Tunare Disciple  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Faction Required:
Clerics of Tunare (Min: Indifferent)
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
    Quest Items:
    Related Zones:
    Related Creatures:
    Related Quests:
    Group Size:Solo
    Min. # of Players:1
    Max. # of Players:1
    Appropriate Classes:
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    • All
    Entered: Fri Apr 13 15:28:38 2001
    Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
    You must first do the initiate quest.

    You say, 'I will slay the Necromancer'

    Yeolarn Bronzeleaf says 'The Fier'Dal rangers that inhabit the Lesser Faydark have spotted a courier making deliveries to the Teir'Dal camp near Castle Mistmoore and to a necromancer that lingers near the ancient obelisk. We believe that the crates he carries are supplies needed for the creation of more Ghasts. Another shipment should be arriving soon. Seek out the necromancer at the obelisk and take his head then take the head of the courier and return them to me with the crate that the courier carries and your Initiate Symbol of Tunare.

    The courier is making deliveries to the Teir'Dal camp near Castle Mistmoore and to a necromancer that lingers near the ancient obelisk. We believe that the crates he carries are supplies needed for the creation of more Ghasts. Another shipment should be arriving soon. Seek out the necromancer at the obelisk and take his head then take the head of the courier and return them to me with the crate that the courier carries and your Initiate Symbol of Tunare.

    Yeolarn Bronzeleaf says 'I require the head of the necromancer, the head of the courier, the crate the courier carries and your Initiate Symbol'

    Bring the two heads and the crate back to Yeolarn.

    Yeoolarn Bronzeleaf says 'Praise Tunare! The Mother smiles on you this day Disciple Angelsyn! I present you with the symbol of your new station among the Priests of Tunare. Return to me when you are ready to become a [Warden of Tunare].

    Your faction standing with ClericsofTunare got better.
    Your faction standing with KingTearisthex got better.
    Your faction standing with Anti-Mage got better.
    You gain party experience!!
    Submitted by: Angelsyn
    Send a Correction
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    #Anonymous, Posted: Apr 02 2002 at 10:38 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) this fugging necro is pissing me off trying to camp him and mother-fu**er wont spawn but anyways i have been here for 4 RL days and no necro? dunno getting frusterated plz help gimme more info on this bastid =/
    Necro spawn
    # Mar 31 2002 at 11:56 PM Rating: Default
    Though I have't finished the initiate quest, I've read plenty of stories on this subject about camping the necro for ages and him never spawning, and I had an idea as to why he might not show for long periods of time.
    From everyone else posts, it's a sure thing that the courier's spawn is directly related to the necro's death, but what if the reverse is also true? If the Necro isn't spawning for you no matter how long you stay, go scout the Tier'dal and see if the courier is there (that is where he runs to, right?). It may be possible that the necro won't spawn as long as the courier is still alive.
    I'd be interested to see everyone else's results from this.

    Aranflyn Moonwind
    23rd season Druid
    Karana server
    Something odd
    # Mar 22 2002 at 11:15 AM Rating: Default
    I was camping this guy for a couple of days, when this group of pc's came and was hunting him, too. They of course let me have the necro first. SO I nuked the necro, looted the head, gated killed the courier, looted the head. Well as a courtesy for them not ksing me ( one was a lvl 60 monk and could have) I decided to stay and help them. About 10 minutes later he popped again!! Did the same thing. Fortunately for me is I got to go around with the druid and the level 60 monk and get all the stuff for the Warden quests too. Just thought I'd like to mention that
    # Mar 12 2002 at 2:44 AM Rating: Decent
    Did this quest today kill all the spawns at the obelisk starting at 1pm, necro should spawn for you about 3am kill all spawns there. As for the courier bind on the road coming out of Gfay. gate after killing the necro immediatly and he will come running was a easy kill at lvl 30 (167 wis) then go back and loot the necros head you'll have plenty of time to get there before it decomposes! just remember to get the /loc of the obelisk (pos74 pos 2100) Good luck it was easy with all the good posts on this quest

    Painteros Platpit
    lvl 30 Tunare Disciple

    Edited, Tue Mar 12 21:01:05 2002
    # Mar 11 2002 at 5:10 PM Rating: Default
    I've been trying to get the necro to spawn for about 5 or 6 eq days and nights now. I don't seem to have a problem with Equestrielle the Corrupted, she does one HT and runs away...

    Any way I kill the PH at 1pm like the first couple of threads suggest. Then the PH spawns at 6, 11 and 4am, still no Necro. I even killed it at 1pm, then waited till 8 to kill him so itll spawn at 1 and 6 still nothing! I don't think the thing is ever going to spawn again!


    Druid of the 32nd Season

    RE: Necro
    # Mar 15 2002 at 9:55 PM Rating: Decent
    I have camped this spot for 3 RL days, killing all PH spawns tried it at the suggested times as well as anytime to lil bastards popped. NO Luck. Anybody got some insights or help for a druid who is quite sick of LFay?
    necro camp
    # Feb 14 2002 at 12:33 PM Rating: Default
    I wish to add a few comments on said quest.I have killed necro and the running man last nite and will turn in items next time on. A few strange occurrences happened to me while doing thid part of the quest.The first nite i camped necro the place holder was no mummy or skelly it was a ghoul boss who conned yellow to me at 30 th lvl.I attempted 3 times to take him down all of which failed so after 4 hours of rl time i found someone to kill him. The next thing strange thing was the next place holder was a skelly but he was blue dangerous, and the one to the right of camp by tree was also blue.I took them both out and gained ex but i felt something strange was happening.I camped him for a few more hours that nite and nothing.Finally last nite he popped for me but his pet was first to pop not him.I didnt attack pet since he did con green and i thought it was another ploy to have me fail so i waited for necro and about 1 minute later he popped. I killed him easily looted him and gated. This was the only thing that went as others have scribed.The currior wasnt even beginning his travels as i gated to l fay zone he nearly knocked me over before i rooted him and hit him with 3 wraths. I feel that some things will change depending on lvl and i also beleive u need to camp him for a few hours to begin the cycle noon or one pm seems about right. I am starting final part this nite and i hope thaty i have added a bit more info to the mix

    The fair lady Styches
    29th cleric
    Errollis Mar
    Re: Necro spawn
    # Feb 13 2002 at 5:56 PM Rating: Default
    This is right on, I camped him hours before no luck first time I timed killing him at 1pm bam he poped that night.
    Quest Details
    # Feb 05 2002 at 2:03 AM Rating: Decent
    I did this quest tonight. I would like to thank all the posters on this thread...definitely one of the more helpful quest threads. I will try to document my experience with the camp in hopes that someone can get a little more insight.

    First I will say that I soloed it as a Level 21 Wood Elf Druid. I have 154 wisdom. I am a non-twink with average gear for my level (+2 wis here, +3 wis there). For the Disciple of Tunare quest you need 3 things: Larik Z'Vole's Head, a Dark Elf Courier's Head, and a Wooden Crate. You get the head of Larik Z'Vole you get by camping at the undead obelisk located at approx 100, 2300. It is number 8 on the EQ Atlas map of Lesser Faydark. Larik Z'Vole is a Necromancer that spawns on the bottom step of the obelisk platform. His place holders are either a skeleton or a mummy and they are on a fifteen minute spawn cycle. I took one of the other posters advice and showed up at 1PM buffed up and killed the placeholder at 2PM. I had to Harmony the other undead mob on the top step since he would aggro me when I pulled (since I was only level 21). Since the other poster said the Necro only spawns at night, this timing will give you three chances to get the Larik Z'Vole in a night. After killing the PH at 2PM, you will get the next spawn in 15 minutes (RL time) later, at about 7PM EQ time, about 1AM, and about 6AM. I would hide in between battles so as not to be bugged by Equestrelle or the brownies. I have heard she sees though this but I was not aggro'd in two night's time. I have twice been caught standing right next to her with Camo (regular) on and had no problems (indifferent to me) so you might want to use that if you don't have Hide.

    The Necro spawned for me at 12AM on my second night. He was blue to me at level 21 which puts him between levels 16 to 20 or so. He aggro'd me right away (with out picking up the other undead spawn) and so he didn't have time to buff or summon a pet. I think getting him before he could buff and summon a pet is key if you are going to do it with a 21 level druid. I nuked him with Careless Lighting and he died quickly (maybe 300hp?). He was pretty busy casting DOTs on me so I had plenty of time to cast on him without interruption. He managed to get two DOTs stuck to me which really hurt the health. As soon as he hit the ground I looted his head.

    I immediately gated back to the GFay zoneline just about where the path starts South. I was there maybe a second (no time for track even) when who showed up but a Dark Elf Courier. I am convinced that the Necro's death definitely causes the Dark Elf Courier to spawn almost immediately. He was pretty much on top of me, which makes me think that his spawn point (or at least one of the possible spawn points) is right at the path start at the GFay zoneline. He aggro'd me as well. I snared him, backed off and nuked him dead. He has maybe 500-600hp or so (more than the necro) and was also blue to me at 21. I ended the fight with at a bubble of health and a 3/4 a bubble of mana. You could probably improve this with resisting the Necro's DOTs (a little luck goes a long way).

    I had a friend zone in midway through the Courier fight and start to heal me. This might have made the difference between life and death, though I am sure I could have fought smarter (I was panicking a bit). :)

    I cannot really add any info about the Courier's pathing to the DE camp since I was aggro'd immediately by him after gating. I will caution you this though...many of the people in this thread say they never saw him and that could very well be because PCs standing at the zone line. If he does indeed spawn there, make sure they know it's part of your camp and not to loot (but to help *grin*). All items are no drop.

    Please send me a tell if you have any questions...I am on Vazaelle.

    Keefah Leafsway
    21st Season Wood Elf Druid and Disciple of Tunare

    Edited, Tue Feb 5 01:08:22 2002
    courier's pop
    # Jan 26 2002 at 1:51 AM Rating: Default
    do I have to kill the necro in order for courier to pop? what's the name of necro? does dark elf camp means teir'dal camp?
    Avoiding the Unicorn of DOOM
    # Jan 20 2002 at 10:45 PM Rating: Default
    The trick to not getting your *** handed to you by Equistrelle for druids it to keep her on track and keep on facing her direction. When you see her coming, run perpendicular to her line of movement and she won't aggro.
    # Jan 19 2002 at 2:25 AM Rating: Decent
    The necro spawns at the undead oblisk with all the mummies and skellies. The first time I killed the necromancer I tracked the Dark Elf Camp and then from there I tried to track the courier but no luck so I came back the next day and around 2AM the necro was up so I killed the necro then tracked to the dark elf camp again but then from there I ran due east (left if you're facing the camp) and I just kept tracking while running to the SF zone. I finally found him and he does run pretty fast so I suggest you snare him or root him first. This was the probably the quickest of the three Tunare quests. I have yet ot find four ghast hearts. Good luck to all those who attempt it.

    Zorquel Sairyn
    54 Druid
    Head em' off at the pass
    # Jan 17 2002 at 1:58 PM Rating: Decent
    That is the trick folks. I finally caught the courier last night.

    Got the necro to spawn AGAIN and this time I bound myslef at the Steamfont zone line, gated back there as soon as the Necro was dead (don't worry about his pet) and caught up with the courier.

    Druids, I suggest using a damage spell that has a long range. Doesn't matter how much damage you do with the first cast, you just gotta get this guy to STOP RUNNING. He cruises. I couldn't seem to whack him with my sword and get him to engage while running, so stop...and cast someting with a big distance range because by the time you get the cast off he will be over the next hill.

    Also, when I got my Disciples Symbol and put it on I saw that it is also some kind of light source. Very helpful while running through dark dungeons.

    30 Druid
    Innoruuk Server
    # Jan 16 2002 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
    After I FINALLY got the necro to spawn, I could get to the courier fast enough. He had already made it to the camp, and all of his buddy kicked my butt! Twice! So, I haven't figured out how to snag the courier yet....I will try binding next to the Steamfont zone line and gating there I guess.
    # Jan 14 2002 at 12:58 AM Rating: Default
    RE: HELP
    # Feb 20 2002 at 8:22 PM Rating: Decent
    I just looted the heads and crate with my druid. The necro spawned at the undead obelisk. I had several attempts, approx. 3h rl. Blue to lvl 20. Went down pretty fast after root and about 3 nukes. Gated to gfay zone line (just at path) and caught the courier. Rooted and nuked him. Died. Memd nuke again and finished. Looted head and crate.

    Still have to to the ghast hearts.

    RE: HELP
    # Jan 16 2002 at 8:43 AM Rating: Default
    I try to kill him since 2 weeks. I killed all Undead during 3 days (EQtime) at the obelisk and he didnt pop.
    If we can do this quest at the lvl 22 its not the shadow men obelisk i think ...
    # Dec 28 2001 at 12:37 PM Rating: Default
    what lvl is the Nec and the Courier that u have to kill?

    lvl 30 druid
    Povar server
    More Info.
    # Dec 18 2001 at 12:53 PM Rating: Default
    I thought I would add a few more thoughts to the postings. All of the information listed is accurate. The placeholder spawn is 5 hours. A level 29 druid can sole the necro and the courrier with no trouble.

    If equistriella is in the zone, you will die. Let me repeat that. If equistriella is in the zone, you will die. Doesn't matter if you have wolfy on, invis on, hiding on, or inside a building. She will find you and you will die.

    Regarding spawns, I noticed a pattern during my camp. It appears that if you kill the placeholder at 1pm to 2pm in the afternoon (eq time), the necro will pop the second or third time after that. When I killed the placeholder at 1pm, the necro popped at 11pm. When I killed the ph at 2pm, the necro popped at 5am. I only did this twice, so I don't know if it really is a pattern. However, my kills happened over 2 consectutive eq nights.

    The courier appears to spawn on the east end of the zone. At some point he gets to the south wall and runs due west into the tier dahl camp. You have plenty of time to loot the necro and then run to the east side of the tier dahl camp. Pull up track and you will find the courier. If you are facing east, he will be straight ahead. He will run right into you. The courier has sow on, so make sure you snare him quickly. Otherwise he will pull the tier dahl camp on you. Now you know why I had to camp the necro twice. hehe.

    Thanks to all the others who put up such good info.

    RE: More Info.
    # Feb 04 2002 at 4:28 PM Rating: Default
    I tried to get Necro to spawn for 3 eq nights, kiling his PH whenever he spawned.. Then I tried what you said the next night, killing the PH at 1pm eq time, again at 6-7pm, and necro spawned between 11-12.. worked out real well.
    RE: More Info.
    # Jan 29 2002 at 1:45 PM Rating: Default
    OK one thing....u will not die by Equestrielle the Corrupted 100% of the time....the first go around on these quest i did, i spent 12 hours from the sart of the first to the end of the third in the same day....when Equestrielle HT's me she has yet to follow up the HT with a melee attack...the HT seems to be for 500 hp of dmg or so...i had a lvl 60 warrior friend in Gfay one time and tracked it for him to kill...i ended up taking her HT...took me down but not out...she's lvl 40 and didnt even take my warrior friend down 5% of his hp...all she has done is act like kids in school that throw paper balls at you but do nothing more....a real annoyance...i did these quests at lvl 28...i am a druid....im 45 now and am helping my brother's twink cleric get the necklaces as well as go back for the second necklace...hope the clears up some problems...if u need any questions answered im on prexus...send a tell to Urtho, Chidewall, or Remee

    "Fortune ofts favors the warrior who yields not."
    Another tough one for Clerics
    # Dec 11 2001 at 9:34 AM Rating: Decent
    29 posts
    Oh well, clerics don't have track. I didn't think it was a disadvantage for the initiate quest cause I liked my sense the dead spell better than track because track has a limited range. I actually beat out a person with track and wolf form to a ghast, but this quest is different. I followed all the tricks listed here, but could never find the courier once I killed the necro. My advice is to get some help on this one. I shouted out in gfay "Looking for a ranger to help me with a quest for a few hours. Paying 75pp. Minimum level 10 please." I got lucky and had a lvl 18 respond. A level 10 might have trouble staying alive long enough for me to pull the courier off, but I thought that was a good minimum level. After getting my hired help, I told her to wait at the gfay zone on the lfay side. I bound myself here. I went to the undead tower and started killing the placeholder at 5pm to get the 3 spawns per night. Necro spawned on 4th try. 2 nukes, dead necro. Told ranger to start tracking and pull the courier to the gfay zone. Gated back. She had him alright. Nuke, he's dead too. Even had enough mana to heal the ranger. :) She had him nearly half dead by the time I got there. Really easy quest with some help and patience.

    Angeliqe Redempteuse,
    30th lvl cleric of Povar
    # Dec 08 2001 at 5:48 PM Rating: Default
    Can anyone tell me what the effect does????????? it is posted nowhere on this site nor can i even find the item listed on any of the other sites i tryed (casters realm, EQ vault, EQlizer) would be greatly apriciated if someone could e-mail me info on what it does at Jamesnum50@aol.com, and plz subject the e-mail as EQ Effect or something involveing EQ so i do not delete it by mistake.
    RE: effect?????
    # Jan 29 2002 at 1:49 PM Rating: Default
    the first of these necklaces adds 10 to svp and svd....the second adds 15 to svp and svd...the third is a root plus 10 dmg
    RE: effect?????
    # Jan 04 2002 at 4:29 PM Rating: Decent
    16 posts
    it adds resistances
    # Nov 27 2001 at 5:44 AM Rating: Default
    as a druid I killed the royal fish in lake rathetear- Yeah well NOW I know I shouldnt have done it but my faction is really messed up with the clerics of tunare, King tearis and the anti-mage. I dont believe I can even port into surefall glade any more how can I fix my faction. E- mail to user12418@qwest.com. Thanking you in advance- Deanmatt- bristlebane server
    RE: faction
    # Jan 01 2002 at 7:35 PM Rating: Decent
    the druid rings are on the surefall glade faction, so if you can't port you need to raise that one, great for evil races, I think the best way to rais it is by killing a bunch of black burrow gnols.
    hope that helps
    47 drud <Dragons Syndicat>
    RE: faction
    # Dec 04 2001 at 1:16 AM Rating: Decent

    I tried to email you at user12418@qwest.com but it is a dead address....

    Surefall has nothing to do with Clerics of Tunare, King Tearis Thex and

    Muffins for Pandos raises the following factions:

    FaydarksChampions; King Tearisthex; ClericsofTunare and SoldiersofTunare

    Lowers faction with CB orcs.

    Pandos is the dwarf guard in the WFP Hogcaller's Inn upstairs with Lady
    The bakery in the theater center may not have muffins as of this date that
    you can give him. The NFP merchants or EFP merchants that give the muffin
    baking quests may have some in stock from patch days or players doing the

    is the crate a container?
    # Nov 20 2001 at 1:39 PM Rating: Default
    silly question, i know, but it doesn't say anywhere...
    courior will desapwn after about 6 minutes
    # Nov 14 2001 at 1:16 AM Rating: Decent

    I have been getting the loop right for about 2 eq nights. necro spawned for me at 12am killed him and then I ran to Lfay/Gfay zone line. clicking track and searching the list the whole time. Never saw the dark elf courior. So I ran back to oblisk and picked him up. Found him at dark elf camp. While I was loading harmony he despawned on me!!! I am so mad! Now I gotta do the loop again.

    The posts here detail the loop well. Just read through them all. PH is on bottom step. He is very very easy at 55. Epic killed him.
    # Nov 01 2001 at 5:44 AM Rating: Default
    can anyone translate in french because i con't understand
    # Oct 31 2001 at 1:05 AM Rating: Good
    This is probably the easiest of the 3 Tunare symbols quests.

    Keep killing the placeholder (the one on the bottom step) and the necro will spawn sometime between 10pm and 8am. If you attack him before he spawns his pet or buffs himself, he's easy pickings with DD spells.

    Once he's dead, loot him and run straight east. Make sure you avoid the Orc camp, unless you wanna a couple to follow you...... Once you get somewhat near the Dark Elf camp (use your tracking if necessary), start tracking the Courier. He'll be on your tracking by then for sure, to the N or NE.

    Most likely, he'll attack you when you get close, so don't worry too much about missing him. He's a pretty easy kill too, again with DD spells.

    Some "gotchas" for this zone though:

    -- If the corrupted unicorn is up, just leave and come back later. She WILL find you eventually and WILL kick your butt.

    -- The brownies are more active than they used to be, I'd recommend not doing this quest until you get wolf form at level 24. They don't bother wolves.
    GOT IT!!!!
    # Oct 21 2001 at 4:02 AM Rating: Decent
    Ok, thanks to all the great info from these other posts... I finally got the two heads and the crate after a 2 night wait. You don't have to kill everything around the shrine, just the ph on the bottom step. I also noticed something strange... I started off by killing the ph at 2pm on the first day, killing him everytime he spawned right away. By the second night, I noticed his spawn time changed by an hour. Then the very next spawn was the necro. The peculiar thing is right before he spawned, about 1 eq hour before, I finally got the de camp on track, they all suddenly appeared (hadn't been on track for 2 whole eq days and nights). He appeared, and using the advice from earlier I had bound myself to the gfay/lfay zone entrance and gated back after looting the necro head. The courier was behind me and was a cinch for a 41 drood. Anyways, hope this helps.... good luck all!!!
    Just a thought
    # Oct 14 2001 at 6:33 PM Rating: Good
    237 posts
    How is a cleric supposed to complete this quest without druid friends to help? We obviously don't have harmony, nor do we have track... yes, I know... Verant gave us the highest starting wisdom, so this is their way of balancing the game. <<I have worked on the first quest since I was level 35, and have three deaths to show for it ~ I hate brownies, and the corrupted unicorn running around is simply unkind>>.. Oh, the pain..
    RE: Just a thought
    # Nov 11 2001 at 4:09 AM Rating: Excellent
    You may not have track, but you do get the sense undead spell, just a thought, but it might help =)
    RE: Just a thought
    # Nov 21 2001 at 1:10 AM Rating: Good
    Sense undead does not work on necromancers or dark elves no matter how evil they may be
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