
a rare creature

Uploaded October 18th, 2018 by iventheassassin
Updated October 20th, 2018

A Comment by user Iventheassassin can be found below which goes into great detail about how to spawn this creature.

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2018-10-18 13:05:06.

Level: 30
Expansion: Original
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2019-07-31 11:03:53

Known Habitats:
  South Karana

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Post Comment
60s timer
# Apr 18 2024 at 12:26 AM Rating: Decent
5 posts
I spend few days camping this killing every ph and did not even see one quillmane.... Tonight i was going to gave up and i tried Zliz strategy 60s ph, after 10 ph i got fabled quillmane spawn , then a ph lion and another fabled quillmane who dropped the cloak and epic 1.0 is now complete.

Edited, Apr 18th 2024 2:22am by babo255
Spawn timer - Oakwynd
# Feb 28 2024 at 9:53 AM Rating: Decent
8 posts
Oakywnd TLP with Legacy of Ykesha out (meaning global 15% reduction in spawn timers) the cycle was on a 48s repop. Also add centaur courser to the PH list.
Spawn cycle - additional tips
# Jan 28 2024 at 8:48 AM Rating: Decent
102 posts
In general, most of the posts below I would say... are mostly correct. I can only speak of my own experience after camping Q for several days, logging out and picking back up after other people have killed random stuff for other reasons, and finding the cycle again.... and about 40-50 Q spawns to get 2 cloaks for melee twinks, I will add my 2 bits! The following is what I learned from killing only the 63* cycle I was following, so regardless of if there may be another way, or you say I am incorrect, this did work for me, the 2 cloaks finally dropped in the last 3 Q spawns that came within 20 mins of each other, dont you just love RNG!?

The 63* second spawn timer info is correct. Roughly 60 seconds plus server tick, so it is not exactly 63, but close enough. The list of mobs is pretty much anything except named mobs, and only AN elephant, no other varieties of elephant. The escaped split paw gnoll is also a very common PH in the cycle. I would focus on the 'AN' elephant or the escaped gnoll initially to find the cycle, but of course... those mobs occur outside the cycle too.

For using track... know that even if you are alone in the zone, only killing 1 mob per minute, that some NPCs will path around until they find a mortal enemy, and fight to the death. Using 'normal' to see the latest spawn you may have a surprise spawn pop on top of your list, above your stack of gnolls, when you are not expecting to see it. Yes, the zone can mess with you a bit, I ran my timer every kill just to be sure I didnt chase an NPC spawned mob and lose my cycle.

I posted up at the hill directly south of Splitpaw. There is an occasional spawn that was way east, so if your timed spawn does not show up on track on time, run east and it should pop up as you come in range.

There are several 63* second spawn cycles. One spawns mobs around the eastern side of the south zone and had a named barbarian SHM on it, another spawns mostly in the southern area ( and seemed to be always aviaks ). So just because you have a 63* timer you may not be on the Q cycle.

Q's 63* cycle will give you spawns towards the west wall roughly half the time, but also around Paw, middle south area, and some down near the bird houses, occasionally way out east almost to the zone wall.

It is still RNG so dont give up, I went over 30-40 spawns a few times without seeing Q, but then had some back to back spawns, or runs of 5 spawns in 15 mins.

Good luck, Q is stingy with the cloak!

Edited, Jan 28th 2024 10:23am by Nukchuu
# May 29 2023 at 7:26 PM Rating: Good
430 posts
Highsun today put it at -6434, -1287, -0.46
Life needs more cowbell.

Spawn Quillmane
# Feb 15 2023 at 8:29 PM Rating: Decent
1 post
After 4 days, I figured it out..
Tracking is key...
PHs I encountered in about in a very rough order from most common to least common: [list of phs updated Nov 2020] (this is from [link=https://wiki.takp.info/index.php/Quillmane]

a cyclops
a lion
a lioness
a mist wolf
a shadow wolf
a treant
an elephant
an escaped Splitpaw gnoll
aviak egret
aviak harrier
centaur charger
centaur foal
centaur sheltie

The Quillmane ph will roam around the whole zone, but at some point will always walk North -> South (or vice versa) straight through middle of Splitpaw .. So stand above the entrance. Face North. If you see a mob on the above list of phs walk North/South through paw, it could be Quillmane ph, or Grizzleknot ph. If you don't see any such mob, then a good way to start is to locate any "an_elephant" mobs in the zone and kill them, then check if a mob on the above ph list respawns exactly on 78 seconds or a minute and 18 seconds Then keep killing that ph and keep checking if it keeps respawning in the light blue area every 78 sec and is on the ph list, and so on. If it spawns elsewhere, or if you spawn another named, then find another ph and repeat the process.

after I figure this out... It was 30 minutes before it spawn.
Spawn Quillmane
# Mar 31 2023 at 10:16 PM Rating: Decent
1 post
I used the site shown, using way back machine, camped out at the loc provided. first kill in the zone was an elephant calf. immediately spawned Quillmane.

Make that two kills, both an elephant calf, Quillmane spawned immediately.

But, I am on an EMU server, Lazarus.m

Edited, Mar 31st 2023 11:28pm by Pointless
Spawn Quillmane
# Mar 13 2023 at 12:53 PM Rating: Decent
244 posts
Lazrawoodelf wrote:
Tracking is key...

What else is key is if people who asked if the person hunting Quill needs help and is told no they would kindly **** off and not kill PHs.

Empty zone then they started coming in and asking "you here for quill mane" and "you need any help?" and then the ph is lost.

EDIT: I went back in the middle of the night (for me) to an empty zone and got Quill to spawn 6 times without losing the PH. Got the cloak finally...

Edited, Mar 14th 2023 12:50am by hullan
Small Note.
# Sep 23 2022 at 9:28 PM Rating: Excellent
31 posts
It is said the Quillmane PHs always head North and I thought it was so as any time I have gotten the right cycle all PHs headed north. However, this evening I saw variations. Most headed straight north. A couple headed NNW or NNE and one goofy ******* headed straight East and it was the Quillman PH. My finding the PH has been mostly the product of luck and knowing the spawn timer.
The cloak is MQable from my understanding and not Lore so if you find the PH and have the time. Load up and help your mage friends.
Quillmane spawning in 2022
# Jun 11 2022 at 9:24 PM Rating: Good
34 posts
To add a little more info. I've camped and sold LR to quillmane to make money on TLPs for awhile now. Most of the info in the top comments is correct, however, there are actually multiple mob chains that she can spawn on. The one thing they all have in common is "an elephant" which signifies the special chains. IF "an elephant" spawns in the north 1/3 of the zone, that is the high shaman chain and does not include quillmane (at least that I've ever seen in hundreds of PH kills in that chain). I know there are at least two different chains in the south 2/3 of the zone with "an elephant" and both of the can spawn Quill. There is a chance there are more, but I've never seen more than 3 elephants up at once in the zone (1 north, 2 south). Cyclops rarely spawn in the chains. One chain is around 72 second spawn, one is something like 55 seconds. They can vary by a few seconds because of the server. I've seen PH mobs spawn as far as the west wall zone line (almost right on it) and very near the east wall zone line. Always in the south 2/3 of the zone though.

Other than the info above, if there are no "an elephant" up, I just mass slaughter things in the south until one pops, then start following that chain. This is pretty easy to farm if you go in off times a few weeks after server/expansion launches when you are literally the only person in the zone. It's funny looking back at all the old theories on this nowadays. It was confirmed on a podcast by the dev who made the zone (cant remember his name, sorry) that it was just a low % spawn chance. They didnt even have the tools to do anything more elaborate than that in '99. At least they gave us "an elephant" otherwise we'd really be screwed.
Quillmane spawning in 2022
# Jun 24 2022 at 5:35 AM Rating: Decent
1 post
Is this on P99?
How I killed it
# Nov 26 2021 at 7:03 AM Rating: Decent
113 posts
Level 115 SK 110 Mage, 110 Ranger Was a pretty easy fight, not sure what all the fuss is about. J/K Just being annoying with pointless infromation

These other guides for finding it have decent information about PHs and spawn times. The way I have found the PH each time I have camped this mob is by starting up North and Killing everything that could be its PH. Then I run south and start finding the PH type mobs that are Facing/Heading north killing and timing them. If they respawn is 67ish seconds and the mob always heads north then keep cycling it until Quillmane spawns. You can use a stopwatch to time the respawn times. I had a ranger for track and a druid for component free pet. With tracking set to normal I would summon a bear pet about 30 seconds after the PH died. That way whatever mob popped up over the Pet's name would be the PH. The PH never spawns from the same location twice so you can't just sit in one spot to camp it and have to use track. The cloak is MQable and Non-Lore so I would say if you get the PH cycle down go ahead and loot a few for later players because finding the PH is a pita.
# Aug 05 2021 at 9:26 AM Rating: Excellent
1,028 posts
See photograph for his pathing on 8/5/21. I found him in the NW corner where I wrote "Found him here". He then pathed all around the zone in random directions until I got tired of following him for an hour. A bard in zone used highsun for me, at the place the yellow line stops. From there, we tracked him to the east where I drew the arrow in game (the yellow lines that look vaguely like an arrow point to his spawn point. From there, he ran north but I got tired again and killed him.

# Aug 07 2021 at 6:51 AM Rating: Excellent
463 posts
Amio wrote:
See photograph for his pathing on 8/5/21. I found him in the NW corner where I wrote "Found him here". He then pathed all around the zone in random directions until I got tired of following him for an hour. A bard in zone used highsun for me, at the place the yellow line stops. From there, we tracked him to the east where I drew the arrow in game (the yellow lines that look vaguely like an arrow point to his spawn point. From there, he ran north but I got tired again and killed him.


Amazing information.
Respawn timing change
# Dec 01 2020 at 4:21 PM Rating: Decent
87 posts
As of November 2020 and measured with a stopwatch, Quillmane respawn timing is between 63 to 64 seconds. In practice it may appear to be 63 seconds due to human reaction time with the stopwatch.
Quillmane ???
# Nov 13 2020 at 11:18 PM Rating: Decent
45 posts
Ive spent the last week trying to spawn Quillmane with no luck. Ive done my best to follow everything posted here and stil nothing. any help is greatful. Im on bristlebane
# Jun 24 2020 at 11:48 AM Rating: Excellent
258 posts
Spawned in multiple locations...

-5523, -1349, 22
-5867, -745, 0
Quillmane demystified
# Oct 18 2018 at 11:02 AM Rating: Excellent
276 posts
My infos are mostly based on this great guide by vmardian but I updated it to 2018 with my own experiences:

1. Placeholders

There is only one placeholder for Quillmane at the same time. The placeholders that I had seen:

a lioness (after Quillmane got killed, this one does ALWAYS spawn next and does walk to northwest)
a lion
a mist wolf
a shadow wolf
an elephant
an escaped split paw gnoll
aviak avocet
aviak egret
aviak rook
centaur charger
centaur courser
centaur foal
centaur sheltie

These ones may be also placeholders, however the cyclops and the treant are (also) placeholders on the Mroon cycle:

aviak archer
a cyclops
a treant

2. Spawn area

A retangle between the western zone border and the hermit house in the east,
Splitpaw in the north, Aviak village in the south. Mobs only spawn inside these borders.

3. Respawn time

66 seconds (was 78 in the past)

4. Roaming area

After spawning, the mobs wander towards Splitpaw spires but do not always cross them on the first pass. They then do wander northwards but do not cross the undead ruins near the bridge. They pass them eastwards or do stop before them and then tend to walk south up to the aviak village. I have seen placeholders even walk east and west in the northern area but not exactly east and west.

5. Strategy

Make sure that no other players are hunting in the zone as this will disturb the tracking results pretty quickly !

As a druid bind yourself at the center of the retangular spawning area. A tracking skill minimum of 175 is highly recommended as this can cover 95% of the spawn area. As a ranger with a tracking skill above 200 you can hang around southeast of Splitpaw when waiting for the next spawn. Boxing a bard for the Selo song can speed things up. Keep the bard at your bind point or tracking camp. As a ranger you can also let him auto-follow until you found the placeholder for the Quillmane cycle.

The hardest part is to find the placeholder, this can take a few hours. Lions, escaped splitpaw gnolls and "an elephant " are the most common, so start tracking and killing them first and head as fast as you can to the center of the spawn area. A druid tracker with 175 tracking does work much better than a ranger with 300 tracking because of the gate spell. Sort your tracking by "normal" which does show the latest spawns always at the top.

After the first Quillmane spawn and kill its getting easy as you now can be sure that you found the right cycle and the next spawn (a lioness) will be the right placeholder. Be carefull with escaped splitpaw gnolls as they can spawn very close to the Splitpaw spires and the gnolls there (Tesch, Rosch, Nisch) will jump on and kill them very fast.

For more infos read this guide:
Iven's EverQuest Archive
Quillmane demystified
# Dec 03 2020 at 4:22 AM Rating: Decent
Weird that the link at the top of the page mentions your walkthrough but click on it and it goes further down to one by Zliz. I just recently made 2 new characters to add to my small army. I got bored enough finally after doing epics and odd Vah Shir trade skill quests. After spending about a month off and on trying to get a Robe of the Lost Circle for a frog monk I finally gave up and headed off to South Karana with my ranger to see what was up. Started going after the Escaped gnolls, took Mroon's Knot top and started to go after a gnoll that was all the way up in the far south east corner of the map where Quillmane likes to stop and hang out a bit. Lo and behold Brother Qwinn wearing a robe! I woke up

Anyway I stayed up later than I would have liked. Got the wrong spawn ph as usual and ended up with Cracktusk and Marik. Went to bed.

Eventually I woke again. Got the ranger back in game and a 115 magician was there. He did some killing along the western wall and was at the middle of the mound over Infected Paw. He asked in ooc that if I saw Quillmane to please not kill. Not a problem since I did find the right chain before I went to bed but it was not delivering. Saw Cracktusk was still up and so my ranger charmed Cracktusk. Ran around a bit. Kept an eye on track and made some selective kills while ignoring the ph that spawned from Cracktusk. Saw Quillmane on track and let the magician know and he got his cloak. Kept at it got the first cloak after a sngle pair of leggings dropped. Spawned Quillmane again and camped, leaving her up to continue later. Got firewood in and some yard clean up work up the hill where I was cutting the wood. Got back in and checked South Karana and ran around the whole zone on the Vah Shir Rogue. Couldn't find her so got the ranger in and she was still there. Interestingly enough a 115 druid popped into the zone briefly and left. A few more hours and leggings later what I hope is the last cloak I camp ever dropped. Ok I guess I might make a third cleric.

Anyway to make a long story short you should add the Aviak Harrier to the list. He was in my placeholder chain a couple of times.

Nice to see someone get it right with no Cracktusk in the list.

Quillmane demystified
# Feb 03 2020 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
1 post
Treant and Cyclops confirmed.

Add Aviak Harrier to the list as well of confirmed.
Quillmane demystified
# Dec 31 2023 at 9:45 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
treant and cyclops are not PH at all. Someone erased my post, it was crystal clear and i was killing Quilmane many times/hour.... Now i need to do it again and remember everything. I know there is a female halfling as a PH (not sure abt halfling but almost)
Quillmane demystified
# Nov 10 2018 at 8:53 PM Rating: Decent
42 posts
Thanks iventheassassin for putting in the work to describe the camp in modern times, just got my Pegasus Feather Cloak.

Note that I confirmed that centaur foal and centaur courser are part of the spawn cycle, though I saw them only once each. I kept very disciplined with only killing the quillmane spawn and have the below log of mobs I killed since I got the cycle nailed. The time on the left is the hh:mm:ss between kills, so you can see I kept a steady 1:20 to 1:50. FWIW Cracktusk was up for this entire duration.

0:01:19 an escaped Splitpaw gnoll!
0:01:42 an elephant!
0:01:44 a lion!
0:01:27 a lioness!
0:01:21 Quillmane!
0:01:57 centaur foal!
0:01:47 a lioness!
0:01:23 a lion!
0:01:30 Quillmane!
0:01:37 a lion!
0:01:33 Quillmane!
0:01:39 an elephant!
0:01:53 a lioness!
0:01:52 a lioness!
0:01:49 an escaped Splitpaw gnoll!
0:01:53 an escaped Splitpaw gnoll!
0:01:13 Quillmane!
0:02:43 a mist wolf!
0:01:35 a lion!
0:01:45 an escaped Splitpaw gnoll!
0:01:57 Quillmane!
0:01:38 centaur courser!
0:01:38 Quillmane!
0:01:48 Quillmane!
0:01:28 a lion!
0:01:16 Quillmane!
0:01:50 Quillmane!
Quillmane demystified
# Oct 19 2018 at 2:52 AM Rating: Excellent
276 posts
Here is a list of the spawn locations of Quillmane and its placeholders for your map. When a mob does spawn on one of them you can be pretty sure that the mob is part of the Quillmane cycle as spawn points are attached to spawn tables. However it is possible that some of these spawn points are also attached to other spawn tables without Quillmane and which can include placeholders that look equal.

Copy the following text into southkarana_3.txt ! If this file does not exist, create one with this name or use version 1 or 2 (not recommended).
File path: \EverQuest\maps

P -2277.5486, 4118.2471, 97.0104,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P -2964.5496, 4197.3267, 56.6215,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P 683.4796, 4661.4468, -1.9270,  127, 64, 0,  2,  Quillmane_(Hunter) 
P 2336.4026, 4058.1580, 15.5106,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P 173.2400, 5121.7212, -1.8688,  240, 240, 240,  3,  Q 
P 373.2101, 5226.3311, -1.9056,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P 40.0653, 5890.1646, -1.9124,  127, 64, 0,  2,  Quillmane 
P -590.5616, 4275.5591, -1.8680,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P 1024.6315, 5027.6255, -1.8853,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P -2301.8152, 4885.9312, 26.9999,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P 2106.9048, 4406.9600, 80.9861,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P -225.6710, 4457.2686, -1.8805,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P 1437.6122, 3832.8755, -1.4213,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P 2511.7493, 4530.5879, -1.8647,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P -1075.0099, 5381.4561, 33.8215,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P -1389.8622, 6179.0225, -1.1095,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P -813.0355, 4878.2134, 74.8739,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P 1024.8561, 5028.3267, -1.9188,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P -1901.8949, 4060.7537, 47.5549,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P 802.7576, 4674.7935, -1.9015,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P -89.2105, 5530.1812, -1.8699,  127, 64, 0,  2,  Quillmane 
P 1811.7339, 3763.5503, 112.2799,  127, 64, 0,  2,  Quillmane 
P -27.2199, 5012.1558, -1.8920,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P -2497.5076, 5310.5103, 125.9413,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P 95.4750, 5860.4688, -1.8955,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P 1657.0680, 4933.3892, -1.8865,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P -1214.2588, 5457.2178, 21.4711,  127, 64, 0,  2,  Quillmane 
P -1253.7328, 4144.2554, 0.3648,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P -3036.4373, 5766.9351, 82.8697,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P 845.7850, 3963.2168, -1.8910,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P 1924.6215, 5104.3447, 12.3348,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P -3095.1719, 6083.5566, 55.6424,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P -984.3257, 3784.4153, -1.8976,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P 620.5483, 5326.7388, -1.9397,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P -2933.8704, 4515.6177, 27.3490,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P -3124.1709, 4378.2378, 39.7641,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P 1807.8429, 3853.5950, 95.4743,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P 2180.1377, 5941.6553, -1.9348,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P 596.3317, 3662.2444, 55.7340,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P 910.5369, 4066.5994, 15.0456,  127, 64, 0,  2,  Quillmane 
P -805.8047, 6385.3018, -1.9429,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P -2371.6694, 5453.5518, 33.8054,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P 441.0172, 5980.5029, -2.1720,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P 968.5135, 3760.8528, -2.1818,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P -1791.7112, 5486.3062, -2.2017,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P -322.5050, 4774.7754, -2.1756,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P -1117.1073, 3864.8691, -2.2105,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P -1564.5010, 3739.7158, 1.3252,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P 261.8540, 4789.0933, -2.1823,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P 1597.3185, 5063.9141, 2.9362,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P -2461.4604, 4858.7427, 86.9592,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 
P 481.6899, 5226.4063, -2.1820,  0, 0, 0,  1,  q 

q (black) = Quillmane or placeholder
Q (white) = About the center of the spawn area (usefull as bind point).
175 Tracking does reach until the hermit hut but not until the western zone border.
Iven's EverQuest Archive
Quillmane demystified
# Oct 18 2018 at 11:16 AM Rating: Decent
276 posts
Btw the cloak doesnt seem to be uncommon anymore. I received 5 Feathered Leggings and even 6 Pegasus Feather Cloaks and there was no drop bonus days. Drop rate would be about 50% for each. It is possible to get a cloak every 30 minutes after the first Quillmane in the cycle got killed. Quillmane has a spawn rate of about 11% in the cycle (spawn table). So sometimes you have to work an hour for one cloak and sometimes Quillmane will spawn inbetween 5 minutes twice.
Iven's EverQuest Archive
Confirmed PHs
# Feb 06 2018 at 2:30 AM Rating: Decent
2 posts
These are the confirmed placeholders that I came across tonight on Phinigel server after my first Quillmane kill of the night. Out of 26 spawns, I had 5 Quillmane spawns with 1 pegasus feather cloak and 4 feathered leggings. The respawn time is about 70 seconds.

A cyclops
A lion
A lioness
A mist wolf
A shadow wolf
An elephant
An escaped split paw gnoll
Aviak egret
Centaur archer

Good luck and happy hunting! :)
Confirmed PHs
# Sep 06 2018 at 6:30 AM Rating: Decent
2 posts
MyndeKandie01 wrote:
These are the confirmed placeholders that I came across tonight on Phinigel server after my first Quillmane kill of the night. Out of 26 spawns, I had 5 Quillmane spawns with 1 pegasus feather cloak and 4 feathered leggings. The respawn time is about 70 seconds.

A cyclops
A lion
A lioness
A mist wolf
A shadow wolf
An elephant
An escaped split paw gnoll
Aviak egret
Centaur archer

Good luck and happy hunting! :)

This is the stuff that conspiracy theories are made of. I've been playing off and on since Ruins of Kunark, and have two Magician 1.0's, and have gotten quite a few more cloaks in my time.. And what would you know, each time the spawn came from simply killing anything that moved south of Splitpaw and north of Aviak city.
The Rathe

Confirmed PHs
# Jul 20 2018 at 5:42 AM Rating: Decent
32 posts
Using this list I got Quillmane to spawn a ton this morning. There are a few more confirmed PHs to add.

centaur charger
centaur sheltie
centaur courser
centaur foal (very rare on the cycle)
a treant
aviak rook

Confirmed today on Coirnav. Oh, also the Cracktusk cycle is not part of Quillmane and 'an elephant' is NOT UNIQUE to the Quillmane cycle!

Edited, Jul 20th 2018 10:07am by Morlaeth

Edited, Jul 20th 2018 10:15am by Morlaeth

Edited, Jul 20th 2018 12:39pm by Morlaeth
# Jan 08 2018 at 9:27 AM Rating: Good
102 posts
GOT IT !!)

Edited, Jan 8th 2018 11:02am by lovguild
Quillmane Info
# Aug 04 2017 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
9 posts
I'm here to provide some backing information and dispel a myth:

This is a list of mobs I killed on the QM cycle. I included only those killed after the first Quillmane pop so I'm 100% certain I was on the correct cycle:

A lion
An escaped Splitpaw gnoll
A mist wolf
A shadow wolf
A Lioness
Centaur archer

There may be more, but this is what I saw in about 2 hours of doing the confirmed cycle.

Also worth noting: the placeholders are NOT guaranteed to roam due north after spawning - To my recollection, most if not all spawned facing north, but I observed them wandering off in various other directions once they started moving. They all spawn between the north bound of Paw and south bound of Aviak village, but if left unkilled they can potentially roam to the far north of the zone - at least as far as the centaur village. I believe they will eventually roam back to the south, but I did not observe long enough to say for certain.
Observations of Quillmane's spawn cycle
# Jul 09 2017 at 1:03 AM Rating: Good
1 post
I have camped Quillmane during the time they boosted the frequency of the names. Zliz's guide is pretty good to follow but I would like to add some comments based on my observations.

I was playing a level 85 druid with 175 in tracking. I had the zone to myself and I was lucky to be able to get Quillmane’s spawn cycle quickly. I proceeded to camp him successfully for about 6 hours and the PH’s I kept seeing from the cycle were: an elephant, a mist wolf, a shadow wolf, an escaped Splitpaw gnoll, a lion, and a lioness. Those PH’s were all I saw during the first 6 hours I was camping Quillmane.

I would like to point out that I positioned myself slightly south east of the Split Paw zone to try and be centered on the southern portion of the map. On occasion I would have to run either further south east or south west of Split Paw to pick up a fresh PH/Quillmane spawn on track if it seemed like nothing was appearing on track around the one minute mark. My guess is that it’s probably because a druid’s tracking skill at 175 isn’t enough to cover the entire southern portion of the zone. I also noticed that the PH’s/Quillmane did not always stay in place facing north for 20 seconds. As soon as I saw a fresh spawn from the cycle on track I would sometimes find it already roaming.

After about 6 hours other people started coming into the zone. A couple were low level players hunting for xp near the Aviak village, while others were also trying to get Quillmane to spawn, unaware that I already had the cycle going. That is when I started to see the other PH’s listed on Zliz’s guide. I started seeing aviaks, centaurs, treants, and even Crack Tusk fresh on my tracking. I also noted that I would sometimes see a cyclops and undead cyclops appear as well, but I determined this was due to other people in the zone throwing the rhythm of the cycle off. When the zone became empty again I managed to resume the cycle and again observed the same PH’s/Quillmane for about another 4 hours. I have almost managed to equip all of my toons with a cloak that day, totaling at 10.

Although I cannot dismiss the possibility completely, I strongly believe that it’s highly unlikely that aviaks, centuars, treants and Crack Tusk is part of the Quillmane cycle and can be discounted from the list of PH’s.

My reasons for coming to this conclusion are based on these thoughts:

1) In the past when servers were more populated it was hard to determine what mobs were actually a part of the Quillmane cycle due to other people hunting in the zone. This can be especially true for druids or bards whose tracking skill is unable to cover all the possible areas that Quillmane and his PH’s can spawn.

2) Having a mob roam into a druid’s or bard’s tracking range may have given the illusion that they were part of the Quillmane cycle e.g. aviaks.

3) Since this was during a time where Daybreak made it so rare spawns would appear more frequently I find it highly unlikely that Crack Tusk, a named elephant, is part of the spawn cycle for Quillmane since I did not see him spawn at all when I had Quillmane’s cycle going for those 6+ hours.

4) For 6 hours (and another 4 hours when I resumed the cycle) the only PH’s I saw fresh on my track were an elephant, a mist wolf, a shadow wolf, an escaped Splitpaw gnoll, a lion, and a lioness. This leads me to believe that the other PH’s listed were due to interference from other players hunting in the zone, as well as insufficient track skill by druids and bards that misled players to believe for so long that aviaks, centuars, treants and Crack Tusk were also PH’s for Quillmane.

Again, I will not deny the possibility that the other PH’s might just be really rare to appear in Quillmane’s cycle, but it would be nice if someone else can verify my claims so that we can condense the PH list for Quillmane.

TLDR: I camped and spawned Quillmane multiple times successfully for 6 hours and only ever saw an elephant, a mist wolf, a shadow wolf, an escaped Splitpaw gnoll, a lion, and a lioness spawn as PH’s for Quillmane.
1,5 hour camp
# Jul 06 2017 at 2:02 AM Rating: Good
11 posts
Yesterday I used two guides in pursuit of Quillmane.
Zliz Feb 11 2017 on the Quillmane bestiary and Wiki. The map is helpful on that link.

3-boxing level 62(Mage, Ranger, SK). The tracking was only lvl 60-ish. I should have passed the trainer but it was enough!
I parked the Mage SE of gnoll hill and only killed about 5 wanderers except some nosy gnolls. I think this was irrelevant.
I parked my Ranger and SK in center of the triangle Aviak tree house, Hermit, gnoll hill. Tracking Normal.

Then I killed 'a lion, a lioness, a shadow wolf, an elephant (2-3), an escaped Splitpaw gnoll (1), aviaks and centaurs'.
I would only run from the camp with the ranger for lions and an elephant. I was running SE approx -6500 closish to the Hermit in hunt of 'a lioness'.

There I saw Quillmane on track, moving straight eastwards. Snared and ran my other toons there. Killed and dropped the cloak.
Again Quillmane poped on track furter east of my kill, moving eastward. Dropped another cloak. Two for two.

Note that this was during a period with extra XP and more frequent nameds. Quillmane showed up twice SE of the black circle on the map. Quillmane was moving straight east.
got mine
# Feb 11 2017 at 10:24 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
I was in the northern part of the zone right near the zone in to North Karana. Then i see Quill just south of the skeleton area where Grimrot spawns. I drop Quill and i get the legs. Then like 5 mins later Quill spawns again in the same area. This time i get the cloak.

I was killing a few centaurs, adult elephants and a few aviaks. I don't know if I had anything to do with this double spawning. But i thought
Quill spawns only in southern part of zone around splitpaw..

strange....this was the first time i ever saw Quillmane...

Reuvan the ranger
Bristlebane server
Fresh spawn technique
# Feb 11 2017 at 8:37 AM Rating: Decent
73 posts
Here is some fresh info about Quillmane from Live EQ. I recently hunted him for his cloak both for myself and another player, and in the process, I spawned and killed close to 15 Quillmanes.

Here are the facts:

1) Quillmane is on a spawn cycle of mobs that includes:

a lion (very common)
a lioness (very common)
a mist wolf
a shadow wolf
a treant (rare)
an elephant (unique to Quill's cycle)
an escaped Splitpaw gnoll
aviak avocet
aviak darter
aviak egret
aviak rook
centaur archer
centaur foal
centaur sheltie
CrackTusk (very rare)

A "spawn cycle" in EQ means a set of mobs that randomly spawn in a chain, meaning that when you kill one mob on the cycle, a new mob from the above list will spawn after a fixed amount of time. All mobs on the same cycle typically behave in the same way with regards to where and how they path and wander, despawn/respawn, etc.

This list should be close to 100% complete, although maybe there could one or two more variants of aviaks and centaurs on the list.

Note the "an elephant", which is unique to Quill's spawn cycle. This means that if you find an elephant (not adult, not bull, not calf) that matches the rest of the rules, you have found the cycle for sure!

2) The re-spawn for the cycle is approximately 65 seconds. Older guides say 74 seconds, this has been changed to about 65. within the past few years. Note that due to Tracking not getting updated in real-time, and due to EQ's wonky 6-second tick timing mechanic, the respawn will appear to be between 60 and 70 seconds to you.

3) All mobs on the cycle spawn in the southern half of the zone, south of Paw. They can spawn as south as the Aviak village, as west as the grey cliffs, and as east as almost by the water.

4) After a mob on the cycle spawns, it will face north and stand still for approximately 20 seconds, after which it will begin walking straight north. I haven't followed a mob to the end of its path, but I assume that after walking as far north as it can, it will walk back south, then north again and so on. You should be catching new spawns before they reach the middle of the zone.

5) The cloak is a rare drop, but not super-rare, which I estimate is about 20%. The first round I hunted Quill, it took 12 kills to get the cloak, the second round (for another player), we got it on the first kill.

To properly spawn Quill, a tracker is a must, and I would say about 200-250 Tracking skill is minimum in order to be able to cover the entire southern part of SK. A high level Ranger has 300 Tracking and is perfect for this. Another bonus is to have a character to follow you around with a run speed buff, such as a high level Bard (best) or Druid/Shaman with Cheetah. However, this is optional.

To find the spawn cycle (the hard part), you use the Tracking-capable character to hunt. Set the track sort to Normal, which sorts mob by recently spawned mobs first. Run around the south part of the zone and look for mobs on the list that are wandering either straight north or south. When you find one, kill it, and don't kill anything else. Start a stopwatch (you can use your phone, I use a little stopwatch program on my computer) set to 1 minute, and after the 1 minute countdown, see if anything new pops on top of your track list within the next 5 seconds or so. Note that the respawn is not precisely 60 seconds, it is between 60 and 70 seconds. If nothing spawns after ~65 seconds, you didn't hit the cycle; start over and find another mob, and wait again. If a new mob from the list spawns after ~65 seconds, hunt it down and simply repeat this, hopefully until Quillmane pops.

If you suddenly don't get a new spawn, you probably didn't hit the cycle correctly, or your Tracking is not high enough to catch whiff of the new spawn. If two mobs seem to spawn at the same time, one of them is probably on the cycle, and the other just happened to respawn from being killed by you, another player or an NPC. This is where it gets hard; hunt down both mobs, keep timing after killing one of them, and see if you can get your way back on the proper ~65 second cycle.

Between killing each mob, I usually run to the center part of the southern part of the zone, so I'm equally far from all possible spawn points. The PH's actually have a set of fixed spawn points (you'll begin to see corpses pile up), but since there are so many, it's pointless to map.

I estimate the chance of having Quillmane pop is about 5-10%. I've had her spawn back-to-back a few times, which is nice of course.

Good luck!
http://www.zlizeq.com - Zliz's EverQuest Compendium
Fresh spawn technique
# Mar 06 2019 at 8:57 PM Rating: Default
Zliz wrote:

To find the spawn cycle (the hard part), you use the Tracking-capable character to hunt. Set the track sort to Normal, which sorts mob by recently spawned mobs first. Run around the south part of the zone and look for mobs on the list that are wandering either straight north or south. When you find one, kill it, and don't kill anything else. Start a stopwatch (you can use your phone, I use a little stopwatch program on my computer) set to 1 minute, and after the 1 minute countdown, see if anything new pops on top of your track list within the next 5 seconds or so. Note that the respawn is not precisely 60 seconds, it is between 60 and 70 seconds. If nothing spawns after ~65 seconds, you didn't hit the cycle; start over and find another mob, and wait again. If a new mob from the list spawns after ~65 seconds, hunt it down and simply repeat this, hopefully until Quillmane pops.

If you suddenly don't get a new spawn, you probably didn't hit the cycle correctly, or your Tracking is not high enough to catch whiff of the new spawn. If two mobs seem to spawn at the same time, one of them is probably on the cycle, and the other just happened to respawn from being killed by you, another player or an NPC. This is where it gets hard; hunt down both mobs, keep timing after killing one of them, and see if you can get your way back on the proper ~65 second cycle.

Fresh spawn technique
# Jul 01 2018 at 11:34 PM Rating: Decent
3 posts
a lion (very common)
a lioness (very common)
a mist wolf
a shadow wolf
a treant (rare)
an elephant (unique to Quill's cycle)
an escaped Splitpaw gnoll
aviak avocet
aviak darter
aviak egret
aviak rook
centaur archer
centaur foal
centaur sheltie
a cyclops
CrackTusk (very rare)

adding a cyclops to the list of PHs.
Fresh spawn technique
# Mar 24 2018 at 12:06 AM Rating: Decent
19 posts
an elephant is not unique to Quill, it is also part of Cracktusk cycle
Fresh spawn technique
# May 06 2018 at 10:50 PM Rating: Default
94 posts
Not sure you actually read the whole post. "An elephant" and "Cracktusk" are purportedly on the "Quillmane" cycle, according to the post.

Edited, May 7th 2018 4:44am by Tillas
Fresh spawn technique
# May 14 2018 at 12:04 PM Rating: Excellent
19 posts
An elephant is also part of Broon cycle and Grizzle cycle for sure. My point is that 'an elephant' is not unique to Quill cycle.
Fresh spawn technique
# Jun 04 2017 at 11:46 PM Rating: Decent
8 posts
Zliz wrote:
Here is some fresh info about Quillmane from Live EQ. I recently hunted him for his cloak both for myself and another player, and in the process, I spawned and killed close to 15 Quillmanes.

Here are the facts:

1) Quillmane is on a spawn cycle of mobs that includes:

a lion (very common)
a lioness (very common)
a mist wolf
a shadow wolf
a treant (rare)
an elephant (unique to Quill's cycle)
an escaped Splitpaw gnoll
aviak avocet
aviak darter
aviak egret
aviak rook
centaur archer
centaur foal
centaur sheltie
CrackTusk (very rare)

A "spawn cycle" in EQ means a set of mobs that randomly spawn in a chain, meaning that when you kill one mob on the cycle, a new mob from the above list will spawn after a fixed amount of time. All mobs on the same cycle typically behave in the same way with regards to where and how they path and wander, despawn/respawn, etc.

This list should be close to 100% complete, although maybe there could one or two more variants of aviaks and centaurs on the list.

Note the "an elephant", which is unique to Quill's spawn cycle. This means that if you find an elephant (not adult, not bull, not calf) that matches the rest of the rules, you have found the cycle for sure!

2) The re-spawn for the cycle is approximately 65 seconds. Older guides say 74 seconds, this has been changed to about 65. within the past few years. Note that due to Tracking not getting updated in real-time, and due to EQ's wonky 6-second tick timing mechanic, the respawn will appear to be between 60 and 70 seconds to you.

3) All mobs on the cycle spawn in the southern half of the zone, south of Paw. They can spawn as south as the Aviak village, as west as the grey cliffs, and as east as almost by the water.

4) After a mob on the cycle spawns, it will face north and stand still for approximately 20 seconds, after which it will begin walking straight north. I haven't followed a mob to the end of its path, but I assume that after walking as far north as it can, it will walk back south, then north again and so on. You should be catching new spawns before they reach the middle of the zone.

5) The cloak is a rare drop, but not super-rare, which I estimate is about 20%. The first round I hunted Quill, it took 12 kills to get the cloak, the second round (for another player), we got it on the first kill.

To properly spawn Quill, a tracker is a must, and I would say about 200-250 Tracking skill is minimum in order to be able to cover the entire southern part of SK. A high level Ranger has 300 Tracking and is perfect for this. Another bonus is to have a character to follow you around with a run speed buff, such as a high level Bard (best) or Druid/Shaman with Cheetah. However, this is optional.

To find the spawn cycle (the hard part), you use the Tracking-capable character to hunt. Set the track sort to Normal, which sorts mob by recently spawned mobs first. Run around the south part of the zone and look for mobs on the list that are wandering either straight north or south. When you find one, kill it, and don't kill anything else. Start a stopwatch (you can use your phone, I use a little stopwatch program on my computer) set to 1 minute, and after the 1 minute countdown, see if anything new pops on top of your track list within the next 5 seconds or so. Note that the respawn is not precisely 60 seconds, it is between 60 and 70 seconds. If nothing spawns after ~65 seconds, you didn't hit the cycle; start over and find another mob, and wait again. If a new mob from the list spawns after ~65 seconds, hunt it down and simply repeat this, hopefully until Quillmane pops.

If you suddenly don't get a new spawn, you probably didn't hit the cycle correctly, or your Tracking is not high enough to catch whiff of the new spawn. If two mobs seem to spawn at the same time, one of them is probably on the cycle, and the other just happened to respawn from being killed by you, another player or an NPC. This is where it gets hard; hunt down both mobs, keep timing after killing one of them, and see if you can get your way back on the proper ~65 second cycle.

Between killing each mob, I usually run to the center part of the southern part of the zone, so I'm equally far from all possible spawn points. The PH's actually have a set of fixed spawn points (you'll begin to see corpses pile up), but since there are so many, it's pointless to map.

I estimate the chance of having Quillmane pop is about 5-10%. I've had her spawn back-to-back a few times, which is nice of course.

Good luck!

this needs to be sticky into the description for quillmane... it works exactly as he posted it.. prob the only spawn script i found that works to a tee
Fresh spawn technique
# Jun 05 2017 at 5:41 AM Rating: Good
528 posts
Toughenuff wrote:
this needs to be sticky into the description for quillmane... it works exactly as he posted it.. prob the only spawn script i found that works to a tee

While probably a bit too big for our official description, I have included a link that users can use to quickly find this excellent writeup by Sliz.
Fresh spawn technique
# Apr 02 2017 at 7:16 PM Rating: Good
90 posts
this worked.
The only thing I would ad is: do not be tempted to think mobs facing "almost" due north or due south are on the quillmane cycle. They are not. If it's not walking due north or due south move on.

Following this guide I spawned him 8 times in three short gameing sessions. Got the cloak on the 8th kill.
Fresh spawn technique
# Apr 02 2017 at 9:50 PM Rating: Excellent
Hobenroby wrote:
this worked.
The only thing I would ad is: do not be tempted to think mobs facing "almost" due north or due south are on the quillmane cycle. They are not. If it's not walking due north or due south move on.

Following this guide I spawned him 8 times in three short gameing sessions. Got the cloak on the 8th kill.

Most of these old world rares are on the same type of ph cycle structure. For example, Pyzjn in Qeynos Hills, this was posted by I believe Prathun (eq developer).

MONSTER_1_NAME a_mangy_rat
MONSTER_2_NAME a_brown_bear
MONSTER_2_NIGHT_NAME a_decaying_skeleton
MONSTER_3_NAME a_grizzly_bear
MONSTER_3_NIGHT_NAME a_restless_skeleton
MONSTER_4_NAME a_large_field_rat
MONSTER_4_NIGHT_NAME a_putrid_skeleton
MONSTER_5_NAME a_fire_beetle
MONSTER_6_NAME a_gray_wolf
MONSTER_7_NAME a_giant_rat
MONSTER_7_NIGHT_NAME a_dread_corpse

So you can see with her, killing the skeletons give you a higher percentage chance of spawning her. So for Quillmane you just need to figure out which placeholders are in the ph table and it sounds like you got a list that works well.
Allakhazam Developer and Admin

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my two cents
# Jan 16 2017 at 7:42 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks to all the info on this page I finally got the cloak for my friend. Took about 36 hours of camping but I finally narrowed down which placeholder I needed and after that point it only took about another hour of killing. In an hour I think I killed Quillmane 6 times. So, as previously mentioned, the hardest part is figuring out which stupid placeholder you need to focus on to spawn Quillmane.

The only relevant info I want to add to this page is that it seems like you can surmise if you're on the correct PH chain by finding the spawns before they take off and look at which direction they're facing. It seemed to be that the placeholders on Quillmane's chain were all facing NORTH when they spawned, and immediately began walking that direction after a minute or so of spawning.

So if you are checking on a chain and the spawns aren't facing north after a couple kills, I'd say it's safe to move on to the next one.

I tried many strategies, but finally just gave up on trying to kill certain types of monsters. I finally just stood on top of Paw, and waited for pathers to walk across it (usually of the lion or lionness variety). After killing a few of those, I very quickly found some respawns that were consistently facing north and Quillmane spawned very quickly. I think I killed four north facing placeholders before he popped. And then 6 of the next 20 or so spawns were Quillmane.

Glad to have this one out of the way. :)
Pops a Quill every 15 minutes
# Jul 12 2015 at 10:37 PM Rating: Decent
Start with:
1. A ranger with 200 tracking skill (make one yourself or make a friend) with the tracking set to normal
2. Someone high enough level to hang out at split paw and not get owned

Quillmane's place holder follows these rules:
1. Place holder will spawn south of split paw (I found some directly east but not many)
2. Place holder will eventualy pass by and through split paw
3. Has a 60ish second spawn timer (seen it pop at 60 and then at 66 and some at 68. Could be server latency that causes that difference)
4. The Place holder durring my time there was:
a Lion
a Lioness
an Elephant
Escaped Split Paw Knoll
Shadow Wolf

The rub:
1. Take the non-tracker and go to split paw. Murder everything there, gnolls, wanderers, does matter just kill it. (and make some profit too)
2. Draw lines between the aviak village to the hermit, then from the hermit to split paw and from split paw to the aviak village
3. Put the tracker in the middle of the triagle
4. Murder any of the above creatures that may cross your path (I was dual boxing at the time so I just killed stuff at split paw)
5. Wait for Quillmane to spawn

Once Quillmane has spawned:
1. Track him down (duh)
2. Once he is dead start your timing device and have your tracker run back to the middle of the triangle like before
3. In about 60 or so seconds something will pop, you now have Quillmane's PH
4. I am not sure how many place holders you had to kill before it would pop but it was at least 5 or more (because my mercs would be ready to go again)

Now I did notice while I was in South Karana that there were multiple an Elephants. I think the others are for other rare spawns.
Kill one and wait for something to pop at the 60 second mark and chase it down until something interesting spawns.Took about 8 kills to get the cloak.

If you are on the Vox server and need this beast killed, or if you want a demonstration so you can do it on your server look me up.

Nadias (Ranger)
Setesh (Mage and proud owner of his Epic)
100% Proven and Tested Spawn
# Feb 28 2015 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent
***WARNING*** This takes patience!

There are many guides to spawning Quillmane on the internet, most are elaborately detailed and require more than one player. However my method I just did spawned Quillmane three times (with one cloak drop). Most mobs in SK are on a short respawn timer (about 30 seconds). What I have found is that NAMED and their PHs are on longer timers (about 68 secs). What you will need is a little patience, a good tracker set to NORMAL track and a timer (I used the stopwatch app on my iPhone). I bowed down mobs and timed there respawn based on when a mob popped back up on my track window. Once I found a mob with a 68 sec respawn timer I continued to hunt and track these mobs. Sometimes you hunt this mob and you get a named, not necessarily Quillname, but Brother Qwinn, etc.... If you do get a named other than Quillmane leave them alive and start finding another mob on a 68 sec timer and hunt (this is the patience part). You will eventually spawn all named in the zone or you will eventually come across Quillmane. Once you find the magic flying donkey stay on him or his PH who is on the 68 sec timer. You can hunt and basically chain spawn Quillmane. Most of the PHs are lions, lioness, an elephant, an escaped Splitpaw gnoll, less often "other mobs" (like centaurs, wolfs, etc). Keep to this method, it is tedious but you will get results. I tried for days killing the entire zone with ZERO results. I spent about 2 hours with the 68 sec method and it paid off! Good Luck!
Kill everything
# Nov 28 2014 at 6:42 PM Rating: Decent
7 posts
Ignore the lioness elephant caff lion post I ran out of all
Kill everything
# Nov 28 2014 at 6:46 PM Rating: Decent
7 posts
Ok it only posted part of my statement so here goes try 2. Ignore all the elephant caff lioness lion talk I focused on only these and spent a half hour with none of them up so just kill everything. Been doing that for 3 hours and no quillmane yet but when you run out off lions lionesses and caffs it becomes obvious that it is not the only set.
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