Long fight, lots of hps. When u push to wall he pops through. But it still seems to be best tactic, just keep doing it. got 2 frosted ice spikes and both rotted. did it again, this time 2x blackstar mace =)
I was just wondering if anyone could tell me by chance how hard this mob is to kill? I heard from some peeps that he was one of the easier mobs in ToV, any help would be great thank you.
Zantetsukane Odinsfury 55th Level Teir'Dal Revenant Rune of War Veeshan Server! "Whatever waits I have NO regrets!!!"
If you can get your guild all the way down to the area this dragon is in, then you have to be able to pull him out of a room with 3 dragons in it, all of which assist each other. The pull tough, until your pullers learn how to split them up, if they can. Solo, he isnt that hard. Him plus even one of the other 2 dragons is pretty much a wipeout.
Posted:Feb 07 2002 at 6:18 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) That sword he drops is so cool and it does tons of damage
Posted:Jan 28 2002 at 4:49 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I will never get the Dagger my main is only a lvl 10 I soooo want it is the best dagger.
Posted:Jan 10 2002 at 1:15 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) This Dragon Looks Retarted look at him hahaha
The guy talking about the Wurmscale Fistwraps was right... Go here to see for yourself--> http://eq.castersrealm.com/data/item.asp?Id=5171 - If that link does not work just read below Wurmscale Fistwraps Dmg 14 Delay 18 1 Hand Blunt Monk Only 75 Hit Points 10 Stamina 20 Sv Fire Off Hand or Primary Zero Weight Yup, pretty much god weapons for a monk but this is an extra rare loot. Read up about it at eq.castersrealm.com, check it out.
Posted:Dec 02 2001 at 4:25 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I just nutted on myself. This wep is so dam fast and hits really hard for a 2hs. I want it sooo bad. Too bad my guild is a bunch of candy **** low lvls. I hate my guild we cant even do a hate raid.
BlackStar, Mace of Night > Water Sprinkler of Nem Ankh
If you take the effect off the Sprinkler, the BlackStar is much better. I can only admire clerics who have this, I'll never get it :-( but if it were a choice between this or the Sprinkler, I'd equip this and only use the Sprinkler for rez's.
Posted:Aug 12 2001 at 6:20 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) *** warriors! they all ****!
Posted:Aug 12 2001 at 6:19 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Look at that cleric mace! nerf clerics! nerf clerics! nerf clerics!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted:Aug 03 2001 at 9:40 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i soloed this creature ,he's way too easy for a lvl 60 war......P
Posted:Aug 19 2001 at 3:59 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Ummm yea sure ya did! For one by the time you got to this guy you would be crisp by yourself. Do your reseach before doing silly posts =P
Actually after the frist couple hours of first trip there it becomes incredibly boring... the only thing keeping me going there is the prospect of uber drops... Peace
I agree with you ToV isnt the most exciting place in the world...especially waiting for roamers and other mobs to pop before pulling and blah blah blah....BUT...The planes are much worse. I hate every plane with the exception of Sky...The rest are far too boring, but PoA is sooo fun and dangerous~
Posted:Aug 01 2001 at 9:12 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i saw the name of the mace thing i thought it was a SK weapon lol. its a cleric)
Posted:Jul 27 2001 at 1:29 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) yea pretty cool weapon drops, but takes a long time to kill with fewer than average ppl.
Blackstar, Mace of Night - awesome cleric weapon; M-something, Bane of Giants (now a super weapon); Cekenar's Claw(or Fang?) - still a bad ratio, but okay stat bonuses now.