15th Anniversary: Sprucing Up Shakey  

Quest Started By:Description:
This Quest is Seasonal
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
  • Loot
  • Money
Time Limit:06:00:00
Success Lockout Timer: 06:00:00
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Call of the Forsaken
Group Size:Group
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:6
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Wed Apr 23 08:16:15 2014
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Anniversary events tend to run from mid-March to mid-April (sometimes to mid-May) each year. They are not available during the "off season".

For an overview and list of EverQuest Anniversary events, see this quest entry.

This task became available on live servers on Wednesday, April 23, 2014, but was then taken offline. It returned on Tuesday, April 29, 2014, and will remain available through to Wednesday, June 11, 2014.

This is an anniversary group mission introduced with EverQuest's 15th anniversary. It begins with Reebo Leafsway (click for map image) in the Plane of Knowledge (a little ways south of the main bank).

Pre-Requisites for Requesting:
- No tasks
- Level 65

Say "tool" to get the task and "farm" to zone in.

Triggering the Task

You say, 'Hail, Reebo Leafsway'

Reebo Leafsway says 'Poor Shakey. His best days are behind him, and even though we've stuffed him full of hay many times over, he's still just as old and tired as ever. He could use a little [sprucing up].'

You say, 'Sprucing up?'

Reebo Leafsway says 'I've heard stories of strange crops popping up in West Karana near the Miller's farm. Some say the [soil] has magical powers and can only be tilled by special tools. If the rumors are true, this sounds like just the thing that will return Shakey to his former glory!'

You say, 'Soil?'

Reebo Leafsway says 'I haven't seen any soil samples myself, but I hear it's almost impossible to till. Any shovel that attempts to break ground gets shattered. If we build the right [tool] though, I bet we can work the soil and grow enough hay to spruce up Shakey.'

You say, 'What tool?'

Reebo Leafsway says 'We'll need to craft a tool that's able to break through the toughest soil. The trusted Wee Harvester is a bit outdated, but with the right materials, we can improve the original design.' Reebo jots a few things down on a piece of paper before handing it to you with a smile, 'Head to the [farm] and see what supplies you can find.'

You have been assigned the task 'Sprucing Up Shakey'.

Shakey needs some new stuffing, harvested from the magical soil on the Miller's farm.

You say, 'Send me to the farm'

Reebo Leafsway says 'Speak to Cleet Miller when you arrive. He runs the farm.'

You have entered The Western Plains of Karana.

Speak with Cleet Miller at his farm 0/1 (West Karana)

Cleet Miller is found in a small house at /location -2255, -4130, 0.

You say, 'Hail, Cleet Miller'

Cleet Miller says 'Howdy, _____. Welcome to Miller's Farmstead. I am Cleet Miller. [Henina] and I own this here field o' crops, though we're having a bit of trouble with the harvest. Our fields are covered with clods of strange dirt. They're impossible to [till].'

You say, 'Henina?'

Cleet Miller says 'Henina is my loving wife of twenty-five years. She is a beautiful woman and the proud mother of five great kids; [Cleet Junior], [Baobob], [Tiny], [Chanda], and [Furball]. Henina loves them all very much, even though most of them ain't our natural-born children.'

You say, 'Cleet Junior?'

Cleet Miller says 'Cleet Jr. is the youngest and the only natural-born child Henina and I have. He is a bit of a troubled lad and resents the hard work of a farmer's life. I hope he comes around and takes over the farm when I am dead and gone.'

You say, 'Baobob?'

Cleet Miller says 'Chanda and Baobob don't live with us here on the farm anymore. They are hunters and tanners and moved west several seasons ago. I am quite proud of them. When we found them, they were just toddlers. The caravan they and their momma were traveling with was attacked by bandits. Baobob managed to spirit his sister away to safety but their momma died that day. Tiny found them sleeping in our field and we took them in and raised them as our own.'

You say, 'Tiny?'

Cleet Miller says 'Tiny? Oh... Tiny is my adoped son. Me and Henina have taken in all sorts of orphans and given them a home. Henina rescued Tiny from a mob that had killed his momma. He is a good boy and strong as can be. He helps us out a great deal even though some of our neighbors out here can't look past the fact that he's an ogre. Heck, he don't even eat meat, let alone people!'

You say, 'Chanda?'

Cleet Miller says 'Chanda and Baobob don't live with us here on the farm anymore. They are hunters and tanners and moved west several seasons ago. I am quite proud of them. When we found them, they were just toddlers. The caravan they and their momma were traveling with was attacked by bandits. Baobob managed to spirit his sister away to safety but their momma died that day. Tiny found them sleeping in our field and we took them in and raised them as our own.'

You say, 'And Furball?'

Cleet Miller says 'Furball was just a pup when we saw him tussling with a scarecrow in the fields one day. He was all torn up by the time Tiny chased the 'crow off him. He was hurt bad and couldn't git back to Blackburrow 'cause his pa would've killed him for returning a failure. Those Sabertooths have some weird and dangerous customs. Henina tended to his wounds and taught him how to behave proper. He gets feisty sometimes, but we love him just the same and he helps out quite a bit on the farm.'

You say, 'How can you till the fields?'

Cleet Miller says 'I've ruined plenty of good farming tools trying to till that dirt. We need something strong and sturdy. Hugo said he'd send someone to help. If you can build us a tool that's able to till, Henina and I will let you grow your hay here.' Cleet glances over your list of supplies, 'You should be able to find everything you need here in West Karana, though some of these items might be hard to get.''

Loot Burled Wood 0/6 (West Karana)

Loot Tin Ore 0/2 (West Karana)

Loot Faceted Crystal 0/1 (West Karana)

Obtain a Crystal Harvester Mold from Spinner 0/1 (West Karana)

Task Window Says: Gather Burled Wood from treants within West Karana. Gather Tin Ore from goblins in the northwestern section of the plains. Recover a Faceted Crystal from bandits that roam the plains. Spinner won't give you the mold unless you kill his competition, Ollysa and Maldin. Or you could always just kill Spinner...

You'll find treants roaming north and northwest of the Miller farm. Goblins can be found along the northern border between the plains and mountains (northwestern part of the zone). Bandits can be found in the same general area (some roaming; some in static camps).

Spinner is found in a house to the far east at /location -1470, -12850, 11. You can either kill him, or hunt down two other vendors for him:

You say, 'Hail, Spinner'

Spinner says 'I'm afraid I don't have what you're looking for, _____. I have been known to make custom molds for friends in the past, but we're practically strangers! Earn my [friendship], and I'll make you a unique mold.'

You say, 'How would I earn your friendship?'

Spinner says 'The best way to make friends is with favors. Sales haven't been so great lately. I blame the competition. Ollysa and Maldin both have flourishing shops that are stealing my business. How about you put those two out of business, or would you rather be my [enemy] instead of my friend?'

You say, 'I think 'enemy' sounds better!'

Spinner says 'You'll soon find out I make a better friend than an enemy!'

Spinner hits for a max ~22,500; single-target rampages; summons when damaged; and is immune to mez/stun/root (maybe Qeynos should hire him as a guard), so if you can't handle that, you may want to remain friends with him and hunt down the other two vendors.

Ollysa (in a vendor house due north of the farm fields: /loc 465, -4215, 8) and Maldin the Old (found in a house in the very far northwestern corner) are standard mobs. They hit for a max ~12,000 and are immune to mez/stun/root.

Maldin the Old says 'You will pay for this with your life, _____!'

Maldin the Old cries out in pain before falling silently to the ground.
Maldin the Old has been slain by _____!

Ollysa Bladefinder says 'You will pay for this with your life, _____!'

Ollysa Bladefinder cries out in pain before falling silently to the ground.
Ollysa Bladefinder has been slain by _____!

You say, 'Hail, Spinner'

Spinner greets you with a wide grin, 'If it isn't _____, my new best friend. I knew I could count on you. Business is already starting to pick up. Here, I made this mold while you were out. Combine all the materials you've gathered in the forge just outside.'

Combine the Burled Wood, Tin Ore, and Crystal Harvester Mold in the nearby forge 0/1 (West Karana)

A forge is found on the side of Spinner's house. Combine all 10 items (including the Faceted Crystal) in it to produce a "Crystal Harvester". Note: As of a May 2014 patch, this combine can no longer be failed.

Attempt to till the rocky soil at Cleet's farm 0/1 (West Karana)

In the northwestern corner of the Millers' farm field is "untilled rocky soil". Right-click the harvester on this object.

You attempt to till the rocky soil with your Crystal Harvester, but the soil won't break.

Return to Cleet to discuss your findings 0/1 (West Karana)

You say, 'Hail, Cleet Miller'

Cleet Miller listens carefully before responding, 'So the soil wouldn't budge, but your tool didn't break? This is a first! Maybe that harvester of yours just needs a bit of magic? There's an ogre chief to the northeast that dabbles in that sort of thing. He's not too friendly, but I can't think of anyone else that would know how to enchant a farm tool.'

Question Chief Goonda about how to enchant the harvester 0/1 (West Karana)

Chief Goonda's camp is found at the end of the dead-end path in the middle of the zone, around /loc -670, -9140, 56.

You say, 'Hail, Chief Goonda'

Chief Goonda says 'Only the spirits can enchant such an item, but they do not make themselves known for just anyone. You must call them forth and offer something of value for their presence, and in their presence, you must prove your worth. When you return to me with something of value, I will call forth the spirits.'

Bring an Immaculate Animal Pelt to Chief Goonda 0/1 (West Karana)

Note: The task locks upon the turn-in of this item.

Run around the zone and kill animal mobs until you loot an "Immaculate Animal Pelt" (note: this is a NO-TRADE version of the item), and then hand it in to Chief Goonda (be prepared for a fight).

Chief Goonda begins to chant in an unknown tongue as he places the pelt beneath the large stone statue. As his chants continue, tiny specks of light begin to swirl in the air above, eventually coming together to form a spectral wisp. Goonda raises his head and nods in your direction, 'It is time. You must prove your worth by battling the ancient spirit.'

An Ancient Spirit swirls with strength and hostility.

Prove your worth by battling the Ancient Spirit! 0/1 (West Karana)

This mob hits for a max ~12,500. If you got this far, it's easy enough to handle. DPS it to low health, and it goes unaggro.

An Ancient Spirit calms, no longer willing to fight. A soothing voice fills your mind, 'Well done, _____. I can see much strength within you. The spirits have decided to grant your request.'

Give the Crystal Harvester to the Ancient Spirit 0/1 (West Karana)

An Ancient Spirit glows brightly.

You receive an "Enchanted Crystal Harvester".

Till the rocky soil at Cleet's farm and recover shimmering hay 0/1 (West Karana)

Return to the untilled soil at the farm and right-click the new harvester.

The Enchanted Crystal Harveter breaks through the rocky soil, unearthing something interesting...

Loot "Shimmering Hay" from the 'corpse'.

Tell Cleet Miller of your success 0/1 (West Karana)

You say, 'Hail, Cleet Miller'

Cleet Miller says, 'I see you found the hay you were looking for. That must mean the Enchanted Crystal Harvester worked! If you have time, would you mind tilling the other piles of rocky soil? You can keep whatever you find.'

You created an Enchanted Crystal Harvester, capable of tilling the rocky soil on the Miller's farm. You now have the Shimmering Hay for Shakey's new stuffing.

This completes the task; however, it also spawns several more untilled mounds of soil around the farm. You can continue using the Enchanted Crystal Harvester to till patches of rocky soil on the Miller farm. Among the items you might find:

- Bigger Belt of the River (bonus reward)
- Wee'er Harvester (bonus reward)
- Dirty Cloth Cap (vendor bait)
- Dirty Roots (vendor bait)
- Dirty Socks (vendor bait)
- Holagato's Claws (vendor bait)
- Marcy's Diary (vendor bait)
- Proteomic's Old Slippers (vendor bait)
- Tuft of Halfling Toe Hair (vendor bait)
- Arwyn's Aged Ale (vendor bait)
- Wheel of Extra Stinky Cheese (vendor bait)
- Yewe's Favorite Doll (vendor bait)

After about 6-8 tills, the Harvester stops functioning:

The Enchanted Crystal Harvester breaks into dozens of small pieces as it makes contact with the rocky soil.

250 platinum
Experience (about 6 AAs at Level 100, 14 AAs at 110)
5 Commemorative Coins

Bonus Rewards:
- Bigger Belt of the River (possible loot at the end of the task; doesn't always drop)
- Wee'er Harvester (possible loot at the end of the task; doesn't always drop)

Commemorative Coins are used to purchase items from "a jubilant merchant" (click for map image), found in the northernmost tent in the neutral district (close to The Nexus portal stone).
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Shimmering Hay
# Apr 08 2023 at 10:25 PM Rating: Decent
233 posts
I had it left over from the task do I had a choice to give it to Reebo or Shakey. I chose Shakey and upon turning he turned into a more modern scarecrow (model) for a minute or two before reverting back. I didn't get any reward for it. I'm thinking I should have turned it into Reebo instead since he was asking if I found it yet. Anyone turn it, or try to, into Reebo?
Shimmering Hay
# Mar 26 2024 at 12:09 PM Rating: Good
509 posts
Reebo just returns the Shimmering Hay.
# Apr 04 2022 at 5:39 AM Rating: Good
277 posts
The 'hardest' part of this task can be finding animals to kill in order to loot the Immaculate Animal Pelt. The best place to look for animals is to the East of Cleet Miller's farm; near the middle of the zone. Got mine in 2 kills there from a lioness.
quarken xired | tecknoe destructo
Group-range correction
# Mar 17 2022 at 12:15 PM Rating: Good
228 posts
Ok .. As the reward interested me (lvl 89 rogue), I tried to talk to Reebo .. well worked. AND I was able to enter the area ALONE ... so the group range is correctly 1-6.

Well ... even you CAN enter alone .. I doubt the less will be able to SOLVE it alone! .. Spinner was yellow to me, so I stoped right here ... other enemies darkblue to white ... So .. everyone can decide to do this "group"-quest on your own ... group here means, you WILL and SHOULD get help to solve it ... but youre not restricted if youre that brave (or livetired) to try it alone ))...

So please just correct the needed group range ... its 1-6 not 3-6.

Leader of the CobraForceCrew
Leader of the Dragonring
Ayonae Ro (Tribunal)
# Mar 17 2019 at 6:30 PM Rating: Good
150 posts
Received 14AA at level 110 during anniversary bonus xp

If you kill Spinner he is level 102 and seems to have a little more hit points. Harm Touch crit killed him at 85% so not sure how many more hp he has (if any).

Edited, Mar 17th 2019 7:33pm by Stageguy
# Apr 10 2018 at 11:46 AM Rating: Decent
76 posts
10 runs so far and not one bonus item! That's just extremely bad programming. Almost as bad as killing 50 placeholders to get a named to spawn.
Goofydoofy Goatspanker
120 Druid, 120 Enchanter, 120 Paladin, 17 Shaman, 11 Rogue
Celestial Naviagtors
Drinal - Maelin Starpyre Server
# Mar 24 2022 at 10:53 AM Rating: Good
159 posts
I agree. Three last anniversary and four this time around. No bonus items. The most stingy anniversary quest of the lot.

Ozadar of Zek
# Apr 15 2016 at 4:23 AM Rating: Good
1,069 posts
For the mold part, I decided to speed it up a bit and kill Ollysa and Maldin before going to talk to Spinner. Not a great move. They are not flagged yet to be killed. and he would not give me the mold. I tried a few things, running back to see if the 2 merchants repopped came to mind. waiting 15 mins - no respawns. then I chose to gate out and return and hailing spinner got me a mold.
# Mar 27 2021 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
88 posts
Oh my, I wish I had thought of that (the gating and returning I mean). I killed both his rivals, having spoken to him previously, but when I went back for the mould it was as if he had never met me! I tried to fight him but he was too strong for my 88 War and 76 Shammy, so I gave up. I wonder if your trick would have worked!
# Apr 03 2017 at 7:08 PM Rating: Good
1,312 posts
I did not have any problem killing Maldin and Ollysa first. Then hail Spinner, "friendship", and hail once more for the mold. Yes that speeds things up.
# Apr 15 2016 at 10:37 AM Rating: Good
1,069 posts
6 runs so far this year. none of the piles have a light source - and I get 4, 5 or 6 clicks after mission is done. ( not 6-8 as said by others). So far no bonus item(s).

Dirty Roots x 5
Regie's Regal Robe x 6
Proteomic's Old Slippers x 3
Tuft of Halfling Toe Hair x 3
Dirty Socks x 8
Dirty Cloth Cap x 3
Wheel of Extra Stinky Cheese x 2
Dirty Rock x 3
Arwyn's Aged Ale x 4
Audigy's Walking Stick x 3
Yewe's Favorite Doll x 2
Marcy's Diary x 3
Hologato's Claws x 1
Bigger Belt of the River x 1

Edit: Additional info and added more to the list above. I got as few as 4 clicks at the end of my 7th mission. I was getting very frustrated. so the next one I just raced around clicking, not looking for light source and not caring. I got 8 clicks in. Then the 9th one I got 9 clicks in. so maybe the faster you go the more clicks you get. maybe its time limited? Anyways, on that 9th mission I finally got the Bigger belt.

Edited, Apr 16th 2016 11:00am by Shuraz
Rock glow
# May 11 2015 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
29 posts
I've noticed that some dirt piles have a glow to them similar to a light source. These seem to be the ones with the Wee'er Harvester clicky.

Hopefully this helps someone.

Edited, May 11th 2015 11:38am by orangemilk
5 attempts and only 2 belts
# Apr 26 2015 at 11:13 AM Rating: Good
159 posts
First 2 runs I got two belts. Last 3 runs, nothing. Might have waste a couple of charges not being over the mounds, but drop rate should be better than 40%.
STAY IN RANGE when clicking for bonus reward!
# Apr 22 2015 at 9:36 PM Rating: Decent
45 posts
Warning for Bonus Reward:

Stand directly over a mound when clicking the Harvester for the bonus portion.

If you are out of range, you will waste a "charge."
STAY IN RANGE when clicking for bonus reward!
# Apr 22 2015 at 9:36 PM Rating: Decent
45 posts
Warning for Bonus Reward:

Stand directly over a mound when clicking the Harvester for the bonus portion.

If you are out of range, you will waste a "charge."
# May 27 2014 at 8:18 PM Rating: Decent
Ok, not to incite any trolling, but it is possible that both bonus items can be gotten in one run of the mission.

I got the nothing the first time, belt the second, third and fourth gave nothing again and the 5th time I got both!
# Apr 10 2017 at 8:35 PM Rating: Good
1,312 posts
One mission I got 3 drops out of 8 soils -- 2 belts and a wee'er. Most of the time though it's either 1 item or none at all.
# Apr 24 2015 at 9:16 PM Rating: Decent
52 posts
Can confirm that I got both today in a single mission (though I had one from a previous attempt already, grats alt)
No loot!
# May 07 2014 at 5:26 PM Rating: Good
26 posts
Have done this task 5 times. First time we managed to dig up the Bigger Belt of the River. Since then we have not managed to dig up any loot but the Dirty stuff.

Beware you may have to do this task over many times before you see any reward loot
Vanilrae Xu'Resh
Level 95 Dark Elf Rogue
Sigils - Erollisi Marr
# May 07 2014 at 12:36 AM Rating: Decent
as of today, the combine is still failable. salvage FTW. I suspect.... that if you kill the 2 npcs that Spinner wants you to kill, you get 1 mold. killing spinner should also produce a mold. thus, if you go the friends route, and then enemies, you could get 2 molds.......

# May 13 2014 at 3:59 PM Rating: Decent
DRINALwoodee wrote:
as of today, the combine is still failable. salvage FTW. I suspect.... that if you kill the 2 npcs that Spinner wants you to kill, you get 1 mold. killing spinner should also produce a mold. thus, if you go the friends route, and then enemies, you could get 2 molds.......


I just re-Hailed Spinner to get a new mold when it vanished in the combine Fail !!

Got new one, Happy Me!!
Wizard (69)
Leader of
Ancient Hands
(Cazic)Brell Serilis Server
Smithing trivial
# May 03 2014 at 12:37 PM Rating: Excellent
68 posts
Trivial is 16. You learn the recipe and can search for it in the forge.
Thane of Tunare
Pastry Chef
tried at 89
# May 02 2014 at 1:06 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
Picked this quest up at lvl 89 on my SK. ID say the average trash mob had the strength of a HOT courtyard mob. The animals are hard to find, i finally found some lions in the middle of the zone. The drop rate isn't so good for the animal pelt I have killed 3 so far and no drop.

I hope this gives good exp for the amount of time it takes. Im 2 hours in spending most time traveling and searching for stuff (and not getting exp).

Edited, May 3rd 2014 12:16am by fronglo
Someone gave the hay to Shakey....
# May 01 2014 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
265 posts
And found another enchanted harvester on his cursor. We already left the task so couldn't be sure if that meant giving another round of chances at the rock piles, or if it was just an oopsie.

Someone gave the hay to Shakey....
# Apr 15 2016 at 4:36 AM Rating: Good
1,069 posts
no additional harvester for me when I handed him the hay. just the appearance change which lasted all of 20 seconds.
The Hay
# Apr 30 2014 at 11:10 PM Rating: Decent
If you give the Shimmering Hay to Shakey in PoK, he turns into a badass looking scarecrow for about a minute.
trivial required vs. no-fail
# Apr 30 2014 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
when there is a required minimum trivial skill to accomplish part of a task or if it is a no-fail combo it has mostly been posted in nearly all of your walkthrough's I'm kinda surprised it wasn't in this one or also the one at eqresource.com. It is a BIG deal to get that far into the task to find out it has a trivial requirement. So after getting this far I now have to drop this task, go and get my skill on and then I can reattempt this task.
at least your walkthrough has one up on eqresource and that is to say to include *all 10 items* (being specific about the amount of components, could have been one of each since I didn't know and was failing anyway) and then mentioning the faceted crystal (they didn't and it is impossible to complete the combination without it.)
I'm bugged that you didn't think that was an important point but I get that everybody doesn't always agree about everything.
I still love this site and always have!

trivial required vs. no-fail
# Apr 30 2014 at 5:59 PM Rating: Excellent
1,088 posts
Usually, in a task like this, it's safe to assume combines are no-fail, especially given the timed nature of the task. It may be an oversight by EQ devs that it can be failed (can you even get another mold if you fail, without restarting the whole thing?).

Someone vaguely referenced the trivial being 16. Can anyone confirm that's it?
trivial required vs. no-fail
# May 01 2014 at 3:59 PM Rating: Good

We've fixed these issues internally. The items should now be tradable, and the combine no fail.

trivial required vs. no-fail
# May 01 2014 at 6:03 PM Rating: Excellent
1,088 posts
More vagueness out of them...

Anyone know if these changes are actually live now?
trivial required vs. no-fail
# May 01 2014 at 9:53 PM Rating: Decent
128 posts
Railus the Rigid wrote:
More vagueness out of them...

Anyone know if these changes are actually live now?

They are not as of tonight, just did the mission and items were no drop.
Vaal Halen
115 Bard
Council of Norrath
Xev>Druzzil Ro>Xegony Server
Bonus items
# Apr 29 2014 at 10:00 PM Rating: Good
29 posts
After you hail Cleet at the end, a bunch of untilled soil will spawn. You can use your harvester on these to get a chance at bonus items. It will stop working because anniversary missions are buggy as hell, usually when there are 8 left the harvester won't do anything when you click it.
# Apr 29 2014 at 9:58 PM Rating: Good
770 posts
Bonus Rewards (how to you get these?):
- Bigger Belt of the River
- Wee'er Harvester

After the task is complete, continue using the Enchanted Harvester to till patches of rocky soil on the Miller farm.

Cleet Miller says, 'I see you found the hay you were looking for. That must mean the Enchanted Crystal Harvester worked! If you have time, would you mind tilling the other piles of rocky soil? You can keep whatever you find.'

A number of new untilled mounds spawn around the farm. Once opened via the Harvester click, the soil can be looted. Inside, can be found various items including the two bonus reward items. Additional items I looted from soil mounds included: Dirty Cloth Cap, Dirty Roots, Dirty Socks, Holagato's Claws, Marcy's Diary, Proteomic's Old Slippers, and Tuft of Halfling Toe Hair. I was only able to click/open 7 additional soils before the Harvester ceased to function any longer. The Harvester does not indicate it has a specific number of charges, but apparently its scripted to only work a few times.

The Enchanted Crystal Harvester breaks into dozens of small pieces as it makes contact with the rocky soil.

The Harvester doesn't actually break or poof -- it remains in your inventory -- the click effect just ceases working.

Only 6 additional clicks allowed on second run through the mission.

Edited, Apr 30th 2014 10:07am by Tobynn
not no fail
# Apr 29 2014 at 8:44 PM Rating: Decent
68 posts
not a no fail combine, failed with skill of 54
not a no fail combine
# Apr 29 2014 at 8:23 PM Rating: Good
I increased by blacking-smiting by 1 (2)

so I bugged it
not a no fail combine
# Apr 29 2014 at 9:04 PM Rating: Decent
68 posts
no trivial is 16 u got a skill up
No coins
# Apr 23 2014 at 10:38 AM Rating: Decent
35 posts
Just completed it and was awarded no commemorative coins.
An Ancient Spirit
# Apr 23 2014 at 10:26 AM Rating: Decent
35 posts
Just a heads up my pets were unable to attack the ancient spirit only my tank and spells. swarm pets worked fine but not static pets.
An Ancient Spirit
# May 01 2014 at 8:51 PM Rating: Decent
35 posts
Since the mission has relaunched ive had no problems
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