Shackle of Rock  

Quest Started By:Description:
(From 1 rating)
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
  • Faction
  • Loot
  • Money
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
    Quest Items:
    Related Zones:
    Related Creatures:
    Related Quests:
    Era:Ruins of Kunark
    Group Size:Solo
    Min. # of Players:1
    Max. # of Players:1
    Appropriate Classes:
    Appropriate Races:
    Entered: Wed Feb 28 20:56:32 2001
    Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
    After completing the quest for your Shackle of Stone, Master Raska mentioned that you need to see Master Niska, who may be found at 456, 32 in the Court of Pain.

    You say, 'Hail, Master Niska'

    Master Niska bows with elegance and grace. You can see her arms rippling with muscles. 'Greetings. We are the Swifttails. We are the harnessers of the elements. We are the tails of discipline. To achieve rebirth into our caste is a great honor indeed. We can be identified by our adornments. You should display that which we have given you to adorn your arms with pride. You do have your bracer, correct?'

    You say, 'I want the Shackle of Rock.'

    Master Niska strikes within inches of your snout with amazing speed. 'The shackle of rock is your interest? Then learn well our ways and prepare yourself. If the stone embraces your wrist, you are ready indeed. To complete the second rung you must find for me the [Fists of Talon].'

    You say, 'What are the Fists of Talon?'

    Master Niska points to the Court Chronicler. 'All that is known of Talon has been chronicled. Should you obtain the fists then you shall hand them to me. This shall earn you the shackle of rock.'

    Purchase the book named "Talon Southpaw" (identifies as "Scribed by Rinmark") from the Court Chronicler nearby at 363, 48, across the courtyard from Master Niska. It reads:

    Talon Southpaw

    Talon Southpaw was the fastest pugilist ever to walk within the Court of Pain. His speed rivaled that of the great Grandmaster Tynn. He could often be found within the local taverns demonstrating the awesome speed of his left fist.

    Talon Southpaw came to rebirth within this caste. Although quick with fist and tail, the speed of his left arm was not to come to blossom for a couple of decades past his rebirth. It was to follow his captivity by the accursed sarnak.

    Soon after fulfilling the Rung of Tynn, Talon went on a wandering retreat into the dangerous outlands of Kunark. He was not heard from for a total of 5 seasons. Upon his return to Cabilis he told of his captivity within an ancient city of the Iksar now claimed by the sarnak.

    He told of intense torture.

    He survived the ordeal.

    He escaped from the claws of the sarnak with numerous scars which proved his painful ordeal. Most of the worst scars were never seen.

    Talon wore a robe which he never removed. The scars underneath were for no lizard's eyes. His great perseverance gave him an inner strength no other monk could lay claim to.

    He now possessed incredible, almost blinding speed with his left arm. He could trap a foe's arm with his left and strike with it as if he had a third arm! He was indeed a paragon of the Swifttails. All in the empire either respected or feared him. None would spar him outside of the taverns. With grog comes stupidity.

    Upon his death in Kurn, Grandmaster Tynn removed his hands in a private ceremony. Only Tynn was allowed to gaze upon Talon's body. The fists were then sealed in a canopic which would stay within the Tower of Kurn. His body was dusted. This is his tale as told by Rinmark.

    Klok Poklon may be found at +910, -70, on the first floor of the house near the castle.

    You say, 'Hail, Klok Poklon'

    Klok Poklon says 'Greetings, thirsty traveler. Pull up a stool and lay yer copper down. It's time to drink and be merry. Just don't get too merry or I will have to call the troopers.'

    You say, 'Who was Talon Southpaw?'

    Klok Poklon feints with two quick left hooks!! 'Talon Southpaw. He had the fastest hands in the empire. I remember he once beat another lizard in an arm wrestling match. The amazing thing was, while he was gripping the croak's left hand, he left-hooked him without losing his hold!! That's quick!! I hear one of his treasured hands is in the possession of a monk called Master Rinmark.'

    You say, 'Where is Master Rinmark?'

    Master Bain resides in the Court of Pain at 293, -49.

    Master Bain says 'Seeking Master Rinmark? He has left the Court of Pain. Gone to focus his thoughts on the elements of wind and thunder. I believe he was headed toward the Overthere. That was the last I heard of his trek.'

    Find "an Iksar master" in the Timorous Deep at -5055, +2790.

    You say, 'Hail, an Iksar master'

    an Iksar master is humming and chanting softly. He seems oblivious to your presence.

    You say, 'Are you Master Rinmark?'

    an Iksar master squints one eye open, then returns to his meditation.

    You say, 'Who was Talon Southpaw?'

    an Iksar master waves his arms in the air. 'The great master. His soul is the wind. He speaks to us in words of thunder. He strikes Norrath with bolts of lightning. I seek to be as he is. I have traveled the globe in search of his fists. I have found only one. Another is said to be with [Gomoz]. I shall return it when I am finished with my seasons-long meditation or perhaps I shall find a monk to [return the hand to Cabilis].'

    You say, 'Who is Gomoz?'

    an Iksar master says 'Disciple Gomoz was once Talon Southpaw's pupil. It is rumored that he has only one hand. Unfortunately, a horde of ogre raiders swiped his bones, along with others, from their place in Kurn's Tower. What those simple oafs plan to do with them is a mystery. Only one who has studied the arcane sciences could use them. They most likely used them as soup bones.'

    You say, 'I will return the hand to Cabilis.'

    an Iksar master hands you an old tattered sack. 'This shall be your proof of allegiance. Prove that you are strong with an intact mandible of a skulking brutling and the claws of a burynai excavator. Prove that you are a monk of fist and tail with a sash of an exiled human monk and the sparring gloves of a goblin pit fighter. Combined, these items make the sack full. This will earn my trust and the hand.'

    You receive a Tattered Sack from Rinmark, a 4-slot container. Acquire Excavator Claws (identifies as "Burynai Excavator Claws," dropped by various burynai), Intact Brutling Choppers (dropped by a skulking brutling in Warsliks Wood), Torn Sash (identifies as "Exiled Monk Sash," dropped by a young ronin in South Ro), and Goblin Sparring Gloves (dropped by a goblin pit fighter in Warsliks Wood). Combine them to create a Full Sack for Master (identifies as "property of Rinmark"). Hand this in.

    an Iksar master bows before you and takes a wrinkled, mummified hand from a pouch at his side. 'Take the hand. Let it rest within Cabilis and be reunited with the left.'
    Your faction standing with Swift Tails has been adjusted by 5.
    Your faction standing with Legion of Cabilis has been adjusted by 1.
    You gain experience!!

    You receive Iksar Right Hand '=|-' (identifies as "Right Hand of Talon Southpaw").

    Find The Great Oowomp elsewhere in the Timorous Deep at +5725, +3120.

    You say, 'Hail, The Great Oowomp'

    The Great Oowomp gestures as if casting a powerful spell. 'Come forward, adventurer! Come and [see the dancing skeleton]. I shall cast a powerful spell and bring forth this operatic, clattering jumble of bones and he shall do a fine dance for you. From the nether regions and planes beyond, I call forth this bardic, magical, rhyming, tap-dancing hunk of undead!! I am Oowomp the Great!!'

    You say, 'I want to see the dancing skeleton.'

    The Great Oowomp says 'Oh!! You wish to see the great Oowomp perform his magic!! I have studied with the grand mages and wise [McMerin clan] of Norrath, as my speech implies. I can call forth the skeleton with but a twinkling of my power and five of your gold.'

    Give him 5g (or any equivalent money).

    The Great Oowomp flings the coins into the air and they all fall neatly into his oversized coin pouch. 'Gaze in awe at my awesome powers of the arcane!! You, a simple citizen, shall see my power. Allakabam!!'

    The Great Oowomp begins to cast a spell.

    A dancing skeleton's body pulses with energy.

    You say, 'Hail, a dancing skeleton'

    a dancing skeleton begins to dance with a loud clatter. A cloud of dust is created. Teedle dee. Teedle doo.

    a dancing skeleton says 'A dancing skeleton am I.'

    a dancing skeleton says 'Dancing for you and dancing for me.'

    You say, 'Are you Gomoz?'

    a dancing skeleton says 'Gomoz!! Why, that is me! I was heading off to be with the elements when I was captured by this smelly ogre. Actually, he is not as smelly as most.'

    a dancing skeleton says 'Dancing for the great Oowomp!! Wheee!!'

    You say, 'Who was Talon Southpaw?'

    a dancing skeleton says 'Master Talon Southpaw!! He was my master. Dead, he became. Off to the elements. I keep his special hand with me. Perhaps I should have it returned. Maybe I shall find a young adventurer to [return the hand to Cabilis].'

    You say, 'I will return the hand to Cabilis.'

    a dancing skeleton says 'Yes!! Return the hand. Here it is. Missing four it is. Within the tower of past pain and torture is where the four lie. Taken by bones similar to myself.'

    a dancing skeleton says 'Dancing and singing is my life!!'

    You receive a "hand with one only a thumb" [sic] (identifies as "Palm of Talon Southpaw").

    Head to Kurn's Tower and keep killing the fingered skeleton until you have looted:

    A Withered 2.5 Inch Finger (identifies as "Finger 3 Of Talon's Hand")
    A Withered 3 Inch Finger (identifies as "Finger 2 Of Talon's Hand")
    A Withered 3.1 Inch Finger (identifies as "Finger 1 Of Talon's Hand")
    A Withered 4 Inch Finger (identifies as "Finger 4 Of Talon's Hand")

    Combine these in the hand container to craft an Iksar Left Hand '=|-' (identifies as "Left Hand of Talon Southpaw.").

    Finally, an Iksar Left Hand '=|-' (identifies as "an Iksar Left Hand") drops from a Sarnak courier in the Lake of Ill Omen.

    Hand in the three hands to Master Niska.

    Master Niska shakes her head. 'Tsk, tsk, tsk. There were more of Talon's Fists than this. Only by gathering all of his fists shall you earn the shackle of rock and bring you closer to the third rung.'

    Master Niska shakes her head. 'Tsk, tsk, tsk. There were more of Talon's Fists than this. Only by gathering all of his fists shall you earn the shackle of rock and bring you closer to the third rung.'

    Master Niska removes a crudely hewn shackle. 'This is yours. It is one of the keys to the third rung. I see that you are truly a great monk and have studied your disciplines well. I have need of one such as you. I have heard of [troubles with an outlander].'

    Your faction standing with Swift Tails got better.
    Your faction standing with Legion of Cabilis got better.
    You gain experience!!
    You receive 1 gold from Master Niska.

    You receive the Shackle of Rock.
    Send a Correction
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    Post Comment
    # Feb 04 2019 at 2:39 PM Rating: Excellent
    362 posts
    When handing in the pack to an Iksar master:

    Swift Tails by 5
    Legion of Cabilis by 1

    an Iksar master faction
    Savage Lady Nekokirei of Drinal
    Predator Nekokirei of Stromm
    # Feb 02 2017 at 10:32 PM Rating: Good
    Swift Tails 10
    Legion of Cabilis 2
    # Feb 03 2017 at 5:32 PM Rating: Excellent
    Drengor wrote:
    Swift Tails 10
    Legion of Cabilis 2

    Thanks, updated.
    Allakhazam Developer and Admin

    For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

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    Finally completed!
    # Aug 15 2012 at 10:09 PM Rating: Decent
    48 posts
    The withered 2.5 inch finger was the hardest for me to get. I spend 4 days randomly logging in and killing either the fingered skeleton or one of its placeholders (I camped my monk right in his path). I probably did that around 30-40 times. The 3rd hand was also hard, but I used my 67 ranger to kill all the mobs there until I saw the courier spawn on tracking, at which time I killed him using my ranger since the goblins attack them (looted with my monk obviously, it dropped the first time). If someone trying to get that 3rd hand doesn't have a higher lvl character, feel free to see if I'm on. My ranger's name is Viktorrx.
    # Dec 03 2008 at 11:26 AM Rating: Good
    48 posts
    Master Niska (/loc?).
    Master Niska is at 456,32 in the Court of Pain.

    Response if you give her your Shackle of Stone?
    You'd better not. You need to give her both the Shackle of Stone and the Shackle of Rock in the next quest.

    How do you know to say this?
    "He could often be found within the local taverns ..."
    "None would spar him outside of the taverns."

    Chronicler nearby (/loc?).
    The Court Chronicler is at 363, 48 across the court from Master Niska

    (/loc of Master Bain?)
    Master Bain resides in the Court of Pain at 293, -49.

    (how do you know to look for him?).
    "Unfortunately, a horde of ogre raiders swiped his bones"
    # Jul 31 2008 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
    First of all, let me just object right here and now to how Sony does stuff. They want you to take a whole lot of time on quests like this, so the way they do that is they make the mobs you need to complete the quest ultra rare. I have a 61 monk who spent weeks trying to get the damn skulking brutling to spawn. and then, when it finally does spawn, OMFG! I had weapons equipped so instead of dropping intact chompers I got the shattered ones.

    Your 1.0 is a big fat waste of time! Sony sucks wild wangasoarasuses and I hate them for doing that to our drops.

    more on this
    # Jun 27 2008 at 7:58 AM Rating: Decent
    2,308 posts
    You say, 'Hail, Master Niska'

    Master Niska bows with elegance and grace. You can see her arms rippling with muscles. 'Greetings. We are the Swifttails. We are the harnessers of the elements. We are the tails of discipline. To achieve rebirth into our caste is a great honor indeed. We can be identified by our adornments. You should display that which we have given you to adorn your arms with pride. You do have your bracer, correct?'

    Response if you give her your Shackle of Stone?

    If you answer 'No' to her question, it leads to the Penance quest for monks.

    Asking for the shackle of rock is a result of the previous quest, shackle of stone.

    Quality of reqard
    # Mar 26 2008 at 12:06 PM Rating: Decent
    21 posts
    was this ever a good quest or was it always this crappy?
    Quality of reqard
    # Apr 09 2008 at 3:37 PM Rating: Default
    This quest is required to get the whistling fists and the shackle of tynnonium. So yeah it's a good as leads to nicer items.
    Oowomp /loc
    # Nov 30 2007 at 7:47 AM Rating: Decent
    27 posts
    The Great Oowomp is at /loc 5723, 3119 in Timorous Deep.
    Priestess Cathartic Soulgriever, Priestess of the 75th Salvation
    Kayotik Phantasmagorya, Deathcaller of the 78th Desecration
    Fateseer Tymeless Bloodsacrifice, Oracle of the 69th Ritual

    ~Let honor be your sword, your shield and your cloak; let the proud save face and you will go far~
    # Nov 08 2007 at 4:28 PM Rating: Decent
    2,308 posts
    You say, 'Hail, Master Niska'
    Master Niska bows with elegance and grace. You can see her arms rippling with muscles. 'Greetings. We are the Swifttails. We are the harnessers of the elements. We are the tails of discipline. To achieve rebirth into our caste is a great honor indeed. We can be identified by our adornments. You should display that which we have given you to adorn your arms with pride. You do have your bracer, correct?

    << I tried several questions but no reponse. The one thing I didn't do was hand her my bracer heh >>

    You say, 'i have my shackle of stone'
    You say, 'i have my bracer'

    You say, 'i want the shackle of rock'
    Master Niska strikes within inches of your snout with amazing speed. 'The shackle of rock is your interest? Then learn well our ways and prepare yourself. If the stone embraces your wrist, you are ready indeed. To complete the second rung you must find for me the [Fists of Talon].'
    You say, 'what are the fists of talon?'
    Master Niska points to the Court Chronicler. 'All that is known of Talon has been chronicled. Should you obtain the fists then you shall hand them to me. This shall earn you the shackle of rock.'

    You say, 'Hail, Klok Poklon'
    Klok Poklon says 'Greetings, thirsty traveler. Pull up a stool and lay yer copper down. It's time to drink and be merry. Just don't get too merry or I will have to call the troopers.'
    You say, 'who was talon southpaw?'
    Klok Poklon feints with two quick left hooks!! 'Talon Southpaw. He had the fastest hands in the empire. I remember he once beat another lizard in an arm wrestling match. The amazing thing was, while he was gripping the croak's left hand, he left-hooked him without losing his hold!! That's quick!! I hear one of his treasured hands is in the possession of a monk called Master Rinmark.'

    You say, 'where is master rinmark?'
    Master Bain says 'Seeking Master Rinmark? He has left the Court of Pain. Gone to focus his thoughts on the elements of wind and thunder. I believe he was headed toward the Overthere. That was the last I heard of his trek.'

    You say, 'Hail, an Iksar master'
    an Iksar master is humming and chanting softly. He seems oblivious to your presence.
    You say, 'are you master rinmark?'
    an Iksar master squints one eye open, then returns to his meditation.
    You say, 'who was talon southpaw'
    an Iksar master waves his arms in the air. 'The great master. His soul is the wind. He speaks to us in words of thunder. He strikes Norrath with bolts of lightning. I seek to be as he is. I have traveled the globe in search of his fists. I have found only one. Another is said to be with [Gomoz]. I shall return it when I am finished with my seasons-long meditation or perhaps I shall find a monk to [return the hand to Cabilis].'
    You say, 'who is gomoz?'
    an Iksar master says 'Disciple Gomoz was once Talon Southpaw's pupil. It is rumored that he has only one hand. Unfortunately, a horde of ogre raiders swiped his bones, along with others, from their place in Kurn's Tower. What those simple oafs plan to do with them is a mystery. Only one who has studied the arcane sciences could use them. They most likely used them as soup bones.'
    You say, 'i will return the hand to cabilis'
    an Iksar master hands you an old tattered sack. 'This shall be your proof of allegiance. Prove that you are strong with an intact mandible of a skulking brutling and the claws of a burynai excavator. Prove that you are a monk of fist and tail with a sash of an exiled human monk and the sparring gloves of a goblin pit fighter. Combined, these items make the sack full. This will earn my trust and the hand.'

    And the turn in...

    an Iksar master bows before you and takes a wrinkled, mummified hand from a pouch at his side. 'Take the hand. Let it rest within Cabilis and be reunited with the left.'
    Your faction standing with Swift Tails got better.
    Your faction standing with Legion of Cabilis got better.
    You gain experience!!

    You say, 'Hail, The Great Oowomp'
    The Great Oowomp gestures as if casting a powerful spell. 'Come forward, adventurer! Come and [see the dancing skeleton]. I shall cast a powerful spell and bring forth this operatic, clattering jumble of bones and he shall do a fine dance for you. From the nether regions and planes beyond, I call forth this bardic, magical, rhyming, tap-dancing hunk of undead!! I am Oowomp the Great!!'
    You say, 'i want to see the dancing skeleton'
    The Great Oowomp says 'Oh!! You wish to see the great Oowomp perform his magic!! I have studied with the grand mages and wise [McMerin clan] of Norrath, as my speech implies. I can call forth the skeleton with but a twinkling of my power and five of your gold.'

    The Great Oowomp flings the coins into the air and they all fall neatly into his oversized coin pouch. <Tink, tink, tink, tink, TINK!!> 'Gaze in awe at my awesome powers of the arcane!! You, a simple citizen, shall see my power. Allakabam!!'
    The Great Oowomp begins to cast a spell.
    A dancing skeleton's body pulses with energy.

    You say, 'Hail, a dancing skeleton'
    a dancing skeleton begins to dance with a loud clatter. A cloud of dust is created. Teedle dee. Teedle doo.
    a dancing skeleton says 'A dancing skeleton am I.'
    a dancing skeleton says 'Dancing for you and dancing for me.'
    You say, 'are you Gomoz?'
    a dancing skeleton says 'Gomoz!! Why, that is me! I was heading off to be with the elements when I was captured by this smelly ogre. Actually, he is not as smelly as most.'
    a dancing skeleton says 'Dancing for the great Oowomp!! Wheee!!'
    You say, 'who was talon southpaw?'
    a dancing skeleton says 'Master Talon Southpaw!! He was my master. Dead, he became. Off to the elements. I keep his special hand with me. Perhaps I should have it returned. Maybe I shall find a young adventurer to [return the hand to Cabilis].'
    You say, 'i will return the hand to cabilis'
    a dancing skeleton says 'Yes!! Return the hand. Here it is. Missing four it is. Within the tower of past pain and torture is where the four lie. Taken by bones similar to myself.'
    a dancing skeleton says 'Dancing and singing is my life!!'

    And the final turn in...

    Master Niska shakes her head. 'Tsk, tsk, tsk. There were more of Talon's Fists than this. Only by gathering all of his fists shall you earn the shackle of rock and bring you closer to the third rung.'
    Master Niska shakes her head. 'Tsk, tsk, tsk. There were more of Talon's Fists than this. Only by gathering all of his fists shall you earn the shackle of rock and bring you closer to the third rung.'
    Master Niska removes a crudely hewn shackle. 'This is yours. It is one of the keys to the third rung. I see that you are truly a great monk and have studied your disciplines well. I have need of one such as you. I have heard of [troubles with an outlander].'

    Your faction standing with Swift Tails got better.
    Your faction standing with Legion of Cabilis got better.
    You gain experience!!
    You receive 1 gold from Master Niska.

    Edited, Nov 8th 2007 7:31pm by fcoty

    Edited, Nov 8th 2007 7:41pm by fcoty

    Edited, Nov 8th 2007 7:43pm by fcoty

    Edited, Nov 8th 2007 7:51pm by fcoty
    # Nov 08 2007 at 11:29 PM Rating: Excellent
    6,998 posts
    fcoty wrote:
    You say, 'Hail, Master Niska'
    Master Niska bows with elegance and grace. You can see her arms rippling with muscles. 'Greetings. We are the Swifttails. We are the harnessers of the elements. We are the tails of discipline. To achieve rebirth into our caste is a great honor indeed. We can be identified by our adornments. You should display that which we have given you to adorn your arms with pride. You do have your bracer, correct?

    << I tried several questions but no reponse. The one thing I didn't do was hand her my bracer heh >>

    You say, 'i have my shackle of stone'
    You say, 'i have my bracer'

    You say, 'i want the shackle of rock'
    Master Niska strikes within inches of your snout with amazing speed. 'The shackle of rock is your interest? Then learn well our ways and prepare yourself. If the stone embraces your wrist, you are ready indeed. To complete the second rung you must find for me the [Fists of Talon].'
    You say, 'what are the fists of talon?'
    Master Niska points to the Court Chronicler. 'All that is known of Talon has been chronicled. Should you obtain the fists then you shall hand them to me. This shall earn you the shackle of rock.'

    You say, 'Hail, Klok Poklon'
    Klok Poklon says 'Greetings, thirsty traveler. Pull up a stool and lay yer copper down. It's time to drink and be merry. Just don't get too merry or I will have to call the troopers.'
    You say, 'who was talon southpaw?'
    Klok Poklon feints with two quick left hooks!! 'Talon Southpaw. He had the fastest hands in the empire. I remember he once beat another lizard in an arm wrestling match. The amazing thing was, while he was gripping the croak's left hand, he left-hooked him without losing his hold!! That's quick!! I hear one of his treasured hands is in the possession of a monk called Master Rinmark.'

    You say, 'where is master rinmark?'
    Master Bain says 'Seeking Master Rinmark? He has left the Court of Pain. Gone to focus his thoughts on the elements of wind and thunder. I believe he was headed toward the Overthere. That was the last I heard of his trek.'

    You say, 'Hail, an Iksar master'
    an Iksar master is humming and chanting softly. He seems oblivious to your presence.
    You say, 'are you master rinmark?'
    an Iksar master squints one eye open, then returns to his meditation.
    You say, 'who was talon southpaw'
    an Iksar master waves his arms in the air. 'The great master. His soul is the wind. He speaks to us in words of thunder. He strikes Norrath with bolts of lightning. I seek to be as he is. I have traveled the globe in search of his fists. I have found only one. Another is said to be with [Gomoz]. I shall return it when I am finished with my seasons-long meditation or perhaps I shall find a monk to [return the hand to Cabilis].'
    You say, 'who is gomoz?'
    an Iksar master says 'Disciple Gomoz was once Talon Southpaw's pupil. It is rumored that he has only one hand. Unfortunately, a horde of ogre raiders swiped his bones, along with others, from their place in Kurn's Tower. What those simple oafs plan to do with them is a mystery. Only one who has studied the arcane sciences could use them. They most likely used them as soup bones.'
    You say, 'i will return the hand to cabilis'
    an Iksar master hands you an old tattered sack. 'This shall be your proof of allegiance. Prove that you are strong with an intact mandible of a skulking brutling and the claws of a burynai excavator. Prove that you are a monk of fist and tail with a sash of an exiled human monk and the sparring gloves of a goblin pit fighter. Combined, these items make the sack full. This will earn my trust and the hand.'

    And the turn in...

    an Iksar master bows before you and takes a wrinkled, mummified hand from a pouch at his side. 'Take the hand. Let it rest within Cabilis and be reunited with the left.'
    Your faction standing with Swift Tails got better.
    Your faction standing with Legion of Cabilis got better.
    You gain experience!!

    You say, 'Hail, The Great Oowomp'
    The Great Oowomp gestures as if casting a powerful spell. 'Come forward, adventurer! Come and [see the dancing skeleton]. I shall cast a powerful spell and bring forth this operatic, clattering jumble of bones and he shall do a fine dance for you. From the nether regions and planes beyond, I call forth this bardic, magical, rhyming, tap-dancing hunk of undead!! I am Oowomp the Great!!'
    You say, 'i want to see the dancing skeleton'
    The Great Oowomp says 'Oh!! You wish to see the great Oowomp perform his magic!! I have studied with the grand mages and wise [McMerin clan] of Norrath, as my speech implies. I can call forth the skeleton with but a twinkling of my power and five of your gold.'

    The Great Oowomp flings the coins into the air and they all fall neatly into his oversized coin pouch. <Tink, tink, tink, tink, TINK!!> 'Gaze in awe at my awesome powers of the arcane!! You, a simple citizen, shall see my power. Allakabam!!'
    The Great Oowomp begins to cast a spell.
    A dancing skeleton's body pulses with energy.

    You say, 'Hail, a dancing skeleton'
    a dancing skeleton begins to dance with a loud clatter. A cloud of dust is created. Teedle dee. Teedle doo.
    a dancing skeleton says 'A dancing skeleton am I.'
    a dancing skeleton says 'Dancing for you and dancing for me.'
    You say, 'are you Gomoz?'
    a dancing skeleton says 'Gomoz!! Why, that is me! I was heading off to be with the elements when I was captured by this smelly ogre. Actually, he is not as smelly as most.'
    a dancing skeleton says 'Dancing for the great Oowomp!! Wheee!!'
    You say, 'who was talon southpaw?'
    a dancing skeleton says 'Master Talon Southpaw!! He was my master. Dead, he became. Off to the elements. I keep his special hand with me. Perhaps I should have it returned. Maybe I shall find a young adventurer to [return the hand to Cabilis].'
    You say, 'i will return the hand to cabilis'
    a dancing skeleton says 'Yes!! Return the hand. Here it is. Missing four it is. Within the tower of past pain and torture is where the four lie. Taken by bones similar to myself.'
    a dancing skeleton says 'Dancing and singing is my life!!'

    And the final turn in...

    Master Niska shakes her head. 'Tsk, tsk, tsk. There were more of Talon's Fists than this. Only by gathering all of his fists shall you earn the shackle of rock and bring you closer to the third rung.'
    Master Niska shakes her head. 'Tsk, tsk, tsk. There were more of Talon's Fists than this. Only by gathering all of his fists shall you earn the shackle of rock and bring you closer to the third rung.'
    Master Niska removes a crudely hewn shackle. 'This is yours. It is one of the keys to the third rung. I see that you are truly a great monk and have studied your disciplines well. I have need of one such as you. I have heard of [troubles with an outlander].'

    Your faction standing with Swift Tails got better.
    Your faction standing with Legion of Cabilis got better.
    You gain experience!!
    You receive 1 gold from Master Niska.

    Updated, thanks.
    add related quest please
    # Nov 08 2007 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
    2,308 posts
    Shackle of Copper

    Edited, Nov 8th 2007 7:45pm by fcoty
    missing items
    # Nov 07 2007 at 7:03 AM Rating: Decent
    2,308 posts
    Tattered Sack from Rinmark

    hand with only a thumb

    both quest containers
    # May 21 2007 at 7:48 PM Rating: Decent
    15 posts
    Here are some of the missing dialogues:

    upon speaking to an Iksar master:

    You say, 'Hail, an Iksar master'
    an Iksar master is humming and chanting softly. He seems oblivious to your presence
    You say, 'what fists of talon southpaw'
    an Iksar master waves his arms in the air. 'The great master. His soul is the wind. He speaks to us in words of thunder. He strikes Norrath with bolts of lightning. I seek to be as he is. I have traveled the globe in search of his fists. I have found only one. Another is said to be with [Gomoz]. I shall return it when I am finished with my seasons-long meditation or perhaps I shall find a monk to [return the hand to Cabilis].
    You say, 'I will return the hand to Cabilis'
    an Iksar master hands you an old tattered sack. 'This shall be your proof of allegiance. Prove that you are strong with an intact mandible of a skulking brutling and the claws of a burynai excavator. Prove that you are a monk of fist and tail with a sash of an exiled human monk and the sparring gloves of a goblin pit fighter. Combined, these items make the sack full. This will earn my trust and the hand.'

    upon handing in "Full Sack For Master"

    an Iksar master bows before you and takes a wrinkled, mummified hand from a pouch at his side. 'Take the hand. Let it rest within Cabilis and be reunited with the left.'
    Your faction standing with Swift Tails got better.
    Your faction standing with Legion of Cabilis got better.
    You gain experience!!
    Sashiose 91st Monk
    Frantik Antiks 83rd Bard

    # Jan 25 2006 at 11:34 PM Rating: Decent
    75 posts
    are the fists MQable?
    courier on vacation
    # Jun 29 2005 at 1:03 PM Rating: Decent
    Has the spawn point for the courier been moved? I have killed every thing from the ruins to past the windmill for hours on end with no luck.
    Missing mob in related creatures list
    # Jun 23 2004 at 4:42 AM Rating: Decent
    (4) the sparring gloves of a goblin pitfighter
    also missing the fingered skeleton

    The list of required items also appears to be missing three of the four fingers Update - all four fingers are indeed required and should be listed above. Thankfully they are available on my server in bazaar for reasonable cash.

    Edited, Wed Jun 30 09:17:02 2004
    # May 23 2004 at 12:50 AM Rating: Decent
    ahhh help me I have been looking all over for the bartender...where is he? can I do this quest without talkin to the bartender or will the Iksar Master not spawn? Please help
    Young Ronin
    # Apr 27 2004 at 5:31 PM Rating: Decent
    37 posts
    I was looking for my torn sash today, and camped the two derv sites in oasis. After about two and a half hours of killing all the dervs in both camps, he popped in the southern most of the camps. Pretty easy for a lvl 23 monk, except that every orc in the zone walked by and aggro'd at one time or the other, so watch your health. You may find yourself battling 2 or 3 at once instead of just the single mob you originally targeted. Good hunting to all!
    Goblin Pitfighter
    # Apr 26 2004 at 1:08 PM Rating: Decent
    37 posts
    Does anyone know the location of the goblin Pitfighter? Hopefully not in Crypt of Dalnir, I don't wanna die! We've cleared the goblin fort twice and killed the named goblin, who dropped iksar scaled gloves, which aren't too bad, but they aren't sparring gloves.
    RE: Goblin Pitfighter
    # Apr 27 2004 at 5:36 PM Rating: Decent
    37 posts
    The goblin pit fighter is in a small ruin, loc p2288, n149, just easat of main goblin fort on trail to FoB. I camped him for about 2 hours, killing PH's before he spawned. The cycle is 15 mins, and not much will walk by and aggro you there, so it's pretty easy. Do not confuse this mob with Pitfighter Dob, a goblin in the fort that is much higher in lvl, 40+. He does not drop gloves for monk quest, just a big can of whuppass for a lower lvl toon. He does however drop "a diseased tounge", which might be for another quest.
    # Nov 25 2003 at 8:17 PM Rating: Decent
    this is by far the most time consuming and most boring shackle quest ( for me atleast ) .. it took me about 10hrs in total just to gather all the peices. but in the end the reward is great.. shackle of tynnonium. just get thorugh this one and it gets easier suprisingly...
    common sense
    # Jun 15 2003 at 3:42 AM Rating: Decent
    Sounds like you're mixing up urban legends about the jester with spawning the fingered skele.... When the moon is 90 degrees to the north star recite the hokey pokey backwards while standing on one foot and he will spawn..... the fingered skeleton only has one PH and you can tell by pathing as you can for almost any named mob with specific pathing. A skele spawns at the opposite end of the cook hall ( check out the kurns map) and wanders towards the jester hall. Only one skeleton has this pathing kill him you can spawn the fingered skele by killing him and only him. i hope this helps.

    Edited, Sun Jun 15 04:02:14 2003
    # Mar 08 2003 at 11:09 PM Rating: Default
    on my monk alt i was in kurns, and said if fingered skelly goes down can i get his fingers? a lvl 22 halfling ran up and gave me all 4 of em and ran away.. THANK CAZIC THULE FOR HALFLINGS 8)
    RE: yay
    # Feb 13 2004 at 6:38 PM Rating: Decent
    Hehe...funny thing is a halfling gave me the two fingers i was missing. Weird coincidence or a halfling-iksar conspiracy? ;)
    RE: yay
    # Apr 10 2004 at 11:44 PM Rating: Decent
    XP nasty
    sarnak courier
    # Dec 21 2002 at 5:53 AM Rating: Default
    I have been trying to get the Courier for a week now, been on 8 hours straight,but mostly 3-4 hours per day with help from trackers and other groups watching for spawn..I have run into the monk trainer and tried resetting the quest, talking to trainer then the chronicler, ,even just one or the other help,still no spawn...what gives? Yes I have been looking mostly between windmill and thru the mtns to the Sarnak forts..even been IN the forts front and back and no courier...I have been getting help from a group camping the back door to fort and there tracker hasnt seen one all week, no one i talked to has...
    RE: sarnak courier
    # May 13 2003 at 12:49 AM Rating: Good
    73 posts
    Whether or not you've started the quest will not affect whether or not the sarnak courier will spawn. You can't affect the spawns in one zone from another zone. To spawn the courier, hunt between the mills and the ruins. There's a rather nice spawn guide up on monkly business, so if you want specific mob names, hit the following forum; I won't reiterate it here, as I've really nothing new to add to what they've accumulated on that thread regarding spawn information.
    RE: sarnak courier
    # Jan 05 2003 at 6:21 PM Rating: Decent
    I found the courier running out of the fort in LOiO right at the door
    RE: sarnak courier
    # Dec 24 2002 at 4:10 AM Rating: Decent
    I just got him today .. he was walking towards FV from the backside of the windmill .. easy kill .. woot .. now off to TD. I had been just killing stuff from the back of the windmill and poof he showed up .. good luck hope that helps.

    Korantiz Damantiz
    23rd Season Iskar Monk
    listen up !!!!!!
    # Dec 01 2002 at 10:13 PM Rating: Default
    as someone who has messed up quests b4 i have done this one a few times. First- the courier is triggered by talking to niska - run to loio, or have someone there to track, he is found in the ruins btwn the mill and the lake or in the hills btwn the fort and the mill- best bet is the ruins.
    Second the great oommp(whatever it is) give it 5 gp-the raider must be killed first , if the skelly aggroes u kill them all and start over, don't do it while FD - it doesn't work, just sneak up behind him and 5 gp.
    Third the fingered can be spawned - PH on a 16 min timer.On the floor there are 4 PH who always aggro u no matter what lvl u are, kill 'em all run around and kill the skellies on the floor for fun and anything in the hallways of the stables. Got him to spawn 4 times in a row so it can be done. When everything is dead just sit and wait- watch your timer/clock and you will be ok. when it pops start the killing spree again till u get them all.
    hope this helps :) -- (i'm not a grammar teacher so dont flame my run-on sentances :P)
    Sarnak Courier
    # Nov 30 2002 at 12:53 PM Rating: Decent
    I'm having awful luck with this sarnak courier, been looking for him three days now and still no luck :( been mainly looking around the windmill.
    Is he just a randome rare spawn?

    59th bard
    45th warrior
    26th monk
    Solusek Ro!
    # Sep 09 2002 at 5:27 PM Rating: Default
    I went to TD and Snuck up behind The Great Oowomp FD'd and try asking him about the dancing skeleton... Nothin! I tried givin him 5gp and he kept tellin me he was busy. I tried every combination i could think of.. nothin' Is there a reason this would happen? Is it because i hadn't talked to anyone about the skeleton? or because i hadn't been assigneed the quest? did i need better faction? any help would be much appreciated. :)
    RE: WIERD!
    # Oct 03 2002 at 6:58 PM Rating: Decent
    Were you trying to do it WHILE FDing?
    # Aug 18 2002 at 12:31 AM Rating: Decent
    everyone hitting this page--- read the post at the bottom very useful
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