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Orb of Mastery  

Lore Item No Trade Quest Item Placeable
Charges: 1
Skill: 1H Blunt Atk Delay: 30
DMG: 20 Dmg Bonus: 33
This item is placeable in yards, guild yards, houses and guild halls.
STR: +15 DEX: +5 STA: +10 INT: +20 MANA: +100
SV FIRE: +20 SV COLD: +20 SV MAGIC: +10
Effect: Manifest Elements (Any Slot/Can Equip, Casting Time: 20.0) at Level 50
WT: 1.0 Size: TINY
Class: MAG

Item Type:1H Blunt
Light:Stein of Tears
Lucy Entry By:Kerasota
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2022-11-23 18:55:15
Page Updated:Wed Feb 5th, 2020

Expansion: Ruins of Kunark Ruins of Kunark

Rarity: Ultra Rare
Level to Attain: 50

[Quests | Summoned | Comments ]

This item is summoned.

This item is the result of a quest.
Expansion List - Premium only.
Quest Name
Magician Epic: Orb of Mastery


This item is used in quests.
Expansion List - Premium only.

This is summoned by the spell you get as a reward for completing the magician particle weapon quest. Wielders of this item will summon pets with higher stats, levels and abilities.

Uploaded November 15th, 2022 by iventheassassin
Updated December 12th, 2022
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Post Comment
# Oct 15 2002 at 12:45 AM Rating: Default
Definitely changed the game for me, My epic is sweet... but I hope we get upgrade with the new PoP.
# Oct 14 2002 at 6:14 PM Rating: Decent
Does anyone have a picture of themselves or others using this weapon? I would like a pick for my Mage.. wanna know what it looks like
RE: Picture
# Jan 28 2003 at 7:55 PM Rating: Decent
go to to get a huge pic. Go to find item and type epic go to the mage epic and it will give a huge pic and the story how to get it.if you would like to help me or if anyone would like to help me get my epic pieces i would be very grateful and there might be a reward depending if i can spare anything so thx for listening to me pls send a tell to Phenex if he is on. i will be accasionally asking for help with my epic in /ooc so if you hear me pls help out thx alot later.
RE: Picture
# Oct 20 2002 at 5:56 PM Rating: Decent
open up the quest thing given above, go to the walkthrough, and scroll all the way to the bottom, theres a pic of someone with it equipped =)

Edited, Sun Oct 20 18:39:33 2002
solo ~
# Oct 02 2002 at 4:18 PM Rating: Default
Old sebilis is best place for epic mage solo,cash loot + xp = nice p. with kei epic mage can easy handle gang camp or zone out or 3 spawn lol, dont worry about *snare* just use cancel magic. then they wont run fast when low hp.just add a last nuke finish frog`s life.if you not Lv60. just becaful make sure which mob you can solo pull.

Edited, Wed Oct 2 17:05:12 2002
Soloing with Epic Pet
# Sep 25 2002 at 4:16 PM Rating: Default
Can someone suggest a good place to solo with the Mage Epic pet? I most always have KEI as well so mana should be good. Would appreciate some feedback. Thanks!

Jonk Phyerhands
Xegony Server
RE: Soloing with Epic Pet
# Aug 27 2003 at 4:22 AM Rating: Decent
you're 65 with your epic and you don't know where to solo? How much did you pay for your account?
RE: Soloing with Epic Pet
# Sep 26 2003 at 5:29 PM Rating: Decent
Look at the post, was last year. He was prob. anywhere from 50-60 and wondering what the epic pet was made of.
# Sep 24 2002 at 3:43 PM Rating: Default
And for the ******* clueless people who keep posting there and saying cleric epic is the best enchanter epic beats ya blah blah dont have a ******* clue about this game and the end game, you are just good to feed trolls..
No epic is better than another..some are more usefull(i mean utility), some are purely offensive (rogue monk MAGE etc..) and the fact is the mage epic is one of the hardest epic in the game , so the reward is on par with the difficulty. I hope you do realize how newbie you are when you say " a mage is just usefull for coh and rods", and you get something to feed your empty brain

Thanks ,
RE: oh...
# Aug 16 2003 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
36 posts
"No epic is better than another..some are more usefull(i mean utility)"

That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard out of anyone over level 30. Are you high? "They're all equal?" Let's take the paladin epic for an example...

You can even buy weapons in the bazaar better than that sorryass waste of bandwidth. "Oh, but it's probably one of those real easy to get ones..." Guess again. I know people that spent over a YEAR at lvl 52 doing naggy/vox raids to get both halves of the book, and that's hardly all there is to the quest. It's pretty much universally agreed upon by the paladin community that the epic is an amazing waste of time and effort, as you can spend 1/10th the time and get something far, far superior. It's strictly for RPing, and if you've got spell effects off it doesn't even have a blade graphic. Now compare this to epics of some casters, such as wizard, that you'll probably never bank. There's no comparison.

I'm sure there's other epics as sad as the paladin's, I'm just sure of theirs since I had one for a while. I'd imagine a lot of melees have equally neglectable epics. Please, buy a clue next time before you start calling other people stupid.
#REDACTED, Posted: Apr 28 2003 at 10:04 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Who are you flaming?
Epic pet stats
# Sep 18 2002 at 4:38 AM Rating: Decent
lvl = 49
Hp = ~4k
Hits for = 81 dmg max
Kicks for = 31 dmg max
Bashes for= 31 dmg max
Procs = 143dmg , cold based
Stun(cast)=stuns for 3 seconds and does 84 dmg, magic based
Dmg shield= 50 pts
Regen Hp =30/tick
Mvt/speed =Jboots/run3 (stacks with SoW pet-buff only)

Can quad (4 hits per round) , can proc every hit

Edited, Wed Sep 18 05:24:49 2002
Epic pet stats
# Oct 20 2006 at 6:08 PM Rating: Decent
thanks for the info but just a random thought how the hell does the epic pet kick? just something i have wondered lol
Mage epic
# Jul 27 2002 at 12:55 AM Rating: Default
As a recently epiced mage, I must say MAGE EPIC ROCKS! I play on rallos and for those of you who dont realize how powerful the mage epic its leme put it in PVP terms first, the following peeps have attacked me and been owned on Rallos LVL 60 Baron Wiz, LVL 59 Baron Cleric, LVL 58 warrior, LVL 55 ranger, LVL 57 ENC, and the list goes on,(not to mention the fact that the only one I had to cast on was the Warrior) as for Chanter and Cleric epics yea they are nice nothing like haveing an epic cleric on a wipe out raid but guess what rez the chanter, rez the mage, crack the cleric and the mage (me) and the cr can be just as easy cause I can summon 3 charge mod rods so the cr ends up going about as fast as it would with an epic cleric. All epics are great! I must say mage epic is a pain in the rump to get but well worth it! Mages are known for pets, and this one is by far the best I can solo almost anything blue to me at 57 and some evens, I couldn't do that before, adds aren't a problem and neither is PVP now. Mages are wanted in groups and raids for 2 reasons COH and EPIC PET, Lvling was hard at 50+ but now with epic pet... its easy :)

LVL 57 mage Rallos Zek
# Jul 15 2002 at 2:30 PM Rating: Default
so does any know the stats and lvl of the pet?
#REDACTED, Posted: Jun 12 2002 at 6:18 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) hey can Ne 1 tell me how to do the mage epic i think it kicks A** but every 1 has different opinions see thats how were made if we werent different then it would be boring Ne way can someone tell me how to do the mage Epic Quest Ty
# Jun 01 2002 at 12:57 AM Rating: Default
The epic pet can solo a level 60 monk with epic, saw it about a week ago in EC tunnel, REALLY uber monk too. But it couldnt take the pet.
# Jul 03 2002 at 2:40 PM Rating: Decent
Tell that monk to use a high dmg high delay 2hb weapon and I bet he will kick the crap out of the epic pet. That monk must have been an idiot trying to duel wield with a bunch of epic haste and beat himself to death on the damage shield. Epic pet is very nice dont get me wrong, but its not unkillable in pvp.

-47 mage of tallon zek
Vs Naggy
# Nov 17 2001 at 8:54 PM Rating: Default
I heard a story about a mage soloing Naggy with this pet and a pathing trick (staying outside the room).
Rumor has it that if you cast new pets as the old one are dying, you can even kill Naggy in time.
Maybe you could call it the pet-bolt technique?
RE: Vs Naggy
# Oct 09 2002 at 4:51 PM Rating: Good
50 posts
With the recent NPC changes, you no longer have to do dmg to a mob to get summoned (and pet dmg is your dmg as far as a mob is concerned). If the mob is casting an AOE and you get hit by it, you get added to the mobs summon list.

I was helping with a CR after a botched attempt on Naggy and was sitting on the far side of the pit. Some one brought Naggy to the door, I got hit by the AOE, and a few minutes later got summoned and banished by Naggy.

Gorenaire works in a similar fashion. IF you are KOS to Gore, she will track you, even from the opposite corner of the zone. But until you do any dmg, or you get hit by her AOE, she won't summon you. BTW, she doesn't AOE until some one hits her.
RE: Vs Naggy
# Sep 06 2002 at 7:48 PM Rating: Default
Bet a group of 6 epic mages could but I doubt 1 could and have the mana, let alone the summon factor.
RE: Vs Naggy
# Oct 09 2002 at 4:49 PM Rating: Default
50 posts

Edited, Wed Oct 9 17:33:21 2002
RE: Vs Naggy
# Jan 14 2002 at 9:12 AM Rating: Default
Dunno whether that's true or not that he killed Naggy but the technique is called chainpetting (and get that smirk off your face). It is quite effective but as you say there should probably be some pathing trick involved to make it feasible. And he wouldn't have used the epic pet since it's too mana inefficient and has too low resists. Focused 49 firepet would be better IMO since it's a third of the mana, has more than half as many hps as epic and is immune to fire attacks. It would be damn tricky but probably not impossible with some form of mana regen.

Of course it would never be as impressive as the monk and druid that killed Bristlebane in a 6+ hour fight.

Edit: Just had to mention that the AA skills for mages seem to a very great extent to support chainpetting - which is great since chainpetting doesn't work in groups with tanks (not great - being sarcastic). *Sigh* guess we'll just have to get used to being secondary offense and manabatteries in group/raid situations.

Edited, Mon Jan 14 09:19:19 2002
#REDACTED, Posted: Nov 25 2001 at 6:08 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I've heard the rumor of this a while ago, and, if true, the person would have/should have been banned for cheating. Taking advantage of game flaws constitutes a cheat.
#REDACTED, Posted: Jan 19 2002 at 7:37 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) no thats not cheating because the mage stayed out of the way of naggy and always had a pet to back him up.... Naggy would have gotten to him if he never had a pet with him but if you time it just right you will summon a pet as soon as the other dies and sic it on naggy before naggy will target you.
RE: Vs Naggy
# Jul 03 2002 at 2:35 PM Rating: Default
Actually guys this is cheating. If this is true (which I highly doubt it) then the mage was using a flaw in the game to get to an area of the zone (ie: behing a certain wall) where naggy cannot get to him. This, at least by verant's rules, is cheating. I'm not sure if they have fixed it yet, but guilds used to use this trick all the time. Like hiding their clerics behind the wall. Just because he can summon them if they gain to much aggro does not make it ok. And whoever it was that said that summoning new pets causes aggro is a dope, as long as you havent done the damage or healed your pet, naggy won't come after or summon you if you stay out of melee range. But I seriously doubt that a single mage could have enough mana, and be able to chain cast fast enough to keep up with naggy's hp's and dmg output.
RE: Vs Naggy
# Jul 03 2002 at 12:38 PM Rating: Default
Mobs which can summon (naggy) will summon you if you attempt to chain cast pets after you kill your previous pet.

And the act of summoning interupts spell casting. Therefore, without someone else to hold aggro momentarily, you cannot chain cast on a summoning mob, especially naggy.

I could be wrong, but I've tried it against lesser summoning mobs, and you get owned :(.

RE: Vs Naggy
# Mar 01 2004 at 12:55 PM Rating: Default
try it this way..... when pet is near death, at about 30% life, get close to the mob (just out of melee range) target the mob and start summoning pet and right before you are done casting (may take a little to get timing down, good to practice on non-summoning mobs) hit the pet get lost button and then the pet attack button. once you get the timing down right you wont be summoned
Duel heh?
# Nov 14 2001 at 4:37 AM Rating: Default
I love to see a tank class with thier epic defeat the epic mage pet...and still have 243hp left afterwards. HAR HAR HAR! But then you have to ask yourslef, what if the mage had helped it?
best epic?
# Nov 05 2001 at 8:07 PM Rating: Decent
I know some people are saying that Enchanter and Cleric epics are better. I dont know how they define better, but the mage epic has two advantages over the other epics I have seen.
1) It is SUMMONED, that means that you can never lose it, unlike other epics. It dosent matter how good your epic is if you lose it. That can happen with a mage.
2) Because of the fact that you are summoning a pet that can cast and attack with weapons, you have, in essance, a party member with 3000hp, this could also be said to be the equivilant to getting an aditional 3000hp for yourself. If you have the pet, you dont really need a tank either.
You are entitled to your opinions, but I think that an epic you can lose is VERY nice to have.

Proud member of the Chaos Crusaders
Mage on Morell-Thule
RE: best epic?
# Nov 03 2002 at 10:37 PM Rating: Decent
Ok, hehe, when I first read this post I was kinda confused with the use of the word "can". anyone who also may be confused, I think the poster meant "can't" instead. :P
# Sep 16 2001 at 9:10 AM Rating: Decent
Don't judge a pets power by dueling one...Pets are nerfed in duels. I dueled my friend's mage pet one day..he is lvl 55 mage and i'm 55 monk with my epic (celestial fists) and Scepter of Master in my off hand. I've seen the pet in action many times and he always hits in the 50s alot and does mad damage. But when I dueled his water was like Pet hits YOU for 36, 38, 33, 35, 26, on and so on. I think that Verant didn't want all the tanks getting pissed off seeing how they spend weeks aquiring Godly equipment, and it would be pretty shameful to get beat by an Elemental that was merely purchased from a vendor. =)
#REDACTED, Posted: Sep 07 2001 at 12:39 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) hi all, dont get me wrong it *is* hard, very hard... harder than most. but by reading a few posts and message boards, most make it seem impossible, when in fact it isnt. it just takes dedication and hard work as every epic should. there are some parts that i agree should be changed... i think the burning embers should be changed to a more common drop considering the difficulty of the creatures that drop them, i think the quillmane cloak should be made less desirable to non mages (remove levi), and other gripes that have been rehashed 10k times... but my point is, considering we are talking about a quest, that is supposed to be, epic... it really isnt as difficult as some will make it seem.
# Aug 19 2001 at 7:25 PM Rating: Decent
Can you give this to your pet? im not sure about what can be equipped and what cant, and does this count for lore? could he be dual wielding these?
RE: Pets
# Aug 20 2001 at 1:15 PM Rating: Decent
178 posts
Giving this to your pet would not work. NPCs will not equip nodrop items that are handed to them, they won't even go into the NPC's inventory. Giving this to your pet will have the same result as destroying it.
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 09 2001 at 1:20 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Yea a friend of Mine Ozmodin just got his on Fennin Ro a week ago. He was level 55 at the time he is now 56 and will be 60 before you know it. The thing is some people forget to include in the pets stats is this pet has alot of ac. I have seen the epic pet tank 4 rounds of a KC mob without taking one blow. Another thing about this pet is it averages around 50-60 per hit with the highest I have seen being 129. So lets think about this...... Lets say Lobonik does a round of 3 55's with a bash of around 33. So far we have about 200 damage plus they cast a stun that does damage and a 125dd (maybe more) so just in one round you have prolly around 400 damage with the whole round of 3 seconds. Now thats not including the pet getting hit and the Damage Shield doing havac. This pet owns for so many reasons and I have personally seen this pet solo a wurm down to 20% health without any help and only a Burnout 4 on him. The effect on this weapon is Uber.
#Darknyss, Posted: Aug 03 2001 at 3:13 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I was about to flame the guy that said the Mage pet sucks, until I saw who he was targetting. Why must people post such inane comments on this site when they have NO idea what they are talking about.
#REDACTED, Posted: Jul 26 2001 at 4:23 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Mage epics are not the best at all. I think anyone who has been on a CR, or heck has even died will agree with me that Cleric epic is the best, and Enhcanter epic is second. These two epics are by far more helpful then a large pet. The pet is a very nice addition to any raid, but when ya have 20 other thanks, I would much rather have Speed of the Shissar and when i died a free Revivesence (SP off) then a large pet. Thank ya
#REDACTED, Posted: Sep 06 2002 at 8:06 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Granted magi are a nice addition to a group but their usefulness to a raid is minimal, they are basicly a mindless tank that causes trains due to poor pathing and a weak wizzy that can't TP, really they are only useful for CoH on raids, otherwise I would rather a Warrior and a wizard than a mage. All you magi rave how your epic is better for raids but it is just a poor sub for a thinking and useful person. Chanter epic is by far the most useful on a multi group basis, if everyone has massive haste the mobs will go down much faster than just adding an uber pet to the mix. Cleric epic are a nice back up but by far not as nice as SoS from chanter epic.
RE: Haha best epic me arse
# Jul 03 2002 at 2:57 PM Rating: Default
Oh boohoo blubie. No epic is the best you freagin moran. Cleric epics are great if you die yes, and chanter epics are very useful. But this game is BALANCED!!!! Get over yourself and fear you local epic mage. We are not healer's or rezers. Come to tallon zek and you can have fun rezzin yer butt after an epic mage comes and hands you your butt, while you ran from his pet trying to find where he actually was. And good luck running since the epic pet has natural SOC (good luck outrunnin that if you arent a bard). So you keep worrying about taking care of your dead body, we've got our own bodyguards. Jeez ignorance gets on my nerves.

-47 Mage of Tallon Zek
#REDACTED, Posted: Dec 02 2001 at 1:31 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Hmmm if your on a CR that means your trying to get your corpse recovered and res'd right? Well, having my epic and many times Ive been very happy to have a pet I can summon w/o reagents. So even if my corpse is in bowels of Old Seb and there is no necro I can fight down on the recovery, nekkid~
#REDACTED, Posted: Dec 12 2001 at 5:55 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Holy Sheeit! Casters have always had the advantage when transfered cause they still get there spells but that had not occured to me, damn!
RE: Haha best epic me arse
# Aug 05 2001 at 3:13 AM Rating: Good
mages arent a support class. they were never meant to just stand there and haste some rogue, or heal some tank. we were meant to partake in the fight.
therefore our epic is an OFFENSIVE peice, and wont have any "melee buff here" as an effect.

st00pid self involved melee classes... they think everyone and thing exists just for them.
RE: Haha best epic me arse
# Aug 22 2001 at 10:13 PM Rating: Excellent
I LOVE MAGES! hehe, im a warrior, woodelf... always welcome a mage, they nuke, they summon stuff if you need it, (I.e. I always like a good coldstone) and they got pets.. I could never play a mage, just cause I hate casting, but I always welcome one to the group, GO MAGES!
#REDACTED, Posted: Jul 23 2001 at 6:36 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) actually, you can give no drop items to npc's including pets, and they will wield the weapon unless they already have one
RE: pets
# Sep 06 2001 at 8:03 PM Rating: Default
374 posts
Unfortunately, it's a no drop item, so if you give it to your pet, it will simply disappear.
# Jul 17 2001 at 3:16 PM Rating: Default
race/class doesnt matter to what weapons NPCs/pets can use(i've seen a npc bard with a damask robe so class doesnt matter), shadowed weapons are race none so its not that pets are human, the reason some weapons dont work is because at lower lvls the weapons damage actually affects how hard a NPC hits(lvl 1 pet with rusty halbred hits for i think 22) if u gave it a weighted axe it would hit the 80-90 range probably...also if you gave a weighted axe to a lvl 1 and let newbs try to kill it, and get slashed for 3-4 times their max hp just wouldnt be fair

you can give nodrops to npcs and pets...but they wont use them or have them for loot...and i've seen pet its no where near as big as a HG silly. by levitate i think he was referring to how pets float

primary so pet couldnt dual wield even if he would use it, you just destroy it to summon a new one(imagine how cool it would be to see the epic pet with 2 of the mage epics running err floating around with rainbow trail though hehe)

anon i some how doubt it would let u do the pally epic in the first place...and that you could find people to help you when its just for a twink

hehe ever wonder why all the lvl 60s forget to post name/server..."LvL 60 Magician. Pet is GREAT i Can Solo in PoH if im careful. My pet can take the stuff in PoH easy. I also have 9 Gm items that might help." - Anonymous...if you even had any(or 9) gm items how does that make your epic pet solo better? and does one of these port you to PoH?...lets look at stats real quick, pet lvl 50, plane mob lvl, 49-52 usually...plane mob wins, pet max 67 plane mob max in the 100s..plane mob wins, pet hp 3000 plane mob hp 11000...plane mob explain how you pet does this again(ds and spells dont make up for that much)
RE: ...
# Feb 17 2002 at 6:57 PM Rating: Excellent
Well, here are a few things to consider.

1) Your pet will hit much faster than the plane mob, more than twice as fast actually, maybe even three-four times as fast.

2) Your pet will proc a 167-damage spell every two or three hits or so.

3) Your pet will stun the plane mob every twelve seconds or so.

4) The plane mob does fifty damage to itself every time he hits your pet.

5) Add your own spells (Say, 3000-4000 damage, maybe even heals for 900 damage).

I think the mage can stand a chance, sure thing. If he's careful of course!

- Rascarcapac, L56 beer summoner on Xev server.
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 19 2001 at 4:25 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ok ok we reapeated no drop weapons cant be givin to pets like 5000000 times and such leyts get off that it would be cool and all but get over it. you can give it to mage npcs it looks realy cool when 4 npcs stand next to each other with epics and have pets and casting spells and such. anyhow if no drop items could be transfered i would have a level 1 paladin with his epic his best armor (cant think of it right now) some nice random equipment for the loose spaces and other stuff like that not to mension that other people would be like inviceible with there 50 ac bps and awsome stat and regen giving items. Heh but wouldent it be cool?
RE: uh repeated info
# Aug 05 2001 at 3:16 AM Rating: Decent
yes i also agree thats a lot of foo-foo. you would have listed their names at least if you really had that many L60s
umm you dont have all those players
# Jul 20 2001 at 4:44 PM Rating: Default
You dont have 6 level 60s, I know someone thats been playing since the game started and she only has a 58 and 53, and a few lower levels, 20s/30s etc. so unless you got powerleveled to 60 on everyone of those characters its impossible for you to have that many characters. And if its not, I want to know the server and all the characters names and server(s), just e-mail them to me, my e-mail is public.
RE: umm you dont have all those players
# Aug 30 2001 at 12:29 AM Rating: Excellent
He could have 6 level 60s. The first one will take a lot longer than the rest. I dont know about the other classes, but you can twink your monk and get him to 50 in 5 played days if you know where to hunt. I'm sure twinking some of those other classes can make them advance fast also...Not impossible, just hard
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 09 2001 at 4:22 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ummm you friend has been playing since the game came out right. BUT how long each day has she played because i know someone with 4 lvl 60 characters so untill you got the factsion shuta fu up
# Jun 11 2001 at 11:36 AM Rating: Default
Summoned by a spell... hm what if its fizzle or gets interupted :)
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 11 2001 at 8:16 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) My god u ppl make my head hurt,
RE: .
# Aug 25 2001 at 10:51 PM Rating: Default
Self absorbed mages - hehe, the epic is good but definately not the best in the game, cleric and enchanter epics got ya beat there.. and by the way please learn how to spell YOU, its Y - O - U,
not U thanks :)
RE: .
# Jun 13 2001 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
hehe i hate this spell, your a bit off.

the pet looks like an air pet, it is about 2 times the size of the 51-60 pets, not nearly the size of a giant, levi, like with all pets does not actualy effect the pet as its an NPC. so it stays at the same level.

it does have about 3000hps, maybe a bit more, and a 50 point dmaage shield it casts on itself. the stun and DD both are nice, the stun is cast alot. very nice spell

as for giving NO DROP items to NPCs yeah you can, but the NPC (or pet in this case) will not equip the item. except for the POD, he equips all items. you CAN NOT get the epic pet to wield the epic staff after your done with it. nor will any pet for that matter, or the warrior epics...

the pet can and will killa level 60 warrior in a battle if the dmaage shield is left on, if the damage shield is removed the pet will get the warrior to around 40-50% before it dies. (pet fully buffed w/ muzzle, war with ageo and SoS)

Elleric Mysticweaver 58 Mage of Zeb
RE: .
# Jan 14 2002 at 9:15 AM Rating: Decent
I think the ds is 33 points not 50
RE: .
# May 17 2002 at 8:54 AM Rating: Decent
it is 50pts, look in the spdat file
What type of pet?
# May 31 2001 at 9:33 PM Rating: Decent
What type of pet does this sweet weapon summon up...and how does it choose what choose

Ramnage ElementWeaver of the 29th realm

BTW does anyone know what the visual effect
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