Library Book  

Quest Started By:Description:
Time:7 hours
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
  • Faction
  • Loot
  • Money
  • Spell
Faction Required:
Peace Keepers (Min: Amiable)
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Thu Sep 21 20:42:38 2000
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Rarnan Lapice is located at -725, -85 outside the Temple of Divine Light in Erudin. Requires amiable faction to Peacekeepers to complete the final turn-in.

You say, 'Hail, Rarnan Lapice'

Rarnan Lapice says 'It is good to meet you, ______. To enter the Temple of Divine Light is to invite Quellious into your body and soul. Tranquility is our way and, as such, we do all we can to uphold it. Are you a [cleric of Quellious], or am I mistaken?'

You say, 'I am a cleric of Quellious.'

Rarnan Lapice says 'I have a small task for you then. Go to the city library and ask the librarian for the book 'The Testament of Vanear'. I shall require it for further studies. Do not return empty-handed or you shall know my rage.'

Illithi Nollith is located at -1075, -220 in the Erudin City Library in Erudin.

You say, 'Hail, Illithi Nollith'

Illithi Nollith says 'Shhhh... Greetings, ______. Welcome to the Library of Erudin. Please respect the other patrons and speak softly.'

You say, 'I need the Testament of Vanear.'

Illithi Nollith says 'Oh my!! You have not heard?! The Testament of Vanear was stolen from the library! It was checked out by a man named Moodoro. He is an Erudite, but I believe he was executed for some crime. Now the book is lost forever. You should speak with Tol Nicelot. He used to know Moodoro. Tol is most likely upstairs.'

Tol Nicelot is located at -1095, -240 on the top floor of the library in Erudin.

You say, 'Hail, Tol Nicelot'

Tol Nicelot says 'I have no time to waste with strangers!'

You say, 'Did you know Moodoro?'

Tol Nicelot says 'Yes, I knew Moodoro Finharn. He used to be a good friend until he started visiting Qeynos and indulging in human vices. He was executed for crimes against the state. Not even his sister [Nolusia] could get the charge dropped. There have been some who say he escaped execution and lives in Qeynos. That is insane babbling.'

Moodoro Finharn is located at +165, +325 outside Crows Pub & Casino in North Qeynos.

You say, 'Hail, Moodoro Finharn'

Moodoro Finharn says 'Greetings, fellow traveler! I gotta tell ya. I love this town. Especially Crow's. Although the crowd seems a bit shadier than other places of the sort.'

You say, 'What Testament of Vanear?'

Moodoro Finharn says 'So you have heard that good old Moodoro has knowledge of the Testament of Vanear. I care little for that book. Of course I have it!! If you want it, I will sell it to you for two gold pieces.'

Give him 2 gold.

Moodoro Finharn says 'HA!! I hope you enjoy the book. It is missing pages 30 and 34. It is nothing more than garbage without them. A rogue ripped them from their bindings and sold them to [Ran].'

You receive a container called Testament of Vanear.

You say, 'Who is Ran?'

Moodoro Finharn says 'Ran Flamespinner is a librarian in Highpass Hold.'

Ran Flamespinner is located at -45, -345 in Highpass Keep.

You say, 'Hail, Ran Flamespinner'

Ran Flamespinner says 'I am very sorry to have to inform you that the library is off limits to strangers.'

You say, 'What Testament of Vanear?'

Ran Flamespinner says 'So, you seek the page 30 I recently purchased from an Erudite named Moodoro? He also had page 34, but refused to sell it to me. If you seek page 34, you will first have to find Moodoro. I had page 30 for but a few days when a man swiped it from the library's shelves. I believe he wore the garb of a guard of Qeynos. He darted away so fast I did not have time to cast a single spell! I believe he is still in Highpass, I can feel it!!'

Dyllin Starsine is located at +10, +55 in Highpass Hold.

You say, 'Hail, Dyllin Starsine'

Dyllin Starsine says 'Hey!! I don't have any spare change, okay?!'

You say, 'What Testament of Vanear?'

Dyllin Starsine says 'So you heard Guard Dyllin has page 30 of the Testament of Vanear, eh?! Well, get lost!! Over my dead body will you get page 30!'

Your faction standing with Corrupt Qeynos Guards has been adjusted by -100.
Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos has been adjusted by 15.
Your faction standing with Kane Bayle has been adjusted by -15.
Your faction standing with Circle Of Unseen Hands has been adjusted by -10.
Your faction standing with Bloodsabers has been adjusted by -15.
[You gain party experience!!
Dyllin Starsine's corpse says 'Fool! I was sent by the Commander of the Qeynos Guard. You will surely be punished... unggh!'
You have slain Dyllin Starsine!
You have looted a Page 30 of a Book..

Return to Moodoro Finharn.

You say, 'I want page 34.'

Moodoro Finharn says 'So, you know I have page 34. Pretty smart of me to tear the most important page out before someone else tried, eh? If you really want it, then sit down and deal in. Ante is 4 gold. I will give you one card. If it is a jester, then I will give you the page. Let's do it.'

Give him 4 gold and receive a card. You can receive one of several, but eventually you will get the Jester.

Moodoro Finharn says 'Well, what do you have?!!'

Give Moodoro the Jester.

Moodoro Finharn says 'Lucky you. We were hoping to really clean you out. Here you go. Take the page. Even together, the book is nothing more than fiction.'

Combine Page 30 of a Book and Page 34 of a Book in the Testament of Vanear container to craft a different Testament of Vanear. Return to Rarnan and give this to him.

Rarnan Lapice says 'I sent you after that book ages ago! What took you so long? I have already completed my studies. Luckily I found the original manuscript under my bedroll. I forgot I had kept it there. Take this as a token of my apology. Maybe it will aid you in your next book hunt. I know how cunning those books can be.'

Your faction standing with Peace Keepers has been adjusted by 50.
Your faction standing with High Council of Erudin has been adjusted by 12.
Your faction standing with Heretics has been adjusted by -12.
You gain experience!!
You receive 20 gold from Rarnan Lapice.
You receive 3 platinum from Rarnan Lapice.

You receive a spell scroll.
Submitted by: Aadon
Send a Correction
Post Comment
# Feb 03 2004 at 7:42 AM Rating: Default

This quest is either no longer possable, or is extremely difficult. I tried camping for the page 34 in the smuggler's hideout with my 48 necro. SOE has placed a high level smuggler (dark blue to me)that quads for 100+ each hit in the cave system. After stacking Astoyle, Dooming, Boil blood and VoS AND my 44 pet whacking on him, I was down to about 30% health, pet was almost dead, and this smuggler was only down by about 15% HP. He killed my pet and me as well.

Anyone know any changes re: this part of the quest? Did I not go back in the caves far enough?


Edited, Tue Feb 3 07:45:05 2004
RE: un-doable?
# Feb 10 2004 at 8:40 PM Rating: Decent
I completed this quest no more than a week ago. Dylin Starsine eventually starts walking down to the water entrance, and at one point is by himself with only one very low lvl smuggler nearby (green to a 24 druid). That is when you kill him. He doesnt have a whole lot of hp, so you should be able to take him out in just a few secs. Keep him snared so he doesnt run back to his Rogue GM friend, and you should have pg 30 in no time. I completed the entire quest in 45 min of game time (I got the book and pg 34 in FP before going to HHP. I logged off for 5 hours cause he wasnt there and when i logged back on, lo and behold he had popped. A root/snare and some DD/Dots later, and he was dead and I had my testament.)

This is still VERY doable and a GREAT quest for lower level wis casters. The only problem might be waiting for him to pop, i think i mightve gotten lucky. Depends on the traffic on your server, and the number of people who are there camping him. Also, if you are a low lvl and not a druid it might be harder without root snare and some nice dots to keep him from getting back to his deadly friends.
RE: un-doable?
# Feb 03 2004 at 2:09 PM Rating: Excellent
266 posts
The high level smuggler has always been there, or at least since 2001 when I first did the quest.

He is not a static mob, he wanders a set path, and if you find him, and learn his path, you'll see how easy this quest is.

Wait til he passes Dylin, and heads off along his route. as soon as he's out of sight, whack dylin. I had enough time to kill him with a level 19 druid, so with a 48 necro, it should be cake.
spawn time
# Oct 14 2003 at 12:48 AM Rating: Decent
how long dose it take fro the mook to spawn i was there for a long time and nothing
No where to run, no where to hide
# Sep 18 2003 at 8:14 PM Rating: Decent

This area is so cramped. Where is a good place to hide while waiting for Starshine to wander off by himself.

Also, I appear to be KoS to the guards and citizens. I haven't harmed any of them. What gives? I am a Woodelf Druid. But that shouldn't be a problem, should it?

RE: No where to run, no where to hide
# Mar 06 2004 at 5:04 PM Rating: Decent
I've always just sat - invised or camo'd straight across from where he spawns. think its in a little inset by some trees or barrels. Cant recall whats there atm. Not sure you could sit there w/o invis.
I've always just camped my guy there and pop on real quick to see if he's popped, then kill and loot and gate.
RE: No where to run, no where to hide
# Sep 20 2003 at 9:22 PM Rating: Decent
Tried again today to do the quest and did it.

Took me two tries (Solo). There seems to always be a Highpass Citizen in the underwater entrance to the bandit camp. Pulled him out (along with a red smuggler...ouch) and died.

Went back a second time to get my body, and what the hey, tried it again. The Highpass Citizen and red Smuggler were gone. Cast invis on myself and went in.

Once you get past the first twisting bit at the entrance, there is a lot (relatively) more room. Found Starshine standing by the kiln/tent/barrels (just like in the picture), with no one around.

Rooted him and Careless Lightning'd him to death. Looted the Bayle's List III and the Page 30. Whoot.

The book is great. +10 Wis sure helps out, both in combat and in tradeskills.

Caileighan, Druid of the 25th Season
<Mercineries of the Mithril Star>
Helpful info
# Aug 10 2003 at 9:53 PM Rating: Decent
Just did this quest. Dyllin does not roam, he pops under the canopy by the kiln and oven at bandit camp. There is a red smuggler I would advise to let pass toward the lake before killing.
Also, make sure you tell Moodoro that you want page 34 before handing him gold. 30pp later I got the jester AFTER finally telling him I wanted the page. Never saw a knight. Handed him 2gp and got the book to combine them in also.
RE: Helpful info
# Aug 17 2003 at 10:04 PM Rating: Decent
He does roam. I killed him on my 24 cleric.
I watched as the smuggler went down the the water's edge.
Dyllin went down the same way.
The smuggler then went back up leaving Dyllin all alone at the water.
I killed in private with a few nukes and swings of my centi warhammer.

Dyllin roams
# Jul 24 2003 at 9:24 AM Rating: Excellent
ok finished the quest yesterday. i sat for about 15min and he popped no smugglers in site... i went for it rooted, snared, dot and dd. Loading... Please Wait! smuggler got me from behind. i come back for my body Dyllin is gone. I start cursing cause i was so close he only had 6% and almost dead. Well i check my track for that smuggler and what did i see Dyllin Starsine. I tracked him to the guards.... didn't want to aggro guards so i pull a bandit to them. He hits me and the guards hit the bandit and killed it. Dyllin and I are fighting in front of guards... they did nothing... i killed him got the page and the guards still did nothing..... hmmm was it a bug or just luck

Erindille , wood elf druid
Luclin server
Solo at 16
# Jun 21 2003 at 10:23 PM Rating: Excellent
I just got page 34 off Dyllin. I'm most of the way to 17 and I thought what the heck I'll pop into the smuggler's cove just to see if Dyllin happens to be up. Sure enogh he was standing there. I sat across from him and waited for all the smugglers to clear the area. A red and a blue both wandered by. After they left heading towards the water I cast a quick root, Dot and Snare on Dylinn then nuked away until I had 40% mana. I cast my damage shield on myself and sat quick to med some mana. When Dyllin's root broke he was at around 55% health. I stood up and went toe to toe with him and kept nuking while fighting. He interrupted most but I got one to stick and that sent him packing. Snare held him while I whacked away at his back til he crumbled like the currupt dog he is. A quick snatch of the page and a safe gate home. Now I'm off to Qeynos to play some cards with this Moodoro fellow.
key to succes
# Apr 26 2003 at 6:28 AM Rating: Default
The key to succes is a perfect timing. (and maybe some luck).

Because of earlier aggression from my side towards the guards in HHP and HHK i am now KOS to the guards, which doesn't make this easier. So watch out before you start smashing guards for the xp and/or the plat.

I also found out the hard way that this made me KOS to this Dylan dude and the smugglers.

You have to wait till Dylan goes to the waterfront where he's an easy catch. The problem here is that a very high level smuggler comes round from time to time to the waterfront. Every five minutes or so he comes down, so check carefully before you decide to whack down Dylan.

Good luck and be patient. The testament is really worth the effort.

The dude man.
short cut
# Apr 03 2003 at 9:29 PM Rating: Default
You can get the book and get the card at the same time from Moodoro. Which is good as it avoids you getting whacked on by one of the corrupt guards if he's near you (after you kill Dyllin). Then go and kill Dyllin, loot page and combine.
# Apr 02 2003 at 12:54 PM Rating: Decent
Last night I finally saw dyllin, as a 24th froglok cleric i tried at where he pops; dont try it ...died. tried again and pulled him to water...died. now i had him where i wanted him, got the page i'm happy. Quick note tho smugglers will help him backstabbed by one for over 300 hp damage. Camped him for bout 4 days as a 20th cleric and never saw him, just got luckey last night thought i would check since i was relocating to HHK.

24th froglok cleric of Mithaniel Marr
Erolissi Marr Server

Edited, Wed Apr 2 12:21:36 2003
RE: finally
# Apr 12 2003 at 10:49 AM Rating: Default
lol, i think u wouldve been better off at around 30 to get it. I learned that there r 2 "A Smuggler"s that ARE >RED< con to a 38 Druid. Red cons cant be too high though cause they only hit for a rapid 112.....
RE: finally
# Apr 12 2003 at 11:59 PM Rating: Excellent
Clearly, the beastiary doesn't tell the full story on the smugglers, because some of them are a lot higher level than others.

Assuming you time it right it avoid any smuggler adds (you pretty much have to unless you are a LOT higher level than 30 or have a group or something), Dyllian Starshie is lvl 12-16 so you can kill him at WAY below lvl 30.

When I was there I had been killing Orcs for a while, and all the Smugglers regarded me as Ally. Unfortentely, this did not keep them from backstabbing me for something like 300hp (if I remeber correctly) when I attacked Dyllin without waiting for them to wander out of range.
Got it at 19
# Apr 12 2003 at 6:35 PM Rating: Decent
27 posts
I'm pretty sure I got mine at 19, solo, with my druid alt.
The trick is to wait till he walks down the path in HHP to the water. Sometimes one of the red conning smugglers will walk down there with him. Just hail Starshine until the smuggler leaves, then hit him with a nuke or dot and swim into the water. Just outside the cave in the water. Nothing added for me. I just rooted, dotted, and snared him. Maybe nuked a little too, it was about half a year ago so I'm not sure I did this at 19 or maybe slightly higher. But I DO know I was fairly low in level and not twinked.
# Feb 16 2003 at 6:20 PM Rating: Decent
Dyllin now depops if you zone... He was rooted by a lower level druid I was helping, snared, dotted, and then the big smuggler got on her. She zoned, he depopped.
RE: changes
# Aug 01 2003 at 10:44 PM Rating: Default
that is a pretty stupid thing about broken homes no actually REALLY stupid~~

Edited, Fri Aug 1 23:36:37 2003
RE: changes
# Feb 20 2003 at 2:40 PM Rating: Excellent
Great Quest and dont let the high lvl smuggler scare you low lvl druids off. My newest char. A 14 hafling druid pulled this off unmolested. Trick is, wait for Dyllin to go to waters edge. Root and blast away. At my lvl, not enough mana to finish him off (he conned yellow) but close enough that a few melee whacks with an above avg. weapon sent him scootin. Dont snare or attempt root when he starts to swim (run away) - let him go. Swim out and you will find him pacing on the boat dock next to citizens. Just finish him off there, get your page and presto its done. Hardest part is waiting on him to spawn. He spawns under the tent looking thing within the hideout. He stands there a long time before making his rounds. Just wait him out until he goes to waters edge. Try anywhere else and your toast. Hope this helps someone out, these postings help me and we all need to post helpfull insights.

Dabbin - 14th Druid
Slovak - 47th Warrior
Diice - 5th Cleric mule. (hehe I know, I know)~

*If a Hill Giant dons Moss Toe Armor - can we call him The Jolly Green Giant?* (ugh)
RE: changes
# Feb 21 2003 at 2:59 PM Rating: Default
It is possible to kill Dylan where he spawns. I don't remember what level I was -- like 19-20 I think when I did this quest -- but I killed him where he spawns. The trick is to watch the guard patterns and go after him when both guards go off towards the guild at the same time. If you catch Dylan as he is leaving to go down by the pool, it's better to do it that way. Here's what happened.

I woke up early in the morning because he had already been killed the night before when I went by to see him, and I was not waiting there for up to 6 hours on him. I caught him just as he finished his rounds and went back to the tents. He stays there for a really long time it seems, so I got impatient and waited until both guards came by and one went off towards the water and another towards the guild. Then, I attacked him where he stood under the tent. I rooted, snared, and nuked/dotted him, and he was almost dead when I went OOM. So, I melee'd on him a bit and the guard came up. I was sooo close to killing him, but I died. I had bound myself right across from him, so I got my body (they had forgotten me because of the rezone) and buffed myself again. Still Dylan wouldn't leave. So, I waited again for the 2 guards to both come by and leave at the same time. I went over there and did the same thing again (except he didn't have as much life) and killed him and got the page.

If I would have had KEI or just been a little more careful about my mana, I would have killed him the first time with no problems before the guard came back. Just FYI.

Xaritus -- 34 Druid of Tunare (main)
Xeratus -- 26 Mage of Marr
Xeretus -- 9 Monk of Quellious
killin dyllin
# Feb 04 2003 at 11:21 AM Rating: Decent
i did dyllin with my 25 cleric solo. got killed twice & then found out if u let him walk about after he pops , he will visit the rogue trainers , hang around for about 5 minutes or so then walk down the tunnel to the pond. simply follow him till he stops , root um then kill um with no add ons or aggros! do watch for wnadering smugglers tho .
this is MUCH SAFER for us low hp types/offensive abilities, than trying to whack him at his spawn point , cause at best you have 30 seconds to one minute before help wanders by for him .
also respawn time runs 6 1/2 hours ( i timed it).
great loot!!!
gl all !
# Jan 14 2003 at 12:16 AM Rating: Decent
Moodoro wont talk to me. so i went to the palace to talk to his sister...the whole 9 yards..and still ...nothing..whats tring to get ToV for my 36 druid
# Apr 20 2003 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
No, Hailing him just makes him act stupid and mean to you, so just ask him what you need to ask him, I switched to erudin, but I don't think it is neccessary at all.
Ariannaa Evergreen
(fennin Ro Server)
Completed just tonight with 25 Druid...
# Dec 26 2002 at 7:22 AM Rating: Decent
57 posts
Not a terribly difficult quest to complete. Hardest part is waiting for Starsine to pop. The book itself I got straight from Moodoro Finharn in North Qeynos, after which I asked him about and gambled for page 34. Took a bit more money than I thought it should have....probably somewhere around 5pp. Pretty sure that's mostly luck but didn't experiment.

For page 30......being a druid I bound myself across from the wooden arbor where Dyllin spawns. Over the course of a couple days I would gate in to see if he was up while on my journeys. Finally saw him while a mage friend of mine was medding new spells.

As I had read here beforehand, I waited until the high level smuggler departed the area (at the time it was a human female misnamed as "s smuggler"...dunno if that occurs all the time on every server...this was on Torv). I then proceeded to nuke Starsine. Recipe for Fried Dyllin Starsine: check for all clear, root, nuke with Careless Lightning until golden brown rerooting as necessary. I'd be surprised if the whole thing lasted a minute and cost me 1 Grasping Roots and in the neighborhood of 5-10 Careless Lightning...wasn't really counting. As soon as the body hit the floor I looted a couple gold and change, page 30, Bayle List III, and gated quickly to The Nexus just in case.

After that it's simple as putting the pages in the book, hitting combine and equiping it for a nice WIS boost. I replaced my SBS (Shiny Brass Shield) and though I'm 15 total AC down without the shield, the +10 WIS more than makes up for it for my taste. Total time spent NOT including waiting on the spawn (when I was doing other things anyway) had to be less than... say 30 minutes? As I said before it's waiting on Starsine that's the real killer on this quest. Even so it's well worth it.
RE: Completed just tonight with 25 Druid...
# Sep 22 2003 at 3:04 PM Rating: Default
#REDACTED, Posted: Apr 02 2003 at 5:45 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) finally a torv person other than me posting Smiley: wink
# Nov 21 2002 at 8:15 AM Rating: Decent
Am I the only who have had problems with this quest?

I need this item for my level 40 Warrior, since I'm trying to become a Guild Master Fletcher, and the +10 WIS will surely help.
I started the quest last night and found myself in Highhold half an hour later. I had brought a 51st level shammy friend to keep me company, if it was to be a long camp. He was grouped with me.

Dyllin was up, and we decided to kill him. He went down in 1 second, but then we got the message, that this was a trivial challenge for the party, and he only dropped the letter. What did I do wrong?

Farudin Leander
40th level Goon Warrior of Rallos Zek
Firiona Vie
RE: Trivial
# Feb 21 2003 at 9:45 AM Rating: Decent
Did you seriously make it to level 40 without noticing we have TLC on Firiona Vie?

I stand amazed.
RE: Trivial
# Nov 28 2002 at 12:21 AM Rating: Excellent
What you did wrong was being on FV server. Since the trivial loot code is on that server, the 51 Shammy cannot get (most) magic items to drop off mobs that are green to him. If Dylin is green to you or anyone in your group, you'll have to hire a lower level character to kill him. If Dylin is light blue or tougher to yourself, just kill him not grouped with the shammy and it should be fine. The shammy can buff/heal you outside your group, but you have to do more than half the damage, jsut liek any killl that you want ot get xp for.
# Nov 21 2002 at 8:15 AM Rating: Default
Am I the only who have had problems with this quest?

I need this item for my level 40 Warrior, since I'm trying to become a Guild Master Fletcher, and the +10 WIS will surely help.
I started the quest last night and found myself in Highhold half an hour later. I had brought a 51st level shammy friend to keep me company, if it was to be a long camp. He was grouped with me.

Dyllin was up, and we decided to kill him. He went down in 1 second, but then we got the message, that this was a trivial challenge for the party, and he only dropped the letter. What did I do wrong?

Farudin Leander
40th level Goon Warrior of Rallos Zek
Firiona Vie
# Nov 17 2002 at 3:35 PM Rating: Decent
I did this quest the other night with my level 15 Druid (slightly twinked), the shortcut works fine, just give Moodoro the 2 gp then head to Highpass. Took 3 nights of hunting Orcs & checking in to the smuggler camp occasionally to catch up to Dyllin, but finally there he was, standing under the wooden shed, conning yellow to me. I waited about 10 minutes real-time until he started walking, then when he got nearly to the water, then hit him with Grasping Roots & Stinging Swarm. The root spell didn't hold long, I had to take him out with Ignite & melee, but managed to survive with 30% health. Back at Qeynos Moodoro was quite rude and it took 3 trys to get the Joker. All in all a very good quest for us low-end casters.
# Oct 24 2002 at 8:22 AM Rating: Decent
his loc pos94 pos159
his spawn is long i kind of figured about 8 hours so if he's not there long time to wait. plz skip the talking in erudin cause it takes way to much time for my tast expacilly if they having a hrad time talking to you. just do the NOTE from abouve and u'll be comletly fine.
Set your alarm
# Oct 24 2002 at 11:21 AM Rating: Excellent
No, not the silly EQ one, the REAL one...

When I did this quest he was, of course, always camped. So I asked the guy camping him to let me know when Starshine died, and he did. Starshine died at 7:30pm, so I set my alarm clock for 3:30am. Sure enough, muddy-headed and bleary-eyed, I logged on at 3:30am and there he was.
But SERIOUSLY, make sure his buddies are WELL out of range before you take him down. They backstab something fierce. I was overanxious my first time and had to run from Qenyos to get my body. Thankfull, Mr. Starshine was still there, and the second time I was more careful.
Dylinn Starshine
# Oct 07 2002 at 9:53 AM Rating: Decent
How often does Dylinn Starshine spawn? I've been waiting for hours and he hasnt appeared? Do I Need to kill something to make him spawn? And once I get the 2nd page (got the first one) I can just combine the two right? I don't have to go back to Erudin?
RE: Dylinn Starshine
# Feb 08 2003 at 9:56 PM Rating: Excellent
I've wacked him a couple of times. I have a Druid and a Shaman. His spawn time IS 6 hours. A long wait but worth it
RE: Dylinn Starshine
# Oct 08 2002 at 1:39 AM Rating: Decent
61 posts
7 hours from what I hear...
RE: Dylinn Starshine
# Oct 09 2002 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
i was there when someone had killed him and i had to wait 8 hours.

its worth the wait though that +10wis is great
eaasy quest
# Sep 20 2002 at 2:37 AM Rating: Decent
My 15th lvl shammy just got his tov my grp was hunitng the summerler and we killed dylln i got the pasge went to halas to train played 3 hands of cards with moordoo got the jester and my new bppk in 45 mins.

Page 30 Doesn't always drop
# Sep 06 2002 at 1:29 PM Rating: Decent
Hi Guys,

Just a quick heads up, I logged on today to FV, zoned into HH and ran up to see if he was Starsine was there. Got there, killed him, and to my suprise no page 30. Bayle list III yes, but no page 30. There wasn't even a trivial message.

Is FV just different or has this happened on other servers too?

Easy As Rat Ear Pie
# Sep 05 2002 at 9:33 AM Rating: Decent
Just completed this quest today with less than an hour's work on it as a 15 Druid! I was in West Karana gathering the hay for the Shakey's Stuffing quest (Rivervale) when I dinged 15. Figuring to train my point in Dodge at Surefall Glade, I headed on over to Qeynos Hills, then SFG, got the job done, got the blessed oil in N Qeynos (for Shakey's stuffing) and while there talked with Moodoro outside Crow's tavern. Gave him 2 gp for the Testament container, then only had to turn in 4 gp 4 times (two of the times were actually using 40 silver, but worked fine) until I got the Jester to turn back in to Moodoro for the 34th page. Since I was bound at the EK bridge in North Karana, I gated back to NK then made the dash up the ramp to Highpass Hold. Went into the smugglers area, no Dyllin. It was late, so I camped out. Popped in this morning (patch follow-up, so mobs reset, woohoO!) and there is Dyllin conning yellow. I buffed up with Str of Earth, Skin like Rock, Thistlecoat, Firefist, Levitate (in case I needed to runn off the cliff back to the Highkeep zone in), Spirit of Wolf (always up). I also bound right there at Dyllin's spawn in case something were to go drastically wrong. I then waiited for the smugglers to head away down towards the water and I know I have about a min or two before they come back so Dyllin is all mine. I start in with Grasping Roots which sticks, then Snare, Stinging Swarm, Flame Lick (for the AC debuff), Ignite, he breaks root, but its ok, I melee him while Igniting another 4 times or so, then bam, dead. Loot the page, hit combine on my testament and replace my Shiny Brass Shield and free up a bunch of weight. All told about a half hour of time dedicated to this quest. It of course helps that I was working on another quest or two at the time as well.

-Thorill, 15th Halfling Druid of Karana, Bertoxxulous
did this today
# Aug 18 2002 at 3:01 PM Rating: Decent
I finished this quest today with the help of my sweet Shammy Friend, Abividad.

Got lucky and Dyllin spawned about 20 min after we got there...i went over to qyenos and found Moodoro in the bar and hailed him and he basically told me to take off..

i gave him 2 gold and he gave me the testament, I said "I want page 34" and he offered to play cards with me. After many hands I finally got the joker and the second page.

Thanks Again Abi!!
# Aug 05 2002 at 5:03 PM Rating: Decent
what do I do with the letter that dyllin drops?
# Jul 24 2002 at 6:38 PM Rating: Default
Got Lucky
# Jul 22 2002 at 2:48 PM Rating: Default
Was training my 26 rogue in Highpass when i noticed that Dyllin was up! Luckily I had my cleric in Highkeep (had to rez couple people in group earlier that day) and Dyllin was still there by the time I ran her there. Dyllin dropped pretty quick as my cleric is lvl 39.

Traded buffs for a sow, ran to N.Qeynos and got the book off Moodoro for 2 gp and took 12 tries before i got the Jester card. Longes part of the quest for me was the run from Highkeep to Qeynos!

Nice book and no camping. Can't ask for much more!

Meeraflower 39 cleric, Swords for Hire
The Rathe Server
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