Cleric Epic 1.5: Harmony of the Soul  

Quest Started By:Description:
(Average from 5 ratings)
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Epic
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Omens of War
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Fri Sep 17 17:57:01 2004
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Cleric Epic 1.5 Checklist

Sections marked in green can be completed before OOW is enabled on TLP's. Sections marked for raid or group level are marked from the standpoint of a TLP where Omens is freshly released.

[ ] Possess the Water Sprinkler of Nem Ankh (skip remainder of "Pre-Stage")

ONLY If you don't have epic 1.0:
[ ] Nedaria's Landing: Contact Tavon Vastsea, say "Call to duty". The blue link doesn't work on the dialogue.
[ ] Timorous Deep: Contact Omat Vastsea, receive Plasmatic Priests Signet
[ ] Find 3 Plasmatic Priest Alcoves, destroy all, acquire veils, return veils to Omat Vastsea

Stage I
[ ] Nedaria's Landing: Contact Tavon Vastsea
[ ] Barindu, The Hanging Gardens: (Group) Find Jomaj Kaiijin and defeat the Kyv Runner. Once dead, slay random creatures in the area to gain the "encrypted note".
[ ] Abysmal Sea: Give "encrypted note" to Shav the Cryptologist.
[ ] Ferubi: (Group) Find the Ripped, Shredded, Tattered and Torn Quarters of a map which are held by random creatures throughout the area.
[ ] Abysmal Sea: Give the 4 map quarters to Shav the Cryptologist. She assembles the map.
[ ] Nedaria's Landing: On the dock, give "assembled map" to Cartographer Tweister.
[ ] Lesser Faydark: (Raid) In the southwest corner, defeat Taskmaster Mirot. Obtain the "Magically Sealed Letter"

Stage II
[ ] Nedaria's Landing: Turn in "Magicially Sealed Letter" to Tavon Vastsea, receive "Dark Disciples Note of Service"
[ ] Wakening Lands: Contact Scout Leader Plavo. Turn in "Dark Disciples Note of Service".
[ ] Western Wastes: (Group) Obtain "a Dragon Cerebrum" from Scout Pirri
[ ] Ssra Temple: Obtain "Shissar Cerebral Cortex" from an elite temple guard
[ ] Akheva Ruins: Obtain an "Akhevan Brain Stem" from Atulinae'Vius

[ ] Wakening Lands: (Raid) Contact Scout Leader Plavo. Turn in "a Dragon Cerebrum", "Shissar Cerebral Cortex", and "Akhevan Brain Stem" to spawn Dark Disciple Master. Obtain the "Aegis of Chaotic Worship"

Stage III
[ ] Nedaria's Landing: Contact Tavon Vastsea. Hand him the "Aegis of Chaotic Worship". Tavon will give this back to you.
[ ] Plane of Knowledge: Contact Borik Darkanvil. Hand him the "Aegis of Chaotic Worship".
[ ] Ruined City of Dranik: Contact Natvil.
[ ] Walls of Slaughter: (Group) Obtain "Bazu Plasma" from a Bazu.
[ ] Walls of Slaughter: (Group) Obtain "Murkglider Plasma" from a Murkglider.
[ ] Walls of Slaughter: (Group) Obtain "Pyrlien Plasma" from Dragorn Assassin.
[ ] Any Brew Barrel: Combine "Bazu Plasma", "Murkglider Plasma", and "Pyrlien Plasma" to produce "Soul Temper". Trivial 100.
[ ] Any Forge: Combine "Soul Temper", "Aegis of Chaotic Worship", and a water flask to produce "Harmony of the Soul":

Detailed Information

If you have the Water Sprinkler of Nem Ankh or have completed the pre-quest:

Tavon Vastsea may be found in Nedaria's Landing at +1025, +1525.

You say, 'Hail, Tavon Vastsea'

Tavon Vastsea says 'Greetings ______, I see you helped my brother in eradicating the Plasmatic Priests, stopping Zordak Ragefire, and saved Norrath from an eternity of flames. We need to [call] you to [duty] again.'

You say, 'Call to duty?'

Tavon Vastsea says 'This time the crisis threatens not only Norrath, but all of existence as we know it. Invaders from the Realm of Discord have transversed time and space to conquer this realm. The invaders, these Muramites, are not where the true threat lies. All of Norrath has banded together to stop these invaders, we have managed to halt their incursion for the time being. There are, however, whispers of a [dark faction] within our own, Norrathians who see our fight as futile, and are looking to swear fealty to the forces of the Legion.'

You say, 'What dark faction?'

Tavon Vastsea says 'We don't know much more about them. As I said, they are just whispers, but whispers in unison are loud enough for deaf ears. We cannot afford to present anything short of a unified front, should the Legion push toward Norrath with its full force. We need your assistance to find and exterminate these traitors. I can give you what little [information] I have, hopefully you will be able to track these betrayers to their leader.'

You say, 'What is the information?'

Tavon Vastsea says 'Travel to Taelosia. There you will find a young native, named Jomaj who had some suspicious dealings with someone claiming they were with the wayfarer's brotherhood. This is the closest I have to direction, gather information from this Taelosian, and bring it to my friend Shav on the Thorn. Find proof as to whether or not these traitors actually exist and return it to me.'

Travel to Barindu and find Jomaj Kaiijin near Apprentice Udranda in the patch of corn with green stalks at +130, -665. He respawns approximately 20 minutes after being killed.

You say, 'Hail, Jomaj Kaiijin'

Jomaj Kaiijin says 'Please don't hurt me! Oh, you aren't one of them. Are you here to ask about the [Wayfarers] that I spoke with?'

You say, 'What Wayfarers?'

Jomaj Kaiijin says 'They came to me, asking about the Legion. They wanted to know information on the ranks, how to contact the leaders. They claimed they were looking for information to infiltrate the Legion, but they seemed a little off, even for the Brotherhood. They gave me this note to pass on to the Legion. The whole situation did not seem right to me, you may have the [note]. If they were honestly with the Brotherhood return it to me, and I'll do what they asked. Anything to be rid of these creatures.'

You say, 'What note?'

Jomaj Kaiijin reaches into his tattered robes. As he begins to pull out the note he is impaled in the chest with an arrow. A dark figure melts from the shadows and pulls the note from the hand of the body.

A Kyv Runner says 'Commander Votal will want to see this!'

It attacks, hitting for up to 850 hps, and flurrying. You will probably need a group to kill it. Once it's dead:

As the runner falls to the ground it manages to wrap the note around an arrow and shoot it into the ground nearby where it is quickly picked up by a Muramite.

Kill the nearby Muramites (these are Discordian creatures: Kyvs, nocs, ikaavs, aneuks, ra`tuks, etc.) until you receive an Encrypted Note, which identifies as "You cannot identify the code or language."

Head to the Abysmal Sea and find Shav the Cryptologist at -165, -295, +100.

You say, 'Hail, Shav the Cryptologist'

Shav the Cryptologist says 'Greetings. I'm a little busy, you have something you need translated?'

Give Shav the note.

Shav the Cryptologist says 'Interesting, you say someone who claims to be part of the Brotherhood wrote this? This is one of the dialects used by the Legion. I am the only one able to read or write any of their languages, and this is the first I have seen of this note. From what I can tell, the author is trying to arrange a meeting with the Muramites. It sounds like the contact spot is pre-arranged, as it is only vaguely referred to here. I doubt this is the first note of this nature, perhaps if you could find earlier correspondence we can find the location of the camp.'

In Ferubi, kill various Muramites until you loot Ripped Quarter of a Map, Shredded Quarter of a Map, Tattered Quarter of a Map and Torn Quarter of a Map. Bring the quarter-maps back to Shav.

Shav the Cryptologist says 'Ahh yes, this is exactly what we needed.' She scratches a few notes down on a piece of paper. 'Bring this to Tweister in Nedaria's Landing. She will tell you the location of the camp.'

You receive an Assembled Map, which identifies as "Map Fully Assembled." Find Cartographer Tweister on the right dock in Nedaria's Landing, at +1010, +2725.

You say, 'Hail, Cartographer Tweister'

Cartographer Tweister says 'Hello there, need something navigated, or mapped, or something of that sort? Hand it over already!'

Give Assembled Map to Tweister.

Cartographer Tweister pulls out a map and a compass and begins triangulating the coordinates, 'This location is in the South Western corner of Lesser Faydark.'

Bring some friends (1-3 groups) and head to Lesser Faydark. Find Taskmaster Mirot in the southwest corner of the zone at -60, +3430.

You say, 'Hail, Taskmaster Mirot'

Taskmaster Mirot looks at you for a moment before his eyes shine with recognition. 'Its you, I've heard about you. We will not allow you to interfere with our plans again!'

You will be attacked by many of "a Wayfarer," all of which say "You traitor, we've been waiting for you". There are around six of them, each level 65 and hitting for around 600. They all have low hps, are mezzable, rootable, and stunnable. You must kill them in order. You generally have a minute or so to rest before the second wave. Once they're all dead, the camp respawns full of undead and a new version of Taskmaster Mirot, level 70, who casts an AE Feign Death ("Wave of Death" which also DDs for 1500), and rampages. Kill the six Reanimated Minions, each of which are clerics, hit for 800+, and are linked to one another. The white skeletons are mezzable and the brown ones are rootable/snareable. Mirot will summon the skeletons back to him if they go too far away.

Taskmaster Mirot has been slain by _____!
As Mirot falls to the ground you see a letter in the pocket of his shirt.

Once everything is dead, loot a Magically Sealed Letter, which identifies as "A magical seal prevents opening." A chest may spawn with additional loot. Take this letter back to Tavon Vastsea.

The seal on the letter vanishes as Tavon whispers into it. He opens the envelope and pulls out a short letter, his brow furrows as his eyes dance across the pages. 'This is truly grim news. Until now I held hopes that the rumors held no truth, but this is irrefutable evidence of their existence. They call themselves the Disciples of Discord. As we speak they are gaining information for the Legion, gathering information about races that would prove to be powerful allies or enemies for the Legion. Bring this note to Plavo, I do not know where he is, but he must be found. His scouts may already have found what they are looking for, so make haste.'

You receive a Dark Disciples Note of Service, which identifies as "This marks your service to the disciples."

Head to the Wakening Land and find Scout Leader Plavo near the holgresh lair, at -3085, +780. Give him the note.

Scout Leader Plavo says 'You are from the Faydwer camp are you? I'm not terribly familiar with the faces from there. Anyway, the scouts have been sent out, and are gathering the "parts" that we believe the Legion will need to prepare for the incursion into our realm. If we are to find their good graces, we must prove that we will stop at nothing to [aid] them.'

You say, 'Aid them?'

Scout Leader Plavo says 'They will research and learn about the greatest mortal beings in this realm. Learning about the creatures that may prove to be friend or foe, so they prepare for either. Our scouts have gathered most of the information that they need, but there are a few creatures that we still need to harvest brains from. Currently scouts are attempting to find the brain of the Shissar, a dragon, and an Akhevan. I am sure any of the scouts would welcome your assistance. I will send runners ahead to notify them you may be arriving.'

The brain of the Shissar is a Shissar Cerebral Cortex, which may be looted from A Shissar Arcanist or an elite temple guard in Ssraeshza Temple (and possibly other mobs), and which identifies as "A flawless sample of Shissar Brain." The brain of a dragon is a Dragon Cerebrum, which may be looted from Scout Pirri in the Western Wastes, and which identifies as "A flawless sample of Dragon Brain." The brain of an Akhevan is an Akhevan Brain Stem, which may be looted from Atulinae`Vius in Akheva Ruins, and which identifies as "A flawless sample of Akhevan Brain."

Bring the three brains and a raid force back to Scout Leader Plavo. Note: You will lose the brains if you lose this fight.

Scout Leader Plavo says 'Excellent work! The leader will be pleased. He should be here any moment to collect them.'

Scout Leader Plavo despawns and Dark Disciple Master spawns in his place. He hits for 1-2k per swing, procs Deathly Chants every 18 seconds, is very difficult to slow, is unmezzable, rampages, and is highly magic resistant. At 60-70% health, it will spawn Plavo`s Remains, which flurries for 1k and is slowable but unmezzable. Kill this and go back to killing the Dark Disciple Master. At 30% health, it will spawn several Minions of the Master, which hit for 700, are slowable/snareable but unmezzable. At 10% health the Dark Disciple Master casts Protection of Discord III and Spiritual Echo.

Dark Disciple Master glances at you, and you see a moment of recognition flash across his face. 'Fool! Do you know who that is? You have jeopardized everything and you shall pay with your life.' He turns to Plavo and slashes his throat quickly with the tips of his fingers. 'Now, on to you. You will not foil my plans again! Your life ends here!'

Dark Disciple Master says 'You surprise me! This is almost a challenge.'

Dark Disciple Master says 'You actually expect to win? Flee now and I will spare your lives.'

Dark Disciple Master chants for a moment animating fallen soldiers from the ground around him.

Dark Disciple Master says 'You have underestimated me! I will not fall this day!'

Dark Disciple Master screams in pain! No! This cannot be! I will not fall! Do not think that this is the end!

Once it's dead, "a gilded chest" spawns and you must DPS it to loot the Aegis of Chaotic Worship. Another chest can spawn with additional loot. The aegis identifies as "Try as you might, the shield does not fit on your arm."

Head back to Tavon Vastsea and give him the aegis.

Tavon Vastsea says, 'Interesting, I heard about your fight with the leader of the Disciples. I've never seen anything like this. Take it to Borik Darkanvil in the Plane of Knowledge. Return to me when you are done with him, in the meantime I will try to find information on where he went after your fight.'

You get the aegis back. Borik Darkanvil may be found at -390, +500 in the Plane of Knowledge. Give him the aegis.

Borik Darkanvil says, 'This is truly amazing. I've never seen a metal like this: it is almost alive. It appears similar to some of the alloys that we have seen from the Legion, but this is like nothing I have ever seen. It suggest that the leader has been through the portal. I am afraid it will not be of any use to you in its current state, the metal is attuned to a single person. I believe the resonance can be changed, so you may use it. Speak to Navtil. He will tell you what you need to do. I believe he has traveled through the portal for some metallurgical research in Discord.'

In the Ruined City of Dranik, you can find Natvil at +990, -305.

You say, 'Hail, Natvil'

Natvil says, 'Greetings, well met, salutations, and good day! I hear you are trying to change the resonance on a shield from Discord. Well I believe that is something with which I can assist you. You will need to have a temper made from some of the native creatures of Discord, you'll need the plasma from one of the giants of Discord, one of those flying squids, and the plasma from one of those fiery women. Brewing the temper should prove no trouble for you. Once you have the temper combine it with the shield in the forge with a flask of water, and it should become attuned to you. Once you are finished return to me, so I may evaluate your work.'

You need to collect three plasmas: Bazu Plasma, from bazus in the Wall of Slaughter; Murkglider Plasma, from murkgliders in Nobles' Causeway, the Wall of Slaughter, and possibly elsewhere; and Pyrilen Plasma, from A Dragorn Assassin, in the Wall of Slaughter (bring a good group). Combine the three plasmas in a brew barrel to craft a Soul Temper, trivial 100, minimum skill required 100, identifies as "This can be used to re-attune an item to your spirit."

Combine the Soul Temper, a Water Flask, and the Aegis of Chaotic Worship in a forge to craft the Harmony of the Soul, a.k.a. cleric epic 1.5 (no-fail combine), which identifies as "Although the shield fits, you sense hidden power." You also receive 5 AAs and access to your new 1.5-specific title, Priest.
Submitted by: Dernia MystWalker
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It /can/ be shrouded
# Jan 05 2024 at 2:17 PM Rating: Decent
27 posts
Did it the second shrouds were available. Got the Cleric 2.0 on my Bard too.
Encrypted Note
# Apr 15 2023 at 7:59 PM Rating: Good
51 posts
Since the 2017 patch I think you need to kill the muramites near where you spawn the runner. We cleared the whole zone for hours with no emotes and no note and then killed six mobs at the site of the runner and got it. Got an emote on literally every muramite. There's got to be some kind of script running there that adds it to the loot table when the mob gets low. Yes we spawned/killed the runner multiple times, yes we double checked the hails had all happened. We killed over 1300 muramites at the ferubi zoneline, no note. 6 mobs at the runner site, note.
Trivial of Last Combine
# Aug 15 2022 at 12:38 PM Rating: Good
59 posts
I got ahead of myself and made the Soul Temper before going to LCoD and combined the Aegis, Soul Temper and water flask. The message I got was
"The shield glows for a moment, but it remains unchanged. There seems to be more you need to do before it can be attuned to you."
I got a blacksmithing skill up (Skill 0) so I kept trying, more to see how much skill I could get than just stubbornness and it trivialized at 15.
Akhevan Brain Stem & Shissar Cerebral Cortex
# Oct 31 2021 at 3:28 PM Rating: Good
3 posts
For those on TLPs: I can confirm the brain stem and cortex are prefarmable before Omens is out. Got both on Aradune today (10/31/2021) after 2 hours-ish in Akheva and less than an hour in Ssra
A Gilded Chest
# Jul 22 2021 at 6:51 AM Rating: Good
99 posts
Since CLR does not have DPS spells against inanimate objects, you can use Iony's Greater Cleansing to kill the lock on the chest and then use /open to get the aegis
Jomaj Kaiijin
# Aug 28 2020 at 7:53 PM Rating: Excellent
528 posts
Jomaj Kaiijin respawn timer is approximately 20minutes not 2 hours.
Parchments in Ferubi
# Apr 21 2020 at 5:09 AM Rating: Decent
12 posts
Please note, after doing this today, I have found that the Torn, Shredded, Tattered, etc parchments that are dropped in Ferubi seem to be likely dropping in certain sections. As I was clearing, in different sections, I received multiple of each. Moving to a new section, multiples of the other parchment dropped and so on. Seems more than a coincidence to me!

Edited, Apr 21st 2020 6:21am by Rakazik
corrections to the checklist
# Feb 16 2019 at 7:07 PM Rating: Excellent
36 posts
Used checklist today to do cleric 1.5. Corrections are listed below.

"[ ] Nedaria's Landing: Contact Tavon Vastsea "
Append: say "Call to duty" the blue click links do not work.

"[ ] Lesser Faydark: (Raid) In the southwest corner, defeat Taskmaster Mirot. Obtain the "Magically Sealed Note""
Correct item is "Magically Sealed Letter"

"[ ] Nedaria's Landing: Turn in "Magicially Sealed Note" to Tavon Vastsea, receive "Dark Disciples Letter of Service" "
Correct items are "Magically Sealed Letter" and "Dark Disciples Notice of Service"

"[ ] Wakening Lands: Contact Scout Leader Plavo. Turn in "Dark Disciples Letter of Service". "
Correct item is "Dark Disciples Notice of Service"

"[ ] Any Brew Barrel: Combine "Bazu Plasma", "Murkglider Plasma", and "Pyrlien Plasma" to produce "Soul Temper".
This step has a required skill of 100 in brewing.

Corrected "Dark Disciples Note of Service" to "Dark Disciples Notice of Service"

Edited, Apr 15th 2019 11:48pm by hslater
Cleric Epic 1.5 Checklist
# May 09 2018 at 3:29 PM Rating: Excellent
2 posts
Sections marked in green can be completed before OOW is enabled on TLP's. Sections marked for raid or group level are marked from the standpoint of a TLP where Omens is fresly released.

Cleric Epic 1.5 Checklist

[ ] Possess the Water Sprinkler of Nem Ankh (skip remainder of "Pre-Stage")

ONLY If you don't have epic 1.0:
[ ] Nedaria's Landing: Contact Tavon Vastsea
[ ] Timorous Deep: Contact Omat Vastsea, receive Plasmatic Priests Signet
[ ] Find 3 Plasmatic Priest Alcoves, destroy all, acquire veils, return veils to Omat Vastsea

Stage I
[ ] Nedaria's Landing: Contact Tavon Vastsea
[ ] Barindu, The Hanging Gardens: (Group) Find Jomaj Kaiijin and defeat the Kyv Runner. Once dead, slay random creatures in the area to gain the "encrypted note".
[ ] Abysmal Sea: Give "encrypted note" to Shav the Cryptologist.
[ ] Ferubi: (Group) Find the Ripped, Shredded, Tattered and Torn Quarters of a map which are held by random creatures throughout the area.
[ ] Abysmal Sea: Give the 4 map quarters to Shav the Cryptologist. She assembles the map.
[ ] Nedaria's Landing: On the dock, give "assembled map" to Cartographer Tweister.
[ ] Lesser Faydark: (Raid) In the southwest corner, defeat Taskmaster Mirot. Obtain the "Magically Sealed Note"

Stage II
[ ] Nedaria's Landing: Turn in "Magicially Sealed Note" to Tavon Vastsea, receive "Dark Disciples Letter of Service"
[ ] Wakening Lands: Contact Scout Leader Plavo. Turn in "Dark Disciples Letter of Service".
[ ] Western Wastes: (Group) Obtain "a Dragon Cerebrum" from Scout Pirri
[ ] Ssra Temple: Obtain "Shissar Cerebral Cortex" from an elite temple guard
[ ] Akheva Ruins: Obtain an "Akhevan Brain Stem" from Atulinae'Vius
[ ] Wakening Lands: (Raid) Contact Scout Leader Plavo. Turn in "a Dragon Cerebrum", "Shissar Cerebral Cortex", and "Akhevan Brain Stem" to spawn Dark Disciple Master. Obtain the "Aegis of Chaotic Worship"

Stage III
[ ] Nedaria's Landing: Contact Tavon Vastsea. Hand him the "Aegis of Chaotic Worship". Tavon will give this back to you.
[ ] Plane of Knowledge: Contact Borik Darkanvil. Hand him the "Aegis of Chaotic Worship".
[ ] Ruined City of Dranik: Contact Natvil.
[ ] Walls of Slaughter: (Group) Obtain "Bazu Plasma" from a Bazu.
[ ] Walls of Slaughter: (Group) Obtain "Murkglider Plasma" from a Murkglider.
[ ] Walls of Slaughter: (Group) Obtain "Pyrlien Plasma" from Dragorn Assassin.
[ ] Any Brew Barrel: Combine "Bazu Plasma", "Murkglider Plasma", and "Pyrlien Plasma" to produce "Soul Temper".
[ ] Any Forge: Combine "Soul Temper", "Aegis of Chaotic Worship", and a water flask to produce "Harmony of the Soul":
# Sep 24 2017 at 10:55 PM Rating: Decent
96 posts
Respawn timer seems to be 90 minutes on Phinigel, not 2 hours.
# Sep 28 2017 at 4:21 PM Rating: Excellent
stef0knee wrote:
Respawn timer seems to be 90 minutes on Phinigel, not 2 hours.

Respawn on TLP servers is roughly about half of live servers.
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Dialogue when starting 1.5 from prequest
# May 02 2013 at 11:44 PM Rating: Decent
54 posts
Tavon Vastsea gives a different, but equivalent, opening line when starting the cleric 1.5 from the prequest:

Tavon Vastsea says 'Yes, I heard you spoke with my brother. You have earned his trust, so you have earned mine. Now are you ready to answer my [Call] to [Duty]?'

The trigger words here are capitalized, unlike the 1.0 lead in, but as with all triggers they're not case sensitive. All subsequent text is the same.
Scout Leader Plavo
# Apr 13 2013 at 5:36 PM Rating: Decent
As a word of caution; this might be broke. Turned in the brain, won fight (not as hard as it reads to an 82 level cleric anyways); and the chest did not spawn. Had to petition.
Scout Leader Plavo
# Apr 20 2013 at 8:45 AM Rating: Decent
19 posts
Its not broke, you have to let the script finish. I've failed it twice now, once because I accidently headshot him and the second time because finishing blow activated. After he say's his last line the chest popped with the aegis.
Killing muramites for encrypted note
# Mar 04 2013 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
So here I am in Barindu. I can't find any mobs that says muramite then I see kill random mobs. My question is do I look for specific mobs or just kill everything that I can. Do I kill the little harvesters?? What am I looking to kill if I can't find a "muramite"??
Killing muramites for encrypted note
# Mar 06 2013 at 7:58 PM Rating: Decent
3,017 posts
Kill the nearby Muramites (these are Discordian creatures: Kyvs, nocs, ikaavs, aneuks, ra`tuks, etc.)

Straight from the above writeup. IIRC I had my warrior waste practically the entire zone before I got what my cleric needed.

Good luck!
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
# Feb 21 2013 at 6:04 AM Rating: Good
30 posts
Ok just so people don't get freaked out as I got concerned for a bit when I was fighting DDM I did as peeps talked about, 60-70 hold for add, 30, hold for adds then take him to 10%. At 10% I was waiting to see if I would get a message or see him cast or something. So the only damage being done was the wizards lame 45 hp per hit DS. I guess at the point he would have cast something on himself he just poofed and a chest spawned. It WAS the guilded chest with the shield inside. So appparently instead of buffing himself to steel for a last hurrah he just commits suicide now. :)
Finished 1/6/13
# Jan 06 2013 at 11:25 PM Rating: Decent
Finished this afternoon, lvl 72. The most challenging part for me was the Dragorn Assassin in WoS. I hated that place by the end of it.

I soloed a lot of it but definitely got some solid help. Thankful to have my awesome looking shield, & a new clicky.

# Aug 21 2012 at 1:12 PM Rating: Default
I have a question as it pertains to the Brains. Are they pre-lootable, or is there a flag associated with looting them? The reason I ask, is my Cleric looted an Akhevan brain sometime ago, but had not started the 1.5 yet.. I would really hate to get so far as to have the others and that one not count
All that is lost, is not Forsaken
Dark Disciple Master -- No Aegis of Chaotic Worship
# May 15 2012 at 7:24 AM Rating: Decent
Is the cleric epic 1.5 bugged? On May 15, 2012 I did the part which involves turning in the 3 brains to Scout Leader Plavo and killing the Dark Disciple, et al. Note that when my group arrived at Scout Leader Plavo's location, there was already a chest there. The group consisted of a 95 magician, a merc tank, a merc damage dealer and me, an 80 cleric. We killed the Dark Disciple Master (after many rounds) and the rest of his cohorts, then broke the chest open. There was no Aegis of Chaotic Worship in the chest or the disciple's corpse; instead there was a Shadowed Visor of the Recluse in the chest. The disciple's corpse was empty. Also, after killing the Dark Disciple Master and its cohorts, there was no tone or sound signaling the quest was completed.

Dark Disciple Master -- No Aegis of Chaotic Worship
# May 23 2012 at 10:29 AM Rating: Decent
60 posts
Aryianna wrote:
Is the cleric epic 1.5 bugged? On May 15, 2012 I did the part which involves turning in the 3 brains to Scout Leader Plavo and killing the Dark Disciple, et al. Note that when my group arrived at Scout Leader Plavo's location, there was already a chest there. The group consisted of a 95 magician, a merc tank, a merc damage dealer and me, an 80 cleric. We killed the Dark Disciple Master (after many rounds) and the rest of his cohorts, then broke the chest open. There was no Aegis of Chaotic Worship in the chest or the disciple's corpse; instead there was a Shadowed Visor of the Recluse in the chest. The disciple's corpse was empty. Also, after killing the Dark Disciple Master and its cohorts, there was no tone or sound signaling the quest was completed.

It is possible to DPS the Dark Disciple Master too fast. If you do, the script will not properly function and the "gilded chest" will not spawn. There are two chests in this event. The first one to spawn is the "gilded chest". That is the one that has your epic drop. The other chest will spawn after you loot the aegis and it will contain a Shadowed Visor of the Recluse or some other reward loot from the epic 1.5 chest loot tables. The gilded chest looks like it is made from a silver metal. The reward chest looks like it is made from wood.

Here is what sounds like happened.
You arrive just after another cleric completed this event. This other cleric broke open the guilded chest and looted the Aegis of Chaotic Worship. Then they left without opening the second chest.
You then arrive to do your epic. You start the script but DPS'd too fast and your gilded chest did not spawn. You then DPS'd the chest left from the previous cleric's event and found the reward that they had left to rot.

There are three things you have to watch for during the fight. These are triggers for the next phase of the fight. If you DPS fast enough (and your set up would have made DPSing too fast easy) the triggers in the script will not function and the fight will not move to the next phase.

First thing to look for is Plavo's Remains spawning (this is a spectre). This will occur When the Dark Disciple Master is between 60% and 70% health. If Plavo's Remains do not spawn, you will not get a gilded chest. DPS very slowly when you get the DDM to 70% health. Wait for Plavo's Remains to spawn and kill it quicky, then return to DPSing the Dark Disciple Master.

The next trigger happens when DDM gets to around 30%. Two brown skellies (called Minions of the Master) will spawn. Periodically, you will get additional spawns of the skellies. They come two at a time. If you don't get at least one pair of skellies, you will not get a guilded chest.

Finally, at around 10% health the Dark Disciple Master will cast two spells on himself in a last ditched effort to save himself. These spells are called Spiritual Echo and Protection of Discord. If the DDM does not cast these spells, you will not get a gilded chest.

The way this fight MUST be done is: Take DDM to 70% and wait for trigger. Take DDM to 30% and wait for trigger. Take DDM to 10% and wait for trigger. Kill DDM.

Edited, May 23rd 2012 12:30pm by Bariag
Dark Disciple Master -- No Aegis of Chaotic Worship
# Jun 29 2012 at 9:55 AM Rating: Decent
This actually happened to me as well. Had to re-hand in all the brains. This time around I molo'd the fight at 94 with a caster merc. It takes more time but all the mobs spawn and i got the guilded chest at the end.

Bariag wrote:
Aryianna wrote:
Is the cleric epic 1.5 bugged? On May 15, 2012 I did the part which involves turning in the 3 brains to Scout Leader Plavo and killing the Dark Disciple, et al. Note that when my group arrived at Scout Leader Plavo's location, there was already a chest there. The group consisted of a 95 magician, a merc tank, a merc damage dealer and me, an 80 cleric. We killed the Dark Disciple Master (after many rounds) and the rest of his cohorts, then broke the chest open. There was no Aegis of Chaotic Worship in the chest or the disciple's corpse; instead there was a Shadowed Visor of the Recluse in the chest. The disciple's corpse was empty. Also, after killing the Dark Disciple Master and its cohorts, there was no tone or sound signaling the quest was completed.

It is possible to DPS the Dark Disciple Master too fast. If you do, the script will not properly function and the "gilded chest" will not spawn. There are two chests in this event. The first one to spawn is the "gilded chest". That is the one that has your epic drop. The other chest will spawn after you loot the aegis and it will contain a Shadowed Visor of the Recluse or some other reward loot from the epic 1.5 chest loot tables. The gilded chest looks like it is made from a silver metal. The reward chest looks like it is made from wood.

Here is what sounds like happened.
You arrive just after another cleric completed this event. This other cleric broke open the guilded chest and looted the Aegis of Chaotic Worship. Then they left without opening the second chest.
You then arrive to do your epic. You start the script but DPS'd too fast and your gilded chest did not spawn. You then DPS'd the chest left from the previous cleric's event and found the reward that they had left to rot.

There are three things you have to watch for during the fight. These are triggers for the next phase of the fight. If you DPS fast enough (and your set up would have made DPSing too fast easy) the triggers in the script will not function and the fight will not move to the next phase.

First thing to look for is Plavo's Remains spawning (this is a spectre). This will occur When the Dark Disciple Master is between 60% and 70% health. If Plavo's Remains do not spawn, you will not get a gilded chest. DPS very slowly when you get the DDM to 70% health. Wait for Plavo's Remains to spawn and kill it quicky, then return to DPSing the Dark Disciple Master.

The next trigger happens when DDM gets to around 30%. Two brown skellies (called Minions of the Master) will spawn. Periodically, you will get additional spawns of the skellies. They come two at a time. If you don't get at least one pair of skellies, you will not get a guilded chest.

Finally, at around 10% health the Dark Disciple Master will cast two spells on himself in a last ditched effort to save himself. These spells are called Spiritual Echo and Protection of Discord. If the DDM does not cast these spells, you will not get a gilded chest.

The way this fight MUST be done is: Take DDM to 70% and wait for trigger. Take DDM to 30% and wait for trigger. Take DDM to 10% and wait for trigger. Kill DDM.

Edited, May 23rd 2012 12:30pm by Bariag
Encrypted Note turn-in bugged
# Apr 12 2012 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
As of March 25, 2012 it appears this quest can not be completed if you are looking to start. The turn in of the Encrypted Note to Shav the Cryptologist near the start of the quest yields the hand in sound but no quest text appears. I tested if this was a bug by farming the 4 map quarters and trying to hand them in. Shav responds with "I don't know what you want me to do with these. Did someone tell you to come see me?" and hands the 4 map quarters back. I tried turning the note in 5 (yes five) times and same result each time. There is a forum post and sony appears to be aware of this but as of April 11th this was not fixed (tested in game with a 6th note and same result). There is downtime today (april 12) so maybe they will ninja fix it!!

That is the post on the SOE forums. If anyone is having this problem on their server please submit a bug report so we can get our epic quest fixed!

So far from the SOE thread 2-3 servers are affected. Emarr and the last post is from Tunare. If you are from these servers don't bother turning in your note if you have it until this problem is fixed or you will need to do some more time in Barindu.
Encrypted Note turn-in bugged
# May 10 2012 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
As of tonight, 5/11/12, Shav the Cryptologist is now fixed. After turning in the encrypted note to her, she responds with appropriate text.
Encrypted Note turn-in bugged
# May 09 2012 at 10:04 AM Rating: Decent
20 posts
Tried the turn in today following the patch based on someone saying it was fixed on Test, and she took the note and gave me the proper dialog in return. Turned in the four map pieces, and received the map.
Encrypted Note turn-in bugged
# May 09 2012 at 7:07 PM Rating: Decent
Confirmed. Just did the note turn in and got the text, handed in map pieces got assembled map back. May 9th patch did indeed fix it even though it wasn't in the notes
Encrypted Note turn-in bugged
# May 08 2012 at 10:35 PM Rating: Decent
Still bugged as of May 8, 2012 on Drinal. Got the quest text when I did the Encrypted Note turn-in, but I can't turn in the map pieces. Petition filed, I'll update when I get a response.
Encrypted Note turn-in bugged
# Apr 14 2012 at 11:32 PM Rating: Decent
Nalyan is correct. Last night I turned in the encrypted note to Shav, but although there was a sound after I gave her the note, she didn't reply. I'm guessing that the quest is broken. I'm now collecting the 4 map pieces, but am hesitant to turn them in until Sha'v's fixed. I may have to resubmit the encrypted note to her, since it seems she didn't acknowledge receipt.

I just posted a note to SOE forum about this bug.
Encrypted Note turn-in bugged
# Apr 17 2012 at 1:04 PM Rating: Decent
She will give the 4 map pieces back to you and give you some text about not knowing what they are for. As for going back to Barindu i did it 6 times. I petitioned to at least have my note back if they couldn't help me get past it and they returned it to me with no hesitation. (them being a GM)
Dont kill too fast
# Feb 18 2011 at 9:47 AM Rating: Decent
110 posts
We Killed Scout Leader Plavo and he spawned to Dark Disciple Master who died in about 5 seconds today and he did not spawn the other mobs. Cleric will have to get new pieces and we will try again, just a lot slower. 2 rangers getting 200k bow shots is a bit much.

Edited, Feb 18th 2011 11:13am by twoma
Dont kill too fast
# Nov 04 2011 at 10:07 AM Rating: Decent
The same can be said for using a Rogue. Accidentally did an assassinate of 219K. Cleric had to go back for more brains. Be careful. Second time, rogue stopped hitting when mob was at 20%, and it was still close.
dialogue updates
# Nov 07 2010 at 9:58 PM Rating: Decent
26 posts
When you hand the 3 brains to Scout Leader Plavo:

Scout Leader Plavo says 'Excellent work! The leader will be pleased. He should be here any moment to collect them.'

Dark Disciple Master glances at you, and you see a moment of recognition flash across his face. 'Fool! Do you know who that is? You have jeopardized everything and you shall pay with your life.' He turns to Plavo and slashes his throat quickly with the tips of his fingers. 'Now, on to you. You will not foil my plans again! Your life ends here!'

(during combat)

Dark Disciple Master says 'You surprise me! This is almost a challenge.'

Dark Disciple Master says 'You actually expect to win? Flee now and I will spare your lives.'

(when summoning minions)

Dark Disciple Master chants for a moment animating fallen soldiers from the ground around him.

(more combat)

Dark Disciple Master says 'You have underestimated me! I will not fall this day!'

(on player death)

Dark Disciple Master says 'Another falls before the Slayer of Kin.'

(on DDM's death)

Dark Disciple Master screams in pain! No! This cannot be! I will not fall! Do not think that this is the end!

The rest of the dialogue seems fine, but I did not return to Natvil after combining in the forge. Note that you may not need to visit Natvil at all, but you will need to visit Borik in PoK before the shield is able to be combined in a forge.
Assassin for hire
Pirri Solution
# Jan 10 2010 at 8:17 PM Rating: Good
The most frequent reason she won't respond is if you didn't go back to talk to Tavon in Nedaria.

Lee of Quellious
Fight smarter not harder.
# Nov 18 2009 at 5:41 PM Rating: Decent
I have everything done up to Scout Pirri and she won't attack. I do something wrong? This is frustrating.

Michelee/ Crystalshadow
# Nov 27 2009 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
derwendigo wrote:
I have everything done up to Scout Pirri and she won't attack. I do something wrong? This is frustrating.

Michelee/ Crystalshadow

Just go up and hail her.....she'll take care of the rest
# Nov 18 2009 at 5:26 PM Rating: Decent
I can't get Scout pirri to attack. Any help/advice please.

Edited, Nov 18th 2009 6:55pm by derwendigo
Level requirement
# Aug 21 2009 at 6:11 AM Rating: Decent
Just sort of curious. According to Alla, the 2.0 has a lvl req. of 65, but the 1.5 has is level 70.

Is that really true?
Level requirement
# Oct 05 2009 at 8:46 PM Rating: Decent
183 posts
I'm not sure if the details have changed in the month and a half since you made your post, but:

The 1.5 has a required level listed on this site, of 65.
The 2.0 has a required level listed on this site, of 70.
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