Tolkar Parlone  

Quest NPC

Uploaded September 6th, 2020 by Drewinette

  • This mob spawns at -63, -690 on the southeast 'balcony' by the water.
  • Findable (via Ctrl-F): No

You say, 'Hail, Tolkar Parlone'

Tolkar Parlone says 'Hail, good adventurer! I am afraid that my services are not available at the moment. I am too worried about my [daughter].'

You say, 'Who is your daughter?'

Tolkar Parlone says 'My daughter's name is Linara. I have not seen her in several months, and I fear the worst. She went off adventuring, even though I told her how dangerous it was.'

You say, 'Where did she go?'

Tolkar Parlone says 'I do not know where she went, but I thought she mentioned something about lava. It still sends shivers down my spine just thinking about it.'

He is the husband of Trilani Parlone and father of Linara Parlone.

Categories: Templatized | EverQuest
This page last modified 2020-09-06 20:19:10.

Level: 35
Expansion: Original
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2020-09-06 20:20:08

Known Habitats:
  Northern Felwithe
Factions Increased:
  The Dead +47
Factions Decreased:
  Keepers of the Art -190
  Faydarks Champions -28
  King Tearis Thex -47
  The Mystic Cloak

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Directions to NPC
# Oct 05 2022 at 2:48 PM Rating: Good
105 posts
If you use CTRL+ F and look for Elytan Rantas (Fishing Supplies Merchant), this NPC is a couple feet away from Elytan!
Tolkar faction hits
# May 03 2016 at 6:34 PM Rating: Good
174 posts
Your faction standing with Keepers of the Art has been adjusted by -190.
Your faction standing with King Tearis Thex has been adjusted by -47.
Your faction standing with Faydarks Champions has been adjusted by -28.
Your faction standing with The Dead has been adjusted by 47.
where in fel is he
# Jul 14 2015 at 5:57 PM Rating: Decent
9 posts
wow all these post and not one about where in fel he might be
where in fel is he
# Feb 27 2016 at 9:19 AM Rating: Excellent
66 posts
I found him all the way east in Felwithe, on the southernmost 'balcony' by the water. Straight east of the "Felwithe Keeper" bank.
where in fel is he
# Mar 06 2016 at 7:15 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
Nizzudien wrote:
I found him all the way east in Felwithe, on the southernmost 'balcony' by the water. Straight east of the "Felwithe Keeper" bank.

Updated, thanks.
On Test Server
# Apr 11 2004 at 6:06 PM Rating: Default
Hehe charmers are fun just good old fun specially on test server i made a cleric and this girl mage had like attacked him and was like folloiwn him so i hit him and I knew i was charmed and so i was beating on her Element Pet and it said I was LInkDead but i coudl still go like /ooc and it was so weird cause i was wondering when the hells this charm gonna go or if i was LD wouldnt I be like logged off heh! Anways i need to go to Sirens being charmed is great! You dont get hurt its ur friends that get hurt!!!
Naughty NPC Enchanters (and Players)
# Oct 31 2003 at 6:55 PM Rating: Decent
You know you are innocent (even if you accidentally hit him). But you are wondering why he would stroll around town, randomly beating pedestrians. The good news is that he should now behave just like any other well-behaved citizen in Felwithe. However, I will explain the reason for his past aggressions.

In the old EQ days, whenever a player got charmed by an NPC, the player became the NPC's pet and also a part of the NPC. They would both immediately aggro the nearest player in that zone, regardless of the distance or the player's factions with the NPC. If that target player gets killed or escapes before the NPC casts another charm spell, then NPC would return to its spawn point, and its pet player would dance around the master until the charm effect wore off.

But wait! Here comes the fun part. If the second player did not escape the charm spell, the NPC would now have TWO charmed players by his side, and the trio would all aggro the next closest player in the zone. As long as the NPC kept on charming players, the fun continued.

I must admit that at one time, I attacked Tolkar Parlone out of sheer humor (and naught), knowing fully well what the results would be. I could not stop laughing when one by one, players in that zone fell under Tolkar's influence. By the time the chain effect ended, Tolkar had built a small army consisting of four charmed players all following his lead.

Those were the good old days. If an NPC enchanter charms you now, the fight will simply end, and you will lose all aggro.

Edited, Sat Nov 1 10:40:15 2003
# May 16 2002 at 6:20 AM Rating: Default
This dude is on "Keepers of the Art faction"
# Mar 18 2002 at 4:58 PM Rating: Default
I went up to him and hailed him to begin the quest. He wouldn't talk to me despite having indifferent faction. I cast Greater Wolf Form and tried again, but still got the same response, he wouldn't talk to me. Just as I was about to give up, my 4 year old tells me, "No, use this key!" just before mashing my [A] key. Fortunately he was light blue and his first blast hardly moved my 51st druid's life. I didn't want to kill him, so I cast heal and began to click on gate when I got the message, "You have lost control of yourself!" I thought, oh ****, I'm dead... but it wore off instantly and he disappeared. I looked around, but I had no idea where he went, so headed to the bank. It turns out he "warped" to the bank and slaughtered a level 9 cleric for no reason. This guy is a P-SYCHO!!!!
# Jun 09 2003 at 8:20 AM Rating: Decent
He's a caster, they dont like to deal with you druids usually.
Never Saw It Commin'
# Dec 16 2001 at 10:07 AM Rating: Decent
I to have had a run in with Tolkar Parlone. Decided to work on my fishing & swimming skills and went to the pond in Felwithe thinking "This should be a nice quiet place to fish"....and it was for several hours. Had to go AFK for about 10 min or so, So my husband decided to fish for me, but when he looked at the screen it says something to the effect of: " Pain and agony hit you for 233 pts of damage!" (Like 3 times I think).."You have been slain by Tolkar Parlone. And I'm back at my bind point. What the hell??? Also....the same thing happened earlier while fishing...pain & agony struck...but was never told by who/what. Looked around and saw nothing(???) So I continued to fish. Then this happened 'bout an hour later.
What really bites about the whole ordeal is that I was just 3 blue bubs into 29(druid)..lost my lvl. And all u druids out there know what I lost over it. My first round of group TP spells...and other 29 spells I had just gotten!! Luckily....had a friend cleric on. Got a lvl 39 rez and "just barely" got my lvl back.
So, does anyone know, Is this a bug? Or did I just get to be one of the lucky ones receiving the wrath of Tolkar?

Rayni Daze 29 druid
(Swords of Dawn)
Xegony Server

Edited, Sun Dec 16 10:09:11 2001
# Dec 10 2001 at 7:04 AM Rating: Default
can we get some stats on this item please??
RE:mystic cloak quest
# Oct 31 2001 at 4:59 AM Rating: Default
He is right listen to him :)
Lol, this guy is hilarious
# Aug 15 2001 at 6:50 AM Rating: Default
I was in Felwithe fishing for fish scales, and decided to hail him,instead I accidently hit my attack key, and I was like, oh crap, and I thought I be in for a short death, instead he casted a spell on me, and my screen froze couldn't move the mouse, and then I was tooken to the bank, when I came in everyone freaked and started to run, I was un fits of laughter, because I had started to hit like a lvl 6 guy, and I was lvl 14 at the time, so he ran to the tunnel to go to Gfay, and then the Toklar Parlone guy rooted him, and then the charm wore off, and the toklor parlone went back to his spot, I said sorry to the guy and then I left, but its really funny, mean but funny, that there scared of you, :D
# Jul 19 2001 at 10:42 AM Rating: Default
OK...heres the deal...I am a lvl 36 chantr on the Brell server...I looked this item up cause a friend told me about it I have tried everything I can possibly think of to get this guy to spawn....I heard that he spawns like every 3 spawns and each one is like 52-55 minutes the other 2 are just the PH's....Well, I camped this guy on 3 seperate occasions....1 time for 6 hours..NO SPAWN another time for ANOTHER 6 hours...NO SPAWN....and then AGAIN after they shut down the server to put in patches...I heard from a VERY reliable source that the system is automatically reset when the patches go through...and since the priest CANNOT be killed in the same 24 hour period ( so I have heard ) the 24 hour period would have been reset by the patch.... WHATEVER! ! After the last patch I camped this guy for 12 hours strate...NO PRIEST! ! I even heard rumors of having to hail Linara parlon located in the Jail of najena 1st to get him to spawn BULL $#it that dont work either....IN closing a total camping of 24 hours and then some hailing of ppl tht dont do squat and at least 3 hours of research ALL FOR NOTHING and down the drain....was this item nerfed? I am still trying to get the guy to spawn to start the quest for this nice whats the deal?? My name is Zirconious on the brell server if ya know somthing I dont...PLZ let me know OR plz send me an email it should be posted...thanks hopfully I will get to at least SEE the reclusive priest of najena....
lack of info
# Jul 06 2001 at 9:47 AM Rating: Default
all this faction info and not 1 npc faction is listed ?????? now what faction is tolkar parlone ????
RE: lack of info
# Jan 23 2002 at 5:32 PM Rating: Decent
That is the info i am also missing!
He could be on Keeper of the Art Faction, but possible is also Anti Mage or King Tearis Thex.
For sure he is not on one of the Tunare faction 'Emerald Warriors', 'Faydark Champions', 'Clerics of Tunare', 'Soldiers of Tunare' or any Merchant Faction.


# May 18 2001 at 10:59 PM Rating: Default
Mystic Cloak Quest
# Feb 17 2001 at 8:34 AM Rating: Decent
His sister Linara is in room 10 (from map), near Rathyl room in the Najena dungeon.
# Oct 10 2000 at 7:20 PM Rating: Default
Was busy buying fishcakes when he blasts me from behind. I am a barbarian warrior with good faction with the guards. Didn't hail him or anything like that.
# May 19 2001 at 4:13 AM Rating: Default
My guess is the him going KOS on you guys was some sort of bug hope they fix it :)
Be carful clerics..
# Oct 03 2000 at 3:20 PM Rating: Default
i was an 11cleric when i went up to him and hailed him. He did nothing at first when i asked something like "where is your daughter" or whatever and some other PC girl near attacked me for 1dmg and he ht me for 100. i fell in the water and was unable to move til drownd to death. ive heard something similer happen to a few other clerics so BE CARFUL!
Kill on Sight
# Aug 21 2000 at 7:28 PM Rating: Default
I was level 14 cleric, leaving clerics guild in Felwithe. Tolkar Parlone had apparently charmed
another player who then attacked me. Then Tolkar hit me, bam I'm dead. Thought maybe
other player had ticked him off, but when I went to retrieve my corpse he came at me again.
Anyone know what's up with this? I've heard it has happened to another player as well.
RE: Kill on Sight
# Oct 03 2000 at 3:17 PM Rating: Default
i was a 1cleric hailed him and talked to him for a bit when some other PC girl near me attacked as well as him. i fell in the water and was unable to move or anything slowly drowned : (
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 21 2000 at 7:26 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
Mystic Cloak Quest
# May 28 2000 at 12:10 PM Rating: Good
This is part of the mystic cloak quest. You have to kill the Priest of Nejena on the third floor of Unrest and get a no drop key. You give the key to Linara in Nejena and she gives you a note. You give the note to Tolkar, her father, and he gives you a worn cloak. You give the worn cloak to his wife in the enchanter's guild in Erudin and she restores it's powers, giving you the mystic cloak. It's Lore, no drop.

Aundrea Belladonia
Knight of the Avenger's Federation
The Nameless
# Mar 16 2000 at 4:05 PM Rating: Default
when you hail him, he tells you about his daughter, Lenara, who is missing. I looked, but this isn't mentioned as a quest. Whats up?
RE: quest/daughter
# Feb 20 2004 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
This guy ..if you can hail part of the mystic cloak quest...."THE MYSTIC CLOAK!
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