Coldain Shawl #3: Woven Coldain Prayer Shawl  

Quest Started By:Description:
(Average from 2 ratings)
Maximum Level:90
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
  • Faction
  • Loot
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Scars of Velious
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Thu May 23 19:12:38 2002
Modified: Sun Jul 17 03:56:00 2022
This is the third Prayer Shawl Quest. You must do the first two before doing this. Ask Borannin "What chore?" and he will start you on the third quest.

Loremaster Borannin says 'Ahh, some fine specimens indeed, ______. I will have the best of these mounted at once, wish me luck in the contest! Here is the Cloth Prayer Shawl of our people. Before I forget, the council has issued yet another [chore] for you to complete.

You say, 'What chore?'

Loremaster Borannin says 'The council agrees that you have demonstrated a disdain for our enemy, the Kromrif, that rivals our own. They now ask that you demonstrate your loyalty to the Dain by humbling yourself and serving our people. Give this, my seal, to Mordin. He will instruct you further.

  • Mordin Frostcleaver is located in Mordin's Meats at LOC -214, -214.

    You say, 'hail Mordin Frostcleaver'

    Mordin Frostcleaver says 'Ah, hello there, and welcome to me shop, Halfling. Ye'll have to excuse the mess but I've been havin a bloody good time here lately. . . HAR HAR, ye get it? Anyways, thanks to you offlanders I now have a selection of some exotic meats never afore seen here on Velious. In addition to supplyin' the freshest meat in Thurgadin I also offer tasks to would-be hunters in the wastes.

  • Give him Borannin's Seal.

    Mordin Frostcleaver says 'Hullo ______, I see you've signed on for a bit of food service eh? Well we can always use an extra pair a hands here dat's fer sure. First things first, warsh yer grubby mitts an cook up dinner fer good ol Leif. Shouldn be too tough fer ye, he has simple enough taste. Make him a Tundrabear sandwich an lemme know when he's been fed. Dontcha ferget ta give him this with his meal.

  • He gives you a napkin named "Leif's Napkin" is No Drop.

    You say, 'What is a Tundrabear Sandwich?'

    Mordin Frostcleaver says 'Dat's easy, ye just take a slab a dat Tundra Kodiak meat and a jug a sauce, put it in da oven, den combine the product with a loaf a bread in a mixin bowl an there ye be.

  • Get a Tundra Kodiak meat, put it in oven with jug of sauces to make Saucy Bearmeat. Put your creation in a mixing bowl with one loaf of bread, which Mordin sells, and combine. If your skill is high enough you get the sandwich. Turn this in to Guard Leif (location -284, +492, on the way to Grand Historian) with the napkin and get a "Used Napkin" back.

    Guard Leif says 'Well I'll be derned. An outlander that can make a good Bearmeat 'n Bread! Thank ye, _______.'

    Your faction standing with Coldain has been adjusted +2
    Your faction standing with Dain Frostreaver IV has been adjusted +1
    Your faction standing with Kromzek has been adjusted -1
    Your faction standing with Kromrif has been adjusted -1
    You gain experience!!

  • Give the used napkin to Mordin and get the next part of the quest. He needs you to make some Frost Bunny Stew for Trita Coldheart (name?). You get "Trita's Napkin" (No Drop).

    Mordin Frostcleaver says 'Well don, outlander! We'll make a chef of you before we're through. Next you'll need to whip up some Frost Bunny stew fer Missus Coldheart. Again, give her this napkin with her meal an' lemme know when she's been served.'

    Your faction standing with Coldain has been adjusted by 2.
    Your faction standing with Dain Frostreaver IV has been adjusted by 1.
    Your faction standing with Kromzek has been adjusted by -1.
    Your faction standing with Kromrif has been adjusted by -1.
    You gain party experience!!

    You say, 'What is Frost Bunny Stew'

    Mordin Frostcleaver says 'Simple enuff, getcherself two hunksa Bunny meat and a jug a sauces. Stir 'em in a mixin bowl, then put spices and two flasks a water with it and cook it in a pot. Mmmm, zesty!

  • Once you mix the ingredients in a mixing bowl and get your Saucy Bunnymeat, you put that, one spice, 2 flasks of water and a pot into the oven to make the stew.

  • Give the stew to Trita (location -119, +318 near Frostbeard's Furs and Leather) with the Napkin and receive a dirty pot in return.

    Trita Coldheart says 'Why thank you, __________, I haven't tasted frost bunny stew this good in quite some time. Be a dear and take this back to Mordin for me.'

    Your faction standing with Coldain has been adjusted by 2.
    Your faction standing with Dain Frostreaver IV has been adjusted by 1.
    Your faction standing with Kromzek has been adjusted by -1.
    Your faction standing with Kromrif has been adjusted by -1.
    You gain party experience!!

    The pot Trita gave you, take it back to Mordin and you'll be given the next part of the quest.

    Mordin Frostcleaver says 'Now yer cookin! Letsee here... Guard Leif, check... Trita Coldheart, check... Ahh yes, next we need an Ulthork meat pie fer Brita. She's a doll, smart too, but she can be testy when she's hungry so get movin'!'

    Your faction standing with Coldain has been adjusted by 3.
    Your faction standing with Dain Frostreaver IV has been adjusted by 1.
    Your faction standing with Kromzek has been adjusted by -1.
    Your faction standing with Kromrif has been adjusted by -1.
    You gain party experience!!

  • Next you need to create an Ulthork Meat Pie for Brita. When you go into the temple and facing the Grand Historian, go to the room in the right hand side with bookshelves. This is where they sell spells. Brita is at the left hand side corner.

    Lorekeeper Brita says 'Ohh, that's better. I get so touchy when I'm hungry. I should probably go apologize to Derrin for being snappy. Please return this to Mordin for me.'

    Your faction standing with Coldain has been adjusted by 3.
    Your faction standing with Dain Frostreaver IV has been adjusted by 1.
    Your faction standing with Kromzek has been adjusted by -1.
    Your faction standing with Kromrif has been adjusted by -1.
    You gain party experience!!

    You receive Brita's Napkin from Lorekeeper Brita. Hold onto this, you will turn it in on the next step.

    You say, 'What is Ulthork Meat Pie?'

    Mordin Frostcleaver says 'Hmm, lemme look that one up. Been awhile since I made one. Here we are, two Ulthork meats, a vinegar and a spices in a mixin bowl. Put yer meat mix, a clump a dough, an a pie tin in da oven an yer good ta go.

    This requires two ulthork meat, and the problem here is that if you're not careful you will eat the meat. Most of the items you need to collect or make are edible. I know the kodiak meat and bunny meat do not get eaten, but everything else seems to disappear if not below your food in your inventory. I could not find any snake eggs in Thurgadin for the clump of dough, so I ported to Misty Thicket to get them. The pie tin is another stumbling block here unless you are good at smithing and pottery, or you have a friend who is. To smith the Pie Tin you first need to make a ceramic lining, so your pottery has to be trained somewhat. I had relatively good success with a 25 pottery, whereas my smithing is in the low 100's and I don't think the pie tin is trivial to me yet. Luckily the pie tin, and the pot in the previous step, are regular items that anyone can craft and give to you if you lack the proper skills.

  • Turn the pie and the napkin in to Lorekeeper Brita in the back of the Library and receive a dirty pie tin which you take back to Mordin for the final step in this quest.

    Mordin Frostcleaver says 'More dirty dishes, eh? Well outlander, only one more meal to serve and I'll be done with ye. Make a snow griffin souffle fer the Grand Historian himself. It's his favorite.'

    Your faction standing with Coldain has been adjusted by 3.
    Your faction standing with Dain Frostreaver IV has been adjusted by 1.
    Your faction standing with Kromzek has been adjusted by -1.
    Your faction standing with Kromrif has been adjusted by -1.
    You gain party experience!!

  • The final task is to create a Snow Griffin Souffle. The person you are making this for is none other than the Grand Historian Thoridain himself.

    You say, 'What is Snow Griffin Souffle?'

    Mordin Frostcleaver says 'This one's a bit tricky, ya toss four snow griffin eggs and a pack of spices in de oven. Ye must bake it just right or it's all gunna be wasted. When yer done bring it to Thoridain and if ye did it right he'll give ye his special seal. Just show Borannin that seal and yer shawl and he'll know that yer finished in the kitchen.

  • So now you need 4 Griffin eggs. I set out and with a little help was able to get 4 eggs to drop in about 3 hours. It would have gone faster, but I had trouble finding the Griffins. All in all I'd say we got the 4 eggs in about 12 - 15 Griffins, maybe even less.

  • Once you've made the souffle turn it in to Grand Historian Thoridain with the napkin. Here I learned something useful. I forgot to turn in the napkin when I turned in the souffle. In my excitement in creating the souffle I had completely forgotten. I was about to petition that he had eaten my item when I realized the forgotten napkin, so I gave him the napkin and to my suprise it worked.

    Grand Historian Thoridain says 'My compliments, _________, what a wonderful dish! Please accept my personal Seal as a token of my appreciation. May it give you power over your adversaries.'

    Your faction standing with Coldain has been adjusted by 5.
    Your faction standing with Dain Frostreaver IV has been adjusted by 1.
    Your faction standing with Kromzek has been adjusted by -1.
    Your faction standing with Kromrif has been adjusted by -2.

  • He gives you his Seal to give to Borannin with your second Prayer Shawl. Turn them into Loremaster Borannin.

    Loremaster Borannin says 'Well done ______, the council will be impressed with your effort. Here is the woven prayer shawl, wear it with pride. I know there is talk of great plans for you, be sure to come back and ask me what the council has [brewing].

  • You receive Seal of Thoridain.

    Your faction standing with Coldain has been adjusted by 10.
    Your faction standing with Dain Frostreaver IV has been adjusted by 2.
    Your faction standing with Kromzek has been adjusted by -1.
    Your faction standing with Kromrif has been adjusted by -5.

    You say, 'What is brewing?'

    Loremaster Borannin says 'As of now they have nothing for me to tell you. Bear with me _______, there will soon be much to do!

    For those who want it sumed up, here is a shopping list of items you will need to do the whole quest. This assumes no failures, so plan accordingly :)

    1 Tundra Kodiak Meat (Non-stackable)
    2 Jug of Sauces (Stackable)
    1 Loaf of Bread (Stackable)
    1 Mixing Bowl (Container)
    4 Snow Griffin Eggs (Stackable, No Drop)
    3 Spices (Stackable)
    2 Frost Bunny Meat (Non-stackable)
    2 Flasks of Water (Stackable)
    1 Pot (Non-stackable, Not a container)
    2 Ulthork Meat (Stackable, edible)
    1 Vinegar (Stackable)
    1 Snake Egg (Stackable)
    1 Bottle of Milk (Stackable)
    1 Cup Flower (Stackable)
    1 Pie Tin (Non-stackable, Not a container)

    One last note...I did this whole third quest without an open inventory slot, since I had to carry around a mixing bowl. So you don't have to worry about not getting an item from one of the NPC's if all of your slots are filled, anything they give you, including the shawl and the seal, fit in your backpacks.
  • Submitted by: Dyllwin Dalewalker
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    Post Comment
    Too little gain for the work
    # Jun 11 2021 at 10:26 PM Rating: Decent
    7 posts
    Oy! The griffin egg souffle should increase the Dain's faction by at least 10 for the amount of work it takes just to get the eggs.
    Lorekeeper Brita
    # Sep 21 2020 at 3:36 PM Rating: Default
    my goodness. all that useless info. on Lorekeeper Brita's page it has "When you go into the temple and facing the Grand Historian, go to the room in the right hand side with bookshelves. This is where they sell spells. Brita is at the left hand side corner." This should be put into the text of the quest or left near the top, pretty please.
    saucy kodiak meat (name?)
    # May 17 2018 at 3:02 PM Rating: Excellent
    43 posts
    Saucy bearmeat is the creation for the combine
    Faction Hits
    # Sep 06 2016 at 8:02 PM Rating: Decent
    21 posts
    I saw that the faction adjustments were missing, so I made a note of them when I did this quest on Phinny. To save some typing, the faction adjustments are Coldain/Dain/Kromzek/Kromrif.

    Mordin does not give faction when he gives you the quest. Every other turn-in does.

    Leif: 2/1/-1/-1

    Mordin (after Leif): 2/1/-1/-1

    Trita: 2/1/-1/-1

    Mordin (after Trita): 3/1/-1/-1

    Brita: 3/1/-1/-1

    Mordin (after Brita): 3/1/-1/-1

    Thoridain: 5/1/-1/-2

    Borannin: 10/2/-1/-5

    Total: 30/9/-8/-13
    Faction Hits
    # Sep 07 2016 at 7:45 AM Rating: Excellent
    Sleppen wrote:
    I saw that the faction adjustments were missing, so I made a note of them when I did this quest on Phinny. To save some typing, the faction adjustments are Coldain/Dain/Kromzek/Kromrif.

    Mordin does not give faction when he gives you the quest. Every other turn-in does.

    Leif: 2/1/-1/-1

    Mordin (after Leif): 2/1/-1/-1

    Trita: 2/1/-1/-1

    Mordin (after Trita): 3/1/-1/-1

    Brita: 3/1/-1/-1

    Mordin (after Brita): 3/1/-1/-1

    Thoridain: 5/1/-1/-2

    Borannin: 10/2/-1/-5

    Total: 30/9/-8/-13

    Can you show me in the quest text above where these faction hits belong? Copy the quest text into your post and add your faction hits at the appropriate steps.
    Allakhazam Developer and Admin

    For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

    Or join us via our Discord channel at
    Faction Hits
    # Sep 07 2016 at 8:21 PM Rating: Decent
    66 posts
    Here's my logs of the faction hits:
    [Sat Jun 25 21:07:29 2016] Guard Leif says 'Well I'll be derned. An outlander that can make a good Bearmeat 'n Bread! Thank ye, Ppanther.'
    [Sat Jun 25 21:07:29 2016] Your faction standing with Coldain has been adjusted by 2.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:07:29 2016] Your faction standing with Dain Frostreaver IV has been adjusted by 1.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:07:29 2016] Your faction standing with Kromzek has been adjusted by -1.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:07:29 2016] Your faction standing with Kromrif has been adjusted by -1.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:07:29 2016] You gain party experience!!

    [Sat Jun 25 21:08:08 2016] Mordin Frostcleaver says 'Well don, outlander! We'll make a chef of you before we're through. Next you'll need to whip up some Frost Bunny stew fer Missus Coldheart. Again, give her this napkin with her meal an' lemme know when she's been served.'
    [Sat Jun 25 21:08:08 2016] Your faction standing with Coldain has been adjusted by 2.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:08:08 2016] Your faction standing with Dain Frostreaver IV has been adjusted by 1.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:08:08 2016] Your faction standing with Kromzek has been adjusted by -1.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:08:08 2016] Your faction standing with Kromrif has been adjusted by -1.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:08:08 2016] You gain party experience!!

    [Sat Jun 25 21:15:19 2016] Trita Coldheart says 'Why thank you, Ppanther, I haven't tasted frost bunny stew this good in quite some time. Be a dear and take this back to Mordin for me.'
    [Sat Jun 25 21:15:19 2016] Your faction standing with Coldain has been adjusted by 2.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:15:19 2016] Your faction standing with Dain Frostreaver IV has been adjusted by 1.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:15:19 2016] Your faction standing with Kromzek has been adjusted by -1.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:15:19 2016] Your faction standing with Kromrif has been adjusted by -1.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:15:19 2016] You gain party experience!!

    [Sat Jun 25 21:15:56 2016] Mordin Frostcleaver says 'Now yer cookin! Letsee here... Guard Leif, check... Trita Coldheart, check... Ahh yes, next we need an Ulthork meat pie fer Brita. She's a doll, smart too, but she can be testy when she's hungry so get movin'!'
    [Sat Jun 25 21:15:56 2016] Your faction standing with Coldain has been adjusted by 3.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:15:56 2016] Your faction standing with Dain Frostreaver IV has been adjusted by 1.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:15:56 2016] Your faction standing with Kromzek has been adjusted by -1.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:15:56 2016] Your faction standing with Kromrif has been adjusted by -1.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:15:56 2016] You gain party experience!!

    [Sat Jun 25 21:55:48 2016] Lorekeeper Brita says 'Ohh, that's better. I get so touchy when I'm hungry. I should probably go apologize to Derrin for being snappy. Please return this to Mordin for me.'
    [Sat Jun 25 21:55:48 2016] Your faction standing with Coldain has been adjusted by 3.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:55:48 2016] Your faction standing with Dain Frostreaver IV has been adjusted by 1.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:55:48 2016] Your faction standing with Kromzek has been adjusted by -1.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:55:48 2016] Your faction standing with Kromrif has been adjusted by -1.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:55:48 2016] You gain party experience!!

    [Sat Jun 25 21:56:23 2016] Mordin Frostcleaver says 'More dirty dishes, eh? Well outlander, only one more meal to serve and I'll be done with ye. Make a snow griffin souffle fer the Grand Historian himself. It's his favorite.'
    [Sat Jun 25 21:56:23 2016] Your faction standing with Coldain has been adjusted by 3.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:56:23 2016] Your faction standing with Dain Frostreaver IV has been adjusted by 1.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:56:23 2016] Your faction standing with Kromzek has been adjusted by -1.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:56:23 2016] Your faction standing with Kromrif has been adjusted by -1.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:56:23 2016] You gain party experience!!

    [Mon Jun 27 17:17:01 2016] Grand Historian Thoridain says 'My compliments, Ppanther, what a wonderful dish! Please accept my personal Seal as a token of my appreciation. May it give you power over your adversaries.'
    [Mon Jun 27 17:17:01 2016] Your faction standing with Coldain has been adjusted by 5.
    [Mon Jun 27 17:17:01 2016] Your faction standing with Dain Frostreaver IV has been adjusted by 1.
    [Mon Jun 27 17:17:01 2016] Your faction standing with Kromzek has been adjusted by -1.
    [Mon Jun 27 17:17:01 2016] Your faction standing with Kromrif has been adjusted by -2.
    Faction Hits
    # Sep 08 2016 at 2:49 PM Rating: Excellent
    Nizzudien wrote:
    Here's my logs of the faction hits:
    [Sat Jun 25 21:07:29 2016] Guard Leif says 'Well I'll be derned. An outlander that can make a good Bearmeat 'n Bread! Thank ye, Ppanther.'
    [Sat Jun 25 21:07:29 2016] Your faction standing with Coldain has been adjusted by 2.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:07:29 2016] Your faction standing with Dain Frostreaver IV has been adjusted by 1.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:07:29 2016] Your faction standing with Kromzek has been adjusted by -1.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:07:29 2016] Your faction standing with Kromrif has been adjusted by -1.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:07:29 2016] You gain party experience!!

    [Sat Jun 25 21:08:08 2016] Mordin Frostcleaver says 'Well don, outlander! We'll make a chef of you before we're through. Next you'll need to whip up some Frost Bunny stew fer Missus Coldheart. Again, give her this napkin with her meal an' lemme know when she's been served.'
    [Sat Jun 25 21:08:08 2016] Your faction standing with Coldain has been adjusted by 2.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:08:08 2016] Your faction standing with Dain Frostreaver IV has been adjusted by 1.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:08:08 2016] Your faction standing with Kromzek has been adjusted by -1.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:08:08 2016] Your faction standing with Kromrif has been adjusted by -1.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:08:08 2016] You gain party experience!!

    [Sat Jun 25 21:15:19 2016] Trita Coldheart says 'Why thank you, Ppanther, I haven't tasted frost bunny stew this good in quite some time. Be a dear and take this back to Mordin for me.'
    [Sat Jun 25 21:15:19 2016] Your faction standing with Coldain has been adjusted by 2.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:15:19 2016] Your faction standing with Dain Frostreaver IV has been adjusted by 1.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:15:19 2016] Your faction standing with Kromzek has been adjusted by -1.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:15:19 2016] Your faction standing with Kromrif has been adjusted by -1.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:15:19 2016] You gain party experience!!

    [Sat Jun 25 21:15:56 2016] Mordin Frostcleaver says 'Now yer cookin! Letsee here... Guard Leif, check... Trita Coldheart, check... Ahh yes, next we need an Ulthork meat pie fer Brita. She's a doll, smart too, but she can be testy when she's hungry so get movin'!'
    [Sat Jun 25 21:15:56 2016] Your faction standing with Coldain has been adjusted by 3.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:15:56 2016] Your faction standing with Dain Frostreaver IV has been adjusted by 1.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:15:56 2016] Your faction standing with Kromzek has been adjusted by -1.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:15:56 2016] Your faction standing with Kromrif has been adjusted by -1.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:15:56 2016] You gain party experience!!

    [Sat Jun 25 21:55:48 2016] Lorekeeper Brita says 'Ohh, that's better. I get so touchy when I'm hungry. I should probably go apologize to Derrin for being snappy. Please return this to Mordin for me.'
    [Sat Jun 25 21:55:48 2016] Your faction standing with Coldain has been adjusted by 3.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:55:48 2016] Your faction standing with Dain Frostreaver IV has been adjusted by 1.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:55:48 2016] Your faction standing with Kromzek has been adjusted by -1.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:55:48 2016] Your faction standing with Kromrif has been adjusted by -1.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:55:48 2016] You gain party experience!!

    [Sat Jun 25 21:56:23 2016] Mordin Frostcleaver says 'More dirty dishes, eh? Well outlander, only one more meal to serve and I'll be done with ye. Make a snow griffin souffle fer the Grand Historian himself. It's his favorite.'
    [Sat Jun 25 21:56:23 2016] Your faction standing with Coldain has been adjusted by 3.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:56:23 2016] Your faction standing with Dain Frostreaver IV has been adjusted by 1.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:56:23 2016] Your faction standing with Kromzek has been adjusted by -1.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:56:23 2016] Your faction standing with Kromrif has been adjusted by -1.
    [Sat Jun 25 21:56:23 2016] You gain party experience!!

    [Mon Jun 27 17:17:01 2016] Grand Historian Thoridain says 'My compliments, Ppanther, what a wonderful dish! Please accept my personal Seal as a token of my appreciation. May it give you power over your adversaries.'
    [Mon Jun 27 17:17:01 2016] Your faction standing with Coldain has been adjusted by 5.
    [Mon Jun 27 17:17:01 2016] Your faction standing with Dain Frostreaver IV has been adjusted by 1.
    [Mon Jun 27 17:17:01 2016] Your faction standing with Kromzek has been adjusted by -1.
    [Mon Jun 27 17:17:01 2016] Your faction standing with Kromrif has been adjusted by -2.

    Thanks, added and edited the quest a little bit.
    Allakhazam Developer and Admin

    For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

    Or join us via our Discord channel at
    Thoridain ate my souffle and napkin...
    # Jun 18 2016 at 1:42 AM Rating: Decent
    129 posts
    Handed Thoridain my griffin souffle and napkin and he ate it. He also said hes my seal for blah blah blah, but i never got his seal... handed in my shawl to loremaster Boreannin to see if ill get the next shawl part, and he ate my shawl so now now im missing both items... bugged...?
    Thoridain ate my souffle and napkin...
    # Aug 23 2016 at 2:03 PM Rating: Decent
    8 posts
    Just done the 3rd part of the quest today on Quarm server : no problem with the snow griffin souffle. so not bugged.
    Thoridain ate my souffle and napkin...
    # Jun 18 2016 at 1:42 AM Rating: Decent
    129 posts
    Handed Thoridain my griffin souffle and napkin and he ate it. He also said hes my seal for blah blah blah, but i never got his seal... handed in my shawl to loremaster Boreannin to see if ill get the next shawl part, and he ate my shawl so now now im missing both items... bugged...?
    Trita loc
    # Sep 04 2015 at 5:48 AM Rating: Decent
    301 posts
    It would be helpful to know that Trita is actually downstairs in the building opposite from Frostbeard's Furs and Leather...
    item name
    # May 25 2015 at 2:32 PM Rating: Decent
    66 posts
    Get a Tundra Kodiak meat, put it in oven with sauce and make "Saucy Kodiak Meat" (name?). Put your creation in a mixing bowl with one loaf of bread, which Mordin sells, and combine. If your skill is high enough you get the sandwich. Turn this in to Guard Leif (location -284, +492, on the way to Grand Historian) with the napkin and get a "Used Napkin" back.

    item name is saucy bearmeat
    # Oct 09 2009 at 4:32 PM Rating: Decent
    2,602 posts

    "Get a Tundra Kodiak meat, put it in oven with sauce and make "Saucy Kodiak Meat" (name?)."

    It makes Saucy Bearmeat.

    Saucy Meat
    # Sep 05 2008 at 7:14 PM Rating: Decent
    Get a Tundra Kodiak meat, put it in oven with sauce and make "Saucy Kodiak Meat" (name?).

    this combine makes "Saucy Bearmeat"
    122 a "hard" trivial
    # May 20 2007 at 10:25 PM Rating: Decent
    With 130 Baking, I failed to make the snow griffon souffle three times in a row, despite the 122 trivial. Pastry makers beware!

    Edited, May 21st 2007 3:07am by chemmiller
    Bunny stew
    # Apr 16 2007 at 11:57 AM Rating: Decent
    18 posts
    Normally, when you make something with a pot, the pot is returned to you on success or failure. Keep in mind that this quest will eat your pot.

    I can lead you to the Dragon's Horde....

    Then sit back and watch as He eats you.
    trita ate my stew :p
    # Apr 29 2006 at 9:03 PM Rating: Decent
    I gave Trita the stew and the napkin, she gave me back the napkin, told me she didn't need it, and kept the stew (ate it?) At least the stew is the easiest to farm.

    And in my not-so-humble opinion, those of you who skip this step are lazy sissy types. =D
    RE: trita ate my stew :p
    # Apr 30 2006 at 11:34 AM Rating: Good
    3,705 posts
    Your faction was too low. Go kill some more giants, and if you happen to get heads and toes, redo shawl 1 and 2 for faction hits.

    Edited, Sun Apr 30 11:31:11 2006
    RE: trita ate my stew :p
    # Jan 27 2016 at 11:12 PM Rating: Decent
    633 posts
    Not necessarily faction. I had the same thing happen - with max Ally faction. For me it was forgetting to give the "Used Napkin" to Mordin first.

    Edited, Jan 29th 2016 8:38pm by KathleenF
    Where to find Snow Griffin Eggs
    # Mar 15 2006 at 7:04 AM Rating: Decent
    1,906 posts
    The secret is to circle between Kael Drakkal entrance, the huts with Icefang in the South and Sleeper's Tomb entrance. Keep killing Rhinos, Mammoths and Manticores, and Snow Griffins will spawn in that area. I didn't touch a single giant, but they may be placeholders, too...
    Weird giants
    # Jul 09 2005 at 1:10 PM Rating: Default
    When you really think of it, its kinda lame that some Kromzek hears of this fellow who made food for coldains and thinks "oh I'm never gonna let that fellow do business in my bank!!"
    RE: Weird giants
    # Jul 19 2005 at 9:55 PM Rating: Decent
    The giants are just jealous because they are hungry too!
    Saucy Bearmeat Info
    # Feb 08 2005 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
    "Saucy Bearmeat"
    Jug of Sauces + Tundra Kodiak Meat
    In oven/spit etc
    No Drop, used in tradeskills, is a meal (be wary).
    WT 0.5 Size: SMALL
    Class: ALL
    Race: ALL

    Edit: All of the combines were trivial to me at a baking skill of 142. I didn't fail any of them.

    Edited, Wed Feb 9 09:32:24 2005
    # Nov 24 2004 at 2:56 AM Rating: Decent
    get someone with the seal already from this shawl and MQ it... so much easier than doing all the baking and finding the griff eggs literally takes minutes instead of days... also, i accidentally turned in #2 with one toon lost it, but gave my seal from anotehr toon and got it back lol thought i had messed up so i turned in again and then made another #2 easily on first toon then got 3rd by MQ and now have a seal on each of my toons again lmao
    got to 140 baking easily with bear meat and fillet knife and
    # Nov 13 2004 at 12:13 AM Rating: Decent
    got to 140 baking easily with bear meat and fillet knife and oven
    now doing patty melts to 191 so i dont fail the griffon souffle...

    Edited, Sun Nov 14 03:30:59 2004
    Failed Combine
    # Nov 08 2004 at 8:48 PM Rating: Decent
    Failed the Snow Griffin combine with 191 baking and 255 Wis. Guess I'll have to hunt some more snow griffins!
    # Nov 01 2004 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
    question, the higher your wis/int is, does it help you gain more trival point per combine?
    RE: wis/int
    # Nov 08 2004 at 9:49 PM Rating: Good
    150 posts
    If i understand your question correctly you are talking about skill level. You won't get more per combine, but the higher you wis or int is, there is a better chance of getting a skill up each time you attempt a combine.

    There are many theorys and myths floating around about what you can do for a better chance of succeeding a combine, bottom line is skill level.
    RE: wis/int
    # Nov 05 2004 at 9:46 AM Rating: Decent
    I have alway found that the higher your wisdom/intelligence is (based on you being a wisdom or intelligence caster of course) the easier it is to combine stuff for tradeskills. I have also read that if your a tank it will go off your strength. I usually get a chanter to cast brilliance if I'm below 46 and kei if I'm above because these buffs increase your wisdom and intelligence. I also have other + wisdom items I put on when I'm doing tradeskills. Hope this helps.
    RE: wis/int
    # Nov 15 2004 at 1:15 PM Rating: Decent
    The chance of getting a tradeskill skill-up are increased based on whichever is higher, wis/int, it is the same no matter what class you are. A few tradeskills can also use a different stat other than wis/int if it is higher depending on the skill, such as blacksmithing = strength, fletching = dexterity (these are the only two that are confirmed, others are suspected to be). Always try to get the stat you are going off of as high as possible when trying for skill-ups whether it is wis/int, str, dex, etc.

    Successfull combines are based solely on skill, although just because a combine is trivial to you dosn't mean you will always succeed, there is always a small chance you will fail unless the recipe is listed as no-fail. My 250 skill brewer still occasionally fails on trivial 50 recipes, go figure.

    Edited, Mon Nov 15 13:20:15 2004
    What is Brewing?
    # Oct 12 2004 at 10:48 PM Rating: Decent
    When I asked Bor "What is brewing" he didn't tell me there was nothing more to do. He said:
    "Ah yes, good to see you again Snowflakes. I wish it were under better circumstances that we meet today. For some time now we have sent teams of our finest rogues to gather information for the Dain. Tanik Greskil is one of our best. He was recently sent into the heart of Kael Drakkel on a very important mission and has not returned. He is now long-overdue, and fearing the worst, our wise council has asked me to dispatch a rescue party to determine what has become of him and return him to safety. I have decided to give you this opportunity to build upon the trust that you have earned from the council. Will you accept this mission?"
    I said:
    "I will accept this mission"
    He said:
    "The council will be pleased to hear of your acceptance, Snowflakes. Scour the region surrounding the city of the Giants. Discover what happened to Tanik and, if possible, return him to Thurgadin. If you are successful, remember to hand me your woven prayer shawl. We seem to be running low on them, but I must say Mordin has never had so much help in he kitchen. Anyway, I will eagerly await word of your findings. Good luck, and may Brell protect you."
    Help with Brita Please
    # Aug 14 2004 at 8:24 PM Rating: Decent
    Help please. :(

    I just turned in the Ulthork Meat Pie to Lorekeeper Brita and she did not give me back the dirty pie tin.

    The walkthrough above says to hand her the pie and the napkin, but there was no napkin to give her. Moradin didn't give me one when I turned in the dirty pot that I got from Trita for the stew.

    Any ideas what to do next?

    I tried making another pie and giving it to her and she won't take it. I tried getting a new napkin from Moradin, but he just give's me Leif's napkin which doesn't work for Brita.

    I'm stumped. I don't mind starting over if it will actually work, but doesn't appear that this quest is currently working.
    use the SEAL
    # Jun 03 2004 at 2:34 AM Rating: Decent
    dunno whay all the chatter.. there was plenty of ppl willing to get rid of there seal for the 3rd shawll.. heh just ask around
    # May 10 2004 at 9:51 AM Rating: Default
    OK. I know how much of a pain it is to farm everything you need for these shawls. I have farmed and killed everything needed so far with no MQ's myself, but a little help from friends.

    I have the 5th shawl completed and everything done but the last combines(Tailoring) for the 6th and 7th shawl. Yes, As soon as I get tailoring up to 220 I will do 6th, 7th, and 8th real fast. Almost have everything I need to finish the 8th, already.

    But Back to the point of this post, I still have my seal that will let you skip the 3rd shawl quest(baking, farming). I will MQ it to anyone that comes up with 5K PP first on the Quellious server.

    Yes I know, for 75 PP and a little time you can have baking past the trivial point, but you still have to farm everything. 5K is my price to give up my seal to someone other then another of my own characters !.

    Enjoy and have fun.

    Druraw lvl 63 Druid.
    Encraw lvl 2 Enchanter (Merchant) <---Online when I am not playing.
    # Mar 14 2004 at 2:29 AM Rating: Default
    I have foraged up snow griffin eggs, but they are dropable so I'm guessing won't work. Any one ever tried?
    RE: foraged
    # Mar 22 2004 at 5:03 PM Rating: Good
    346 posts
    The only Snow Griffon Eggs that can be used in the last recipe for Coldain Shawl quest is the No Drop from the griffond found in EW.
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