
Quest Started By:Description:
Time:1 hour
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Loot
Faction Required:
Kerra Isle (Min: Dubious)
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
    Quest Items:
    Related Creatures:
    Group Size:Solo
    Min. # of Players:1
    Max. # of Players:1
    Appropriate Classes:
    • All
    Appropriate Races:
    • All
    Entered: Thu Jan 18 21:04:49 2001
    Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
    Feren is fishing on a boat at the wharf at location -363.09, 1925.41 in Toxxulia Forest.

    You say, 'Hail, Feren'

    Feren says 'Rarr. Me is Feren. Me is fisher. That means Feren catches [fish].'

    You say, 'What fish?'

    Feren says 'All kinds of fish. Tasty fish. All day Feren catches the fishes so all Kerran can eat. I do for good of all Kerran. Rrrrr. One thing bother Feren always though. Is bad fish. [Razortooth].'

    You say, 'Who is Razortooth?'

    Feren says 'Rrrrrr! Razortooth mean fish. Razortooth eat fish off Feren's line. Razortooth gnaw Feren's boat. Razortooth smart and dangerous. Feren never able to catch Razortooth. This haunt Feren for months. If you was able to catch Razortooth, Feren be forever grateful. Maybe even give you possessions.'

    The fish is a very rare spawn. It seems likely that the spikefish are its placeholder.

    You have slain Razortooth!
    --You have looted a Razor Tooth.--
    Item Lore: Razortooth the Fish.

    Hand Feren the Razor Tooth.

    Feren says 'Razortooth! You catch him! Truly, you be great fisher. Please take this from me. Feren is forever owing you.'
    Your faction standing with Kerra Isle has been adjusted by 2.
    You gain experience!!

    Reward: Kerran Fishingpole
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    # Jan 17 2001 at 2:55 PM Rating: Excellent
    You'll need to stand ON the boat to have Feren reply to your hailing him.
    After asking him "who is razortooth" I would jump off the boat and do "F8" under the boat , usually facing just to the right of the island (stay away from island ; tigers aggro into water and dont hit tigers back or the kerrans will also aggro-just try to zone.) Anyway if you target Razortooth or a spikefish, DONT lose the target! use your range weapon or cast a long range damage spell to pull. I just keep trying to cast untill the fish is in range. Spikefish spawn every eight minute or so.
    Ive killed at most three spikefish before Razortooth spawns. I dont know Razortooth respawn time because I never stick around afterward but spikefish spawn one at a time and seem to be place-holder for Razortooth. After killing a spikefish, med up and go kill that rat INSIDE the hut for the fish-bone necklace quest(good exp for low to mid teens - it hits hard though). Med up some more and look for Razortooth again.Razortooth is mid-teens and spikefish are easier. I have done the fishingpole quest three times for my characters (it is FAST and good in duels with casters my strength is at 87 and I strike with consistant 8pt hits)Of course it isnt a great weapon , but I think its a must have. good luck!
    No drop?
    # Dec 24 2000 at 3:20 PM Rating: Decent
    The Kerran Fishing Pole is no drop, but is Razortooth himself? Could one give a Razortooth corpse to another so that he or she could get a pole?
    # Dec 12 2000 at 12:53 AM Rating: Default
    This is going to sound realy dumb, ive got the remains for Razertooth, but cant find FEREN! loc please?
    not broken
    # Nov 23 2000 at 4:53 PM Rating: Default
    Razortooth spawned today on Luclin.Feren faces his spawn location,its about 100 feet out from boat.
    Is this quest broken??
    # Nov 01 2000 at 12:11 AM Rating: Default

    I am on my 3rd day of camping for this fish called Razortooth. I am a level 21 druid so I can track and use enduring breath. I have been killing the spikefish and even though they are green I am getting exp off of them. Not only have I seen no sign of this rare fish the Spikefish are getting increasingly harder and harder to find as the wharf they are in is rather large...also FYI do not get close to Tiger Island as Wild Tigers will get into the water and you do not have a prayer unless you can get away or are higher level. I am bound and determined to finish this quest but please could anyone who has completed this quest be as thorough and as specific as possible to anything that remotely pertains to this quest.

    RE: Is this quest broken??
    # Nov 06 2000 at 6:18 PM Rating: Default
    If it's broken, it's been broken since I got one. Granted that was about a week or two after the revamp, so we're not talking all that recently.

    Let me emphasize this is a RARE spawn -- the rarest spawn I've killed (which isn't saying much, but...). I hunted in this zone for about 4 hours a day over 2 weeks, killing the spikefish whenever they spawned, and only saw the Razorfish once.
    kerra fishing pole
    # Oct 15 2000 at 11:02 AM Rating: Default
    dam 3 delay 17, 1 hand blunt
    fastest one hand blunt in the game, as a lvl 31 barb shaman
    i still use this for a caster smacker in Pvp.

    With any speed buff, this thing is awesome for disrupting spells
    from other players. Granted damage is not much, but chain cast
    root and watch the screen.

    you have hit x for 6 dam
    you have hit x for 6 dam
    you have hit x for 6 dam

    all the way down, and if you throw in a dot , woo hoo
    Hard to Hunt the Fish
    # Oct 15 2000 at 5:18 AM Rating: Default
    Trying to chase and hunt down the fish is very hard, mainly because of the Black Isle he roams around. I constantly get agroed by the things on there while I am swimming around if I am not really really careful. Yes, they KOS everyone. Its a pain in the *****
    RE: Hard to Hunt the Fish
    # Oct 15 2000 at 11:09 AM Rating: Default
    you do not need to go there
    i killed fish about under the bridge right as you go in the zone
    it is very VERY small, so target all the fish and kill them till
    the one you want pops
    # Sep 26 2000 at 2:40 PM Rating: Default
    no, can't fish with it. If you want a good fishing pole, get a Collapsibke Fishing Pole from a gnome tinkerer, it will run about 8pp and never breaks
    RE: fishing
    # Oct 16 2000 at 9:18 AM Rating: Default
    The collapable fishing pole can brake :( I did it my 3rd cast waiting on a rare spawn in Quenos. Might have been able to sit and wait for the long spawn if the darn thing hadn't broken, as it is a gave up :p
    so you can't fish with it?
    # Sep 15 2000 at 8:03 PM Rating: Default
    The only reason I want to even do this quest is because I'm a ranger and fishing is my forte' and with this pole I could show all my other ranger friends how cool a pole I have. So you can't fish with it or what? Because if not it does me no good as a 1H blunt weapon...

    Vallon Zek
    RE: so you can't fish with it?
    # Apr 30 2001 at 11:14 AM Rating: Default
    That's not exactly true. With the exception of the moss covered twig, this is the lowest-delay 1HB weapon in the game!
    Haven't done it recently but...
    # Sep 12 2000 at 7:28 PM Rating: Good
    First things first: the Razortooth is different from the Spikefish, although they look identical and (like skeletons) their names aren't visible above them.

    The Razorfish nearly killed me as a 22nd level enchanter; it was "dangerous" blue to me. Be warned that it *will* follow you out of the water (it's a funny sight unless you're dying).

    The Spikefish never dropped anything when I killed them. I forget exactly what the drop of the Razorfish was called.

    They appear to spawn near the tiger island. Their pathing takes them toward the "moat" between the zone-in area and the main island, and that's where a problem starts.

    Not long after the initial revamp a wall was put up to keep people from moving directly to the "shore area" (where most of the quests are). The wall runs through the water, too, although you can't see the wall there. What's wrong with that? The fish can swim right through the wall, but you can't. If the fish happens to die where you can't reach it, well, sorry about your luck.

    As to the rarity of the spawn, it's fairly rare. In just over a week of camping this zone twice a day in 2-3 hour shifts, I only saw 1 Razorfish. The fish spawn slightly slower than the wharf rats do; the rats spawn every 12-18 minutes or so, and I saw 2-3 rats for every 1-2 fish.

    Hope this helps! I enjoy my Kerran Fishingpole quite a bit, even though I can't fish with it (of course, that would make it vulnerable to destruction...).
    # Aug 02 2000 at 11:59 PM Rating: Decent
    Spikefish didn't drop anything when I killed him easily at 20.
    place holder?
    # Jul 30 2000 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
    I was swimming in the lake as I saw a fish called "spikefish" I conned to red to me at lvl 10.
    Spawn Rate of Razortooth
    # Jul 23 2000 at 4:33 PM Rating: Decent
    Does anyone know how Razortooths spawn rate is determined? Is it a timed spawn, or is it a rare spawn with a place holder? I have heard of people spended 5 hours on this quest and getting nothing. I want the fishing pole because of its super low delay. My 1hb stinks right now, and I want to get it up. If this quest doesn't take too long, I will do it.
    RE: Spawn Rate of Razortooth
    # Nov 20 2000 at 6:11 PM Rating: Default
    This is one of those spawns that Verant thinks folks will just trip over as they're about other business. (Like maybe if you deliver milk to Kerra every day...) It's one of those spawns that appears to be random and disgustingly rare. Another good example of this is the Visiting Priest of Najena in Unrest. (53 min spawn cycle, ghoul or priest, ghoul by far more common. ;)
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