Curt Schilling Talks EQ with Allakhazam

Because of the recent writeup in, many of you may know that Curt Schilling, the all star pitcher from the Arizona Diamondbacks, and the first pitcher to win 10 games this year, is also an avid Everquest player. I managed to track him down and get him to answer a few questions about Everquest, baseball and the infamous Doug Glanville incident. Here's what he had to say: Q: First off, I want to thank you for taking the time to answer some questions for me. As a baseball fan and a Phillies fan, it’s a real pleasure to get to do this. A: I appreciate the opportunity, thanks. Q: So let’s start with the basics. What got you started playing Everquest? A: I started RPG type games a long time ago. I'm a wargamer at heart. Check out That's the publishing company I am president of. But I played some D&D when I was younger, and then got away from it only to find Ultima Online a few years back. A good friend of mine, Todd Pratt (catcher for the New York Mets), turned me on to that. I played for a long time, and then saw EQ coming out. I was never a fan of 1st person games, but I tried it. I didn't like it that much the first day, but the next day I kept thinking I wanted to try it again. I did and was hooked. Q: How long ago was it? And are you still playing today? A: Absolutely. I was away for about 5 months or so this past year and just got back into it at the beginning of the baseball season. I play a ton when we go on the road -- lotsa hours to kill. Q: Do you remember your first thoughts and actions when you entered the world of Norrath? A: I couldn't believe how big the world was. How cool the effects were. All of it. Then I realized I had only been seeing the Qeynos zone! I went into the Karanas and ran into a Giant and at that moment I was hooked -- dead but hooked. Q: What characters do you play? Races/Classes/Levels? All of that sort of thing. Are you in a guild? And what server are you on? A: My main is a 49 Monk named Scythehands Voxslayer, and my alt's name is Cylc, Dwarven Cleric 19th level. I play both on the Povar server. I was in Soul Syndicate until I went away for the last few months -- great guild with lots of fun players. The guild disbanded while I was away and I am currently looking for another guild to join. I want to help friends quest (love that stuff) and do a few of the higher level monk quests, but you gotta have a guild to have a chance at that stuff. Q: Dwarven Cleric? Somehow I picture the dwarves making good catchers, but not such great pitchers. If you were playing a race/class combination closest to your real personality, what would it be? A: The monk :) Q: And what race/class combinations would you use for some other players? For example, your teammate Randy Johnson seems like the perfect barbarian shaman to me. And Mark McGuire is an obvious ogre warrior. (I’m probably going to get you in trouble with this one). Give us a few others that pop into your mind. A: Craig Counsell-Elven Bard Brian Anderson-Half Elf Ranger Greg Colbrunn-Dwarf Warrior Cal Ripken-Human Paladin Richie Sexon-Barbarian Warrior Q; What is your playing style? Are you generally a power gamer? Role-player? Explorer? And do you prefer to play solo or do you usually find a group? A: Definitely a role player that likes to group. It's one of the reasons I started my cleric. Clerics are always in demand and it seems that it's harder these days to find groups with the world getting so big. Blackburrow used to be packed, but now there's rarely a lot of people there. That's another one of the reasons I want to find a great guild. Guilds make the game ten times more fun when you can play with the same group, become a team that works well together and have players in your group you know you can depend on in a crunch. Q: Tell us some of the most interesting adventures you have had while playing Everquest? Did you ever do something really stupid? Something that you are really proud of? A: My first foray into Lower Guk was a lot of fun. My favorite memories are pretty basic. Completing the Robe of the Lost Circle quest was a blast. Camping Raster was a nightmare, but I got stupidly lucky. I had pretty much resigned myself to camping Scythehands in the Mino room, logging in, seeing another monk already there camping, and waiting. One night I log in, and there's a 55 level monk there. Great guy. He's been there for like 12 hours. No Raster -- pop, despawn, pop, despawn -- still no Raster. Now I'm in about my 3rd day there -- total time camping him maybe 5-10 hours tops -- but getting some good groups when I did have the camp (lotsa guild mates showed up and we pulled and got great exp). Anyway, this guy says ok, one more spawn and it's yours. So I wait and this guy says 'screw it' and leaves. I get a full group and we get the camp. We are there for about 2 minutes when we are in a major, major brawl and we barely survive. I'm laying there, feign death style, and no one in the group is hurt but me. I have no mend and about a bub of health. My group runs some frogloks down the hall to finish them off and POP! RASTER! If there was a way to scream louder than caps in EQ I was doing it. Man I am straight panicking because I know I have NO CHANCE soloing and the party has run off. I'm in my hotel room; it's like 5am, and I am straight hollering, in EQ and in real life. Bottom line is the group comes back, heals me, and kills Raster! WOOT! Q: With your traveling schedule, how do you find the time to actually play the game? When and how often do you play? A: On the road when my family doesn't travel I play every night, and usually very, very late. I have a Dell laptop that I play on. At home I play almost every night. Depending upon the circumstances, sometimes I can pull an all nighter :) Q: Is this your first exposure to this type of computer game? What other video and computer games do you play? A: No. I've played it all: UO, Diablo, every wargame made, Baldurs Gate I and II, Icewind Dale..... Q: What is your all time favorite computer and video game? A: Hands down, no brainer: WIZARDRY! Greatest game ever made at the time, and the best times I've ever had. Q: Give us your impressions of Everquest. What do you think are its strengths and what would you change if you could. A: To tell you the truth it's pretty awesome. I have the expansions and all but have yet to see probably 50% of the world. It's huge and the variety is endless. People piss and moan but I'll give a big thumbs up to the guides and GMs Verant has in place. I never had a petition or complaint go unanswered and for 10 bucks a month its hour to dollar value is unmatched. Changes? Hmm, more variety in PC races maybe? Changes in spawn rate and MOBS in dungeons to FORCE more grouping and less camping? Keep the important big mobs where they are but make random spawns more random in both MOB and location maybe? Q: Do you use information sites like Allakhazam’s and EQ Atlas to help you with the game? (OK. I admit that’s a shameless plug) A: Your site is hands down my only stop. I can link to anything I need from here and even when I was away from the game I dropped by the site to checkup on how things were changing. At home I have your site up on my Mac while I am playing on my home computer. I can get to maps and quest info in two clicks if need be when playing and that helps immensely in enjoying the game. I also appreciate it anytime someone puts this much effort into something they don't get paid to do. Pretty cool. Q: So which is harder – Striking out a guy like Moises Alou or finally making it through a hell level? A: Well I'd say the first one, but I'm 49 so from what I hear it may be that latter in one level. Q: I have to ask about the Glanville incident. Doug Glanville of the Phillies hit two home runs off you in your first game against the Phillies since the trade to give you your only loss so far this season. He said it was revenge against you for leaving his poor dwarven paladin Bingbong to die at the hands of some aviaks. So who made the bad pull? And what is your side of the story? Here’s your chance to set the record straight. A: C'mon dude, you ever hear of a cleric pulling in a group with a Paladin? It's like I always say in baseball, don't make excuses because people that know the game know the real reasons why you win or lose. Same with EQ man. Anyone with a lick of sense in EQ could see right through his babbling and know that he was the train conductor in that entire episode. Doug’s the goods though. Fun as hell to group with. His ranger is around 30 now. Nahir is his name. Give him a tell if you want a fun guy to group with. He experiments with other characters a lot more than I do though. Q: I’m guessing that an oddball story like that had to spark some curiosity about what the heck you guys were talking about. So how hard is it to explain to the other players in the locker room exactly what Everquest is and why you play it? And have you managed to hook anyone else into playing the game? A: Not really since the only non-baseball opinions that matter to me are my wife and kids. She obviously hates the game, but my youngest son Gehrig who's just turned 6 thinks it's 'the bomb', as he says. Where the hell does a 6 year old learn that phrase? Anyway he LOVES to sit there and watch me play. I'm close to starting a character for him and letting him give it a whirl with me helping him. I walk around like I can't see anything sometimes, letting him point out stuff for me to pull or fight. He HATES the spiders outside Karnors. They give him the creeps, so I'm under orders to kill every one I see when he's sitting there. Q: Do you know any other players, or celebrities of other sorts, that play Everquest? A: Todd Pratt and Doug Glanville are the only two I know of right now. Q: Have you looked at any of the upcoming MMORPG’s like Anarchy Online, Dark Age of Camelot, Shadowbane, etc? If so, what are your impressions and which games are you most looking forward to? A: The new EQ expansion! Q: So is there anything else you want to throw in here that you think might be of interest to the other Everquest players? Or feel free to just ramble incoherently for a few paragraphs. A: Sony-Verant caught wind of our little story recently and the next time we are in San Diego I've been invited up to meet the folks behind EQ, which should be a blast. I've even heard rumor I could get a tour of the new expansion coming out in December and if I'm not under a confidentiality agreement maybe I can drop you all a sneak peak? Thanks again Zam and take care Curt Schilling Thanks for the interview, and I hope to see you starting in the All Star Game this year.


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# Oct 28 2004 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
Heroic performances on the mound for the Sox in the ALCS and WS. Great job.
Curt and the Red Sox
# Oct 20 2004 at 2:47 PM Rating: Good
Grats to Curt for his gutsy win last night for the Red Sox! Very exciting!
dear lord..
# Jun 04 2004 at 8:35 PM Rating: Default
he is an everquest player like you all are. geez. ive met him before in game, he made the corker for my trophy, hes just a regular player and grinds exp like everyone else.

you people giving him guild invites, wtf. he has a guild and im sure he is very happy with it, hanging around people who share similar eq interests. you ever think he might not WANT special treatment, might not WANT to be receiving an insane amount of guild invites?

whatever dudes.
hey Curt
# Jun 22 2003 at 9:39 PM Rating: Decent
Hello Curt. I wasnt a big baseball fan until i got a little bit interested in it when i moved to Seattle and my friends all like it(im a football player myself). Anyways, I have a lvl 50 monk on Tribunal and wanted to get some of you opinions on what stats you think are important and compare equipment with you if you still play. Send a tell to Unoimgood in game or Scorching, my wizard. thanks and i hope you respond
# Jan 18 2003 at 12:56 AM Rating: Default
Hey Curt this is Jalce from the Torvonnilous server. I invite you to come to my server and join our guld Blades of Wrath. We will Power Level you to 65 in a matter of 5 or so weeks. You can choose any race/class combo you wish. Check out our guild website at . I hope you like what you see :) We are oober of the oober guilds with quite a few celebs in it and hope you can become part of our family. Hope to hear from you!
# Jan 08 2003 at 6:14 PM Rating: Default
Great interview, I live in Arizona and my main is a Monk too. So I can relate, I guess.

Ismail Vilehand
41st Human Monk
poor kurt
# Sep 14 2002 at 11:03 PM Rating: Decent
39 posts
how do i feel sorry for kurt with server wide chat
I feel for you really... expect the tells to come... from fans and foes alike :( But not from me, even if I am baseball fan its just not right good luck to you in your gaming, I hope you find it as fun now as you did before you told people your characters names :)
# Jul 01 2002 at 2:58 PM Rating: Default
We love ya in AZ Curt!!
# Jun 14 2002 at 11:55 AM Rating: Default
Go D-Backs! Hearing that Curt Schilling plays EQ put a smile on my face! Norrath is the perfect place for people like Curt who can't go anywhere in RL without people staring!! I hope this interview hasn't ruined that for ya! 49 Monk, eh? You are UBER in EQ too! WTG! We are so proud of you! Let's win another one this year!!!

47 Wizard
# Apr 07 2002 at 9:58 PM Rating: Default
Give him a gm created baseball cap says MVP on it with insane stats lol

Schilling Autograph on Status Pro Baseball Card
# Feb 05 2002 at 8:27 AM Rating: Default
I usually go to about 3-4 Houston Astros games a year but would never call myself a baseball fan. I would rather participate then watch and keep fairly busy playing rugby and EQ. That said I can admit to following Curts career. What got my interest in his career? I bought a copy of Status Pro Baseball in Nans Hobbystore in Houston Texas years ago and found inside Curt had autographed his Astros player card. My bad luck he had a pretty mediocre season that year but his card still manages to make it into almost every game I play.
# Dec 10 2001 at 12:39 PM Rating: Default
Yanks con green to you Curt....WTG!!
Guild curious?
# Nov 14 2001 at 2:56 AM Rating: Default
Hey Curt! Congrats on winning the World Series! My boyfriend is going nuts now to find out that you play EQ and on the same server as we do =) I just wanted to let you know about our guild. We have a really great website that you can feel free to check out anytime. It is at:
It's a really good guild, but everyone will say the same about their respective guilds as well. and there are a lot of good ones out there to choose from. We're a very close-knit family rather than a just a guild. Drop by the website and say Hi sometime. HUGS
Snootchie Bootchies

Sorien Dipiti
Lvl 30 Warrior Goddess
Risen Phoenix
Povar server
Too bad...
# Nov 08 2001 at 5:35 PM Rating: Decent
Well Curt, you own all. Too bad Kirby Puckett went blind, he'd give ya something to pitch fer:) I think Verant should make a no-drop ToV set of gaunts or something. Like, ummmm: Fist of Curt
20ac 20str 20dex 20agi 20sta. EFFECT: Haste.That wouldnt definetly be awesome. Come to Terris Thule sometimes, we need some excitement on tht server:P

Looks. 9th level Pre-Backstabber.
(uber twinked that is:))
# Nov 06 2001 at 5:25 PM Rating: Default
Hi Curt, I doubt you will ever read this but if you do I think its really cool that you play EQ. I think It's deffinetly a rly good way to waste time on those away trips(maybe a little too good). Anyways, I play baseball too as a pitcher, although not in the MLB. I really don't like the Yanks and I want to congratulate you on the World Series. Maybe if you got enough Players players together you could start a guild called MLB or something. I play on Povar as a 34 druid by the name of Fippan Wolfleaper. I have seen you in Greater Fay and have looked at some of the stuff you have had for sale(but never bought since Im absolutely broke). Anyways, I think it would be rly cool if you could just say hi or something. Thanks.
# Nov 06 2001 at 4:13 PM Rating: Default
Verant and Sony should recognize what Curt did and make him his own World Series championship/co-MVP ring in game! Like, 20ac, 20 to all stats and saves, well, something cool at least. Because, well, he deserves it! hehe.
Schilling WINS!!!!!
# Nov 04 2001 at 11:29 PM Rating: Default
WOOT!!!!! Schilling wins the series EQ junkies own the spankees all over the desert!!!!!!!
Playoff run
# Oct 20 2001 at 4:07 AM Rating: Decent
I'm a bit behind in these boards. I just read this interview and it has raised my opinion of Mr. Schilling. He is a down to earth guy with a really cool attitude. Arizona is in the middle of a great playoff run and Mr. Schilling is the 'main tank' so to speak. He is performing as well or better then any pitcher in playoff history. I wish him and the Arizona team the best of luck. Being a die hard Mets fan I want them to pummel the Atlanta Braves. :)

Best of luck,
Gukmbuk, 45 SK Black Conclave of *******

If you are still looking for a guild check here:
y curts the best and should give me a tell one day
# Aug 04 2001 at 3:35 PM Rating: Default
DUDE, im like ur biggest fan and i cant belive u play EQ. theres just one thing U LEFT PHILLY!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT its ok because u play EQ. If u dont mind let me recomend a server to u its lanys ty'veal. My guys are troleth whitch im usally on as and i have sereans and its a really good server. Im praying u see this and send a tell Well thats all ! KEEP PITCHIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and send a tell LOL!
# Jul 13 2001 at 9:00 AM Rating: Default
he didn't start the allstar game so he could spend the break playing EQ. =P
Quick spawns
# Jul 12 2001 at 8:37 PM Rating: Default
Great Interview! I had a lucky occurence like what happened with you, a friend before me was camping the ancient cyclops in OoT for 15 hours, finaly got the ring so I got on the spawn, well, i had one friend with me mainly for exp and to snare/fear the pops to make it easier (he is a necro of course and scince I was only 39 I needed his help) after 30 mins he said one more pop and if it isnt the AC i have to go (it was late and he had work in the morning) Im like, no way is it going to pop, we have been here 45 mins tops and so a cyclops pops and i click on it and look at my target "an ancient cyclops" my heart just leaps and I yell out in game and real life, i couldnt believe my luck, we ended up killing it and I have my Jboots now, awesome item I might add, especialy for pvp scince im on a pvp server.
I hope the sphinx in the plain of air is such a lucky camp for me when I start on my epic, hoping i get lucky twice

Raistin Majere
42nd Magi
Tallon Zek
# Jul 10 2001 at 8:57 PM Rating: Default
isn't it funny how you can meet someone online in EQ and not have a clue of their celebrity?
i have seen curt online before in fact i have flirted with him as on of my alter egos...and had no clue just thought the last name rocked...which is the only reason i remember him now lol...anyone with a name like voxslayer is sure to stick in my mind.

dont be shy mr voxslayer say hi sometime by doing a who all cookkie or who all Xvar:P
the SS site still exists...
# Jul 09 2001 at 9:11 PM Rating: Default
I was bored when reading this, so i checked out the SS site that was posted, and yet, it does work. There wasn't much there, but it is still funny that it still works. :-P
I have a cunning plan
# Jun 27 2001 at 11:59 AM Rating: Default
I think we should get every player in the leagues onto EQ to take up their time.. except the Cubbies! Then they might stand a chance next year! Who knows, the Sox might even forfeit a game or two cuz they gotta raid Hate that night ^_^
RE: I have a cunning plan
# Jul 09 2001 at 9:12 PM Rating: Default
Gee. Maybe the flaw in that thought is that the one player who does play EQ is the starting pitcher in the allstar game. You should instead get your cubs to take up EQ. Then they might have a chance. :)
# Jun 27 2001 at 8:02 AM Rating: Default
One of Curts big things is Advanced Squad Leader, check out the link he gave. Great bunch of guys over at MMP --- Curt seems to be pretty cool, he took the time to answer a rules question I had about ASL and has always been very polite in all his corresponence with the ASL community (and you think Eq'ers whine).

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