A Taste of Fear - Cazic Thule's Favor  

Quest Started By:Description:
This Quest is Seasonal
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Loot
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Seeds of Destruction
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Wed Mar 18 23:22:57 2009
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Anniversary events tend to run from mid-March to mid-April (sometimes to mid-May) each year. They are not available during the "off season".

For an overview and list of EverQuest Anniversary events, see this quest entry.

This is an anniversary quest available only during anniversary season (a few weeks during March and April). It was introduced in 2009 as part of EverQuest's 10th anniversary.

This is one of 16 deity quests. For an overview of how rewards work and how these quests are linked with one another, see this writeup.

Below here are the details for this particular quest.

This task begins with the Avatar of Cazic Thule, in front of the Cazic Thule zone.

You say, 'Hail, Avatar of Cazic Thule'

Avatar of Cazic Thule says 'Encountering me should fill you with fear, mortal, and yet you stand there, nonplussed. Perhaps you are one of those few who do not recoil from the sight of me? If that is [true] then perhaps I can have your service for a time.'

You say, 'It's true'

Avatar of Cazic Thule says 'All the gods are returning to Norrath, seeking fresh worshippers to aid them in their various purposes. Of course, my misshapen and frightening form does nothing to attract the appeal of the masses. I must operate in a different way. To extend my power, I require worship; to worship me, a being must embrace their fears and the ruin of all feelings of hope and joy and security. This both feeds me with worshipful energies and brings balance to all things. Do you not [see]?'

You say, 'I see'

Avatar of Cazic Thule says 'Many gods seek to inflate the fortunes of their chosen among the mortals; these are the ones who are the obvious recipients of thousands of happy new worshippers, year after idle year, thinking that their relationships with the friendlier gods of the pantheon are of singular importance in the grand scheme of things. They are wrong, for can there be hope without fear? Extinguish fear, and hope becomes an unwanted orphan. Mortals would grow lazy and brood over nothing, considering little, and [doing] even less.'

You say, 'Doing less?'

Avatar of Cazic Thule says 'With more worshippers, I could remedy this imbalance before it gets out of hand. To do this, I would have you endeavor to bring nightmares of hopelessness and fear to the world, and not relent until the task is complete. Will you [offer] me your allegiance in such a pact?'

You say, 'I suppose I'll offer my allegiance'

Avatar of Cazic Thule says 'You are willing; that is good. Go and seek out the counsel of Pirex Saulen, an arcanist outside the gates of Cabilis, in the ruins of the Field of Bone. He is organizing the tasks I have set before him, and is charged with assigning my worshippers to their duties. Go now and sow the seeds of fear, to return my harvest of terror and misery.'

You have been assigned the task 'A Taste of Fear - Cazic Thule's Favor'.

The god Cazic Thule has return to Norrath to reassert himself in the affairs of Norrathians, and has given you the task of spreading fear and doubt throughout the land.

Speak to Pirex and learn what may be done in the name of Cazic Thule 0/1 (The Field of Bone)

Loc -2326.15, 2877.90, one of the ruins outside Cabilis - first building on the left as you go towards the city. You can hail while invis.

You say, 'Hail, Pirex Saulen'

Your task 'A Taste of Fear - Cazic Thule's Favor' has been updated.

Pirex Saulen says 'We are tasked with pruning the past, present, and future with fear as our tool. In the past, Lord Antonius Bayle entertains plans of forming a great alliance of the races. In the future, Galayna Idirin and Arthin Guinden plan to marry, and resurrect the hopes of the High Elves. In the present, Ierene Seldon desires to spend her wealth to increase the skills of her sons, and Agar Treebs wishes to become a renowned weapons dealer. Toward these ends, I will give you three different wands of fear, and it will be your job to use the correct wand on the right person, and shatter their hopes and dreams! Will you accept this challenge like a true implement of the gods?'

Obtain the Wand of Dire Doubtfall from Pirex 0/1 (The Field of Bone)

You say, 'Hail, Pirex Saulen'

Your task 'A Taste of Fear - Cazic Thule's Favor' has been updated.

Pirex Saulen says 'This is the Wand of Dire Doubtfall, it will give even the most optimistic person an uncontrollable wave of doubt, which will last long enough to stall their most fervent motive in its tracks.'

Obtain the Wand of Dire Hopecutting from Pirex 0/1 (The Field of Bone)

You say, 'Hail, Pirex Saulen'

Your task 'A Taste of Fear - Cazic Thule's Favor' has been updated.

Pirex Saulen says 'This is the Wand of Dire Hopecutting, this will flay the most earnestly-held hopes from an individual's mind. The victim will feel resolve and faith in their purpose be replaced with senseless despair and loss of will.'

Obtain the Wand of Dire Fearful Unminding from Pirex 0/1 (The Field of Bone)

You say, 'Hail, Pirex Saulen'

Your task 'A Taste of Fear - Cazic Thule's Favor' has been updated.

Pirex Saulen says 'This is the Wand of Dire Fearful Unminding. I tried to conjure up a better name for it, but none seemed to fit. With this little gem, one can instill all manner of irrational fears that can cause the victim to cower in fear at the apparitions falsely tormenting his mind. Know which wand to use on the right person, the best way to know will be to follow their conversation and listen for clues.'

Speak to Galayna Idirin about her upcoming nuptials 0/1 (Dragonscale Hills)

Location: 1439.93, 1742.13, 241.64, 2nd level of Sisters of Light tower in Dragonscale Hills.

You say, 'Hail, Galayna Idirin'

Your task 'A Taste of Fear - Cazic Thule's Favor' has been updated.

Galayna Idirin says 'Hello. I don't know who you are, but you'll have to leave. My wedding is in a few days, Arthin and I are to be married, our ancient houses will join, and the fortunes of the High Elves will soon improve. There isn't a single doubt in my mind that ours is the right course!'

Use the correct wand to ruin Galayna's wedding plans 0/1 (Dragonscale Hills)

Use the Wand of Dire Doubtfall.

You have shattered the hopes of your victim!

Your task 'A Taste of Fear - Cazic Thule's Favor' has been updated.

Galayna Idirin says 'Perhaps, perhaps the time is not yet right. It may be folly to unite in marriage in such times as these, when Norrath is being flooded with darkness and doubt. I shall not encourage Arthin, but shall wait for him to influence me to the correct decision.'

Galayna Idirin is consumed with overwhelming feelings of doubt.

Use the correct wand to ruin Arthin's wedding plans 0/1 (Dragonscale Hills)

Location: 1437.98, 1653.09, 241.71, near Galayna. Use the Wand of Dire Doubtfall.

You have shattered the hopes of your victim!

Your task 'A Taste of Fear - Cazic Thule's Favor' has been updated.

Arthin Guinden says 'I once thought Galayna was as willing to embrace a joyful future together with me. Uniting our families would have been very good for elven society. Now, however, I feel doubtful and at an impasse. It wouldn't do to rush into things. So many threats to consider, and so little time for joy awaits us in this world. I will not press her to marry, I will give us both the time to think things through even more.'

Arthin Guinden is consumed with overwhelming feelings of doubt.

Speak to Ierene Seldon about her plans for her sons 0/1 (Erudin)

She may be found in the Blue Hawks building in Erudin.

You say, 'Hail, Ierene Seldon'

Your task 'A Taste of Fear - Cazic Thule's Favor' has been updated.

Ierene Seldon says 'Well met, stranger. Know that I am planning to spend my savings on tradeskill lessons for my two sons, that they might brighten their fortunes in life. Unless you are one of the tradesmen I summoned to interview with me, I'll have to ask you to go.'

Use the correct wand to alter Ierene's thinking 0/1 (Erudin)

Use the Wand of Hopecutting.

You have shattered the hopes of your victim!

Your task 'A Taste of Fear - Cazic Thule's Favor' has been updated.

Ierene Seldon says 'Oh, blast those miserable boys anyway, they would probably just take the lesson money and spend it away in a bar. The odds of them making it through an apprenticeship are so very uncertain, I'm surprised that I even entertained this idea. I'll take the money and buy some new dresses, and pay a real carpenter to improve my loft.'

Ierene Seldon has had her hopes magically shattered.

Speak to Agar Treebs regarding his business 0/1 (Commonlands)

Location: -1600.88, -2506.45, inside the tunnel.

You say, 'Hail, Agar Treebs'

Your task 'A Taste of Fear - Cazic Thule's Favor' has been updated.

Agar Treebs says 'Hail, friend! I have just started my business, but you wouldn't know it by the coins in my pocket. I am waiting for my cart and inventory to arrive. I have no fear that I'll not be the wealthiest weapon dealer in Antonica in a few years! A well-armed populace will no doubt bring law and order and safety to these realms!'

Use the correct wand to cause Agar to think twice about his plans 0/1 (Commonlands)

Use the Wand of Fearful Unminding.

You have filled your victim's mind with overwhelming fear and dread.

Your task 'A Taste of Fear - Cazic Thule's Favor' has been updated.

Agar Treebs says 'Oh, the longer I stay here, the more of a bad idea it seems to have been to come here in the first place. The others see me as stiff new competition, how long until they sabotage me and steal my stock? Wild animals could get in here, and would anyone fight to protect me from them? No, no, I'll be moving on as soon as I can, and forget this crazy dream of becoming a respected merchant.'

Agar Treebs's mind has fallen prey to a wave of unreasoning fear.

Travel through time and speak with Lord Antonius Bayle regarding his plans for his realm 0/1 (Oceangreen Hills)

Location: 5033.49, -984.66, 167.02, on top of the fortress close to zone-in.

You say, 'Hail, Lord Antonius Bayle'

Your task 'A Taste of Fear - Cazic Thule's Favor' has been updated.

Lord Antonius Bayle says 'Come to help defend Oceangreen, have you? A worthy endeavor. Not only will we build a mighty realm in these lands, but I believe it is within our power to assemble the great races of Norrath into a new empire, stretching from sea to sea! Think of it, with force of arms, wisdom, and magic shall we build a new world, free and proud! As long as I have Captain Callesh and Sephlin of Oceangreen fueling these inspirations, I really feel it is possible. Let not a single doubt enter their minds, or this lofty aim will never be realized!'

Use the correct wand to dissuade Captain Callesh from his more outlandish plans 0/1 (Oceangreen Hills)

Location: 5120.68, -1015.51, 167.02, just north of Bayle, use the Wand of Dire Doubtfall.

You have shattered the hopes of your victim!

Your task 'A Taste of Fear - Cazic Thule's Favor' has been updated.

Sephlin of Oceangreen says 'Although Lord Bayle's ideas to unite the races of Tunaria into a single entity is both noble and inviting, I begin to have doubts that such things are even feasible. Though I would go anywhere with Lord Bayle, I fear I do not possess the will to encourage him or Captain Callesh any further with these fanciful dreams. We can't ask our people to press themselves that hard; they need to settle down and raise families and embrace a more modest tomorrow.'

Sephlin of Oceangreen is consumed with overwhelming feelings of doubt.

Use the correct wand to prevent Sephlin of Oceangreen from inspiring Lord Bayle further 0/1 (Oceangreen Hills)

Location: 5101.95, -986.44, 167.02, just north of Bayle, use the Wand of Dire Doubtfall.

You have shattered the hopes of your victim!

Your task 'A Taste of Fear - Cazic Thule's Favor' has been updated.

Captain Callesh says 'Bah, it's preposterous of me to think we could unite all the races for longer than a fortnight, much less as long as it would take to confederate these lands. A fool's endeavor, and I have never been anyone's fool. Nay, I shall stay here, and apply my efforts to helping Lord Bayle build up a single nation, though if anyone could encourage me to reinvigorate our dreams of empire, it would be Sephlin here.'

Captain Callesh is consumed with overwhelming feelings of doubt.

Return to Pirex Saulen and discuss your success 0/1 (The Field of Bone)

You say, 'Hail, Pirex Saulen'

Your task 'A Taste of Fear - Cazic Thule's Favor' has been updated.

Pirex Saulen says 'Good! You have banished those dangerous hopes and aspirations with good old fashioned doubt and fear. Too much of that hopeful and joyous thought, and we would soon forget our suffering, and discover how easy it is to use our minds and imaginations to reshape our world. Go now and speak with Cazic himself, I shall pray your fate be secure in his keeping.'

Speak with Cazic Thule's avatar again, and make clear your accomplishments in his name 0/1 (The Feerrott)

You say, 'Hail, Avatar of Cazic Thule'

Your task 'A Taste of Fear - Cazic Thule's Favor' has been updated.

You have successfully completed the task of helping Cazic Thule spread fear and doubt throughout the past, present, and future.

Avatar of Cazic Thule says 'You have done well. At times the more positive developments of mortal life must be prudently smited with applications of fear and misery, for this preserves the natural balance in all things. For your fine service to this aim, I grant you this boon.'

Celebratory Firework Caster (if this is your first deity task)
Fireworks Focus of Cazic Thule
Platinum (scales by level)
The choice between seven different distillates (scales to level)
Submitted by: saroiny with additional info from GOMN
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Misplaced my Wands...
# Apr 07 2013 at 2:38 AM Rating: Decent
313 posts
So, I started this quest 4 years ago, and just came back to the game. I have the last task to do to finish off the 10th Anniversary quest, A Taste of Fear, but I don't have the three wands given out by Pirex any longer. Is there any way to get them back? I can't get Pirex to respond to my hails... Anny suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Henrian Illinoid -
80th Level Half Elf 4000AAs/Epic 1.5
Ranger of Tunare - The Rathe
Misplaced my Wands...
# Apr 19 2013 at 10:43 AM Rating: Decent
82 posts
yeah just remove the quest and do it over it's not hard.
Ierene Seldon
# Apr 03 2013 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
Ierene Seldon now stands stationary inside the "Blue Hawk's" building in Erudin. Spent a lot of time wondering around Erudin looking for her thinking she was a wandering mob but she's now fixed in place :)
Oceangreen Hills
# May 12 2009 at 8:37 PM Rating: Decent
Finished this up today; just thought I'd expound on the OGH part since that's the most confusing/difficult for someone who hasn't done it before:

To get there, you have to go plane of tranquility to plane of time to void (there's a little blue portal near where you zone in that leads to the void). There are multiple portals in the void, going counterclockwise OGH will be the third portal.

Once I got in I found I wasn't able to ride high up the edge of the zone and get over the wall of the encampment and had to go through the front door. Fortunately there wasn't anything stopping me; not sure if that was luck or if the dangers have been exaggerated. At any rate the whole time there I didn't see anything that was willing to attack me. Note you can't actually do this with a level 1 character (or it's difficult to) since I kept getting pinged for 140 damage by some sort of trap while in Antonius Bayle's castle
Quest level
# Apr 01 2009 at 9:42 PM Rating: Decent
This may be a stupid question but...will you be given the quest at lower levels then the one listed (75)? Since you aren't actually beating-up MOBs wouldn't you be able to accomplish these tasks at lower levels or am I missing something obvious?
Quest level
# Apr 07 2009 at 3:54 AM Rating: Good
Empress of News
2,350 posts
From what I can tell, you could get the quest at level 1. I'm guessing they used recommended 75 here because of having to travel to DSH and OGH.
Cyliena Velnarin | @Cyliena on Twitter

Quest level
# Apr 14 2009 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
But can you even enter those zones at a lower level? And if so, can you hope to survive long enough to complete that portion of the quest?
Quest level
# Apr 19 2009 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
DSH is no trouble at lvl 1 with invis. But OGH can be suicide. there are undead disease cloud area effecting corpse bombs that strip invis right next to the port in, and roaming mobs that can tear apart an unaware lvl 75 that come within agro of the portal. Be on your toes.
Quest level
# Apr 26 2009 at 6:12 AM Rating: Decent
134 posts
You can enter Oceangreen with a lowbie. But it ain't easy....you have to basically run high on the wall into the fortress by crossing over the wall rather than trying to go into the front door. And you'd better move fast or the wanderer that paths across the zone-in portal will have you for lunch.
Bright Blessings to All!

Lady Daia Spiritlight
High Priestess of Quellious, Rathe Server
High Priestess of Quellious, Mischief Server
# Mar 29 2009 at 7:03 AM Rating: Decent
Found Ierene in Blue Hawks. First building on the right as you zone in. /LOC -1220, -353
# Apr 07 2009 at 3:52 AM Rating: Good
Empress of News
2,350 posts
Aye, I see they finally announced that they made her location consistant.

- Ierene Seldon now spawns in her correct location in the Blue Hawk's Tavern.
Cyliena Velnarin | @Cyliena on Twitter

Task Timers
# Mar 28 2009 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
69 posts
Quellious' Favor is on a similar task timer. If you complete one, you cannot start the other one. Not sure if you can actually have both at the same time. Will need to experiment with that
dialogues etc
# Mar 23 2009 at 6:29 AM Rating: Good
Empress of News
2,350 posts
I finalized my write-up of this task this morning here:

A Taste of Fear
Cyliena Velnarin | @Cyliena on Twitter

Quest has been fixed...... update....
# Mar 22 2009 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
2,602 posts
A Taste of Fear - Cazic Thule's Favor

From Avatar of Cazic Thule near CT zone line in Feerott.

(Not complete due to a bugged step.)

1) Hail Pirex Saulen in Field of Bone (1st building on left as you go towards Cabilis)
2) Hail him again (have space for a Wand of Hopecutting)
3) Hail him again (have space for a Wand of Dire Doubtfall)
4) Hail him again (have space for Wand of Fearful Unminding)
5) Hail Galayna Idirin in Dragonscale
6) Use the Wand of Dire Doubtfall on her
7) Use Wand of Dire Doubtfall on Arthin Guinden (nearby)
8 ) Speak to Ierene Seldon (Erudin) (in middle round building, go up ramp)
9) Use Wand of Hopecutting on Ierene (at the Temple, near the docks portal) (Erudin) (yes, they moved her)
10) Speak to Agar Treebs in Commonlands (in tunnel, just inside the big room against the wall)
11) Click Wand of Fear Unminding in him
12) Hail Lord Antonius Bayle (Oceangreen Hills) (on the Roof of the fortress)
12) Use the Wand of Dire Doubtfall on Captain Callesh (also on roof)
14) Use Wand of Dire Doubtfall on Sephlin of Oceangreen (also on roof)
15) Hail Pirex (Field of Bone)
16) Hail Avatar of Cazic Thule

Ierene loc
# Mar 22 2009 at 1:04 PM Rating: Decent
195 posts
She is RIGHT before the zone out. If you are heading out of the zone she is there! Took my about a half hour of tracking.
# Mar 21 2009 at 8:27 AM Rating: Decent
now shes by the docks
# Mar 20 2009 at 2:03 PM Rating: Decent
Ierene has been fixed at least on Prexus server as of 2:30 PDT Time on 03-20-09
should work soon
# Mar 20 2009 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
as of 5:30 est. GM just did a systemwide and said that the Edurin zone will be going down to fix the problem. so should work very soon.

easy quest btw
Bugged in with the Erudin clicky...
# Mar 20 2009 at 10:40 AM Rating: Decent
2,602 posts
....but so far, in basic....

A Taste of Fear - Cazic Thule's Favor

From Avatar of Cazic Thule near CT zone line in Feerott.

1) Hail Pirex Saulen in Field of Bone (1st building on left as you go

towards Cabilis)
2) Hail him again (have space for a Wand of Hopecutting)
3) Hail him again (have space for a Wand of Dire Doubtfall)
4) Hail him again (have space for Wand of Fearful Unminding)
5) Hail Galayna Idirin in Dragonscale
6) Use the Wand of Dire Doubtfall on her
7) Use Wand of Dire Doubtfall on Arthin Guinden (nearby)
8) Speak to Ierene Seldon (Erudin) (in middle round building, go up ramp)
9) xxxbuggedxx Use Wand of Hopecutting on Ierene
10) Speak to Agar Treebs in Commonlands (in tunnel, just inside the big

room against the wall)
11) Click Wand of Fear Unminding in him
12) Hail Lord Antonius Bayle (Oceangreen Hills) (on the Roof of the

12) Use the Wand of Dire Doubtfall on Captain Callesh (also on roof)
14) Use Wand of Dire Doubtfall on Spehlin of Oceangreen (also on roof)
15) ??
16) ??

NPC anme correction...
# Mar 22 2009 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
2,602 posts
SEPHLIN of Oceangreen (step 14)

# Mar 19 2009 at 11:31 PM Rating: Decent
Same issue. Found her in southern part of zone and clicked correct wand to get same error. Seems like this is another bug to deal with.
Ierene in Erudin
# Mar 19 2009 at 10:53 PM Rating: Decent
Can not get the wand clicking to work on Ierene, anyone having the same problem or find a fix?
the "Iksar"
# Mar 19 2009 at 10:53 PM Rating: Decent
35 posts
Iksar is Pirex Saulen, /loc -2335, 2885. Hail him three times, get three wands
# Mar 19 2009 at 10:51 PM Rating: Decent
Has anyone figured out Ierene yet? When I cast wand on her it tells me my spell won't take hold

Edited, Mar 20th 2009 2:52am by UWMPANTHERS
# Mar 19 2009 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
113 posts
irene must wander. i found her near the south end of the zone. i got the first update on her, but when i used the wand, i got:

you have shattered the hopes of your victim!
your spell did not take hold.

and then no second update. i tried clicking multiple times, zoning out and back, etc. with no luck. any one else have this problem?
# Mar 20 2009 at 6:44 AM Rating: Decent
it's bugged and should be hotfixed soon
# Mar 19 2009 at 4:25 PM Rating: Decent
1 post
I got the same issue not sure what is up here
Erudin NPC moved
# Mar 19 2009 at 2:41 PM Rating: Default
Ierene is no longer in the inn...she is now in the Port authority, second floor, first door on your right after coming up the steps. Far north end of zone.
# Mar 19 2009 at 12:23 PM Rating: Decent
found the woman in DSH she was actually on 2nd floor, and now i cant find the woman in erudin she is not in the inn....

Edit: woman in erudin is NOT in the inn she is in the armory building near palace zone

Edited, Mar 19th 2009 1:38pm by Lonaleb
Updates to quest data
# Mar 19 2009 at 8:17 AM Rating: Decent
I don't have the location, but the Iksar you need to see is named Pirex, he's on the ground level of the first building on the left as you're approaching the entrance to Cabilis from Field Of Bone / POK Book.
Meddical - 105 Cleric - Luclin - Inverse Logic
Meddical - 60 Cleric - Ragefire - False Prophecy
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