Access to the Theater of Blood/Plane of Music  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Prophecy of Ro
Group Size:Raid
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Tue May 9 06:30:07 2006
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Anyone at least 68th level is automatically granted the flag for the Theater of Blood (and the AA port that comes with it). The information here regards the ACTUAL flag, as it was prior to the minimum level requirement introduced. On progression servers, you will need to complete the chime in order to access the AoC instance.

Arch Mage Galsin may be found in a tent near the zone-in from West Freeport, at Loc: -180, +1465.

You say, 'Hail, Arch Mage Galsin'

Arch Mage Galsin says 'Ah another visitor to this place. It's always good to see a fresh face, particularly if that person has news of use to me. Tell me ______, have you heard of the [Plane of Music]?'

You say, 'What is the Plane of Music?'

Arch Mage Galsin says 'When I arrived in this place I discovered an ancient book which contained an amazing amount of knowledge lost to Norrath over the ages. One of the more interesting sections spoke of the Plane of Music. The wonders described within that plane are almost beyond belief. I must see them for myself. The problem I'm confronted with is how exactly to enter the plane. The book has a small amount of [information] in that regard, but it's not the most heartening news.'

You say, 'What information?'

Arch Mage Galsin says 'According to the book entry to the plane could only be accomplished by sounding a certain pure tone. This tone is normally impossible for mere mortals to generate, but there were chimes created that, when struck, would sound this tone and transport the bearer to the plane. Unfortunately the book also mentions that all of the known chimes were destroyed by Sullon Zek in a fit of rage. Apparently she took offense to a light hearted song of some sort written by Ayonae Ro. After reading that I began focusing my search on in a new [direction].'

You say, 'What new direction?'

Arch Mage Galsin says 'I have spoken with others on this subject prior to your arrival. Many of them agreed to pass on any news or rumors they heard to me. Recently one of these people told me of a scrykin named Ao the Fourth Born. From what I've been told he is seeking a book written by Druzzil Ro herself. It is my hope that this book has information that might provide an alternate route into the plane. If you wish to help in my research seek out Ao and see what you can discover.'

Seek out the Spirit of Ao the Fourth Born at Loc: + 196, - 962. Follow the dialogues with him and complete the three tasks in the Skylance story arc:

The Library
The Oubliette
The Laboratory receive a Tarnished Chime.

Give the Tarnished Chime to Spirit of Ao the Fourth Born to receive Harmonic Chime, which needs to be given to Arch Mage Galsin.

Head back to Arch Mage Galsin.

You say, 'Hail, Arch Mage Galsin'

Arch Mage Galsin says 'Is that. . . ? You found a Chime?!? Let me see it!'

Hand in the Harmonic Chime.

Arch Mage Galsin says 'Unbelievable, I was sure none of the chimes had survived Sullon's wrath. This is a fascinating artifact, I've never seen anything like it.' Galsin taps the chime with a small hammer and stares in amazement when no sound is created. 'But the chime. . . This must be the one. It can only mean there is some truth to the [whispers] I have been hearing.'

You say, 'What whispers?'

Arch Mage Galsin says 'There have been rumors amongst the residents of this plane of a terrible disaster in the Plane of Music. Some unknown force has closed the plane off from all outside influences and by all implications begun to corrupt its very nature. The failure of this chime must mean that this corruption has reached a point where the purity of this note will no longer transport you. If this is true then there must be a way of modifying the chime to account for the corruption. The idea of modifying the chime does have [complications] associated with it though.'

You say, 'What complications?'

Arch Mage Galsin says 'The material of this chime is, as far as I can tell, of divine origins. There are few forces that would be able to modify or harm it in any way. There is a possibility though. . . yes. . . the opening of the Plane of Rage must have been a message. Sullon Zek was able to destroy the chimes, so her magic must be able to affect this material. If you were able to find someone on her plane to help they may be able to modify the chime as needed. Go there and inquire about the chime with any that would speak with you. Perhaps the chime will prove to be our key to the Plane of Music after all.'

You get a Silent Harmonic Chime. Talk to Oathmir the Outcast in The Devastation.

You say, 'Can you tell me about the chime?'

Oathmir the Outcast says 'Give me this chime of yours and I shall see if I can understand what you seek.'

Give him the Silent Harmonic Charm.

Oathmir the Outcast says, 'Our people know some earth magic, and I might be able to work on this chime for you, but I must ask for your help first. I am lost, but I feel that I have a purpose here. It is difficult to explain to someone that has never been part of the cycle what it is like to be taken from it. I have lost all rage and have been left with emptiness. I no longer feel the desire to be with Her in the tower. I felt the rage leaving me slowly from the moment I was chosen as Vessel. She touched me then, instilling me with her rage, but it did not feel right to me. It was somehow tainted, impure. I could not accept it and the moment I rejected her rage all of my rage started to flow away from me. Something is very wrong with our goddess. Her rage is no longer pure, though it may be my own heart that is corrupt. Perhaps you can find out what has happened. Perhaps you can get into the tower and find out what has gone wrong.'

You get the chime back. In order to get into the tower, you need to complete the keying quests with Maelin:

Saga Skins
Preparing Your New Skins
Become the Vessel

Now that you can enter Razorthorn, you are in a position to help Oathmir. He wishes you to complete:

Samples of Corruption.

Really, only the person who is assigned the Samples of Corruption needs to have done the Maelin tasks.

Once Samples of Corruption is complete you may hand and Oathmir your Silent Harmonic Chime.

Oathmir the Outcast takes the tiny charm in his huge hands. He spins it slightly as it dangles from his thick fingers, staring at it intently.

Oathmir the Outcast says 'Yes, I think I understand. This is tuned to a place, but that place is not as I expected, much like my experience with Her. I think I can change this, make it more receptive to unexpected versions of the original place.'

He takes the pieces of the chime individually and rolls them between thumb and forefinger. Each time he does there is a loud and visible explosion and a creaking sound. These explosions are contained within the thick calluses of the giant's finger pads. Oathmir hums throughout, a deep sound like distant earthquakes. Once he has done this with each he hands the chime back to you.

Oathmir the Outcast says 'That might work for you, though I'm afraid I had to crush the magic that was there before to make the adjustment.'

You receive a Twisted Chime (first). Head back to Galsin.

You say, 'Hail, Arch Mage Galsin'

Arch Mage Galsin says 'The chime. . . What has been done to it? Were you able to find someone to modify it for you? Let me inspect it.'

Turn in this Twisted Chime to Arch Mage Galsin

Arch Mage Galsin says 'This has indeed been modified, but what happened to the enchantment that was on it? Who did you find to do this for you? Nevermind. . . We must find a way of restoring the enchantment to this chime before it can be tested. According to my book Ayonae bestowed the knowledge of these chimes upon the royal family in the Elddar Forest. Perhaps this is the [solution] we're looking for.'

Receive: Twisted Chime (second)

You say, 'What solution?'

Arch Mage Galsin says, 'With the opening of the portal back to the time of the Takish-Hiz empire we may have access to the powers needed to enchant the chime again. If you can find one of the royal bloodline they may be able to assist us in restoring the enchantment to the chime.'

You now need to seek Tak`Valnakor in Northern Desert of Ro and perform three tasks:

The Key to the Past
The Burning Prince
Message from the Past

Return to Queen Tak`Yaliz

You say, 'What Twisted Chime?'

Queen Tak`Yaliz says 'Your assistance to my people has been of great value to me. Let me see this chime you speak of and I will see what may be done.'

Turn in Twisted Chime (second):

Queen Tak`Yaliz says 'These magics are ancient and almost beyond my memory. I have done what I could for you in this. Perhaps it will prove enough.'

Receive Twisted Harmonic Chime (no effect).

Hand this no effect item to Arch Mage Galsin back in Arcstone, and receive Twisted Harmonic Chime and an AA called "Harmonic Dissonance" that lets you teleport to the Theater of Blood (15 minute cooldown).
Submitted by: Wyre Wintermute, Legendary Companions, The Tribunal
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Still needed for AoC
# Nov 08 2021 at 5:23 PM Rating: Good
7 posts
You still need a completed chime in order to request or participate in a Theater of Blood instance from the Agent of Change in Arcstone. The autogranted AA alone isn't enough.

Edited, Nov 8th 2021 7:35pm by jazzman707
Still needed for AoC
# Nov 14 2021 at 9:49 AM Rating: Excellent
jazzman707 wrote:
You still need a completed chime in order to request or participate in a Theater of Blood instance from the Agent of Change in Arcstone. The autogranted AA alone isn't enough.

Edited, Nov 8th 2021 7:35pm by jazzman707

Is this just for the person requesting the instance or does everyone need to complete the chime in order to get into the instance?
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Still needed for AoC
# Nov 19 2021 at 10:29 PM Rating: Decent
7 posts
I just started a DZ with my 115 main that has a chime, and I confirmed that anyone can be added to the expedition itself (/dzadd) whether they have a chime or not. However, when my boxed 115 without a chime attempted to zone in by saying "ready" to the AoC, he got this message:

Agent of Change says, 'I cannot allow you to travel to the Theater of Blood until you have obtained the chime.'

This is the same message my main got last week before I did the chime quest. So it looks like everyone needs the chime in order to not only request the instance, but also to zone into it. The only exception may be for people who are 85'd in, but I can't confirm this.

Also, this is on Bristlebane. So this appears to be the case on all servers, live and TLP alike.

Edited, Nov 20th 2021 2:15pm by jazzman707
Level flag
# Aug 27 2009 at 2:45 AM Rating: Good
64 posts
Level flag is 68 not 72 as this guide implies.
# Jun 11 2007 at 11:02 PM Rating: Decent
661 posts
It should say Queen Tak'Yaliz.
Antonius Bayle
location of the Mage
# Apr 14 2007 at 8:18 AM Rating: Decent
Best to correct that the Mage's location is not in West Freeport but Arctone, Isle of Spirits.
Tarnished Chime
# Feb 24 2007 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
31 posts
Seek out the Spirit of Ao the Fourth Born at Loc: + 196, - 962. Follow the dialogues with him and complete the three tasks in the Skylance story arc:

The Library
The Oubliette
The Laboratory receive a Harmonic Chime.

The item you receive is actually a Tarnished Chime which I notice you have in the Related Items section, but it is not in the actual walkthrough.
# Nov 04 2006 at 9:54 PM Rating: Decent
this is incomplete when i finished skylance i got a tarnished chime not twisted
when i try to turn it in to archmage he wont take it there is a tep missing on your walkthrough
# Jan 02 2007 at 4:49 PM Rating: Decent
You need to go to AO the Forth Born, if you did the first 3 missions out of order, and hand him your Harmonic Chime (Wand Icon) and you will get a Harmonic Chime back with the (Chisel Icon)
# Nov 04 2006 at 11:34 PM Rating: Decent
Best thing to do :

[] Ro1
[] Ro2
[] Ro3

[] Sky1
[] Sky2
[] Sky3

[] Samples

Once all done, go through and:

Turn in order:

[] Ao
[] Archmage
[] Oathmir
[] Archmage
[] Queen
[] Archmage

Twisted Harmonic Chime.


(I did all the missions in one night 4 boxing, 1 friend's alt in group, and my guild sponsor. Cleric, Warrior, Shaman, and Bard were me. SK was friend, Other Cleric was in sunderock whole time.

Warrior - 17k hp / 3.3k ac / 1600 AAs / 2.0
Shadow Knight - 17k hp / 3.5k ac / 400 AAs / 2.0
My Cleric - 15k hp / 15k mana / 900 AAs / 2.0
Bard - 17k hp / 3.2k Ac / 1600 AAs / 2.0
Shaman - 13k hp / 12k mana / 800 AAs / 1.5
# Nov 04 2006 at 11:30 PM Rating: Decent
Best thing to do :

[] Ro1
[] Ro2
[] Ro3

[] Sky1
[] Sky2
[] Sky3

[] Samples

Once all done, go through and:

Turn in order:

[] Ao
[] Archmage
[] Oathmir
[] Archmage
[] Queen


Twisted Harmonic Chime.


(I did all the missions in one night 4 boxing, 1 friend's alt in group, and my guild sponsor. Cleric, Warrior, Shaman, and Bard were me. SK was friend, Other Cleric was in sunderock whole time.

Warrior - 17k hp / 3.3k ac / 1600 AAs / 2.0
Shadow Knight - 17k hp / 3.5k ac / 400 AAs / 2.0
My Cleric - 15k hp / 15k mana / 900 AAs / 2.0
Bard - 17k hp / 3.2k Ac / 1600 AAs / 2.0
Shaman - 13k hp / 12k mana / 800 AAs / 1.5
DK checklist ..
# Nov 04 2006 at 11:52 PM Rating: Decent
1,352 posts
DK check list..
plz respond if you see any errors


deathknell access quest

Hail, Emissary of Druzzil (next to port to arcstone in WFP)
/say i am interested
you are given a shard of mana

Kill Daosheen (make sure you have shard with you)
upon his death you are given a message that Druzzil wishes to speak with you
Take the Shard of Mana and visit the Shrine of Druzzil in Arcstone

Kill Sullon Zek (make sure you have shard with you)
Upon her death your Shard of Mana becomes a Glowing Shard of Mana
Take this Shard back to the Shrine of Druzzi Ro in Arcstone
receive "Red Shard of Mana"

defeat Suchun (make sure you have shard with you)
Upon Suchun's defeat, your shard will become Black Shard of Mana
Return to the Shrine and present Druzzil with the Black Shard

find Eodue the Pure in the Theatre of Blood
recieve quest from her (promt text?)
kill Valik the Cruel, Mad MaryAnne, Maestro Tan`lor, Vasella Fireblood, Gnarlibramble, and Anastasia the Thought Drinker (1 or all?)
(note: she will not accept your inspiration until you have done prior steps)
recover an Inspiration from any of them
Turn this Inspiration in to Eodue, and your task is complete. You are now flagged for Deathknell.

Edited, Nov 19th 2006 at 11:46am PST by DukeLatan

Edited, Dec 27th 2006 2:16pm by DukeLatan
Arch Mage Galsin
# Sep 10 2006 at 8:00 AM Rating: Decent
293 posts
Arch Mage Galsin may be found in a tent near the zone-in from West Freeport, at Loc: -180, +1465

The location of this guy is incorrect... he is in Arcstone, in a tent, near the ent
Arch Mage Galsin
# Oct 03 2006 at 4:48 AM Rating: Default
Arch Mage Galsin may be found in a tent near the zone-in from West Freeport, at Loc: -180, +1465

The location is says he is NEAR the zone-in from West Freeport...not actually in WF
Additional text
# Jul 21 2006 at 9:37 PM Rating: Excellent
385 posts
You receive a Twisted Chime (first).

Turn in this Twisted Chime to Arch Mage Galsin

If you hail Galsin between these two steps:

You say, 'Hail, Arch Mage Galsin'
Arch Mage Galsin says 'The chime. . . What has been done to it? Were you able to find someone to modify it for you? Let me inspect it.'

The previous three dialogues are transcriptions. If anyone has actual logs of these dialogues, please submit them.

Arch Mage Galsin says 'Unbelievable, I was sure none of the chimes had survived Sullon's wrath. This is a fascinating artifact, I've never seen anything like it.' Galsin taps the chime with a small hammer and stares in amazement when no sound is created. 'But the chime. . . This must be the one. It can only mean there is some truth to the [whispers] I have been hearing.'

You say, 'What whispers'

Arch Mage Galsin says 'There have been rumors amongst the residents of this plane of a terrible disaster in the Plane of Music. Some unknown force has closed the plane off from all outside influences and by all implications begun to corrupt its very nature. The failure of this chime must mean that this corruption has reached a point where the purity of this note will no longer transport you. If this is true then there must be a way of modifying the chime to account for the corruption. The idea of modifying the chime does have [complications] associated with it though.'

You say, 'What complications?'

Arch Mage Galsin says 'The material of this chime is, as far as I can tell, of divine origins. There are few forces that would be able to modify or harm it in any way. There is a possibility though. . . yes. . . the opening of the Plane of Rage must have been a message. Sullon Zek was able to destroy the chimes, so her magic must be able to affect this material. If you were able to find someone on her plane to help they may be able to modify the chime as needed. Go there and inquire about the chime with any that would speak with you. Perhaps the chime will prove to be our key to the Plane of Music after all.'

You get your Harmonic Chime back and a Silent Harmonic Chime. If you hand in this Silent Harmonic Chime to Oathmir the Outcast in The Devastation at this stage:

This text is slightly incorrect. You get back a Silent Harmonic Charm only; you don't get two items. You can ask Oathmir about the charm before you hand it in:

You say, 'Can you tell me about the chime?'

Oathmir the Outcast says 'Give me this chime of yours and I shall see if I can understand what you seek.'

Sir KyrosKrane Sylvanblade
Luclin (Veeshan) Server
Lord, Lightbringer, and Redeemer in the service of Erollisi Marr
Master Artisan (300 + GM Trophy in All)
Master Fisherman (200 + 5%) and maybe Master Drunk (2xx + 20%, too drunk to tell!)
Additional text
# Jul 22 2006 at 11:07 AM Rating: Excellent
6,998 posts
Lord KyrosKrane wrote:
You receive a Twisted Chime (first).

Turn in this Twisted Chime to Arch Mage Galsin

If you hail Galsin between these two steps:

You say, 'Hail, Arch Mage Galsin'
Arch Mage Galsin says 'The chime. . . What has been done to it? Were you able to find someone to modify it for you? Let me inspect it.'

The previous three dialogues are transcriptions. If anyone has actual logs of these dialogues, please submit them.

Arch Mage Galsin says 'Unbelievable, I was sure none of the chimes had survived Sullon's wrath. This is a fascinating artifact, I've never seen anything like it.' Galsin taps the chime with a small hammer and stares in amazement when no sound is created. 'But the chime. . . This must be the one. It can only mean there is some truth to the [whispers] I have been hearing.'

You say, 'What whispers'

Arch Mage Galsin says 'There have been rumors amongst the residents of this plane of a terrible disaster in the Plane of Music. Some unknown force has closed the plane off from all outside influences and by all implications begun to corrupt its very nature. The failure of this chime must mean that this corruption has reached a point where the purity of this note will no longer transport you. If this is true then there must be a way of modifying the chime to account for the corruption. The idea of modifying the chime does have [complications] associated with it though.'

You say, 'What complications?'

Arch Mage Galsin says 'The material of this chime is, as far as I can tell, of divine origins. There are few forces that would be able to modify or harm it in any way. There is a possibility though. . . yes. . . the opening of the Plane of Rage must have been a message. Sullon Zek was able to destroy the chimes, so her magic must be able to affect this material. If you were able to find someone on her plane to help they may be able to modify the chime as needed. Go there and inquire about the chime with any that would speak with you. Perhaps the chime will prove to be our key to the Plane of Music after all.'

You get your Harmonic Chime back and a Silent Harmonic Chime. If you hand in this Silent Harmonic Chime to Oathmir the Outcast in The Devastation at this stage:

This text is slightly incorrect. You get back a Silent Harmonic Charm only; you don't get two items. You can ask Oathmir about the charm before you hand it in:

You say, 'Can you tell me about the chime?'

Oathmir the Outcast says 'Give me this chime of yours and I shall see if I can understand what you seek.'

Updated, thanks. Please verify that it looks correct to you now.
Additional text
# Jul 22 2006 at 5:33 PM Rating: Good
385 posts
A few other minor corrections. I've snipped some text to make it easier to see the changes.

Hand in the Harmonic Chime.

Arch Mage Galsin says 'Unbelievable, <snip>

You say, 'What whispers?'

Arch Mage Galsin says 'There have been rumors <snip>'

You say, 'What complications?'

Arch Mage Galsin says 'The material of this chime <snip>'

You get a Silent Harmonic Chime. Talk to Oathmir the Outcast in The Devastation.

This should be changed as follows (changes in bold):

Hand in the Harmonic Chime.

Arch Mage Galsin says 'Unbelievable, <snip>

You get a Silent Harmonic Chime.

You say, 'What whispers?'

Arch Mage Galsin says 'There have been rumors <snip>'

You say, 'What complications?'

Arch Mage Galsin says 'The material of this chime <snip>'

Talk to Oathmir the Outcast in The Devastation.

Next, a minor grammar correction:
Once Samples of Corruption is complete you may hand and Oathmir your Silent Harmonic Chime.

Should be:
Once Samples of Corruption is complete, you may hand Oathmir your Silent Harmonic Chime.

The final text should also be changed:
Hand this no effect item to Arch Mage Galsin back in Arcstone, and receive Twisted Harmonic Chime and an AA called "Harmonic Dissonance" that lets you teleport to the Theater of Blood (15 minute cooldown).

Here's what you actually get:
Return to Arch Mage Galsin in Arcstone.

You say, 'Hail, Arch Mage Galsin'

Arch Mage Galsin says 'Back again? Did you have any luck with the chime?'

Hand him the chime.

Arch Mage Galsin says 'Excellent! You've succeeded in this far beyond what I believed possible. Now the only thing left to do is to test the chime itself. Try ringing it and let us see what happens.'

You have gained the ability "Harmonic Dissonance" at a cost of 0 ability points.

You become attuned to the dissonant frequencies of the Theater of Blood.

You receive a Twisted Harmonic Chime. Both the Chime and the AA ability let you teleport to the Theater of Blood, with a 15 minute reuse timer.

Edited, Jul 24th 2006 at 1:27am EDT by KyrosKrane
Sir KyrosKrane Sylvanblade
Luclin (Veeshan) Server
Lord, Lightbringer, and Redeemer in the service of Erollisi Marr
Master Artisan (300 + GM Trophy in All)
Master Fisherman (200 + 5%) and maybe Master Drunk (2xx + 20%, too drunk to tell!)
ToB access
# Jun 07 2006 at 11:46 PM Rating: Decent
Will anybody please let me know if all the three missions Saga Skin, Preparing Your New Skins and Become The Vessel be required to access to Razorthan? Apart from that If I want to have the access of ToB, can I get it by just doing the mission Sample of Corruption? If possible please let me know the technicallity behind it with complete explanation?
ToB access
# Jul 12 2006 at 9:01 PM Rating: Default
No, they are not required. I took my bot cleric along and healed while we did vessel. He didnt have any other task yet he still received the key to razorthorn.
RE: ToB access
# Jun 16 2006 at 4:03 AM Rating: Good
54 posts
Guildy of mine only completed Saga Skins and we did Samples of Corruptions (I had completed Preparing Your New Skins and Become the Vessel)and he turned in his chime to Oathmir and it worked. So Yes, you can bypass the Saga Skins, Preparing Your New Skins and Become the Vessel. If someone in your group is able to get the task Samples of Corruption which is only given to someone that has done Become the Vessel (yes this goes on your Keyring even if you havent done saga skins or preparing your new skins). So that means doing Become the Vessel or find someone that has.
Another tidbit
# May 31 2006 at 2:27 AM Rating: Excellent
351 posts
PoR is broken down into a few areas.

There are 3 spells.
There are 3 main areas.
There are 3 location based raids.
There are 2 keyed/flaged zones.

3 areas: Plane of Magic, Plane of Rage, Eldarr/Takish-Hiz
3 Spells: Skylance #3 The Laboratory, Saga Skins, Message to the Past
3 Raids: Daosheen, Sullon Zek, Sochun
2 Keyed zones: Theatre of Blood, Deathknell

To get to Daosheen you need access to Dahosheens chamber.

Sullon Zek you need to have an enraged flesh charm (obtained through the becomming the vessel task), and 3 different Legendary Berzerker Bones.

Sochun, you need to complete the 3 North Ro missions.

For Theatre of Blood you need:
Skylance 1-3
Samples of corruption
NRo 1-3

For Deathknell you need:
Skylance 1-3
Becomming the Vessel
Samples of Corruption
NRo 1-3
Sullon Zek
And a composition from a ToB raid mob.

Simple? naw.

Edited, Wed May 31 03:39:14 2006
RE: Another tidbit
# Jun 12 2006 at 11:21 AM Rating: Decent
PLEASE don't forget about Relic - it is the hottest zone that no one uses in the history of the game. lol Eldarr is noted here, but you need Relic mobs to get to Daosheen's chamber and ALL of the key parts are raid mobs. THIS IS NOT A FLAME, but rather an attempt at inclusion of Relic as neccessary, and if you check the loot tables, a HOT-AZZED Zone....!
stuck at oathmir
# May 30 2006 at 5:25 AM Rating: Decent
ok part of the walkthrough says you have to turn in the chime to get the tasks from oathmir yet others say you have to to tasks to get twisted chime..which is it?
RE: stuck at oathmir
# May 31 2006 at 2:12 AM Rating: Excellent
351 posts
It's like this:
Do Skylance 1-3 missions. get: Tarnished chime
Give Ao the tarnished chime. get: Harmonic Chime
Give AMG the Harmonic Chime. get Silent Harmonic Chime

Now you're ready for Devastation.
Either complete Saga Skins and Becomming the Vessel to unlock and complete Samples of Corruption or get someone who can start Samples of corruption.

(>>>Samples of Corruption was raidable, but has been patched to a group only event AFAIK<<<)

Complete Samples of Corruption and give oathmir the chime. get :Twisted Chime
Give Twisted Harmonic Chime to AMG. get: Twisted Chime

Complete all 3 North Ro Missions. Give chime to queen in North Ro. get Twisted Harmonic Chime (no effec)
Give AMG the Twisted Harmonic Chime. Get: Twisted Harmonic Chime, with port click and recieve AA.

If you hand in the chime to Oathmir before completeing Samples of Corruption, he will just hand it back. Linking the chime to him or saying Silent Harmonic Chime will trigger him to say that he can alter it.

Hope that helps a little.


RE: stuck at oathmir
# Jun 12 2006 at 12:36 AM Rating: Good
54 posts
This walkthrough reads"You get your Harmonic Chime back and a Silent Harmonic Chime. If you hand in this Silent Harmonic Chime to Oathmir the Outcast in The Devastation at this stage:"

I handed in the Silent Harmonic chime and he said "I have no use for this __________, you can have it back."

This post is correct:
"If you hand in the chime to Oathmir before completeing Samples of Corruption, he will just hand it back. Linking the chime to him or saying Silent Harmonic Chime will trigger him to say that he can alter it."-WyreWintemute

Also just saying Chime will work instead of typing out Silent Harmonic Chime.
Key phrase?
# May 28 2006 at 5:42 PM Rating: Decent
Anyone remember the key word/phrase to trigger the 3rd NRo mission?
RE: Key phrase?
# May 28 2006 at 5:48 PM Rating: Decent
Nm key words are:

(to Tak)
I will visit her.

(to Queen)
Ao the Fourth Born (hand in)
# May 20 2006 at 4:02 AM Rating: Decent
I compleated all three Skylance missions
and talked to Spirit of Ao the Fourth Born but he only gave me the three Skylance missions.

I was not prompted but decide to try handing in to Ao the Fourth Born my Tarnished Chime
and he gave me my Harmonic Chime and the Tarnished Chime back.

But I hope I am not having problems on the next step of handing it into Arch Mage Galsin.

I handed the Harmonic Chime to Arch Mage Galsin and got back the Silent Harmonic Chime but did not the Harmonic verion back? I guess if I need the Harmonic one later I can all ways try to resumit Tarnished Chime to Ao the Fourth Born!

[Sat May 20 03:46:26 2006] You say, 'Hail, Spirit of Ao the Fourth Born'
[Sat May 20 03:46:26 2006] Spirit of Ao the Fourth Born says 'Greetings, traveler. I am Ao, the Fourth Born of the [scrykin lineage].'
[Sat May 20 03:46:39 2006] You say, 'what scrykin lineage'
[Sat May 20 03:46:39 2006] Spirit of Ao the Fourth Born says 'We scrykin mark the attempts of Druzzil Ro to create organic life from magic. We are living creatures, just like you, but we are each born with a terrible [flaw]. '
[Sat May 20 03:46:51 2006] You say, 'what flaw'
[Sat May 20 03:46:52 2006] Spirit of Ao the Fourth Born says 'We absorb ambient energy from the Plane of Magic. This makes us more powerful as we age, but also more hideous, more unpredictable, even more dangerous. All but the youngest of scrykin have become twisted monsters, creatures consumed by paranoia and delusion. I alone avoided this degeneration by abandoning my physical body and becoming a spirit. This was not an easy process, but it was the only way I could fulfill my promise to Druzzil. She has commanded me to help you and your [group] find the lost chime of Ayonae, the goddess of music.'
[Sat May 20 03:47:03 2006] You say, 'what group'
[Sat May 20 03:47:04 2006] Spirit of Ao the Fourth Born says 'Good luck, Fendaann. Once you find your way into Skylance Tower, speak with my student, Arkahn. He is waiting for you there.'

(Note- I never did speak to Arkahn that I know of since I was not the one to get any of the three Skylance tasks)

This is the text of handing in my Tarnished Chime
and he gave me my Harmonic Chime and the Tarnished Chime back.
[Sat May 20 03:47:42 2006] Targeted (NPC): Spirit of Ao the Fourth Born
[Sat May 20 03:47:42 2006] Right click on the NPC to consider it.
[Sat May 20 03:47:45 2006] Ao the Fourth Born cleans the chime that you recovered from Talongast the Prototype. 'There,' he says. 'This should be much more useful for you now.'

Edited, Sat May 20 14:27:47 2006
RE: Ao the Fourth Born (hand in)
# May 23 2006 at 2:11 AM Rating: Decent
79 posts
I just did the same thing. I handed the tarnish into Ao and he handed me the Harmonic. He kept my tarnished however.

Next step.
A ranger's life is truely to solo these worlds.
The rest of the walkthrough
# May 10 2006 at 7:42 AM Rating: Excellent
351 posts

Oathmir the Outcast says, 'Our people know some earth magic, and I might be able to work on this chime for you, but I must ask for your help first. I am lost, but I feel that I have a purpose here. It is difficult to explain to someone that has never been part of the cycle what it is like to be taken from it. I have lost all rage and have been left with emptiness. I no longer feel the desire to be with Her in the tower. I felt the rage leaving me slowly from the moment I was chosen as Vessel. She touched me then, instilling me with her rage, but it did not feel right to me. It was somehow tainted, impure. I could not accept it and the moment I rejected her rage all of my rage started to flow away from me. Something is very wrong with our godess. Her rage is no longer pure, though it may be my own heart that is corrupt. Perhaps you can find out what has happened. Perhaps you can get into the tower and find out what has gone wrong.

Mission 1: "Saga Skins"
Bolvirik Skin:
Grand Librarian Maelin says 'I've never seen anything like it before. The being that you took this skin from obviously belongs to a culture that uses scarring and tattooing to represent rank of some sort. Most likely a scar or tattoo is earned in battle or when coming of age. The more scars the more power the creature would have in their society. But there is another layer of meaning here. There is a section here that appears to be written in a form of the giant language, then disguised with a laughably simple code. It appears to be a fragment of some sort of legend. . . Here, let me write it down for you.'
Undead Skin:
Grand Librarian Maelin says 'Well, this is strange. This flesh has obviously been preserved using necromancy. But the inking that has been done to it is relatively fresh, done after the preservation and after dead. This is hard for me to translate normally, but I have some special tricks for understanding magical writing. I'll write this down for you, but the general idea here is that it talks of a ritual of passage, something about becoming full. I guess I never really understood the undead, perhaps you can make sense of it.'
Kobold Fur:
Grand Librarian Maelin says 'What beautiful patterns! They look like decorations, at least at first glance. But I have a keen eye for art and an even keener one for patterns. There's a language in there, something like Kobold. It's sort of a pictorial description of, well, of a story about a powerful Kobold who became a god. It also talks about another god, a female. Here's a transcription, as best as I can make it. It's by no means complete, but with more information it might mean something.'
Orc Skin:
Grand Librarian Maelin says 'I've always known that orcs liked to paint themselves at times of war, but I've never seen this. These markings are permanent and appear to be very, very old. I'm very familiar with orcish languages, but I've never seen this one. It appears to be a combination of several modern and ancient versions of orcish. The combination makes it very hard to read, but it seems as though it is a history of something called a vessel. I've written it down for you, but you'll need more information to make sense out of it.'
Evil Eye Skin:
Grand Librarian Maelin says 'Well, this is very odd indeed. You say that this is the skin from an Evil Eye? I have never heard of those creatures cutting designs into themselves or each other, but that's exactly what this appears to be. Even more surprising is the fact that this appears to be more than just a result of combat, it seems to be a code of some sort. The eyes are rather bright, and this makes it easier for me to understand what this code means, there's a logic behind it. It seems to be a path or method to achieve power in a place it calls Rage. There are a lot of details missing, of course, but here is my translation of the information encoded onto this bit of skin.'
Wurine Fur:
Grand Librarian Maelin says 'This is a fantastic pelt. It's scarred and bloody, sure, but look at it! Under the blood and fur there is a pattern scratched into the skin. It's not just an animal scratching at fleas, it's an actual language of sort. Very primitive and so very hard for me to understand, but I can make some sense of it. The text is by no means complete, but I see references to rage and anger and the perfecting of those emotions. Something about power and completeness being linked to such perfection. I guess it makes sense that a creature with such emotions would seek to the perfect form. Here, I've made some notes about what's written here. With enough information perhaps it will make some sense.'
Drachnid Carapace:
Grand Librarian Maelin says 'Well, isn't this unpleasant! Spiders give me the creeps, you know. Huge sentient spiders. . . well it makes me dizzy to think of it! But I am a scholar and I must overcome this and examine this thing you brought me. Yes, there are definitely markings on this. It seems to be a version of Dark Speech and therefore easy enough to understand, but there is some form of code involved. I can only assume that this is to prevent it from being read easily. Why would someone do this? From what I can read of this, it seems to be the only way that this creature could retain memory of important information. It refers to itself as a Lore Warrior and implies that there are others, not all of the same species. Very interesting. Here, this is a copy of what I can read on this, um, skin. Perhaps with enough information a more complete picture will be visible.'
Shiliskin Skin:
Grand Librarian Maelin says 'Well, this is not at all slimy as I would have expected! It's still a bit disgusting, though. I wonder what sort ink they used for these markings. It appears to be very long-lasting, and yet these markings have been retouched several times. I would think that markings this deep in the skin would last far longer than one lifetime. The language is incomprehensible to me, but I can understand the pictures easily enough. It seems to imply that this culture believes in a power beyond theirs and that there is a longing within them to serve that power. There is also an underlying tone that seems to suggest that they would destroy and replace that power once allowed into its service. Here, take these notes and this skin. It's a bit too creepy for me.'
Berzerker Skin:
Grand Librarian Maelin says 'Hmm, I'm not sure that I want to be known for my interpretation of skin art as language, but I'll see if I can make sense of it. The pigment seems familiar, like something the Northmen use. And the patterns seem similar as well. From what I understand of the iconography of that culture, this seems to be a story about Sullon Zek. Well, a very small part of the story, anyway. Most of it is missing. I wonder if the rest of the body had the story, or if it was carried in many pieces by separate people who would come together to be one book, so to speak. Here is what I can understand of the tale. Perhaps you can find enough pages to get an understanding of the whole story.'
Final skin turned in:
Grand Librarian Maelin says 'I see that you have a large number of translations from those saga skins. If you can bind them together into a book using a book binding and bring it back to me, I might be able to show you how to perform the rite that is described. I'm not really sure why any sane person would choose to do so, but perhaps you do.'
Books turned in, Spell received, and starting of “Becomming the Vessel”:
Grand Librarian Maelin says 'Well, these are very interesting! I've learned a lot from the things you have brought me, so I wanted you to have this.'

Mission 2: "Becoming the vessel"

Quest starts upon handing in the two tomes maelin gives you from Mission 1 "Saga Skins"

Step 1: Loot 1 bone tattoo comb - Zone ALL
Step 2: Loot 5 Warrior's Blood - Zone ALL
Step 3: Loot 5 Battleground Soot -Zone ALL
Step 4: Deliver 1 bone tatoo comb to Grand Librarian Maelin - POK
Step 5: Deliver 5 Warrior's Blood to Grand Librarian Maelin - POK
Step 6: Deliver 5 Battleground Soot to Grand Librarian Maelin - POK
Step 7: Deliver 1 Scarred Bolvirk skin to Grand Librarian Maelin - POK
Step 8: Deliver 1 Torn and tattooed Orc Flesh to Grand Librarian Maelin - POK
Step 9: Deliver 1 Tattooed Shilskin Skin to Grand Librarian Maelin - POK
Step 10: Deliver 1 Scarred and tattooed skin to Grand Librarian Maelin - POK
Step 11: Deliver 1 Decorated Wurine Hide to Grand Librarian Maelin - POK
(recieve an armor piece for these items)
Step 12: Sit at the foot of the tower and await Rage to overcome you -Sverag (5 Mins)
Step 13: Defeat the enimies of Stronghold! Prove your Rage! Kill 60 mobs in Sverag - Sverag
Step 14: Sit at the foot of the tower and await Rage to overcome you - Sverag (5 mins)
Step 15: Deliver 1 Enraged Flesh Cap to Grand Librarian Maelin - POK
Step 16: Deliver 1 Enraged Flesh Tunic to Grand Librarian Maelin - POK
Step 17: Deliver 1 Enraged Flesh Leggings to Grand Librarian Maelin - POK
Step 18: Deliver 1 Enraged Flesh Sleeves to Grand Librarian Maelin - POK
Step 19: Deliver 1 Enraged Flesh Gloves to Grand Librarian Maelin - POK

You now have: Sverag - Gained Access to Razorthorn, Tower of Sullon Zek added to your keyring

Go to Maelin.
You say. 'What enraged flesh charm?'
Grand Librarian Maelin says 'Ah, yes. Here is the charm that I promised you. I think I might be able to make the charm stronger. Because it gains its strength from rage and from the Plane of Rage, it might be possible to make it stronger by killing the greatest beings, the ones most attuned to the plane, and using their essence to strengthen the charm. I suppose we'll need body parts. Now I'm not a proponent of murder and gore, but if you bring me likely body parts I might be able to use the essence of the dead being to enhance the charm. While I work with the body part, you will have to hold the charm, to keep it attuned to you. Good luck!'

Receive: Enraged Flesh Charm

Mission 3: Samples of Corruption (6-54 people)

(Currently the only part NEEDED for ToB key, but someone must be flagged fully somehow to achieve this. What I mean is, you only need Skylance 1-3 and Samples of Corruption to be complete up to the Twisted Chime, but somone needed to do Saga skins and Becomming the Vessel to have reverse "flagged" people. The Key element to getting this quest is to have completed "Becomming the vessel, this gets you the enraged flesh charm from Maelin and allows you to get the Samples of Corruption instance.)

Go to Oathmir the Outcast
You say, 'I can find out'
Recieve option for Sapmles of Corruption normal or hard and a 10 slot container
Oathmir the Outcast says 'Take this chest to store any clues you may find. Return to me should you [need another].'

Enter Sverag

Step 1: Enter Razorthorn (Quest locks)
Step 2: Loot 10 corrupted blood
Step 3: Combine 10 Corrupted blood in box
Step 4 Return combined container to Oathimir the Outcast

Turn in Silent Harmonic Chime to Oathimir the Outcast:
Oathmir the Outcast takes the tiny chime in his huge hands. He spins it slightly as it dangles from his thick fingers, staring at it intently. 'Yes, I think I understand. This is tuned to a place, but that place is not as it was expected, much like my experience with Her. I think I can change this, make it more receptive to unexpected versions of the original place.' He takes the pieces of the chime individually and rolls them between thumb and forefinger. Each time he does there is a loud and visible explosion and a creaking sound. These explosions are contained within the thick calluses of the giant's finger pads. Oathmir hums throughout, a deep sound like distant earthquakes. Once he has done this with each he hands the chime back to you. 'That might work for you, though I'm afraid I had to crush the magic that was there before to make the adjustment.'

Recieve: Twisted Chime

Turn in Twisted Chime to Arch Magus Galsin.

Arch Mage Galsin says 'This has indeed been modified, but what happened to the enchantment that was on it? Who did you find to do this for you? Nevermind. . . We must find a way of restoring the enchantment to this chime before it can be tested. According to my book Ayonae bestowed the knowledge of these chimes upon the royal family in the Elddar Forest. Perhaps this is the [solution] we're looking for.'

Recieve: Twisted Chime
You say, 'What solution?'
Arch Mage Galsin says, 'With the opening of the portal back to the time of the Takish-Hiz empire we may have access to the powers needed to enchant the chime again. If you can find one of the royal bloodline they may be able to assist us in restoring the enchantment to the chime.'

Head to North Ro

--------------------------------------- (info copied from Fenier)


1. Talk to Tak'Valnakor @ 6880, -1350 in North Ro. Get task.

2. Go into The Ruins of Takish-Hiz (static) there you will locate Krylin @ -410, -40 inside of a overturned tower. Hail him to open your instance in the Root of Ro.

3. The Root of Ro Instance entrance is to the right of the zone in, along the wall. It is a cave located at: 640, -600 It is HIGH on the wall. Once inside you must collect 5 different tablet items.
-- The first 4 are random on your way to the boss.
-- The Boss is melee, yellow to 70, max hit around 1300, drops the final tablet item.

4. Return the Tablets to Tak'Valnakor in North Ro to recieve mission 2.

-- All other mobs than the ones mentioned above are Dark Blue / White
-- Treants have a abilitiy called Bark Mulch, this is moderate DoT with Snare. MR-200.
-- Wind Models have an 1200 AE DD, which is FR-400 known as Fire Blast.


1. Talk to Tak'Valnakor @ 6880, -1350 in North Ro. Get task.

2. Go to to Queen Tal'Yaliz @ 5950, -2080 in North Ro. She is in a Tower near the Scarb platform. Talking to her ports your group into an instanced version of Ruins of Takish-Hiz.

3. Hunt down 5 Priests. They are yellow con and hit around 1500. They have *alot* of hitpoints. All other mobs are Green/Blue.
-- Priest One: Located at Building with enterance at 100, -960
-- Priest Two: Located at Building with enterance at 260, -460
-- Priest Three: Located at Building with enterance at 130, 100
-- Priests Four and Five are inside the Palace located at: -13, 135

To reach Priest 4: Enter the Palace, clear left. Go down that passage, there is a staircase on your left. Go down the stairs, there is a room to the East. Enter that room. Fouth Priest is in a side room on the left hand side.

To Reach Priest 5: Exit the East room where you just in for Priest 4, ther eis a hallway ahead of you, and Archs on the Left and Right. Priest 5 is on the second floor of the Right Arch.

4. After slaying the 5 Priests the Prince will spawn in the Amptheater area. Appox Loc is 20, -300. Prince hits 1850ish, but not that fast.

He casts Death's Beckon every 60 seconds (single target high powered lifetap) Tank reported it landing for 1800ish. DR - 200.

He also has a AE Curse, which is Curse of Silir. This is a MR -250 check DoT with a trigger. After 30 seconds (and the spell wears off) it fires Curse of Ice Trigger and you take 8000 Damage unresistable. I am not sur ethe number of curse counters as Lucy does not list the exact number - it says unknown calucation.

Thus - it is very important to Resist or Cure (RGC!) the curse as it lands. You can not let it run 30 seconds. (For those Fimilar with Bloodeye and Arch-Magus, similar effect, just its not a DT).

5. After slaying The Prince, talk to Queen Tal'Yaliz in North Ro.

-- Earth Elementals in this mission cast Stupefy, This effect is MR - 200, lowers Wisdom and Int by 150 (thus decreasing the amount of available mana you have) and lowers Endurance by 200 / tick. The effect lasts 2 minutes. It should be able to be removed with Radiant Cure or better.


1. Talk to Tak'Valnakor @ 6880, -1350 in North Ro. Get task.

2. Go to to Queen Tal'Yaliz @ 5950, -2080 in North Ro. She is in a Tower near the Scarb platform. The player who talks to her will receive the Queen's Crown. Talking to her ports your group into an instanced version of Ruins of Takish-Hiz.

3. Loot 3 NO DROP items: The Scepter, The Wand and The Signet.
All Trash mobs in this mission are blue unless otherwise noted.

The first chest is located in this building: 100, -960 The chest is on the second floor and guarded by 3 Yellow Con Elves. Loot Sceptre.

The scepter is located in this building: 260, -460 This is in a chest also on the second floor - again guarded by 3 yellow con Elves. Loot: Wand

The Priest is in the Temple. Temple Enterance is located at -13, 135

To reach the Final Priest clear inside the Temple to the left. Go down that passage. On your left you will see a staircase. Take the Left Staircase. There is a Archway on your Left - this is the one you want.

Inside the room there is a ramp to the second floor. The Final Priest is up there. He is guarded by 2 Yellow Con Sand Elf Clerics.

Kill The adds and charge the Priest.

During the Fight 80/40 percent He calls for help. I noticed on track adds did spawn, but they did not spawn on us, nor did they charge us from this location. This may be bugged.

Kill the Priest and Loot the Signet.

NOTE: You need need to make your way back to the zone in and zone into South Ro.

4. Once in South Ro, zone into the non-instanced verison of Ruins of Takish-Hiz. You need to make your way to the Portal to the Elddar Forest located at 103, -177. It appears as a Sand Storm. You need to enter the Elddar Forest.

5. Once in Elddar Forest make your way to location: 116, -54 (First building on the Left when you zone in).

Have the person who did the looting hand all 4 items to Maryin Tak'Yaliz.

Recieve Spell: Aura of Life!

Chest will spawn beside Maryin with loot for completing the mission.

Return to Queen Tal'Yaliz
You say, 'What Twisted Chime?'
Queen Tak`Yaliz says 'Your assistance to my people has been of great value to me. Let me see this chime you speak of and I will see what may be done.'
Turn in Twisted Chime, receive: Twisted Harmonic Chime (no effect)
Queen Tak`Yaliz says 'These magics are ancient and almost beyond my memory. I have done what I could for you in this. Perhaps it will prove enough.'

Go See your favorite Arch Mage Galsin and give him the Twisted Harmonic Chime. Recieve: Twisted Harmonic Chime (Effect: Alter Plane Theatre of Blood (Any slot, Casting Time 10.0))

You also receive "Harmonic Dissonance" AA ability under your general tab AA's

Hope you all have fun there

Wyre Wintermute


[_] Skylance 1: The Library
[_] Skylance 2: The Oubliette
[_] Skylance 3: The Laboratory

[_] Receive "Harmonic Chime" from Ao the Fourthborn
[_] Receive "Silent Harmonic Chime" from Arch Mage Galsin

[_] Devastation 1: Saga Skins
[_] Devastation 2: Becoming the Vessel
[_] Devastation 3: Samples of Corruption (currently only part _needed_ for this Arc)

[_] Receive "Twisted Chime" from Oathimir thr Outcast
[_] Receive "Twisted Chime" from Arch Mage Galsin

[_] Takish-Hiz 1: Key to the Past
[_] Takish-Hiz 2: Burning Princes
[_] Takish-Hiz 3: Message from the Past

[_] Receive "Twisted Harmonic Chime" from Queen Tak'Yaliz
[_] Receive "Twisted Harmonic Chime" from Arch Mage Galsin

[_] Key complete/AA recieved

Edited, Wed May 10 07:37:02 2006
RE: The rest of the walkthrough
# May 29 2006 at 1:58 PM Rating: Decent
Mission 3: Samples of Corruption (6-54 people)

This can be done as a raid?
About the Devastation segment...
# May 09 2006 at 11:58 PM Rating: Default
You do not actually need to complete Saga Skins, Preparing Your New Skins, or Become the Vessel for Theater of Blood access. However, they are the prerequisites to request Samples of Corruption yourself.

If somebody else has completed them and starts Samples of Corruption, then it is the only one that is actually required to gain access.
RE: About the Devastation segment...
# May 18 2006 at 6:17 PM Rating: Decent
True but you do need the Charm from those quests so that you can gain Deathknell access.
Finish this
# May 09 2006 at 11:12 PM Rating: Decent
19 posts
After Oathmir, you hand the twisted chime to Galsin and receive another twisted chime. Then take the twisted chime to Queen Tak'Yaliz and get twisted harmonic chime(no stats). (must have all 3 NRO missions done for that step) Then go back to Galsin and hand him the twisted harmonic chime for Twisted Harmonic Chime (10 sec cast: Alter Plane: Theatre of Blood, 15 min recast) and the AA Harmonic Dissonance (General Tab) that also takes you to Theater of Blood.

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