KK, do this quad a lot, there are two guards outside of the inn, two guards at the bottom of the stairs, Two guards in front of the bank, and two halfling guards to either side of the back of the bank guarding the passageways.
I myself take this in two quads, if you are looking at the inn and take an immediate left this is a safe spot. First I round up the two guards in front of the inn, and the two guards at the bottom of the stairs, run them to the safespot where the corner of the inn and the wall are closest, hard to explain but from here the only thing you have to get use to is the pathing, it is rather simple and if you do it right you can do minimal running and finish that quad. From here I med, then grab the two guards in fron't of the bank and two guards to the left rear of the bank. These guards you can round up and run behind the inn snare them and kite them back and forth behind the inn. Do not try to quad them where you quad the first four because for some reason the pathing is different for the halfling guards and sometimes you won't hit all 4 which means mana wasted. Unfortuneatly this will make you KOS so don't bank here.
The only danger I can think of is there is one halfling rover, that comes down the stairs goes into the inn and then back behind the bank then goes back up the stairs, but when I do get him I usually just snare him with the others, and then finish him off when done with quad.
I hope this helps out a little bit as far as quadding in Katta, Happy hunting.