Library Book  

Quest Started By:Description:
Time:7 hours
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
  • Faction
  • Loot
  • Money
  • Spell
Faction Required:
Peace Keepers (Min: Amiable)
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Thu Sep 21 20:42:38 2000
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Rarnan Lapice is located at -725, -85 outside the Temple of Divine Light in Erudin. Requires amiable faction to Peacekeepers to complete the final turn-in.

You say, 'Hail, Rarnan Lapice'

Rarnan Lapice says 'It is good to meet you, ______. To enter the Temple of Divine Light is to invite Quellious into your body and soul. Tranquility is our way and, as such, we do all we can to uphold it. Are you a [cleric of Quellious], or am I mistaken?'

You say, 'I am a cleric of Quellious.'

Rarnan Lapice says 'I have a small task for you then. Go to the city library and ask the librarian for the book 'The Testament of Vanear'. I shall require it for further studies. Do not return empty-handed or you shall know my rage.'

Illithi Nollith is located at -1075, -220 in the Erudin City Library in Erudin.

You say, 'Hail, Illithi Nollith'

Illithi Nollith says 'Shhhh... Greetings, ______. Welcome to the Library of Erudin. Please respect the other patrons and speak softly.'

You say, 'I need the Testament of Vanear.'

Illithi Nollith says 'Oh my!! You have not heard?! The Testament of Vanear was stolen from the library! It was checked out by a man named Moodoro. He is an Erudite, but I believe he was executed for some crime. Now the book is lost forever. You should speak with Tol Nicelot. He used to know Moodoro. Tol is most likely upstairs.'

Tol Nicelot is located at -1095, -240 on the top floor of the library in Erudin.

You say, 'Hail, Tol Nicelot'

Tol Nicelot says 'I have no time to waste with strangers!'

You say, 'Did you know Moodoro?'

Tol Nicelot says 'Yes, I knew Moodoro Finharn. He used to be a good friend until he started visiting Qeynos and indulging in human vices. He was executed for crimes against the state. Not even his sister [Nolusia] could get the charge dropped. There have been some who say he escaped execution and lives in Qeynos. That is insane babbling.'

Moodoro Finharn is located at +165, +325 outside Crows Pub & Casino in North Qeynos.

You say, 'Hail, Moodoro Finharn'

Moodoro Finharn says 'Greetings, fellow traveler! I gotta tell ya. I love this town. Especially Crow's. Although the crowd seems a bit shadier than other places of the sort.'

You say, 'What Testament of Vanear?'

Moodoro Finharn says 'So you have heard that good old Moodoro has knowledge of the Testament of Vanear. I care little for that book. Of course I have it!! If you want it, I will sell it to you for two gold pieces.'

Give him 2 gold.

Moodoro Finharn says 'HA!! I hope you enjoy the book. It is missing pages 30 and 34. It is nothing more than garbage without them. A rogue ripped them from their bindings and sold them to [Ran].'

You receive a container called Testament of Vanear.

You say, 'Who is Ran?'

Moodoro Finharn says 'Ran Flamespinner is a librarian in Highpass Hold.'

Ran Flamespinner is located at -45, -345 in Highpass Keep.

You say, 'Hail, Ran Flamespinner'

Ran Flamespinner says 'I am very sorry to have to inform you that the library is off limits to strangers.'

You say, 'What Testament of Vanear?'

Ran Flamespinner says 'So, you seek the page 30 I recently purchased from an Erudite named Moodoro? He also had page 34, but refused to sell it to me. If you seek page 34, you will first have to find Moodoro. I had page 30 for but a few days when a man swiped it from the library's shelves. I believe he wore the garb of a guard of Qeynos. He darted away so fast I did not have time to cast a single spell! I believe he is still in Highpass, I can feel it!!'

Dyllin Starsine is located at +10, +55 in Highpass Hold.

You say, 'Hail, Dyllin Starsine'

Dyllin Starsine says 'Hey!! I don't have any spare change, okay?!'

You say, 'What Testament of Vanear?'

Dyllin Starsine says 'So you heard Guard Dyllin has page 30 of the Testament of Vanear, eh?! Well, get lost!! Over my dead body will you get page 30!'

Your faction standing with Corrupt Qeynos Guards has been adjusted by -100.
Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos has been adjusted by 15.
Your faction standing with Kane Bayle has been adjusted by -15.
Your faction standing with Circle Of Unseen Hands has been adjusted by -10.
Your faction standing with Bloodsabers has been adjusted by -15.
[You gain party experience!!
Dyllin Starsine's corpse says 'Fool! I was sent by the Commander of the Qeynos Guard. You will surely be punished... unggh!'
You have slain Dyllin Starsine!
You have looted a Page 30 of a Book..

Return to Moodoro Finharn.

You say, 'I want page 34.'

Moodoro Finharn says 'So, you know I have page 34. Pretty smart of me to tear the most important page out before someone else tried, eh? If you really want it, then sit down and deal in. Ante is 4 gold. I will give you one card. If it is a jester, then I will give you the page. Let's do it.'

Give him 4 gold and receive a card. You can receive one of several, but eventually you will get the Jester.

Moodoro Finharn says 'Well, what do you have?!!'

Give Moodoro the Jester.

Moodoro Finharn says 'Lucky you. We were hoping to really clean you out. Here you go. Take the page. Even together, the book is nothing more than fiction.'

Combine Page 30 of a Book and Page 34 of a Book in the Testament of Vanear container to craft a different Testament of Vanear. Return to Rarnan and give this to him.

Rarnan Lapice says 'I sent you after that book ages ago! What took you so long? I have already completed my studies. Luckily I found the original manuscript under my bedroll. I forgot I had kept it there. Take this as a token of my apology. Maybe it will aid you in your next book hunt. I know how cunning those books can be.'

Your faction standing with Peace Keepers has been adjusted by 50.
Your faction standing with High Council of Erudin has been adjusted by 12.
Your faction standing with Heretics has been adjusted by -12.
You gain experience!!
You receive 20 gold from Rarnan Lapice.
You receive 3 platinum from Rarnan Lapice.

You receive a spell scroll.
Submitted by: Aadon
Send a Correction
Post Comment
# Nov 01 2000 at 1:43 PM Rating: Default
Beware the 45th lvl Smuggler that will smack you down if you aren't paying attention. Learn his path. You will have time (up to 7 hours) to watch him move around. If you are facing the spawn site, the smuggler will move from left to right, stop near the tree, then take 4 steps toward the spawn site (within agro range) before turning and heading down a corridor. You will have 2 min. 20 secs. to kill Dylinn, which will be plenty of time. Just make sure you know where that dangerous smuggler is before you attack! Happy Hunting.
Quite good
# Oct 29 2000 at 8:44 AM Rating: Default
I recently completed this quest. (camped the guy in HH for 3,5 hours when I had been awake for 24 hours already... Then I got killed by a stupid guy in Qeynos.
But I got the jester card in my fifth try, and that´s no bad result. :)
Well, I guess I´m gonna hunt for xp for a while now...Good luck, if ye wanna get it!
Things to do
# Oct 23 2000 at 11:47 AM Rating: Default
If you dont get the book and other page frist be sure to fight Gnolls in HP this will get you faction for when you kill Dyllin. If you have to solo him try the following. Follow him down to the lake and harmony the smugglers close to him worked well for me. I only had to camp him about 2 hours. I got lucky i guess. My frist quest for an items I was very happy. If your a druid I would wait till 19 and Careless Lightning made quick work of him
Quest upgraded
# Oct 22 2000 at 7:28 PM Rating: Default
I drop by the dylan camp occasionaly to see if hes, everytime I check the smuglers levels too, I droped by a week ago at level 24 and while some of the smuglers still conned green, there were a buncha blue-red ones. Needless to say I didn't attack any of them, anyways your gonna have to be higher than 16 to compleate the quest now.
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 12 2000 at 2:47 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I think I can speak for everyone on this topic. Please people when you know that someone has been camping for a long time, don't pester them about when they are going to leave. Don't sit down next to them to "wait" until they are done. You might be waiting a long time and then the time it takes for you to complete your camp on top of that. The NPC will always respawn and will always be there. Just ask them kindly if they will send you a tell when they are done and 9 times out of 10 they will. These players are tired from camping that long of a period and quite understandably a little grouchy and become extremely nervous at the thought of someone possibly stealing their kill. So, be courteous.
#Anonymous, Posted: Nov 12 2000 at 2:45 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) youve sent that way too much ... who cares
#Anonymous, Posted: Nov 17 2000 at 4:58 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Well, I for one do care. I have had many camps stolen from me, and there really isn't too much a GM can do to the offender. Please, be courteous.
#Anonymous, Posted: Nov 21 2000 at 6:11 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Ok, I've tried to talk to quest NPCs who were being camped. Now seriosly, people. There are OTHER things to hunt than Guards and NPC's! Do you know how many people camping dervs in WC run to toll training 4 or 5 dervs, only to find that the guards are GONE?! And one of them is a part of a quest. I tried SO many times to talk to that guy, and people would pull him WHILE I was talking to him! And you're posting about COURTESY?!?! C'mon...
#Anonymous, Posted: Jan 07 2001 at 3:52 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Sometimes a guard or named NPC is is the best thing to hunt. The loot is great and it helps factions that may be getting too low. If someone is camping, yes be nice and follow the play nice system. If you need EXP or PP kill anything you want. The real problem with the game is people don't respect others and then spend all our time complaining about it. Stop ruining these forums for the rest of us. Do what you want, get exp and loot, and if things don't go your way, deal with it. Life isn't always fair.
Big Trouble
# Oct 08 2000 at 3:29 AM Rating: Good
There seems to be a new smuggler in town that hits for 117 and BS for 369 in front of Ran's spawn point.
RE: Big Trouble
# Oct 17 2000 at 6:31 PM Rating: Default
This is true, and he absorbs damage like you wouldn't believe. We dd'd him for about 2100 and he lost about a 1/4 of his hp. He doesn't seem to have a fast regen though. If someone can kill him and see what he drops, I would be very interested in knowing
RE: Big Trouble
# Nov 01 2000 at 12:42 PM Rating: Default
Yes, he took my 21st Cleric out in a big hurry, which sucked because I was one smite away from finishing off Dyllin.

I went back and took out Dyllin the second time - just make sure to find that smuggler and fight Dyllin out of his range. (that smuggler was the only one in the area that conned red, so I knew which one it was)
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 06 2000 at 4:42 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I really hate the long Spawn time from Dyllin.
Quickest Quest ever for me.
# Oct 05 2000 at 9:31 AM Rating: Default
1 thing about the PVP servers, alot less people. Bound my Furry little butt just outside of HH in EK. Sow'd to Q. Got the book, jester on the 2nd try, gated, zoned into HH. Killed Dyllon, he was waiting for me, nobody was camping him either. Total quest time 21 minutes.

Now that was luck.

RE: Quickest Quest ever for me.
# Oct 18 2000 at 2:33 PM Rating: Default
I guess I was lucky. I camped Dyllon for about 4 hours and he appeared. I was expecting an 8 hour wait. I was worried about the smugglers attacking me when I attacked him, so I backed up against the wall right in front of Dyllon as close as I could get (I think there are some barrels sitting there) so I couldn't even see a smuggler when he popped. Snared him and hit him a few times with a dmg spell and he fell. Smugglers never attacked me. This was a very short wait compard to 17 hrs camping time on the mummy in Befallen for the plat ring tho.
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 29 2000 at 9:44 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) *****
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 02 2000 at 10:20 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Well, after reading this board i decided to wait it out with dylin. I looked one morn and he was not campin his usual spot. Right after school i came back on and was meddin by where he spawns. Abouot 5 seconds later he pops up! I couldnt believe my luck... in my hurry i didnt realize i had 2 bubs of mana (mistake!) i managed to almost kill him and get the complimentary death by the smugglers. Well, stupid as i am i wanted to get back there and kill him! I ran through kithicor at night (bad mistake again) died 2 times there... i ended up losing 2 bubs of exp. Finally i returned just to see somone camping him, i ran up and basically pleaded for mercy. I manged to talk him into letting me medidtate and i nuked Dylin! I finally got the book... but i had a hurt pride :P
Great Quest
# Sep 22 2000 at 1:50 PM Rating: Default
I was with high level friend (level 42 druid) last night, but someone was already camping Dyllin. So we grouped with him, and when he spawned, helped kill him.
I set my alarm for 8 hours, and got up this morning about 6:30 am...lo and behold, there was Dyllin, all by hiself...walked right up, snared, and meleed and cl'd him to death....
Just make sure no smugglers are around him, and you should have no trouble at level 19 or higher...

Althaea.....Level 19 Druid of Tunare on Fennin Ro
Be careful what you do first
# Sep 18 2000 at 8:12 AM Rating: Default
I killed Dylan first, before going to Moodaroo to get the book and the other page. Upon returning to Qeynos, I found out the hard way that I was KoS to the corrupt guards. I was still able to get to Moodaroo and get everything, but at the expense of a whole bubble of exp and several corpse runs. This could have been prevented if I had stopped by Moodaroo first, I believe.
RE: Be careful what you do first
# Sep 25 2000 at 1:11 PM Rating: Default
I used to camp the guards and what not in Qeynos, about 10 levels worth of camping them. Spent about a week trying to get my faction up. I lost my lvl twice finding out that some of these guys didn't like me still, but with a lot of patience and determination i got it =)
RE: Be careful what you do first
# Nov 22 2000 at 8:02 AM Rating: Default
At lvl 17, I got the book container and page 34, but am still too low level to get page 30 from the bandits. So it is possible to do things slightly out of order to avoid running through Qeynos while KOS.
# Sep 17 2000 at 5:21 PM Rating: Default
Does the testament have to be put in your main melee spot or can it be used in the 2nd melee spot?
RE: ????
# Oct 09 2000 at 11:14 AM Rating: Decent
It may be placed in your secondary melee slot.
poor wisdom casters
# Sep 11 2000 at 8:19 AM Rating: Default
I have to say i think this quest is a bit tough on all those wisdom casters out there. The stein of moggok is equally good for int casters and way easier to get, especially cause you can buy them. Pity its reliant on such a long spawn.
RE: poor wisdom casters
# Sep 23 2000 at 6:30 PM Rating: Default
boy, when I was interested in doing this quest, I heard that it was difficult.
It IS true that you can ust give Moodoro and 2gp and play his game instead of going to Erudin (this is a life savor for Clerics and Shamans trying to do this quest; but for some reason, I mainly see Druids having this book.) Sure the spawn rate is obscene, but if you really wnat it, I suggest you camp him during non-peak hours. Or you could just do a guild raid on him :P.
I was fortunate of only waiting 2 hours before he spawned.
RE: poor wisdom casters
# Sep 11 2000 at 12:26 PM Rating: Default
I have to agree with you, it seems as though camping Dyllin, may well be a KS nightmare, not to mention the fact that the book is no drop.

Someone on this post stated he felt that if the book was obtainable through sales, that it would be costantly camped well, it already is, and you still can't buy it!! I'll be hitting 24 tonight, Im going there, and probably with some guild pals..KSers beware!!!
RE: poor wisdom casters
# Sep 13 2000 at 11:27 AM Rating: Default
are you guys mad? This book is soo easy to get. the only difficulty is that one part only spawns every 7-8 hrs

#1) the stein of Moggok quest can only be done by an enchanter (maybe a dark elf that works on faction)

#2) this is an item obtainable in the 20's that many people use forever, i'm a 52 druid and still use it.

That said ... Bind at HHK and gate back at the end of every night. check the spawn, then check it again when you log in. that couple minutes before and after you play will be far easier than waiting there for hours only to have him stolen.
Wrong level
# Sep 09 2000 at 9:46 AM Rating: Default
Dyllin is level 16. so i dont think, a level 12 can do this quest.
Off-hand slot
# Sep 08 2000 at 2:45 PM Rating: Default
Does this book go in your off-hand slot...that is the shield slot, or does it go in the primary hand, that is, the weapon slot. I'd rather have my cgs than this if its an off-hand slot item.
RE: Off-hand slot
# Sep 11 2000 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
Well, did this quest. It is for your off-hand slot. =(
# Sep 06 2000 at 12:04 PM Rating: Default
probably a stupid question, but can a dark elf cleric do this quest?
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 04 2000 at 1:40 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 04 2000 at 8:43 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I camped Dyllin twice and both times ppl KS me. What r their problem? R u just too lazy to camp themselves and hav to ruin the time spent by others? I will never forget their miserable souls names. Auvin and Darnak from fennin Ro Server. Get a life guys, stop wasting other ppl's hard effort.
RE: KS losers should get a life
# Oct 20 2000 at 12:25 PM Rating: Default
I play on the povar server, and if you want this kill, you better bring a high level friend and group with them to do this quest. Me and my friend did, and we had several people come up and try to steal kill this spawn. They even had the audacity to come up invis and try to sneak in that way. Hint: PC's can see the bard invis song, so don't try it. But as soon as he spawned me and my friend killed him in 2 seconds flat. Now i got my book, i am happy. But yes, if you want this book, bring a lot of fire power so you can kill him first, and also make sure you can see invis so you can spot all them sneaks around you.
e-z quest
# Aug 23 2000 at 3:57 AM Rating: Default
I must have been one of the lucky ones, I turned up at some totally random time of day when there were about 3 people in total in highpass hold, and Starsine was there in the smugglers camp with no other players camping him, easy quest.
Why some moron KS us when camping Dyllin?
# Aug 17 2000 at 5:11 PM Rating: Default
Yesterday, i finnaly get my testament. the only bad thing about the quest is the people who dont hesitate to KS you and totally dont care about the fact you camped Dyllin for 7 hour. In my long waiting, 6 people come to me, 5 of them explain that because they got KS in past they will KS me. I took a screenshot as a proof for GM petition in case and they left angry, telling me that people like me ruin the game because i whine to GM for being KS on a very long spawm. After i killed Dyllin, 2 guy gated and actually used rude language telling that now they must wait 7 hour to KS someone else... Some people are so dumb, why I ruin the game because i camp the spawn? because i kill him before they KS me.

To all who will try to make the quest, if people KS you or tell you they will, take a screenshot for a proof and the moron will be banned. That with a screenshot that i protected my spawn and killed Dyllin.
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 14 2000 at 4:53 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) lol good for you bro i have a lvl 53 necro and some of the spawn s are every 12 hours , have camped that spawn twice (not in a row lol ) ... but good for you i hate KSers
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 18 2000 at 6:36 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) also have your log on..the person who threatens to KS can't fight a log that proves he did
RE: Why some moron KS us when camping Dyllin?
# Aug 23 2000 at 9:44 PM Rating: Default
logs and screenshots are NOT considered proof, as either can easily be altered. the proper action is to scroll so their threat is on screen, and /report them, then if you need to follow up with a /petition also mention that you logged the report (reports are ignored by themselves, just stored for a while)
#Anonymous, Posted: Nov 13 2000 at 3:38 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) OK all you little cry babies do this become PvP and FIGHT off those KS. this game would be more fun if it was 24/7 Pvp. And yes i do play on the PvP server Look me up wimps.
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 21 2000 at 9:32 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Wanna know what i did? i binded myself by Dylinn's spawn (like someone said already) and checked it once in awhile. Best of all was i was level 17 when i got it so i fought orcs in HH--two birds with one stone. anyway, i told my party that i had to "go check something" and went to the cave. if someone was there i asked them to /tell me when he spawned or decided to camp. This guy killed him at 7:00PM. i logged on at 3:00AM and he spawned right after that and i killed him! don't yell at people, be nice and you'll get far!
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 17 2000 at 10:28 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) It kind of took me a while to actually camp this guy but when i did i only had to wait 2 hours on the about 8 hour spawn. When he popped up all i had to do was root, and nuke, didnt take long, i was about lvl 22. I Got the page and ported to nk to get to quenos. When to froodoo or whatever in quenos and for some reason i had to give him 6 gold not four to get the book. Anyways it took me 4 times to get the jester card. and i got the last page! Hurray! Easy Quest if you can wait.
Druids rock
# Aug 17 2000 at 9:46 AM Rating: Good
I completed this quest in two phases, the best description can be found at in the quests section. I ran home on lunch one day and did the qeynos part first, I'm such a lucky the Jester card first try! I then ported to NK and ran to HH, found Dyllin was already camped. I talked to the guy there, logged and went back to work. 5 hours later I got home, logged back on and the same guy was still there. I felt bad for the guy that was camping Dyllin, he ran out of time and had to log.... 15 min later "pop", I did this quest at lvl 25, He still conned blu to me, I was fully buffed, harmony'd Dyllin, root, nuke nuke my page...the smuglers in the area didn't even flinch. I'm glad that the book is no drop...this camp would be totally intollerable due to ks and farmers. I recommend this quest to anyone that needs the +10 wiz...that is too cool. Keep the faith....Druids will rule the world! hehe
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 18 2000 at 2:36 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) This is a no-drop item. There are no farmers. Just the ones trying to get the book.
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 21 2000 at 9:35 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i agree (about druids roking)
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 16 2000 at 12:51 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Hehe, today I (lvl 17 Ranger) went to check whether he was up or not on Saryrn. Entered the cave, lured him to the Highkeep zone and whacked him with a little help from another guild member... Tadaa 5 min work. The hard part is the long walk to Qeynos now <sigh>....
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 14 2000 at 9:20 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Can someone please what the minimum lvl you have to be for a druid?
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 13 2000 at 5:30 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Dang it!! I mean WILL shutdown in 15 minutes. It is far too early in the morning to be posting on here, I am sorry I wasted 2 posts in a row :-(
Spawn time
# Aug 13 2000 at 5:29 AM Rating: Default
The "<" did not show up last message. The annoying message I refer to is that "system will not shutdown in 15 minutes" message. This normally gives you time to get close to the thieves hideout in HH pass.

King of MRA
Innoruuk server
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