The Fungal Bloom  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
  • Loot
  • Money
  • Spell
Time Limit:06:00:00
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Group Size:Group
Min. # of Players:3
Max. # of Players:6
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Tue Jan 5 19:11:47 2010
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
This group task begins with Adeenas in the Fungal Forest. She is a telmira located at -905, -850, 95 (southeastern area of the zone). Keep a lookout while speaking with her as KOS mobs wander the area.

In order to request this task, you must have completed Adeenas's three prior tasks:

Fate of the Telmira
Gathering of Essentials
Salvation of Spores

You say, 'Hail, Adeenas'

Adeenas says 'Hello! I am Adeenas of the telmira. I see you must be lost. Perhaps you should get your bearings here before you further travel the Fungal Forest. Like most of the Underfoot, this place is dangerous to outsiders. This is more true if you venture further to the east, or if you choose to trifle with the sporali or cliknar. Perhaps you came by to [chat] with me instead?'

You say, 'Let's have a chat'

Adeenas says 'I love talking to new people! I get so lonely these days, since the sporali became violent and the cliknar invaded the forest. The other telmira have scattered to the winds, it seems, and I don't know what to do next. No matter. I have you to talk to now. You can remain here and talk with me [forever], yes?'

You say, 'Forever?'

Adeenas says 'Yes! You can remain here forever--if you'll let me transform you into a telmira like me with my special spell, of course; and whatever fate comes to the telmira, you will share. Does that sound [fun]? We can fly to the tops of mushrooms, skim the gullies of rivers, sing songs honoring the life of the forest, and eat fruit beneath the weeping spore caps.'

You say, 'No fun at all...'

Adeenas says 'You mortals are all the same. What sounds like fun to a telmira only seems to scare you to death, yet you all seem to embrace the most terrifying and random type of existence. Well, you don't know what you're missing, that's all I can say! Since you're going to stick with your mortal experience of death and danger, how about helping me with a [favor]? Or did you already do that for me? If so, perhaps it's time to do something about [Rakkirin].'

You say, 'Time to do something about that Rakkirin'

Adeenas says 'Rakkirin Shrivstem has become wicked. Like all of us telmira, he is especially blessed of Brell Serilis and knows better than to be going around inflicting violence and terror on the other creatures of the forest! Shameful, if you ask me. What's worse, he is growing an army of super-sporali that is supposed to help him do something terrible. You know, it would be a grand adventure to [intervene] in his evil plan, wouldn't it?'

You have been assigned the task 'The Fungal Bloom'.

To zone in:

You say, 'Let's intervene'

You have entered Fungal Forest - The Fungal Bloom.

The Telmira sages and Gigyn have gathered together to help put a stop to Rakkirin Shrivstem's plan to grow a new army of Bloatspore warriors to serve him. You must help them with this task. As you arrive in Shrivstem Glade, you will need to speak with your new allies and make sure they are ready for battle.

Adeenas and five other NPCs are found at the zone-in. The first five steps are to hail them.

Find out if Autoros is ready for combat 0/1 (Fungal Forest)

You say, 'Hail, Sage Autoros'

Sage Autoros says 'I am looking forward to showing you how well we fight, mortal.'

Confirm with Eulyris that he is ready for battle 0/1 (Fungal Forest)

You say, 'Hail, Sage Eulyris'

Sage Eulyris says 'I am relishing the chance to set the sporali back on the path of Brell by force. The time for waiting on Rakkirin of the Shrivstems to come to his senses naturally has ended!'

Talk with Vaelani, and see if he is ready to fight 0/1 (Fungal Forest)

You say, 'Hail, Sage Vaelani'

Sage Vaelani says 'I am ready! Let us fight for what is right, and restore the natural order of Brell Serilis.'

See that Knave Toltan knows what he is supposed to do when the fighting starts 0/1 (Fungal Forest)

You say, 'Hail, Knave Toltan'

Knave Toltan says 'I am ready for what must happen next. Sad that Rakkirin cannot hear any but the voice of his own darkened conscience. Many will die.'

Have a word with Knave Garusk before the battle begins 0/1 (Fungal Forest)

You say, 'Hail, Knave Garusk'

Knave Garusk says 'I will say the Words of Brell until Adeenas gives the word. In the Words of Brell I find solace and peace. May Brell's words return to this forest soon.'

Inform Adeenas that the battle against the blooming Shrivstem army may now begin 0/1 (Fungal Forest)

When you hail Adeenas, the battle begins. The five NPCs charge the sporali down below and the task locks. Helping them is not necessary (although there is an achievement for keeping them all alive). If you leave them unaided, they'll all die a quick death. From there, you can pull kill targets like normal.

You say, 'Hail, Adeenas'

Adeenas says 'Very good, very very good! Now we must bring down that big brute before we can do anything else! I'll stay up here and watch if you don't mind. I'm not that good at fighting like my friends are. But I'll be cheering you on as all of you face the perilous bloom of Shrivstems! Oh yes, I almost forgot, if you find The Gorgax's summoning whistle that brings Sigorus the Veilcaster out of the Shrivstems' Veil, that will be very helpful. If we slay Sigorus, the Shrivstems will not be able to keep the magical energy flowing to their Veil, and we will be able to defeat all of them.'

Knave Garusk swings its massive fists and attacks.

Knave Toltan swings its massive fists and attacks.

Sage Vaelani says 'Feel the fires of Lord Brell's forge!'

Sage Eulyris says 'Feel the fires of Lord Brell's forge!'

Sage Autoros says 'Feel the fires of Lord Brell's forge!'

Your task 'The Fungal Bloom' has been updated.

All five charge down the hill towards the sporali.

Destroy some Shrivstem lysospores 0/12 (Fungal Forest)

Destroy some Shrivstem blightspores 0/6 (Fungal Forest)

Destroy some Shrivstem mossbacks 0/4 (Fungal Forest)

Collect The Gorgax' summoning whistle. Adeenas can use this to summon the Shrivstem veilcaster 0/1 (Fungal Forest)

The Gorgax is on par with the other sporali in terms of difficulty, but has a lot more hitpoints.

Give The Gorgax' summoning whistle to Adeenas 0/1 (Fungal Forest)

Note: A named will spawn immediately upon completing this turn-in.

Adeenas says 'Yes! That's the whistle. Let me study it and see how it works. I will be the one to blow the whistle, so I must make sure to blow it the right way the first time, or else the wrong sporali might come out of the Veil. Tell me when you're ready for me to use the whistle, like, when you're all done fighting the Shrivstems who are outside the Veil.'

Adeenas says 'Here goes! Cover your ears, there might be a piercing tone, or you might not hear anything at all. This should magically summon Sigorus the Veilcaster from inside the bubble. You'll be able to slay him, and then the Veil should weaken to the point to allow you inside.'

Sigorus the Veilcaster says 'The spirit of the spore will take you down.'

Kill Sigorous the Veilcaster 0/1 (Fungal Forest)

Sigorus the Veilcaster has been slain by _____!
Sigorus the Veilcaster's corpse falls, its spores trying one last time to heal it.

You're not done yet. Another batch of sporali appears in the area.

Destroy some bloatspore sprouts. Depriving Rakkirin of these sprouts will be half the battle 0/10 (Fungal Forest)

Destroy some Shrivstem cataspores 0/5 (Fungal Forest)

Destroy some Shrivstem fungrolurks 0/5 (Fungal Forest)

Destroy some Shrivstem glowspores 0/5 (Fungal Forest)

Destroy some Shrivstem shadespores 0/5 (Fungal Forest)

These will respawn as you fill your kill quota. Once you collect all 30 kills, complete these last two steps:

Take Rakkirin Shrivstem's surrender 0/1 (Fungal Forest)

You say, 'Hail, Rakkirin Shrivstem'

Rakkirin Shrivstem says 'You have ruined my plan to gather an army as I have been commanded. I expect punishment from him now. Brell Serilis has forsaken us, left us without hope. The Temple of Self gave us hope. You took that hope away. Now all of the Underfoot plunges into chaos and fear. What have you done? What can I do now, but surrender?'

Bring the news of the victory to Adeenas 0/1 (Fungal Forest)

You say, 'Hail, Adeenas'

Adeenas says 'Rakkirin has surrendered? Hooray! Well, he didn't need to be so despondent about it. We just want him to live by Brell's rule, as he is supposed to, and not attack, imprison and slay the rest of us just because he thinks he should. Well, you're a hero now, so I guess this means you'll help destroy this Church of Self? We should probably go in a minute, the Shrivstems will need some time to put their camp back in order.'

See what reward you have been offered 0/1 (Fungal Forest)

Opening the fungus-encrusted chest completes the task.

You have destroyed the nascent army of Shrivstem sporalis, and prevented Rakkirin's plans from being carried out. This may not stop the problem, but at least there will no longer be an army of giant Sporali warriors.

In the chest is one item of loot. Known drops:
Bow of the Weeping Willow
Crystalline Sledge
Darkearth Scimitar
Deathspore Cap Shield
Dwarven War Staff
Enforcing Hatchet
Flexible Chitin Burgonet
Gold-Edged Saber
Stone of the Sovereign
Telmira Mask of Warfare

Rewards (everyone in task):
Experience (1.1 AAs at Level 85)
~40 Brellium Tokens

Some (not all) classes also receive a spell for completion of this mission:

Bard - Song: Wave of Slumber
Beastlord - You'll get nothing and like it!
Berserker - You'll get nothing and like it!
Cleric - Spell: Holy Intervention
Druid - You'll get nothing and like it!
Enchanter - Spell: Arcane Disjunction Aura
Magician - Spell: Thaumatize Pet
Monk - You'll get nothing and like it!
Necromancer - You'll get nothing and like it!
Paladin - You'll get nothing and like it!
Ranger - Spell: Swarm of Bees
Rogue - You'll get nothing and like it!
Shadow Knight - Tome of Malarian Mantle
Shaman - You'll get nothing and like it!
Warrior - Tome of Lionhearted Rally-Cry
Wizard - You'll get nothing and like it!
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cazic touch II
# Apr 19 2024 at 8:10 PM Rating: Decent
5 posts
gorgax will cazic touch II the npc helpers making this conquest annoying
Darn Quest is bugged.... since when?
# Jun 27 2019 at 11:59 AM Rating: Good
328 posts
Second part: killing fungrolurk/cataspore - they are all non aggro. First run went well. Killed with AE-Caster. Second run was a fast Warrior Rampage. Half of the kills and nothing moves anymore.

So another one bugs the dust...

It seems that the last killstage should be done outside of the bubble. Pulling all mobs out prevents bugging the script.

Edited, Jun 27th 2019 1:42pm by Fayman
Dependable Ally
# Oct 11 2015 at 10:54 AM Rating: Good
1,069 posts
how does one get this? We tried a few things and many times.
Task Lock
# Jul 26 2011 at 9:30 PM Rating: Decent
169 posts
This task locks right after they charge and get killed by the sporali. Kind of lame. Please update.
Updated Spelling
# Feb 06 2011 at 2:06 PM Rating: Decent
53 posts
They updated the spelling on the task stage:
  • Have a word with Knave Garusk before the battle begins

  • "Knave" is now spelled correctly.
    Mission Difficulty
    # Jul 26 2010 at 8:49 AM Rating: Decent
    Did this mission yesterday. Group make up was:

    85 pally tank (me) 800 AA 33/33 CS and CA 36k HP 4.7K AC
    85 bard was pulling
    85 beast lord x2
    85 shaman heals
    Healer merc

    Overall the mission took about 2.5 hours. XP was pretty decent. I died once at the beginning of the mission (on the 2nd mob) and once on the first named mob at 12%. Max hit on normal mobs was about 4-5k. The red and yellow topped shrooms were the hardest hitters it seemed, the small ones (sprouts)were a close 2nd. Rest of the mushrooms fell much faster. Named hit for 6-7K maybe an 8k in there. Didn't see any mob enrage at all, not even named. Being able to tank this one was nice, long mission but not too hard with a good puller.

    Hope this info helps

    Edited, Jul 26th 2010 11:21am by Nelyan
    Rakkirin hail result and chest opening result
    # Jun 25 2010 at 12:39 AM Rating: Good
    203 posts
    To complete the following step, here is the hail result:

    "Take Rakkirin Shrivstem's surrender (0/1) Fungal Forest"

    [Fri Jun 25 02:29:19 2010] You say, 'Hail, Rakkirin Shrivstem'
    [Fri Jun 25 02:29:19 2010] Rakkirin Shrivstem says 'You have ruined my plan to gather an army as I have been commanded. I expect punishment from him now. Brell Serilis has forsaken us, left us without hope. The Temple of Self gave us hope. You took that hope away. Now all of the Underfoot plunges into chaos and fear. What have you done? What can I do now, but surrender?'
    [Fri Jun 25 02:29:20 2010] Your task 'The Fungal Bloom' has been updated.

    After the step "Bring the news of victory to Adeenas", there is one more step:

    "See what reward you have been offered (0/1) Fungal Forest"

    Opening the chest (a fungus-encrusted chest) completes this step, and then yellow mission completion text appears in the chat window:

    [Fri Jun 25 02:30:46 2010] You have destroyed the nascent army of Shrivstem sporalis, and prevented Rakkirin's plans from being carried out. This may not stop the problem, but at least there will no longer be an army of giant Sporali warriors.
    [Fri Jun 25 02:30:50 2010] You have gained an ability point! You now have 7 ability points.
    [Fri Jun 25 02:30:50 2010] You have successfully been granted your reward for: The Fungal Bloom
    [Fri Jun 25 02:30:51 2010] You have completed achievement: Champion of Fungal Forest

    Worst UF mission
    # Jun 15 2010 at 2:36 AM Rating: Good
    When we beta tested this, we had no idea it was going to be a 4 hour mission. There's way too many monotonous kills with way too many HP. Even a bard has trouble pulling it. We did it with top end raiding guild SK, enchanter and bard. Nobody would do this mission if it weren't required for progression. It sucks from start to finish.

    Fight smarter not harder.
    brellium tokens
    # May 26 2010 at 12:23 AM Rating: Good
    35 posts
    This quest also gives 40 brellium tokens
    Chest drop
    # May 23 2010 at 3:24 PM Rating: Good

    Stone of the Sovereign
    Augmentation type: 7 8
    WIS: 0+5 INT: 0+5 HP: +110 MANA: +130 ENDUR: +130
    SV FIRE: +5 SV COLD: +5 SV MAGIC: +10
    Spell Damage: +4 Heal Amount: +4
    Required level of 85.
    WT: 0.0 Size: TINY
    Class: ALL
    Race: ALL

    Dropped in the chest at the end of the instance on 5/23/10
    Flexible Chitin Burgonet
    # May 11 2010 at 7:20 AM Rating: Good
    309 posts
    Darkearth Scimitar
    # May 11 2010 at 7:16 AM Rating: Good
    309 posts
    Chest drop
    # May 10 2010 at 12:05 AM Rating: Good
    94 posts
    Dwarven War Staff

    Slot: PRIMARY
    Skill: 2H Blunt Atk Delay: 33
    DMG: 148 Dmg Bonus: 65 AC: 80
    Magic DMG: 2
    STR: +56 DEX: +30 STA: +64 CHA: +44 WIS: +69 INT: +43 AGI: +14 HP: +1640 MANA: +1525 ENDUR: +1525
    SV FIRE: +55 SV DISEASE: +28 SV COLD: +44 SV MAGIC: +76 SV POISON: +61
    Combat Effects: +7 Shielding: +2% Spell Shield: +2% Avoidance: +8 Accuracy: +10 Stun Resist: +1% Strikethrough: +4% DoT Shielding: +3% Attack: +24 HP Regen: +3 Mana Regeneration: +6 Damage Shield: +4 Clairvoyance: 14 Spell Dmg: 18 Dmg Shld Mit: 3 Heal Amount: 3
    Required level of 85.
    Effect: Force of Magic IV (Combat, Casting Time: Instant)
    WT: 2.5 Size: LARGE
    Class: PAL SHD
    Race: ALL except BAR ELF VAH
    Slot 1, Type 4 (Weapon: General)
    missing dialogue, objective removed
    # May 06 2010 at 9:11 PM Rating: Good
    56 posts
    This objective no longer exists in the task:
    Tell Adeenas to use the summoning whistle whenever you are ready 0/1 (Fungal Forest)

    Once you had in the whistle, Sigorus the Vellcaster spawns right near Adeenas.

    Objective: Bring the news of the victory to Adeenas

    [Thu May 06 23:00:40 2010] You say, 'Hail, Adeenas'
    [Thu May 06 23:00:41 2010] Adeenas says 'Rakkirin has surrendered? Hooray! Well, he didn't need to be so despondent about it. We just want him to live by Brell's rule, as he is supposed to, and not attack, imprison and slay the rest of us just because he thinks he should. Well, you're a hero now, so I guess this means you'll help destroy this Church of Self? We should probably go in a minute, the Shrivstems will need some time to put their camp back in order.'
    [Thu May 06 23:00:41 2010] Your task 'The Fungal Bloom' has been updated.
    # May 02 2010 at 10:44 PM Rating: Decent
    none of the mobs summon, and all are snarable....

    very stange pathing but once you see what it is, makes splitting very simple.
    # Jun 19 2010 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
    195 posts
    splitting is not simple at all for the 2nd part. pull 20 mobs at a time and hopefully make it through.
    # Jul 26 2010 at 2:52 PM Rating: Decent
    while i agree splitting this and trying to solo would suck, we had a very good bard pulling for us. Made it look very very easy. All you need is a puller that knows the ins and outs of their class and anything is possible i guess. And pathing is terrible in here. Few times pulling mobs up the hill they bugged out and started walking back towards the big train of mobs.

    Edited, Jul 26th 2010 4:54pm by Nelyan
    # Apr 21 2010 at 11:41 PM Rating: Decent
    Dropped Enforcing hatchet for us tonight. Of course no one in the group could use it.

    Edited, Apr 22nd 2010 1:42am by Boneybob
    # Apr 21 2010 at 12:27 PM Rating: Decent
    1 post
    I was able to request this task without doing the "Seeds for the Waterstalkers" task i did the other 3 tasks and then went to try and request this and the mob gave me the task.
    # Apr 18 2010 at 11:37 PM Rating: Good
    167 posts
    I did this today and did not get this step:

    Tell Adeenas to use the summoning whistle whenever you are ready 0/1 (Fungal Forest)

    When ready for a fight, hail her again.


    As soon as you turn in the whistle he spawns near Adeenas and attacks, it updates to Kill Sigorous the Veilcaster 0/1 (Fungal Forest)
    The mobs outside the dome didn't seem to respawn. So for the second set of kills we camped the zone in still, and cleared to the dome so we had plenty of room to pull and split. They path back in wide arcs so the zone in is the safest place to pull to.
    a fungus-encrusted chest dropped Crystalline Sledge.
    Zare - Erollisi Marr
    Zuggle - Aradune/Mangler
    Chest drop
    # Apr 18 2010 at 12:59 PM Rating: Good
    Dropped Gold-Edged Saber today

    Edited, Apr 18th 2010 7:02pm by EgatBearskinner
    Egat the Dedicated Artisan
    Imperator of <Phoenix Ascending>, Erollisi Marr
    Chest drop
    # Apr 20 2010 at 12:46 AM Rating: Good
    246 posts
    and Crystalline Sledge for us.
    Chest drop
    # Apr 20 2010 at 12:44 AM Rating: Good
    32 posts
    Crystalline Sledge droped as of 4-20...
    New lock
    # Apr 16 2010 at 7:38 PM Rating: Good
    This task now locks when you start the rush by your ally NPC's, makes it a pain to get it for people.
    Egat the Dedicated Artisan
    Imperator of <Phoenix Ascending>, Erollisi Marr
    Chest Loot
    # Apr 15 2010 at 3:42 PM Rating: Decent
    94 posts
      Bow of the Weeping Willow

    Slot: RANGE
    Charges: Unlimited
    Skill: Archery Atk Delay: 23
    DMG: 67 AC: 59
    Magic DMG: 1
    STR: +24+3 DEX: +27+4 STA: +30+4 CHA: +24+3 WIS: +27+4 INT: +27 AGI: +27+3 HP: +925 MANA: +885 ENDUR: +885
    SV FIRE: +21 SV DISEASE: +34 SV COLD: +26 SV MAGIC: +39 SV POISON: +30
    Combat Effects: +4 Shielding: +1% Spell Shield: +1% Avoidance: +4 Accuracy: +5 Stun Resist: +1% Strikethrough: +1% DoT Shielding: +1% Attack: +18 HP Regen: +4 Mana Regeneration: +2 Damage Shield: +2 Clairvoyance: 10 Spell Dmg: 6 Dmg Shld Mit: 1 Heal Amount: 4
    Required level of 85.
    Effect: Prismatic Ward II (Any Slot/Can Equip, Casting Time: 1.5)
    Effect: Improved Dodge V (Worn, Casting Time: Instant)
    WT: 5.8 Range: 210 Size: MEDIUM
    Race: ALL
    Slot 1, Type 7 (General: Group)
    # Apr 09 2010 at 9:57 PM Rating: Decent
    2,602 posts
    No chest popped.

    # Mar 23 2010 at 12:11 PM Rating: Good
    54 posts
    Beastlord - none
    Druid - none
    Magician - Spell: Thaumatize Pet (not Surge of Thaumacretion)

    Edited, Mar 23rd 2010 2:11pm by silenie
    No chest
    # Mar 13 2010 at 6:53 PM Rating: Good
    1 post
    Completed 3-13-10 No chest popped.
    Shaman get nothing.

    Edited, Mar 13th 2010 7:56pm by Ghungus
    Monk reward
    # Mar 13 2010 at 12:18 PM Rating: Decent
    Monks get nothing
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