Vohlen #1: Acts of Reprisal  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:95
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
  • Faction
  • Loot
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    Quest Items:
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    Era:Seeds of Destruction
    Group Size:Solo
    Min. # of Players:1
    Max. # of Players:1
    Appropriate Classes:
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    Entered: Tue Nov 4 03:32:30 2008
    Modified: Fri Aug 7 22:25:54 2015
    This task is the first in a series from Armsmaster Vohlen. He is located in Bloody Kithicor at about 20, 650, 11 (in the same camp as Diennic Lightheart, Thanuel Mergon and Supplymaster Kibrek).

    NOTE: You may need to equip "Army of Light Pendant" in order to request tasks from Vohlen.

    You say, 'Hail, Armsmaster Vohlen'

    Armsmaster Vohlen says 'Hail to you. It appears you're of sturdy experience already; we're glad you found your way to our lines. If you're willing, I have an urgent [task] that calls for skillful adventuring folk.'

    You say, 'A task?'

    Armsmaster Vohlen says 'Good. Your eagerness to take risks will endear you to the Army of Light. Now, what I require of you is rather simple in the idea, but difficult in the execution. The lead regiments of the Army of Obliteration have already been spotted in Kithicor Forest. These are veteran units, and we know them well. Their [commanders] are inventive and ruthless, as well as sorcerers of military strategy.'

    You say, 'Commanders?'

    Armsmaster Vohlen says 'It is always good to know one's enemy, but one cannot help but learn the names of those who commit great crimes of war. I believe that killing one's enemy outside of honorable battle is itself a crime, but to show mercy to a certain three Dark Elf [jackals] would be the greater evil. These commanders know little in the way of restraint, they kill wantonly with only the outcome of victory in mind.'

    You say, 'The jackals?'

    Armsmaster Vohlen says 'The first one who must be done away with is Arthak V'Tyrin of the Innoruuk's Chosen regiment. Some call him the 'Master of Terror'; he moves upon undefended villages to distract our forces from the main battle. The cries of his civilian victims in the [Commonlands] haunt me still.'

    You say, 'Commonlands victims?'

    Armsmaster Vohlen says 'Another villain to put down is Selranna Ichoren of the Darktide Lancers regiment, who tricked one of our units into treating with her under a flag of truce, and then ambushed our group and slew them to a man. After a ploy such as that, we do not wish to see the fuller [extent] of her craft.'

    You say, 'What extent?'

    Armsmaster Vohlen says 'The third dishonorable cur who must be dealt with is Paltyn S'Teth of the Felstorm Marauders. So heinous are his deeds on the field of battle, that our soldiers are loathe to fight him, for they know that they will be exposed to the most dastardly of wicked behavior. In battle, he'll make use of plague-spreading vermin as missiles, torture of helpless prisoners to break their comrades' morale, and other tactics too [unspeakable] to name.'

    You say, 'Unspeakable?'

    Armsmaster Vohlen says 'I can say no more, the time for action is upon us. I need you to [slay] these ruthless servants of Lanys T'Vyl at once.'

    You say, 'I will slay them'

    You have been assigned the task 'Acts of Reprisal'.

    Locate Innoruuk's Chosen Regiment. 0/1 (Bloody Kithicor)

    Loot the head of Arthak V'Tyrin, the commander of the Innoruuk's Chosen Regiment. 0/1 (Bloody Kithicor)

    Locate the Darktide Lancers' encampment. 0/1 (Bloody Kithicor)

    Loot the head of Selranna Ichoren. You will need to kill her first. 0/1 (Bloody Kithicor)

    Locate the Felstorm Marauders' encampment. 0/1 (Bloody Kithicor)

    Loot the head of Paltyn S'Teth. You will need to kill him first. 0/1 (Bloody Kithicor)

    Inoruuk's Chosen regiment, Darktide Lancers' encampment and Felstorm Marauders' encampment are all located in the northeastern part of Bloody Kithicor:

    - Innoruuk's Chosen: 450, -1200 (same location for Arthak V'Tyrin)
    - Darktide Lancers: 900, -1375 (same location for Selranna Ichoren)
    - Felstorm Marauders: 875, -1775 (same location for Paltyn S`Teth)

    None of the above mobs summon. They are rootable/snareable.

    Deliver the head of Arthak V'Tyrin to Armsmaster Vohlen. 0/1 (Bloody Kithicor)

    Deliver the head of Selranna Ichoren to Armsmaster Vohlen. 0/1 (Bloody Kithicor)

    Deliver the head of Paltyn S'Teth to Armsmaster Vohlen. 0/1 (Bloody Kithicor)

    Hail Armsmaster Vohlen 0/1 (Bloody Kithicor)

    You say, 'Hail, Armsmaster Vohlen'

    Your task 'Acts of Reprisal' has been updated.

    Armsmaster Vohlen says 'Good, these heads prove that there are three fewer bloodthirsty enemy leaders to concern ourselves with.'

    Your faction standing with Silla Herald got better.
    You have successfully been granted your reward for: Acts of Reprisal

    45 Chronobines
    Faction with Silla Herald
    Blood Of The Officer

    The task "Sacrifice to Treachery" follows this one.
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    Respawn Time
    # Dec 28 2022 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
    22 posts
    Arthak V'Tyrin and his buddy at the flag of the camp have about a 5-6 minute spawn time. One head per kill and there were a couple of us needing it so we built a campfire and sang kumbaya...
    faction count
    # Aug 06 2015 at 5:41 PM Rating: Decent
    105 posts
    +30 to Silla Herald
    a wrench in the works
    # Dec 10 2013 at 6:38 PM Rating: Decent
    340 posts
    This quest was bugged for me. I had done the 2 following quests but he never gave me this one, and told me he had nothing left for me. But going by this zam page I told him "I will slay them" and he gave me the task. Thanks Zam.
    # Aug 19 2010 at 12:52 PM Rating: Good
    169 posts
    You must equip "Army of Light Pendant" in order to request tasks from Vohlen.

    Vohlen can be found at loc + 18 ; + 652 ; + 11, in the same camp than Diennic Lightheart, Thanuel Mergon and Supplymaster Kibrek.

    Inoruuk's Chosen regiment, Darktide Lancers' encampment and Felstorm Marauders' encampment are all located in NE of Blood Kithicor. Here are locs to have the steps completed :
    Inoruuk's Chosen : + 450 , - 1200. Same loc for Arthak V'Tyrin ( this mob do not summon, can be snared/rooted ).
    Darktide Lancers : + 900 , - 1374. Same loc for Selranna Ichoren ( this mob do not summon, can be snared/rooted ).
    Felstorm Marauders : + 874 , - 1775. Same loc for Paltyn S`Teth ( this mob do not summon and can be snared/rooted too ).

    And there is a last step that is not mentioned here : Hail Armsmaster Vohlen 0/1 Bloody Kithicor

    Edited, Aug 19th 2010 9:42pm by loosingsleep

    Edited, Aug 19th 2010 9:46pm by loosingsleep

    Edited, Aug 19th 2010 10:21pm by loosingsleep
    Nones, necromancer, AB
    Kwari, necromancer, AB ... love necs ...
    Necro Solo
    # Nov 03 2009 at 2:37 PM Rating: Decent
    Even though I'm a necro, I still had issues with pulling the nameds solo.

    There are just way too many things in camp in order to do this right off the bat.

    I did what someone suggested, and snared the named, then ran as far as possible. I casted evac spell and ran back.

    (oh yeah, make sure you have the faction necklace equipped otherwise everything will aggro you when you come back)

    With the necklace on, you are free to roam about the area to see where the named is sitting at. Hopefully, she's not walked back to the camp yet.

    This was my problem, the named kept walking back to the camp too quick, even snared. Not sure why she was doing this, but it took me a few tries.

    Finally I ran her up one of the hills 'unsnared'. I just pulled everything to the top of the hill, Feign Death, then popped up and evaced. I ran back to the camp and she was still sitting on top of the hill, but all by herself, Yay!

    It might take a few tries to get their pathing right, but once you do it's pretty darn easy. Just be patient!
    # Apr 21 2009 at 11:54 PM Rating: Decent
    ahhh not sure why hasnt been mentioned before but you need too kill all 3 not sure why only listed too kill 2? how else they gonna give up their 3 heads too deliver?
    Did it solo heres how
    # Apr 18 2009 at 9:03 PM Rating: Decent
    Getting the 2 named in the camps is Very Easy solo:
    just hit a mob in the camp...most of the camp will come , then just
    zone into commonlands, these mobs run very slow. zone back in instantly they will all still be walking back to camp..beat them there and only named + mabye one will be left in camp, pull kill and done. this does require you to zone fast and having a fast horse helps too to beat mobs back.
    # Dec 24 2008 at 9:45 PM Rating: Good
    160 posts
    P 1207.2665, -448.9500, 11.0249, 0, 0, 0, 1, Innoruuk's_Chosen_Regiment
    P 1379.0332, -930.3578, 0.6847, 0, 0, 0, 1, Darktide_Lancers_Regiment
    P 1791.9814, -908.9220, -2.7462, 0, 0, 0, 1, Felstrom_Marauders_Regiment
    # Nov 30 2008 at 8:58 PM Rating: Decent
    thanks so much for the follow up on these tasks, much apreciated....
    # Nov 26 2008 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
    Armsmaster Vohlen is inside tent at 8.79, 648.11

    Locate Innoruuk's Chosen Regiment. 0/1 (Bloody Kithicor) is at 435.58, -1183.79
    (two named and a flag pole there...no tents or fences around)

    Loot the head of Arthak V'Tyrin, the commander of the Innoruuk's Chosen Regiment. 0/1 (Bloody Kithicor) is also at 435.58, -1183.79

    Locate the Darktide Lancers' encampment. 0/1 (Bloody Kithicor) is at 897.43, -1389.16

    Loot the head of Selranna Ichoren. You will need to kill her first. 0/1 (Bloody Kithicor) is inside tent at 897.43, -1389.16

    Locate the Felstorm Marauders' encampment. 0/1 (Bloody Kithicor) is at 889.71, -1752.62

    Loot the head of Paltyn S'Teth. You will need to kill him first. 0/1 (Bloody Kithicor) is inside tent at 889.71, -1752.62

    named npcs
    # Nov 05 2008 at 10:18 PM Rating: Decent
    none of the named npc's in this quest summon. i was able to solo them, however single pulling them was a bit of a pain as they are inside a tent usually that is surrounded by obliteration warlords, etc. if u are a caster and doing this solo i found the easiest method to single pull was to target the named and cast it, pulling the whole camp, then run a far distance where it is safe. root the named and then evac, this clears agro. then run back to where the named is rooted and u should be safe to kite it around w/out his buddies helping.
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