
a rare creature

Uploaded July 24th, 2007

Categories: EverQuest | Templatized
This page last modified 2021-10-27 19:18:30.

Level: 45
Expansion: Scars of Velious
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2018-10-27 00:02:54
Known Loot:
icon Bllizent's Fang

Known Habitats:
  Great Divide

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# Jul 08 2004 at 7:04 AM Rating: Decent
I snare kited this thing with my lvl 40 bard. just walked backwards with sow while i snared him and used my chant dot's.when i got cornered i just ran around him and snared him the other way once i found out his attack range never hit me,got the fang off the kill.
pretty tough
# Jun 27 2004 at 3:34 PM Rating: Decent
Wow this mob is tougher than I thought it would be, considering how easy other wurms are.

Soloed it with lvl 51 mage, and it took half of my total mana (With KEI). His/hers/its fire resist isn't very high. I put out 10 - 12 nukes for 810, he/she/it only resisted 1 of the 10 - 12.

I used a 51 earth pet that often quads for 50 - 58. I just kept chain petting. 1 pet goes send in another. Since you can't have more than 1 pet at a time, make sure you tell your pet to go away before the casting time is over, if the pet is still alive. I usually start recasting my pet when it has 10 - 15 % hp left. Quite the battle, lasted a long time.

I would say I did just less than 10k in nukes. I'm estimating my pet did 40dps. That is a load of hitpoints for a lvl 45 monster.
I didn't get hit often using the chain pet method. The only times it hit me it doubled for 125, then a single for 116.

Hope this helps you make your decision whether to fight this or not.

Edited, Wed Aug 10 02:17:25 2005
# Oct 21 2003 at 9:29 AM Rating: Decent
Bah this thing is just a melee, fear kited his butt at 41, took friggin forever but with darkness and my very hungry pet all I had to do was stay out of his melee range and keep the dots and fear cooking. not sure how many Hp's it had but it felt like i walked him across half the damm zone before I realized this was taking too long. btw never resisted fear once.
No new info
# Jul 07 2003 at 9:09 PM Rating: Good
Just ran into him in GD tonight and thought I'd try him with KEI and FM. I been kiting the FG Elites with no problem and one will take me down to about 50 mana if I don't try to root and med.

To make a long story short (too late I know), I snared him and dotted him and was gonna kite him a bit but his size or something is really deceptive, cause he looks like he's way closer than he is. I was getting REAL nervous cause of all the "out of range" readings, and when the spell would start casting it looked like he was almost there...but no, all was OK. He didn't seem to resist any roots, and I dotted and med, and dotted and med, and dotted and med, ....but you get the picture.

When he got all the way down to 7 percent life, he FINALLY went into flee mode and I could work on my crappy 2hb. My mana was down to about 5 percent, and my elder spirit. stuff kept me from really getting in a tight spot. He was a memorable foe. Did have to heal and cast a chloroplast on myself. If I'd been more careful, I prolly could have done the fight without the elder spiritist stuff, but was fun. He does hit pretty hard, only hit me two times but took me down to half life (had no buffs to speak of other than KEI and Lev and SoW). Hope that helps.

BTW, I'm a halfling druid, level 52, with decent equipment, but not a twink at all. See you in game, and stay safe!

Hit points
# Mar 08 2003 at 7:06 AM Rating: Decent
Took him out today when he agroed me on my cleric. Took 13 casts of Condemnation for full damage each time = 14300 damage. After 12 casts (13200) he was down to 6% so I would say he has 14k HP.

Elgaroth Lifegiver
Archon on The Nameless
What's he for?
# Feb 24 2003 at 10:49 AM Rating: Decent
He drops that fang for a sword Quest in Kael...
Conned indifferent to me ...

he looks like a regular ol wurm but red..

Edited, Mon Feb 24 10:23:31 2003
Bliz )
# Jun 13 2002 at 10:44 PM Rating: Default
hehe i just killed this guy on Innoruuk =) solo as a 54 ranger ..took 20 or so stacks of arrows (i love u tolans bracer P) and many 302dd and immolate dots ..was quite lucky a passing chanter dropped c2 on me or the 10min or so it took me may well have been 20-30min P anyway he has tons of hp im guessing 12k+ easy ...dropped fang and conned dark blue to me
Ralbian Pathfinder
54 Ranger of Karana
No Faction...
# Mar 29 2002 at 9:24 PM Rating: Default
well i zoned out of Velks from a train, low on HP so it sent me to the 'Safe spot' in GD in the middle of no where, anyway, i turn around and see this wurm. conned blue and indif to me. seeing that im an ally to Dragons i didnt think it mattered if i killed him. well i charm a Frost Giant Elite and killed Bllizent pretty easy. dropped fang for quest and got some EXP. no faction hits when i killed him though. well atleast i got some EXP from the Giant and Wurm. belt is alright ac6 sta+10 0.0 weight.

54 Bard
Low Con!!!!!!
# Jan 12 2002 at 1:16 PM Rating: Default
Took him down last night....
This guy is not MR!!! But I garuntee you he has way over 10,000 hps. Me (50 Shamy) and a 45 shamy took him down. The lower lev shamy just kept him rooted for me. Took 7 Envonomed Bolts (1200 dot), 3 Plauges (1300 dot), and a whole bunch of running around blasting with my JBB. He has a huge melee range just like any wurm, and tripple attacks in the 120's MAX, but uses no spells. He was tough, due to the unexpected HPs, so be carefull/prepared. Spawns at -7000, -3000 and is indefferent to all untill attacked. Dropped a "Blizzent Spear" ****** stats no bonuses, but no drop.

Hope it helps,

Thorkin WhiteWolf
(50 Shamy E-Marr)
going there
# Nov 13 2001 at 7:42 PM Rating: Default
i think it is big but i know it's bigger then me.
im going there someday because im level 40 soon,
but im still level 39. do you think i can go there?

i know a friend that tryed this guy or girl and then he told me that he died and lost his level
he even told me that the damage is up to 60. i wont try it though, but when im level 47 i will
try!even if he's tough.

level 39 cleric
RE: going there
# Oct 26 2002 at 7:19 AM Rating: Decent
Mammoths in everfrost that are around lvl 25 can hit for 60
RE: going there
# Jan 11 2002 at 10:11 PM Rating: Default
Jus5 as a note... up to 60 damage aint much. Most regular mobs in GD or the rest of Vel for that matter, hits harder than that.
RE: going there
# Aug 25 2002 at 12:51 AM Rating: Decent
yep, like berserkers and elites that hit for 120+
# Oct 30 2001 at 1:16 PM Rating: Excellent
I was walking through Great Divide the other day when i suddenly run into this guy well my first thought is can he see invis,i dont think he can. Well Suddenly invis comes off and my first thought is i am dead... well he looked at me like i was a peck sandwitch but didnt even bite me for we as indiff. well i started to take screenshots of this guy and the one above is probally the best one i took out of all of them i have got 3 more though if you wish to see them e-mail me at

Edited, Sat Feb 2 11:27:03 2002
Goodbye to Heeroyuy Flowersniffer /Salute
# Feb 28 2004 at 7:12 AM Rating: Default
Greeting everyone, i am the retired heeroyuy flowersniffer (not of my own free will he was haz0r3d and d3l3z0rs /cry heero was my life for awhile but now hes gone... heres a brief history of heeroyuy for those who knew and loved him

Heero Was born in rivervale about 2 months after everquest came out.. his mother was unknown to him because she died cos of gnolls and his father was a a mighty warrior of the vale day heero finds out he can use magical powers like those who work on the farms and those who wander around the world ot heal animals and such so heero goes to reebo leafsway and asks him to help him in his quest to become a druid. Reebo, not wanting to turn down a young druid takes him under his wing and teaches him what he knows about being a druid. the day heero is ready he goes out into the misty thicket and kills goblins to help defend the vale untill one day the mayor comes up and tells heero go on and travel the lands... a new world awaits and with the blessing of his mentor heero runs off in search of brighter lands... when heero was in misty thicket he ran into a human, warrior named Oddyseuous who was leader of the guild Order of Vallon.. heero joins the guild and earned his first friend besides his mentor.

Heero starts to grow stronger by the day and before you knew it he was a well known halfling around the world untill one day he is betrayed by clansmen and friends and becomes the evil side of the druid... he joined fist of greed and helped to destroy the values he once thought were moral and just because there was nothing left he belived in, in the world...
heero had become to become very powerful and had helped take over high keep cos he was always there whenver someone was least expecting him to be.. slain every last one of anyone who opposed him and his friends untill one day...

Heero snaps out of it and goes back to order of vallon (which at that time was dragons kin) and grew into his 40s and fought in something he belived in again.. uniting the light races for a battle against the darks... however in his quest for victory he gets jumped by an assasin from the elvish side.. a side he had fought to protect most of his life... the elf assasinates him thus bringing death to everyone he once stood for...

this is my saulte to Heeroyuy Flowersniffer 40th druid of karana
vallon zek...

...goodbye heero

(let his memory live on in this picture and those who knew him)

RE: Picture
# Jul 16 2002 at 2:21 AM Rating: Default
WOOOOOT Heeroyuy; finally a pic from someone on a REAL server.

Neadayan Drakhon
48 Wood Elf Druid
<Omega Elite>
Vallon Zek, the best server in the game
# Oct 05 2001 at 8:09 AM Rating: Default
Took him down with just 1.5 bubs of mana(56sk). Isn't as mr as people said he would be so I probably wasted more mana than I should have thinking he was tough. He only hit me for 30s/40s. 2 dooming darkness + fears = dead. Is probably weaker than the wurms I solo in burning woods for xp but seems to have maybe 30% more hp. Just thought I'd try him out since I was in the area and fm.
I admire anyone who can solo this guy
# Jun 15 2001 at 8:05 PM Rating: Default
I ran into Blizzent in the SE corner of the GD zone, about loc -6000, -2000 or so. I tried soloing him (48 shaman), but it took me a full BAR of mana to get him to about 75 life. I called up my druid friend but it still took us a good 15 minutes or kiting.

He has high magic resist, but after a successful malisement most spells stick. He has medium-high fire resist, also, because my druid friend had to Ro's Sundering him to get his nukes to land reliably. Poison/disease resist are medium.

He hit for 125 max, and I didn't pay attention to any breath he used. My best guess is that he has around 20k hps. Good luck.
Spawn point?
# May 17 2001 at 6:27 PM Rating: Default
Where did he spawn?
Any known PH's?
Any more info?

RE: Spawn point?
# May 29 2001 at 5:06 AM Rating: Decent
141 posts
Sorry, yes - he spawns in The Great Divide near the Wurm caverns.

PH's I can only assume other Wurms - elder/ancient etc. are his PH's
# May 02 2001 at 6:42 AM Rating: Good
141 posts
Well, I had to tell someone :)

Yesterday I spotted this wurm on track conning blue at 47, so I thought, hmm, I've solo'd wurms before, no problem, my trusty ES vambraces always come up trumps..

Ensnare him, rooted him, cast vambrace dot and nuked him with Calefraction, and his HP bar hardly moves.. D'oh..

After 45 minutes of running from 1 end of the ledge I was on, with under 15% mana and about 40-50 successful Drones of Doom from the ES Vambs, about 4 refreshed snares, countless roots and resisted roots, this lil bugger fell..

Damn, I was exhausted.
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