Saumeem's Assistance  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
Quest Items:
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Era:Shadows of Luclin
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Tue Jan 8 16:55:22 2002
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
You say, 'Hail, Saumeem Unja'

Saumeem Unja says 'Hail _____, it is a pleasure to meet you. As the
Governor of Defense for Katta Castellum it is my duty to ensure the safety of the city from outside enemies. At present the most imminent threat to the safety of our citizens is the Coterie of the Eternal Night and their [assassins]. There are other matters of defense as well however that you may be of [assistance] in dealing with.'

You say, 'What assistance?'

Saumeem Unja says 'Ah... I'm glad that you have asked. There is a special
matter that may benefit from your skills as an adventurer. I would love to
explain the matter in full detail, but I'm afraid that I am not your best source of information at this juncture. The matter was delegated to Kellari Autumnfall. Seek her out and see if she requires your assistance. She is looking into a matter of grave importance. Tell her that I sent you, should she ask. Be well and good luck with it.'

Kellari is on the 3rd floor of the caster building. This is the building shaped like an X with circles at each end. To get to the upper floors, click the symbol mounted on the wall.

You say, 'Hail, Kellari Autumnfall'

Kellari Autumnfall says 'Greetings friend. I am Kellari Autumnfall, Governess of Enchantment Studies. May I help you? If you are not here for a formal appointment, I'm afraid that I'm going to have to get back to work. I'm quite busy at the moment, so please excuse me.'

You say, 'Saumeen Unja sent me'

Kellari Autumnfall says 'Governor Unja sent you? That's a relief! I am in dire need of an adventurer's services at this time. The other governors have placed me in charge of deciphering the nature of the recent epidemic of undead attacks within our city's walls. I would assign some of the guards to handle this matter, but I feel that it may be best for someone who is not as well known to get more information on these attacks. Not that I do not trust our guards, mind you.'

You say, 'What undead attacks?'

Kellari Autumnfall says 'Most of the attacks have come from the area around the cemetery. We have noticed that the undead there have all been covered in what appears to be the same set of arcane symbols. I will need a complete set of those symbols to progress any further in my research. Oddly enough, the last set that I had was removed from my quarters without my authorization. Just make sure this set is completely legible. The skin samples must not be damaged. Do you think you can handle this matter?'

You say, 'Yes I can handle this matter'

Kellari Autumnfall says 'Please, place the skin samples in the separate trays within this box and return it to me. Maybe, I'll have an idea of what to do from there by the time you're done. Thank you for your assistance. Good hunting.'

Receive a "10 Tray Specimen Kit". Head to the graveyard; as you run around, you'll get emotes and occasionally spawn an undead creature. Every kill will randomly drop one of the ten skins you need. Collect one of each and put them in the box. The ten you need are:

Glyphed Skin Sample - Back
Glyphed Skin Sample - Face
Glyphed Skin Sample - Foot, Left
Glyphed Skin Sample - Neck
Glyphed Skin Sample - Scalp
Glyphed Skin Sample - Shin, Right
Glyphed Skin Sample - Stomach
Glyphed Skin Sample - Thigh, Left
Glyphed Skin Sample - Wrist, Left
Glyphed Skin Sample - Wrist, Right

Fill the Specimen kit with the ten skin samples and combine to get a
"Completed Specimen Kit". Hand this in to Kellari.

Kellari Autumnfall looks at the various trays in the kit and turns pale, even for her normal complexion. She looks at you and says, 'This is much worse than we thought. We assumed that this was caused by someone from within our ranks, but I would never have thought that Colain was involved.
You gain experience!!
You receive 1 copper from Kellari Autumnfall.
You receive 6 silver from Kellari Autumnfall.
You receive 5 gold from Kellari Autumnfall.

You say, 'Who is Colain?'

Kellari Autumnfall says 'She's been assisting with the burial ceremonies for quite some time, so she's had access to the bodies. Bah! She's shown promise as a cleric, but this has to be her doing. I've seen these glyphs in some of her books. Please take the note that I just handed you to the courier that is waiting at the gate in Tenebrous. I will alert the other governors and get the guards mobilized. Colain Jasior should not make it out of the city, but the courier will ensure that she has no place to run to if she does.'

Receive "Note from Kellari." Zone to Tenebrous. Right at the zone
line, you will find Courier Balious. She doesn't repond to hails, so hand her the note.

Courier Balious says 'Of all of the horrid coincidences! Colian just walked by me a few moments ago! She was heading to the Northeast. Please run and catch her. Do not let her escape! I will go and notify the authorities. Take her back to Governor Unja, if you capture her before help arrives. Good luck!'

Colain Jasior will spawn somewhere to the northeast of you and run towards the Coterie outposts further to the northeast. A tracker will likely make this step easier, although I was able to intercept her without one. Find and kill her, then collect "Colain's Head". Return with this to Saumeem Umja (not Kellari Autumnfall).

Saumeem Unja says 'It is very unfortunate that you had to be exposed to such corruption. Please, do not consider what you have seen during this situation to be the standard for our community. This was a rare occurrence. This situation did however allow you to prove yourself to us. We thank you for your bravery and selfless action in this matter. May you be followed by favor and may this small gift from my fellow governors and me assist you in your journeys.'

Your faction standing with Validus Custodus got better.
Your faction standing with Katta Castellum Citizens got better.
Your faction standing with Magus Conlegium got better.
Your faction standing with Nathyn Illuminious got worse.
Your faction standing with Coterie of the Eternal Night got worse.
Your faction standing with Seru got worse.
Your faction standing with Hand of Seru got worse.
Your faction standing with Eye of Seru got worse.
Your faction standing with Hand Legionnaries got worse.
You gain experience!!

** Receive an "Elaborately Gilded Wooden Spear."
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Bane of the Coterie
# Dec 12 2001 at 4:48 AM Rating: Decent
84 posts
One of the interesting bits of this reward is that it also has Bane: Vampyre +3 on it.
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