Anyil Questmyre

Race:High Elf
Deity: None
Level: 29
Money: 390
Server: Bertoxxulous
Ruins of Kunark Enabled
Shadows of Luclin Enabled
Omens of War Enabled
Weight:16.3 / 55
Primary Melee: Dragoon Dirk
Secondary Melee: Stein of Moggok
Ranged Weapon: Dustscryer's Crystal Ball
Ammo: None
Left Ear: None
Right Ear: Obsidian Bead Hoop
Neck: Petrified Erudite Heart Amulet
Face: Sheer Bone Mask
Head: Savant's Cap
Shoulder: Cloth Shawl
Left Finger: Silver Rose Engagement Ring
Right Finger: Ring of Frost
Left Wrist: Golden Jaded Bracelet
Right Wrist: Golden Jaded Bracelet
Arm: Damask Sleeves
Chest: Robe of the Oracle [ID 1354]
Back: Cloth Cape
Feet: Cloth Sandals
Legs: Hand Woven Leggings
Waist: Cloth Cord
Hands: Cloth Gloves
Charm: None
Food: None
Drink: None
  • Koada`Dal Blood Doll

  • Wishlist:

    Owned by: __DEL__1591758739560 Email:
    For Sale: Want to Buy:
  • Hammer of Flattening 25 pp
  • Giant Tree Flayer 16 pp