
Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
  • Faction
  • Money
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Mon Sep 11 20:58:11 2000
Modified: Sat May 18 08:56:04 2024
This quest begins with Vicus Nonad at location 255, -285 (second floor of a small white building to the east of the Lion's Mane Tavern and to the south of Nesiff's Wooden Weapons and the Bag and Barrel.

You may need to up your faction with him and others related to this quest. Merchants of Qeynos I think

You say, 'Hail, Vicus Nonad'

Vicus Nonad says 'Greetings, _____. My name is Vicus Nonad. I am the official tax collector for the fine city of Qeynos. I serve the will of Antonius Bayle, our glorious leader. Please excuse my [cough]. '

You say, 'What's this cough you have?'

Vicus Nonad says 'Oh, I am sorry, but it seems I have fallen a bit ill. I was caught out in the rain the other day and my chills have gotten the best of me. If only someone would [help] me with today's [collections].. '

You say, 'help you with collections'

Vicus Nonad says 'Oh thank you so much Here is the official collection box. Please collect from each merchant on the [list]. Then bring me back the combined total of all your collections.'

You receive a Tax Collection Box.

You say, 'What list?'

Vicus Nonad says 'Oh. I am sorry.. I forgot to give it to you. Here you go. Be sure to give that back when your job is finished. '

You receive a List of Debtors.

In South Qeynos, you need to see:

Ton Firepride (175, -330, 3)
Mar Sedder (535, -85, 3)
Nesiff Tallaherd (440, -245, 3)
Fhara Semhart (400, -80, 3)
Tasya Huntlan (260, -70, 3)
Captain Rohand (15, -40, 3)
Fish Ranamer (-290, -270, 3)
Voleen Tassen (-190, -265, 3)

In North Qeynos:

Sneed Galliway (130, 240, 3)
Flynn Merrington (35, 330, 3)

In Qeynos Hills:

Mira Sayer (1400, 300, 8)

You say, 'Hail, Ton Firepride'

Ton Firepride says 'Greetings, adventurer! A mighty warrior such as yourself deserves only the finest in armor and we here at Firepride's were trained by the finest dwarven smiths. We shall be branching out and crafting [other items] soon, also.'

You say, 'I'm here about your tax collection'

Your faction standing with Corrupt Qeynos Guards got worse. (-1)

Ton Firepride says 'Oh I see, Vicus has got some other sap to do his work. Fine. Here are your stinking taxes. If Kane were in charge, things would be different around here.'

You receive Firepride's Tax Payment.

You say, 'Hail, Mar Sedder'

Mar Sedder says 'Hail, _____. What brings you to the Tin Soldier? We have the finest in previously owned weapons and armor. Feel free to browse.'

You say, 'I'm here about your tax collection'

Your faction standing with Merchants of Qeynos got worse. (-1)

Mar Sedder says 'Here are the taxes, _____. Boy, you call the guards and they take their time to show up but be a few days late on your taxes and they send the goons after you. Sheesh!'

You receive Sedder's Tax Payment.

You say, 'Hail, Sneed Galliway'

Sneed Galliway says 'Hello, _____. I am Sneed Galliway, merchant and citizen. I run the only general store in all of Qeynos, serving the needs of the many adventurers who call Qeynos home. If only one of them would take the time to help me with my er... [problem]...'

You say, 'I'm here about your tax collection'

Your faction standing with Merchants of Qeynos got worse. (-1)

Sneed Galliway says 'Hey, _____, how the heck did Vicus convince you to do his job? He better be paying you well. Here you go.'

You receive Galliway's Tax Payment.

You say, 'Hail, Nesiff Tallaherd'

Nesiff Tallaherd says 'Greetings, _____! Nesiff Tallaherd, owner and operator of Nesiff's Wooden Weapons, at your service. I am the finest woodworker in all of Qeynos. Even the Qeynos Guard uses my arrows, thanks to [Guard Weleth].'

You say, 'I'm here about your tax collection'

Your faction standing with Merchants of Qeynos got worse. (-1)

Nesiff Tallaherd says 'Tax time again already?? It seems like I just paid yesterday.. High taxes and low sales mean I won't be able to stay in business much longer. Good thing ol' Weleth is taking care of me. Here are my taxes.'

You receive Tallaherd's Tax Payment.

You say, 'Hail, Mira Sayer'

Mira Sayer says 'Welcome, _____. What brings you out this way? Be careful, we have had problems with bandits of late. As if the gnolls were not enough!!'

You say, 'I'm here about your tax collection'

Mira Sayer looks up with tear-filled eyes and sobs uncontrollably.

Your faction standing with Merchants of Qeynos got worse. (-1)

You say, 'why are you crying?'

Mira Sayer .sniff.. Oh, dear. We do not have the money. We were just robbed by a dreadful halfling bandit named Flynn something-or-other. He took the money we had set aside for Antonius. Please. Find this highwayman and retrieve our tax payment. ..sob..

Back in Qeynos:

You say, 'Hail, Flynn Merrington'

Flynn Merrington says 'I didn't know Slime could speak common..go back to the sewer before I lose my temper.'

You say, 'Did you steal Mira Sayer's taxes?'

Flynn Merrington says 'Ha! Yeah, I took their tax money. What are you going to do about it, little gnoll pup? Tell you what.. I will cut you a deal. You tell me you are a [gnoll loving weakling who isn't fit to comb my feet] and I will give you that merchant's tax money.'

You say, 'I am a gnoll loving weakling who isn't fit to comb my feet...'

Your faction standing with Circle Of Unseen Hands got worse. (-1)

Flynn Merrington shouts 'BWAH! HA HA HA! Did you all hear that?! _____ is a gnoll loving weakling who isn't fit to comb my feet! BWAH HA HA! MY FEET! HA HA HA! Oh.. too rich.. Heh.. HA HA HA! Oh.. Heh heh heh.'

Sabnie Blagard says 'Hee hee hee! Oh.. how sad! HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE!'

Crow says 'Bwah! Ha! Ha! I love it when he does that! HA HA HA! You are too much, Flynn!'

You receive Sayer's Tax Payment.

You say, 'Hail, Fhara Semhart'

You say, 'I'm here about your tax collection'

Your faction standing with Merchants of Qeynos got worse. (-1)

Fhara Semhart says 'Taxes? How can I afford more taxes!? You tax us poor merchants right out of Qeynos. Freeport is looking better and better every day.'

You receive Semhart's Tax Payment.

You say, 'Hail, Tasya Huntlan'

Tasya Huntlan says 'Hail, _____! Are you just visiting Qeynos? We have plenty of rooms available or, if your throat is parched, you can always visit Earron in our pub.'

You say, 'I'm here about your tax collection'

Your faction standing with Merchants of Qeynos got worse. (-1)

Tasya Huntlan says 'Taxes? Oh, that time again huh? Here you are. Give Vicus our best. I hear he is under the weather.'

You receive Huntlan's Tax Payment.

You say, 'Hail, Captain Rohand'

Captain Rohand says 'Greetings, friend, and welcome to the Mermaid's Lure. Here, we sell fishing supplies and some imported goods from far-off lands. And, if you've got a few minutes, I could even tell you a [story] or two.'

You say, 'I'm here about your tax collection'

Your faction standing with Merchants of Qeynos got worse. (-1)

Captain Rohand says 'Argh! You scurvy sea goblin! Taxes, you say?! Peh! I got your taxes right here! I sure don't get the services those taxes are supposed to provide! You can tell them ol' Captain Rohand said so!'

You receive Rohand's Tax Payment.

You say, 'Hail, Fish Ranamer'

Fish Ranamer says 'Hail, _____! Welcome to Fish's Ale. I am Fish Ranamer, owner of the joint. Come in and have some brew but don't be startin' no trouble or Bruno will bust you open!'

You say, 'I'm here about your tax collection'

Your faction standing with Merchants of Qeynos got worse. (-1)

Fish Ranamer says 'Taxes?! Taxes?! Tax me right out of business is what you folks are doing! Take your taxes and get out of my pub! Unless, of course, you care to buy some drinks...?'

You receive Ranamer's Tax Payment.

You say, 'Hail, Voleen Tassen'

Voleen Tassen says 'Oh, it's so nice to see you again _____. Why don't you have a look around and buy something nice for yourself today?'

You say, 'I'm here about your tax collection'

Your faction standing with Merchants of Qeynos got worse. (-1)

Voleen Tassen says 'Oh dear. We had forgotten about those pesky taxes. Here you go, _____. Sorry you had to come collect them. We will try to be on time from now on.'

You receive Tassen's Tax Payment.

By this time, you should have all tax payments in the box. Hit combine to create a Full Tax Collection Box. Take this along with the List of Debtors to him to complete the quest.

Vicus Nonad says 'My family is personally inedbted to you for your assistance today Torrin. Please speak to my brother. I'm sure he will have some small reward for your dutiful service.'

Vicus Nonad says ' Great! Thank you so much. Here is a small gratuity for a job well done. Thank you again. Antonius Bayle and the People of Qeynos appreciate all you have done.'

Your faction standing with Antonius Bayle has been adjusted by 10.
Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos has been adjusted by 4.
Your faction standing with Ring of Scale has been adjusted by -5.
Your faction standing with Kane Bayle has been adjusted by -10.
Your faction standing with Merchants of Qeynos has been adjusted by 10.

You gain experience!!

Rewards range from a few silver pieces to minor items (Copper Amulet; Brass Ring; Turquoise).

NOTES: The faction hits for collecting the tax payments are minor. The final faction hit makes up for them. You can say "tax collection" to the NPCs without having spoken with Vicus first. You can bypass Mira Sayer by just speaking with Flynn.
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Post Comment
# Feb 02 2023 at 4:26 PM Rating: Decent
26 posts
Requires at least apprehensive to Antonius Bayle faction to talk to Vicus.

The other NPCs probably wont talk to you without Merchants faction.
# May 08 2023 at 3:33 PM Rating: Decent
6 posts
I was able to complete this quest on my dubious faction wizard. FIrst, I had my wizard complete the cough syrup turn in to Vicus, but Vicus would not give my wizard the collection box or the list and would just keep repeating the sentence with the [help} and [collections] text options. So I had my indifferent faction enchanter do the cough syrup turn in and Vicus gave him the collection box and the list. The collection box and list are tradable, so my enchanter handed them off to my wizard who was able to collect all the taxes. However, Vicus would not allow my wizard to turn in the full collection box or list until I got behind him, opened a trade window and inserted the box and the list, then used hide skill and hit "trade".
Use illusion, no need faction work
# Oct 10 2022 at 11:12 AM Rating: Decent
126 posts

Done this with 2 toons, Ogre WAR and Ogre SK, both in [wood elf illusion]
No problem on collection 10 taxes.
No problem on turning-in to Vicus Nonad, who con indifferently to both.
An Enchanter friend or [Crown of Deceit] or illusion potion.
faction issue on Tax Collection
# Mar 03 2022 at 10:15 PM Rating: Good
1 post
I had a Human Ranger with deity of Karana and home city Crescent Reach.
I was able to get the Tax Collection Box and List of Debtors.
But none of the people to collect taxes from would give the taxes.

I did the bone chips quest with Lashun Novashine, I turned in 2500 bone chips.
(you might raise faction with less, but I just bought that many to try)

After that I was able to collect the taxes and complete the quest and got the Featherweight Satches of the Courier.

Bad trigger phrase
# Feb 23 2022 at 9:47 AM Rating: Good
266 posts
The trigger phrase I'll help with today's collections to receive the Tax Collection Box does not always work or does not work at all. Clicking on "collections" does nothing.

Saying help you with collections does create and hand out the box.

The final turnin must be the Full Tax Collection Box toghether with the List of Debtors. It can be done turn by turn in classic quest style also but this is not recommended.
Iven's EverQuest Archive
Bad trigger phrase
# May 16 2024 at 6:26 AM Rating: Decent
5 posts
oh man i was going crazy with this, thank you !
Bad trigger phrase
# Jul 07 2022 at 10:02 AM Rating: Decent
2 posts
You Sir are an officer and a gentleman. I had deleted the items thinking I could restart and your correction on what to hail created the items!

As I go along my way
# Feb 29 2020 at 8:07 PM Rating: Good
63 posts
This quest took me about 20 to 30min todo .

there is a nice tip: on the Nonad brothers quest about talking with Vicus Nonad .. i'll quote it below


post#9 by Iyeni .. " I thought i needed good faction and went to kindly from dubious on my druid-- however i found that if i speak to Vicus Nonad in complete sentences he gave me the quest-- tell him" what is this cough you have today" and then "I am here to help with the collections. When you turn the collection box back in, he will then tell you to go see his brother-- if and only if you have given him the cough syrup."

worked perfectly say the exact sentence and he will hand you the box and the list .. I had indiff faction and was able to do that ..

same with Flynn he wouldnt talk to me but when i said the exact sentence about 'I am a gnoll loving weakling who isn't fit to comb my feet"

so thank you Iyeni for the tip .. also you do not have to go to Qhills and talk to mira(sp) you can bypass her and go straight to flynn ..

once done collecting .. combine in box and go turn into vicus Nonad .. didnt have to hail or anything just turned in .. then went and talked to Pagus back in sunrise hills .. and got the shield .. after that went talked to lysric Loresinger and got my featherweight 20 slot bag.. .. remember you need to do postmasters challenge also to get bag .. link to quests down below

I did postmaster challenge

then did "the Fifth Nybright Sister" and

then did the Nonad brothers quest which led into the sub quest of Taxes for Vicus Nonad

Nonad Quest

Taxes Quest with Vicus :
I know this post is on the taxes quest but i like to be thurough ..

all 4 quests took roughly 5 -6 hours .. have fun .. I did these for the Jester Illusion mask and the 20 slot bag :P worth the time imho
Just did quest with IKS MNK and IKS SHM - a few notes...
# Oct 21 2015 at 10:17 AM Rating: Decent
Just did this on my Monk and Shaman, both Iksar, for the feathered bag. The mail quest wasn't a big deal, but this was a bigger challenge. Here are some notes I gathered along the way.

  • Monk was KoS to Antonius Bayle faction, which is what Vicus Nonad is
  • Shaman was dubious to Bayle
  • Riposte is a nightmare in situations like this

On to the real notes
  • Shaman could not get box or list from Vicus - however, Monk could get them with sneak, and they're tradeable - so it's annoying, but not a showstopper. Note that he turns every time you say something to him...makes it even more annoying.
  • Both characters were able to gather 9 of the 10 taxes with dubious faction
  • Sneak was required to get the one from Flynn - he won't respond with dubious faction, but as we're seeing here, sneak is basically the best skill in the game ;)
  • Thankfully, the taxes are tradeable too, so I just had to get it twice on Monk and hand one to Shaman
  • The final turn-in was doable with Sneak on the Monk
  • Vicus wouldn't take the items at dubious faction, though - the way around this was to open the trade window, then hit Group Spirit Call (couldn't cast regular spells with trade window open) - that effectively made him indifferent, and he accepted the turn-in.

Hope that helps someone else doing the quest ;)
# Aug 29 2015 at 1:44 PM Rating: Good
1,563 posts
I broke down and summarized faction hits in my other two comments. Is that good enough or do you want the huge log file. Parsing out the relevant stuff will take me awhile but Ill do it if what I provided was not enough.
# Aug 29 2015 at 7:15 PM Rating: Excellent
Empress of News
2,350 posts
Ah, from March? I think I got them all in correctly now, thanks!
Cyliena Velnarin | @Cyliena on Twitter

List of names
# May 27 2015 at 9:57 AM Rating: Decent
262 posts
Flynn Merrington (35, 330, 3) is NOT one of the people to get taxes from. Their name isn't on the LIST you are given.

He is a mob you need to find in order to get the taxes he stole from Mira Sayer.

Edited, May 27th 2015 12:01pm by Ridolain
faction hits
# Mar 10 2015 at 3:03 PM Rating: Decent
1,563 posts
So cululative:

Merchants: (-8 + 10) = +2
Corrupt Guards: -1
Unseen Hands: -1;
Antonius Bayle: 10
Guards of Qeynos: 4
Ring of Scale: -5
Kane Bayle: -10
faction hits
# Mar 10 2015 at 3:00 PM Rating: Decent
1,563 posts

All of the collections yielded:

-1 to Merchants of Qeynos (even the failed collection from Mira)

EXCEPT Ton Firepride who gave me a -1 hit to Corrupt Guards of Qeynos
Flynn which yielded -1 to Circle of Unseen Hands

The turnin yielded:

Tue Mar 10 16:47:27 2015] Your faction standing with Antonius Bayle has been adjusted by 10.
[Tue Mar 10 16:47:27 2015] Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos has been adjusted by 4.
[Tue Mar 10 16:47:27 2015] Your faction standing with Ring of Scale has been adjusted by -5.
[Tue Mar 10 16:47:27 2015] Your faction standing with Kane Bayle has been adjusted by -10.
[Tue Mar 10 16:47:27 2015] Your faction standing with Merchants of Qeynos has been adjusted by 10.
Not sure why Vicus Nonad is like that...
# Aug 25 2014 at 2:46 AM Rating: Decent
17 posts
I try to make the quest at him as a part for the 20-slot bag.
Now i can talk to him, i gave him the bottle from Pagus already but when i come to the sentence to accept his quest: "I'll help with today's collections"

He answers: "Oh look ! A talking lump of refuse ! How novel !"

But he doesn't go on with the quest, i mean to give it to me. What goes wrong here ?

Edit: it was a faction problem. Killing gnolls and getting better faction to merchants of qeynos helped. By the way, if you do the quest gnoll slayer, you get +200 faction with the merchants of qeynos each time, but its not a very easy one.

Edited, Aug 30th 2014 11:20pm by Mark100
Some more accurate info
# Oct 25 2013 at 3:51 AM Rating: Good
First,t these /loc's, while accurate, make it far more difficult to find these merchants. SO i have listed the buildings / businesses they are in as an alternate means of locating them.

Secondly, the order in which the merchants are listed makes you back-track and run all over. Do them in this order so you are not doubling your path distance:

Ton Fireprde is in the Firepride's Smithy building, in the back -- this is alot easier to find that running around hitting /loc every three seconds

Tasya Huntlan is the front counter girl in the Lion's Mane Inn

Nesiff Tallaherd is inside Nesiff's Wooden Weapons building

Fhara Semhart is in Fhara's Leather & Thread

Mar Sedder is in the brown building next to/scrosss from the blue Bard's hall named THe Windspirit's Song

Fish Ranamer is in the building named Fish's Ale

right across the street is Voleen Tassen in the building named Voleen's Fine Baked Goods

Captain Rohand is in the Mermaid's Lure building out on the main docks

And third, you only need to say "Tax Collection" to get the NPC's to give you their coin. Not the full sentence stated above.

Hope this helps expedite your quest.
Some more accurate info
# Oct 26 2014 at 9:47 PM Rating: Decent
All these NPCs except for the Halfling bandit (Flynn) are in the Find menu.
Additionally, if you happen to say "tax" to any of the npcs after they've paid, you will receive another -1 faction adjustment to Merchants of Qeynos.

For the final turn-in back to Vicus Nonad, you will receive:

"Your faction standing with Antonius Bayle has been adjusted by 10.
Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos cannot possibly get any better. (Sorry, I was already at max ally. Will update when I run with a char who isn't.)
Your faction standing with Ring of Scale has been adjusted by -5.
Your faction standing with Kane Bayle has been adjusted by -10.
Your faction standing with Merchants of Qeynos has been adjusted by 10."
Some more accurate info
# Oct 28 2014 at 7:42 PM Rating: Decent
"Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos was adjusted by 10."
way to fix the faction problems with dark races
# Jul 05 2013 at 2:37 AM Rating: Decent
31 posts
my friend couldn't do this quest because Qeynos was KoS to him so we did this Quest called Bone Chips (Qeynos) it sent him from KoS right to Ally.
bad qeynos faction
# Jun 28 2013 at 7:33 AM Rating: Default
you can do this on an evil character with bad qeynos faction if you have an enchanter or bard friend. I -think- he ate my items mezzed but took them charmed, but it may have been the other way around so check to be certain.

You can't mezz/charm the merchants you get the taxes from, however, the coins are tradeable. So you just need to have Vicus mezzed/charmed/whatever works.
IF you are IKSAR...
# May 15 2013 at 9:31 PM Rating: Decent
137 posts
Or dont have faction for get this quest, you need:

With this quest can be ALLY in 20 mins.

BUY bonechips in Brell Rest (alot)

and GRATS on BAG.


You WILL NEED FACTION DUBIOSLY (or better) with [ Flynn Merrington ] in order him REPLY properly.

If not... the last piece of the quest, will not work.

YOU can raise the facction using this quest, but have negative hits with Guards and Merchants, so, you will need to do Bonechips quest ( Qeynos ) again, or hunt alot in BlackBurrow for be non kos in all the city.

Edited, May 16th 2013 12:45pm by bufeas
YOU need
# May 15 2013 at 9:49 AM Rating: Decent
137 posts
FACTION aprensibly with VICUS NONAD for get the quest.
With dubiosly dont work.

Flynn Merrington
# Jun 10 2012 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
If you cannot talk to Flynn because of faction, you might be able to log another character, do the tax collection at Flynn, and put the result in your shared bank.

I did this with my bard, and then gave the tax to my main.
better than hours of factionning.
Flynn must die!
# May 24 2012 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
46 posts
After collecting from Flynn slaughtering him on the spot gives pretty good faction + bayle guards and merchants, - scale and bayle

And its also very satisfying to turn the little sob into a grease spot!

Ctrl + F
# Mar 08 2012 at 10:55 AM Rating: Good
All NPCs in both North and South Qeynos (except Flynn) show up using Ctrl + F.

Being listed in the Yellow Pages is bad when the tax collector is after you!
Egat the Dedicated Artisan
Imperator of <Phoenix Ascending>, Erollisi Marr
# Dec 06 2011 at 10:26 AM Rating: Good
39 posts
I got a gold amulet and hematite (what seems to be one of the standard rewards for a lot of low level old EQ quests) for this last night.
# Dec 09 2011 at 1:18 AM Rating: Good
1,344 posts
I got a Featherweight Satchel of the Courier... by finishing another quest and this one.

Edited, Dec 9th 2011 2:24am by Merf
Alliance Artisan Demonicspawn Dealerofdeath, Scoundrel of the Oathbreakers
Ogre Shadow Knight
Tunare - The Seventh Hammer

Ascending Angels on Beta
# Feb 16 2013 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
126 posts
Merf the Adventurer Enthusiast wrote:
I got a Featherweight Satchel of the Courier... by finishing another quest and this one.
Edited, Dec 9th 2011 2:24am by Merf

It seems to be bugged now. Flynn Merrington did neither response nor gave tax payment after I said keywords " 'I am a gnoll loving weakling who isn't fit to comb my feet"
Damn, I have spent 1.5 days on this 20 slots bag quest, really can't stand this problem on my last tax collection (I have collected 9)
/Bug reported.
# Feb 18 2013 at 12:28 PM Rating: Decent
126 posts
Gary168 wrote:
Merf the Adventurer Enthusiast wrote:
I got a Featherweight Satchel of the Courier... by finishing another quest and this one.
Edited, Dec 9th 2011 2:24am by Merf

It seems to be bugged now. Flynn Merrington did neither response nor gave tax payment after I said keywords " 'I am a gnoll loving weakling who isn't fit to comb my feet"
Damn, I have spent 1.5 days on this 20 slots bag quest, really can't stand this problem on my last tax collection (I have collected 9)
/Bug reported.

There is no bug on this quest, it works well.
It was my wrong spelling of the keyword when having conversation with Flynn.
It should be "weakling" instead of my wrong spelling "weaking"
I got 20 slots bag too.(rewarded by serial quest Courier of Favor)
once again, yay for soe
# Nov 28 2011 at 3:02 AM Rating: Decent
illusion halfling is your friend. some racial modifiers make this task much harder than needful. yay for making it part of another task! sigh
Flynn Merrington
# Mar 24 2011 at 11:25 PM Rating: Decent
138 posts
Flynn Merrington can be mezzed, charmed, allianced and has a respawn of 5 minutes. gives negative faction hit with circle of unseen hand, corrupt qeynos guards and kane bayle, positive faction hits with merchants of qeynos and guards of qeynos.
this didnt help at all, you need to say the line.
# Feb 10 2011 at 4:24 PM Rating: Decent
2,602 posts
You dont have to actually HAVE go see Mira in Qeynos Hills. You can skip her.

Edited, Feb 12th 2011 10:07am by GOMN

Updated--dialogues, all quest mobs, /loc of mobs, etc etc
# Nov 08 2006 at 8:40 PM Rating: Decent
642 posts
Logging to 'eqlog.txt' is now *ON*.
You have entered South Qeynos.

Vicus Nonad judges you amiably -- looks like a reasonably safe opponent.
Your Location is 288.90, -286.43, 20.16

You say, 'Hail, Vicus Nonad'

Vicus Nonad says 'Greetings, Nekokirei. My name is Vicus Nonad. <cough> I am the official tax collector for the fine city of Qeynos. <cough> I serve the will of Antonius Bayle, our glorious leader. <cough> <cough> Please excuse my [cough]. <cough>'

You say, 'what cough'

Vicus Nonad says 'Oh, <cough> I am sorry, but it seems I have fallen a bit ill. I was caught out in the rain the other day and my chills have gotten the best of me. <cough> If only someone would [help] me with today's [collections].. <cough>'

You say, 'i will help with today's collections'

Vicus Nonad says 'Oh thank <cough> you so <cough> <cough> much <cough> Here is the official collection box. Please collect from each merchant on the <cough> [list]. Then bring me back the combined total of all your collections.'

receive Tax Collection Box

You say, 'what list'

Vicus Nonad says 'Oh. <cough> I am sorry.. I forgot to give it to you. Here you go. Be sure to give that back when your job is finished. <cough>'

receive List of Debtors

Ton Firepride judges you amiably -- looks like a reasonably safe opponent.
Your Location is 174.09, -328.82, 3.75

You say, 'Hail, Ton Firepride'

Ton Firepride says 'Greetings, adventurer! A mighty warrior such as yourself deserves only the finest in armor and we here at Firepride's were trained by the finest dwarven smiths. We shall be branching out and crafting [other items] soon, also.'

You say, 'tax collection'

Your faction standing with Corrupt Qeynos Guards got worse.

Ton Firepride says 'Oh I see, Vicus has got some other sap to do his work. Fine. Here are your stinking taxes. If Kane were in charge, things would be different around here.'

receive Firepride's Tax Payment'

Mar Sedder regards you as an ally -- looks like a reasonably safe opponent.
Your Location is 536.51, -87.77, 3.75

You say, 'Hail, Mar Sedder'

Mar Sedder says 'Hail, Nekokirei. What brings you to the Tin Soldier? We have the finest in previously owned weapons and armor. Feel free to browse.'

You say, 'tax collection'

Your faction standing with Merchants of Qeynos got worse.

Mar Sedder says 'Here are the taxes, Nekokirei. Boy, you call the guards and they take their time to show up but be a few days late on your taxes and they send the goons after you. Sheesh!'

receive Sedder's Tax Payment'

You have entered North Qeynos.

Sneed Galliway regards you as an ally -- looks like a reasonably safe opponent.
Your Location is 132.52, 242.64, 3.75

You say, 'Hail, Sneed Galliway'

Sneed Galliway says 'Hello, Nekokirei. I am Sneed Galliway, merchant and citizen. I run the only general store in all of Qeynos, serving the needs of the many adventurers who call Qeynos home. If only one of them would take the time to help me with my er... [problem]...'

You say, 'tax collection'

Your faction standing with Merchants of Qeynos got worse.

Sneed Galliway says 'Hey, Nekokirei, how the heck did Vicus convince you to do his job? He better be paying you well. Here you go.'

receive Galliway's Tax Payment

You have entered South Qeynos.

Nesiff Tallaherd regards you as an ally -- looks like a reasonably safe opponent.
Your Location is 439.70, -244.53, 3.75

You say, 'Hail, Nesiff Tallaherd'

Nesiff Tallaherd says 'Greetings, Nekokirei! Nesiff Tallaherd, owner and operator of Nesiff's Wooden Weapons, at your service. I am the finest woodworker in all of Qeynos. Even the Qeynos Guard uses my arrows, thanks to [Guard Weleth].'

You say, 'tax collection'

Your faction standing with Merchants of Qeynos got worse.

Nesiff Tallaherd says 'Tax time again already?? It seems like I just paid yesterday.. High taxes and low sales mean I won't be able to stay in business much longer. Good thing ol' Weleth is taking care of me. Here are my taxes.'

receive Tallaherd's Tax Payment

You have entered North Qeynos.

You have entered The Qeynos Hills.

Mira Sayer regards you as an ally -- looks like a reasonably safe opponent.
Your Location is 1403.57, 306.99, 7.82

You say, 'Hail, Mira Sayer'

Mira Sayer says 'Welcome, Nekokirei. What brings you out this way? Be careful, we have had problems with bandits of late. As if the gnolls were not enough!!'

You say, 'tax collection'

Mira Sayer looks up with tear-filled eyes and sobs uncontrollably.

Your faction standing with Merchants of Qeynos got worse.

You say, 'why are you crying?'

Mira Sayer .sniff.. Oh, dear. We do not have the money. We were just robbed by a dreadful halfling bandit named Flynn something-or-other. He took the money we had set aside for Antonius. Please. Find this highwayman and retrieve our tax payment. ..sob..

You have entered North Qeynos.

Flynn Merrington glowers at you dubiously -- looks like a reasonably safe opponent.
Your Location is 37.45, 332.37, 3.75

You say, 'Hail, Flynn Merrington'

Flynn Merrington says 'I didn't know Slime could speak common..go back to the sewer before I lose my temper.'

You say, 'did you steal Mira Sayer's taxes?'

Flynn Merrington says 'Ha! Yeah, I took their tax money. What are you going to do about it, little gnoll pup? Tell you what.. I will cut you a deal. You tell me you are a [gnoll loving weakling who isn't fit to comb my feet] and I will give you that merchant's tax money.'

You say, 'i am a gnoll loving weakling who isn't fit to comb my feet'

Your faction standing with Circle Of Unseen Hands got worse.

Flynn Merrington shouts 'BWAH! HA HA HA! Did you all hear that?! Nekokirei is a gnoll loving weakling who isn't fit to comb my feet! BWAH HA HA! MY FEET! HA HA HA! Oh.. too rich.. Heh.. HA HA HA! Oh.. Heh heh heh.'

Sabnie Blagard says 'Hee hee hee! Oh.. how sad! HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE!'

Crow says 'Bwah! Ha! Ha! I love it when he does that! HA HA HA! You are too much, Flynn!'

receive Sayer's Tax Payment

You have entered South Qeynos.

Fhara Semhart regards you as an ally -- looks like a reasonably safe opponent.
Your Location is 398.76, -80.05, 3.75

You say, 'Hail, Fhara Semhart'

You say, 'tax collection'

Your faction standing with Merchants of Qeynos got worse.

Fhara Semhart says 'Taxes? How can I afford more taxes!? You tax us poor merchants right out of Qeynos. Freeport is looking better and better every day.'

receive Semhart's Tax Payment

Tasya Huntlan regards you as an ally -- looks like a reasonably safe opponent.
Your Location is 259.51, -69.09, 3.75

You say, 'Hail, Tasya Huntlan'

Tasya Huntlan says 'Hail, Nekokirei! Are you just visiting Qeynos? We have plenty of rooms available or, if your throat is parched, you can always visit Earron in our pub.'

You say, 'tax collection'

Your faction standing with Merchants of Qeynos got worse.

Tasya Huntlan says 'Taxes? Oh, that time again huh? Here you are. Give Vicus our best. I hear he is under the weather.'

receive Huntlan's Tax Payment

Captain Rohand regards you as an ally -- looks like a reasonably safe opponent.
Your Location is 16.54, -40.91, 3.75

You say, 'Hail, Captain Rohand'

Captain Rohand says 'Greetings, friend, and welcome to the Mermaid's Lure. Here, we sell fishing supplies and some imported goods from far-off lands. And, if you've got a few minutes, I could even tell you a [story] or two.'

You say, 'tax collection'

Your faction standing with Merchants of Qeynos got worse.

Captain Rohand says 'Argh! You scurvy sea goblin! Taxes, you say?! Peh! I got your taxes right here! I sure don't get the services those taxes are supposed to provide! You can tell them ol' Captain Rohand said so!'

receive Rohand's Tax Payment

Fish Ranamer regards you as an ally -- looks like a reasonably safe opponent
Your Location is -291.85, -270.52, 3.75

You say, 'Hail, Fish Ranamer'

Fish Ranamer says 'Hail, Nekokirei! Welcome to Fish's Ale. I am Fish Ranamer, owner of the joint. Come in and have some brew but don't be startin' no trouble or Bruno will bust you open!'

You say, 'tax collection'

Your faction standing with Merchants of Qeynos got worse.

Fish Ranamer says 'Taxes?! Taxes?! Tax me right out of business is what you folks are doing! Take your taxes and get out of my pub! Unless, of course, you care to buy some drinks...?'

receive Ranamer's Tax Payment

Voleen Tassen regards you as an ally -- looks like a reasonably safe opponent.
Your Location is -192.51, -266.37, 3.75

You say, 'Hail, Voleen Tassen'

Voleen Tassen says 'Oh, it's so nice to see you again Nekokirei. Why don't you have a look around and buy something nice for yourself today?'

You say, 'tax collection'

Your faction standing with Merchants of Qeynos got worse.

Voleen Tassen says 'Oh dear. We had forgotten about those pesky taxes. Here you go, Nekokirei. Sorry you had to come collect them. We will try to be on time from now on.'

should have all tax payments in box, hit combine
You have fashioned the items together to create something new!
You have fashioned Full Tax Collection Box.
return to Vicus and turn in Full Tax Collection Box and List of Debtors

Vicus Nonad judges you amiably -- looks like a reasonably safe opponent.
Your Location is 288.82, -286.78, 20.16

Vicus Nonad says 'Very good <cough> work. But I need both the full tax collection box and the list of debtors. You did get the [list] from me before you left, right? <cough>'

Vicus Nonad says '<cough> Great! Thank you so much. Here is a small gratuity for a job well done. Thank you again. <cough> Antonius Bayle and the People of Qeynos appreciate all you have done.'

Your faction standing with Antonius Bayle got better.
Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos got better.
Your faction standing with Ring of Scale got worse.
Your faction standing with Kane Bayle got worse.
Your faction standing with Merchants of Qeynos got better.

You gain experience!!

You receive 21 silver from Vicus Nonad.

Vicus Nonad judges you amiably -- looks like a reasonably safe opponent.


:: saying "tax collection" or "<NPC's Name>Tax Payment" will result in the corresponding negative faction hit--regardless if their tax collection in inventory or not. thus, spamming "tax collection" will garner as many negative hits.
:: can walk up to any of the npcs in quest and say "tax collection" and get payment without first speaking to Vicus.
:: <NPC's Name>Tax Payment are Lore, but not No-Drop (oddly).
:: can do collection in any order; performed this walkthrough in order of names found in List of Debtors.
:: can completely skip to Flynn Merrington and bypass trip to Mira Sayer in QH.
:: Fhara Semhart did not respond to hails.
:: did not receive anything on final turn in giving Full Box and List at same time except for faction, experience, and coin. upon turning them in one at a time, giving Full Box first, then turning in List, received 1 Copper Amulet, 1 Turquoise, faction, experience, and coin.

Edited, Nov 8th 2006 at 10:21pm PST by joev
Tax Quest in Qeynos
# Sep 01 2005 at 3:01 AM Rating: Decent
127 posts
When I did this quest as a High Elf Mage I was not able to complete it. When I got to the last NPC Flynn he didn't answer correctly so I gave up on the quest cuz at lvl 30 it wasn't worth it to continue messing around. I went through the whole quest two times and still didn't work so I lost some faction, which is the only reason why I would want to finish this quest now, to get back the faction I lost with the merchants in Qeynos. However, my question is: Does it matter what class you are to do this quest? Only thing I can think of to do is to go back through the whole quest and do the NPC's in order of tax document is this what you have to do? This quest is not too bad for a 1st through 10th level character but any higher would be a total waste of time.
"You can't run with the big dogs if you pee like a puppy!"
The list
# Dec 04 2011 at 11:06 AM Rating: Decent
80 posts
If saying "tell me about this list" does not work, try "give me the list" instead. I had to use the "give me the list" to get it.
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