteration-based DoTs to avoid drawing any more attention to myself than necessary. They're actually theoretically more efficient but slower than the nukes (4.9DPMP, 33DPS for Arcane Noose compared to 4.0DPMP, 178DPS for Psychosis), even though we could crit a nuke but can't crit a DoT.

Besides... since my alt's a Beastie and I have several Druid friends... I usually have Beastie-crack, P10, Clairvoyance, and my Beguiler's Aura all running at the same time. Especially with Scryer's Trespass, I rarely run out of mana in zones that I can ride the horse, and it's usually because some fool brought me six mobs to keep locked down. (Wake of Felicity and Echoing Madness will be your friends, if you can get the mobs to sit calmly next to one another. ;D)

SA (10) + P10 (9) + C6 (20) + BA (4) + FT (15) = 58 mana per tick while running; 25 more while standing still on the horse; and 50 per tick from Scryer's... oh, that's only 133 per tick.
What Should A Enchanter Spec In?
#9 Jun 16 2006 at 2:10 AM Rating: Decent
Alteration should be your first mastery. Having raided up to the beginning of Demi-Plane, I find that I cast more buff spells than doing CC these days. We get used for certain events, but overall you are just a weak nuker/debuffer/buffer unless your trash tanks completely suck and can't handle big pulls. Chanters had a larger part from Luclin through Txevu ( Tacvi you really only get used on Tavas and Krakxt.. Tunat isn't any work unless your dps blows ), but our crowd control need has dimished over time. Either way you were still casting lots of buffs ( probably more than casting mez ). Think of the many times you cast C6/SoS/GoD/Alendar/Runes/RoR.. and for those that don't use Alendar on your raid with frequency, shame on you. Its a very important and underused spell.

After you buy the Secondary Forte AA, train that one into conjuration for mezzing. In general you'll probably spend more mana buffing as an enchanter than mezzing during the course of your toon's lifespan.

Edited, Jun 16th 2006 at 4:23am EDT by Larsbein

Edited, Jun 16th 2006 at 4:24am EDT by Larsbein

Edited, Jun 16th 2006 at 4:24am EDT by Larsbein
What Should A Enchanter Spec In?
#10 Jun 29 2006 at 11:28 AM Rating: Decent
421 posts
While I agree you will spend more mana buffing than Mezzing, 95% of that buffing happens when there is nothign going on and that amna can be medding back with no issues at all.

I only care about saving mana when the fit hits the shan.

Since my last post on this board I was the only chanter on a Yar'Lir fight. I had 9 mobs mezzed at on point untill 2 despawned. Had 7 mezzed the whole fight, and those were some resistant mobs with with tash and malo on them. Chained Mezz till I went OOM and was at 30% at the end of the fight after using Gather mana. THOSE are the times it matters.
What Should A Enchanter Spec In?
#11 Jul 01 2006 at 9:54 PM Rating: Decent
One thing on Yar, though. Once your guild's dps picks up, you can kill her without even seeing adds believe it or not. She will either not make it to Matriarch form, or she will be so close to death when she does, they won't have time to spawn. They poof regardless, so one or two won't matter. We've killed her a couple times before reaching the last form, and when she does its only a few adds before she's dead. Keep kicking butt until you get to that point!
What Should A Enchanter Spec In?
#12 Nov 21 2006 at 10:57 PM Rating: Decent
67 posts
Alteration ~ primary Specialization
Evocation ~ Secondary Specialization

I parsed my casting over 3 months and found out how rare I actually mezed mobs compared to other casting. I normally Tash, Slow, Nuke, Buff. I rarely mez. If I do have to mez, it's one cast before the mobs dead.
What Should A Enchanter Spec In?
#13 Dec 31 2006 at 7:30 AM Rating: Decent
402 posts
Hi, I was just wondering what is the best for a enchanter to spec in Abjuration, Alteration, Divination, Evocation, Conjuration? I also was wondering what does this do, when you spec in one of the above? I was wondering what should a person do if by accident they Spec in wrong thing, should they delete char and start over?

Thank you for taking the time out and reading this post. I couldn't find a good web site to find the answer to this question.

In looking at what I do the most of, there really is only one answer. I do slow, yes (alteration), and buff (alteration). I also mezz a bit (conjuration). But in fact, what I do most is nuke. Once the mob is slowed and the adds are controlled, I help out with DPS as I can. And by parsing what I do most in a group setting, the fact remains that I use Evocation more than any other skill. So, Evocation it is, and Alteration is choice number 2.

What I would suggest to you is that you take a look at the spells you cast in a group setting, find out which skill you use the most and make it your specialization. If you're like me, I suspect you find that it's Evocation.
What Should A Enchanter Spec In?
#14 Apr 21 2007 at 12:25 PM Rating: Decent
223 posts
This morning, I sat down and made a list of how many spells we have of each of the 5 Spell Skill types, Levels 1 through 75, from original EQ all the way to TBS. (Yay, Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder!)

Abjuration: 63 spells
Alteration: 184 spells
Conjuration: 47 spells
Divination: 71 spells
Evocation: 18 spells

Since Day 1, my Specialization's been in Alteration; even back in 2001, the majority of our spells were in the Alteration category, so I thought I'd make my Specialization the area we tended to cast the most spells of.

I've never regretted it.

Some say that Conjuration is the most important part of an Enchanter, but I find that this simply isn't true. At Level 75, there are only 5 spells based on Conjuration that I ever use: Ellowind's Animation (pet), Perplexing Flash Rk. II (single-target mezz), Bewilderment Rk. II (single-target mezz), Entrancer's Aura Rk. II (mana-regen Aura), and Wake of Subdual Rk. II (targeted AE mezz). Over the course of the years, Guilds (and groups) have gotten way too used to Enchanters either not being able to mezz the mobs they were fighting (due to mob level or innate immunity to mezz), or Enchanters simply not being available (let's face it; full-time Enchanter main toons are a dying breed). Ergo, they've perfected the art(s) of the single-pull, and off-tanking; this has pretty much obviated the need for us to mezz anything like as often as we used to.

On raids (and even in groups) I tend to buff far more than mezz. Even with the new out-of-combat regen mode, I'm often buffing people who are either engaged in combat (due to recent death, or because they were dispelled, or buffs wearing off), or who were recently engaged in combat; this means I inherit their "OOC regen" timer. Because of this, I am rarely in "out-of-combat" regen mode. Even so, the only time I've ever come close to being OOM is during raids, and it's almost always from buffing. Having to hit upwards of 6 groups with Voice of Intuition Rk. II, Hastening of Ellowind Rk. II, Legion of Alendar Rk. II, and Rune of the Kedge Rk. II will take the stuffing out of you post-haste.

Rune of the Kedge is a very high-cost buff, but the melee/spell damage it absorbs, combined with the -400 Hate it procs whenever a mob hits someone with it on, will quickly make it the most-requested buff you possess (especially by Clerics!). Alendar is a low-cost buff (group version takes no more mana than the single-target version does), and it is a must when facing any raid-worthy mob.
(I bot a 75 CLR on raids, so I usually team it up with Rallied Aegis of Vie Rk. II. You'd be surprised at how much longevity these two spells will impart to your raid members...even the squishy ones!)

Which leads me into my Secondary Forte: Abjuration. Yes, Abjuration! Even if not casting Alendar/Kedge on a whole raid, I always keep my own personal Runes up in the following buff order (and by preference):

Rune of the Kedge Rk. II or Polychromatic Rune Rk. II or Rune of Ellowind Rk. II
Aegis of Abstraction
Rune of Shadows or Draconic Rune Rk. II or Ethereal Rune
Legion of Alendar Rk. II or Aegis of Alendar Rk. II

These impart to me a hardiness I would never have without them, and because of these spells, I am almost always the last person to drop if my raid wipes. I always have them up, and during AE-heavy encounters, they often need renewing during combat (especially Alendar, which I keep up on the whole raid). Having my Secondary Forte in Abjuration really helps with the mana-cost of these protective spells, enabling me (and my raid) to survive longer, with fewer casualties.

Yes, I nuke when I can. But let's face facts...our nukes are way too slow-casting to add up to substantial DPS during a raid. It can't hurt, but it's certainly not an area that we shine in. Mana is much better spent keeping the raid members Shielded, tossing Mana Recursion Rk. II onto every Wizard/Mage you can, and keeping yourself alive via Runes, than it is nuking non-stop.
(However, tossing a Mind Phobiate Rk. II onto a raid mob, and keeping it on, is very mana efficient. Between any mana preservation items you may have, and the Recourse of the DoT, you're spending ~55-75 mana for 4k damage. Now that's a ratio I can get behind!)

By no means should you take this as a path for you to follow. This is merely the way I have chosen to go, and it works well for me. The playing style of Enchanters is as varied as our personalities, and one is just as valid as another. In the end, you pick what works best for you, for your group, for your raid, and for your Guild; each success or failure is merely a lesson in refinement. And despite the way that SOE has marginalized us (indeed, trivialized us) for the past few years, I still love being an Enchanter as much as I did when I first started playing one back in 1999. I still think the Enchanter is the most versatile, most interesting, and most FUN of all the Classes in EverQuest...but, then, I'm a little biased in that regard!


(P.S. Tanks, of course, must ensure they click off Rune of the Kedge. Since it's a group spell, you cannot pick and choose who it lands on. It's best if they have it auto-blocked, but a hotkey'd reminder in /rsay and /gu to remind them to drop it never hurts.)

Edited, Apr 21st 2007 1:33pm by Vesanus
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