Scourgetail Scorpion  

a rare creature

Uploaded February 21st, 2019 by nytmare

  • This mob spawns at roaming the north-south path between Kaesora and the pit at -1460, 532, -49 and at /loc 868, 162, -43 Right on the edge of the brown/green East-North-East from Kurn's.

Categories: Templatized | EverQuest
This page last modified 2021-01-02 19:55:10.

Level: 14
Expansion: Ruins of Kunark
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2021-06-05 18:32:08

Known Habitats:
  Field of Bone

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# Jul 22 2023 at 5:48 PM Rating: Good
430 posts
The mob which paths near the edge of the pit between Kaesora and the pit. The PH for this mob is the one which is too high of a level for the rest, it is out of place. Examples are a burynai excavator, a greater scalebone, a heartsting scorpion, an iksar marauder, an emerald fencer, a bonebinder. The mob which is higher level than the others which path back and forth between Kaesora and the pit is the one you want.
Life needs more cowbell.

Look for
# Jan 08 2024 at 6:08 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
Confirmed this works. After killing thousands of mobs over several weeks with no success, I basically stood at (-1154, 510, -29) and just killed the higher level mob that walked by - as noted about every 5 minutes. Seems the PH spawned either to the south of this location and walked north or it spawned to the north of this location and walked south. After a few hours of doing this, Scourgetail walked from the north right on top of me.
spanning: No Magic Formula
# Jan 10 2023 at 2:43 PM Rating: Excellent
60 posts
spawned date 1/10/23 3:00 pm 15:00 eastern time USA.
Game time Sunday june 22 3191 6 am to 9 am rough estimate on time when thinking about posting.

Was working on Iksar Dakkoit

Was at location -988 +429 -60. I decided to kill any mob heading north along the sand belt
and not past kurn's tower.

I am not sure what the PH is or if Scourgetail Scorpiion just spawns
One spawn spot
# Dec 31 2020 at 12:50 PM Rating: Good
44 posts
Spawn loc: 868, 162, -43

Right on the edge of the brown/green East-North-East from Kurn's. Spawned while I was looking for Cutter and used Highsun to pinpoint his exact spawn location.

Edited, Dec 31st 2020 1:51pm by Treb
# Aug 21 2020 at 7:45 PM Rating: Excellent
258 posts
-1460, 532, -49 (roaming)
How I spawned the Scourgetail Scorpion
# Nov 28 2019 at 7:50 AM Rating: Good
1,069 posts
Thank you to Rondor of Povar for the base information - that this mob has a ph that has a 5 minute timer.

I took out my wizard, grouped it with a 2nd account ranger, removed all my damage shields. Both toons went to Field of Bone and I made sure no one else was in the zone. I then ran around on the wizard and aggroed every mob between Kaesora building and Kurns tower, then killed them all at the same time with 1 AE. I started my timer and swapped over to the ranger. All the trash would repop in the next 5-11 seconds. I would wait for the 5 minute mark and that mob would be a PH. I would then just use the ranger to kill the 1 ph over and over again and after an hour, it spawned ( during 50% extra names time).

I was not sure I had Scourgetail rather than the named Iksar, but I was watching the spawn spots and they were almost ( by the time I got to one it had pathed into the sand) all in the hilly, tree, grass area not on the sandy part. I was hoping that was the difference between Iksar and Scorpion phs.

Some mobs that were phs : a burynai burrower, a scaled wolf stalker, a burynai excavator, an iksar maurader, a bonebinder, an emerald fencer. Seemed random any mob to me, no patterns - I got 4 iksar mauraders in a row at one point.
Where scorpions roam
# Feb 20 2019 at 7:27 PM Rating: Excellent
1,312 posts
Found Scourgetail Scorpion roaming the north-south path between Kaesora and the pit.
# Dec 25 2003 at 3:50 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Mon Dec 29 00:01:32 2003
# Mar 03 2002 at 11:58 PM Rating: Default
Saw this guy yesterday With the help of a 55 enchanter on the way to Kaesora I was able to kill him and he dropped the bracer :) Anyway, my graphics are super screwed at the moment, so I have a picture, but it's really messed up, I can just tell you it looks like a normal heartsting scorpion
# Jan 24 2002 at 12:56 PM Rating: Default
The Scorpion guy spawns outside of Kaesora near entrance(acouple feet off from it) and kinda roams around for a second then stops... then he heads TOWARD not to TOWARD beach and the headsstraight to Kurns tower after that he goes past kurns to a trail(dont know where it leads but its past kurns)and sits there for a long time...................................... then he dissapears (i went back to kaesora and he was there) OK this will answer most if not all questions about this.... You can find out what the item stats and stuff are by clicking on it in item section and clicking on the item you want
Good Bye Crewl World =^)
# May 18 2003 at 8:30 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
The trail the scorpion was gongi down leadas to the beach

btw in the water way out do not go on the big island!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You WILL die form the Tangrin ok
# Jan 24 2002 at 1:11 PM Rating: Default
Same person again ........ I AM A LEVEL 9 IKSAR NECROMANCER ......... I am in the Northern Dessert of Ro Leveling (If im not in NRO im in Oasis of Marr) and i have been to Luclin abunch of times(only other place that i can go for bank instead of going all the way back to cabilis!) i have also been to Crushbone, GFay, BB Mountains, Emerald Jungle(not that far into Jungle i almost died there), FM, Ocean of Tears, Timerous Deep, Freeport,Kaladim docks, FV, FV Docks, and in every zone around Cabilis(Loio, FoB, Sonh, and Warsliks Woods) As you can see you dont have to spend your time *Yawn**Sigh* Leveling *Sigh**Yawn* GO OUT AND BE A ROLE PLAYING MANIAC( I mean come on people this is an all Role Playing Game!)so the second you get level 8(Invisiblity spell) ADVENTURE into the open eyed world of NORRATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello NORRATH =^|>
<( '' )> (>'')> <( ''<) <-- Kirby Dance
# Dec 25 2003 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
at lvl 8 and if you DONT have invis adventure. You dont have to get body back... untill the 10th lvl
Kirby Dance
# Dec 29 2002 at 4:52 AM Rating: Default
Love the Kirby Dance !
# Apr 22 2002 at 1:16 AM Rating: Default
i agree i think iksar newbie area sucks so i took my 9thlv necro to nek forest and have been getting better items,groups and exp
# Jan 02 2002 at 2:25 PM Rating: Default
can someone tell me where he spawn?
lv 19 Sk
#Anonymous, Posted: Dec 24 2001 at 4:39 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) is fob a good place for a 15 lvl warrior and a 15 pally to ???? or not
# Dec 04 2001 at 12:06 AM Rating: Default
I had just started a Iksa warrior and was level five when I got the urge to explore the other side of the pit. I knew it was dangerous, so I made sure to stay a ways away from anything and everything. Well, I come to the gates of a huge wall of a city type place and start exploring. Lo and behold, I stumble into Kaesora. I immediately scattered when I saw a transparent type mob wander by. When I came out, all had gone from the entrance to the ramp to Kaesora, found meself alone, back to wandering. Well, I wander outside the gates again and alluvasudden, an absolutely huge scorpion scampers by, I freaked and ran for the nearest ramp, but a greater skel jumped me and I was dead in 3 or four hits. I have learned me lesson about the harsh unknown
RE: Geez
# Dec 25 2003 at 3:54 PM Rating: Decent
lol i felt the same way with my sk and i pretty much did samething as you with the kaesora thing and i fell down hole and died so i went back and WHAM im dead from the evil pickle killer scorpion lol
# Sep 05 2001 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent
Killed this yesterday. It was blue to a 20 monk. Had a Scourgetail Whip 5/30 proc:weak poison 5lbs.
# Aug 13 2001 at 5:32 AM Rating: Default
i watched a lvl 13 sk fight and die, but he left the scourgetail so weak i was able to kill it myself, with just normal attack, despite being a lvl 6 sk. Oh, it did half my life in two hits though. ;)
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 10 2001 at 8:39 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) read the title!
how often
# Jul 31 2001 at 3:57 AM Rating: Default
Does anyone know when he spawns? Everyone seems to know where but that doesn't do any good if he never spawns. If anyone knows plz post it would be greatly appriciated.
burynai caller
# Jul 24 2001 at 8:59 AM Rating: Default
I was outside the pit next to kurns while a guy in my group went out and started soloing.I went back to where he still was and i saw him fighting the burynai caller which i have never seen before.
saw it, pulled it, dead
# May 17 2001 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
I was in FoB yesterday playing my 14th iksar warrior yesterday soloing just outside of the pit. I usually run from the kaesora-pit exit up to the next exit across from the center of the pit and hunt outside there for giant scorps, bandits, burrowers, etc...
Anyway I was sitting down recovering from battle when I notice an exceptionally large scorpion walk by. It was close enough for me to see its name (scourgetail). I didn't bother conning it or pulling as I was still too weak. About an hour later I was grouped with a couple others and we saw him again near the same area, we were parked in the middle exit on kaesora side, on the outside of the pit up on ledge. We killed him pretty easy and he dropped the bracer. Wish I won the roll, 4ac and stats beats 5ac and no stats imo.

Group was...
Iksar Warrior 14th
Highelf Wizardess 13th
Gnome Enchanter 15th
# Mar 17 2001 at 3:38 PM Rating: Default
I found this guy wandering between kurn's tower and kaesora. Took him with my lvl 12 warrior, he was a fairly tough fight but he did drop the bracer. Nice item for newbie.
#Anonymous, Posted: Feb 16 2001 at 3:36 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I am lvl 16 now so i will be able to kick this buggers *** IF i meet him and the bracer sounds pretty good mighty go for a pretty penny to some newbie with crap all. i might not need it i have banded bracer and burynai bracer(greater scalebones drop sometimes)
# Jan 12 2001 at 5:06 PM Rating: Default
When i was level 14 i found him roaming outside Kurns above the Pit. I killed him and he dropped the bracer. It is nice for such a low level creature. I also found the byrunai caller out there too. Good Luck to all.
#Anonymous, Posted: Jan 12 2001 at 5:06 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) When i was level 14 i found him roaming outside Kurns above the Pit. I killed him and he dropped the bracer. It is nice for such a low level creature. I also found the byrunai caller out there too. Good Luck to all.
# Dec 28 2000 at 4:13 AM Rating: Default
ive been in FoB nearly my whole 15 levels (13 and 14 were in Kurns, heh) and have never seen a scourgetail. seen a great many heartstings, giants, larges, and regular scorpions but never one of these. i have fought scorpions all over the pit area as well as near Cabilis and near the Kaesora zone but never seen one of these buggers. i wonder if some non-scorpion beastie is a PH for a scourgetail...
RE: dang
# Dec 29 2000 at 7:20 PM Rating: Default
I spent about 20 hours in FoB last few days killing everything and didnt get him to spawn. I was even killing that named skelle by Kaesora
One place he spawns....
# Dec 22 2000 at 9:13 PM Rating: Default
last time i saw him i only had a lvl 10 char so i couldnt kill him, but i saw him spawn infront of the Kaesora zone, out side the walls though. that is the only time ive seen him spending 7 levels camped there.
RE: One place he spawns....
# Feb 16 2001 at 3:30 PM Rating: Default
Is kaesora that big castle type place behind the newbie side of the pit?
# Dec 14 2000 at 2:41 AM Rating: Default
been in fob for 15 levels now and i never seen this guy.. does he spawn in the pit outside the pit.. by the beach woods? anyone know... i would love to have a bracer or two since they are better then my monk quest bracers.. and prolly lot faster if i can find the thing.. sad that a low level rare scorp drops better bracers then a 20th level somewhat epic quest ... anyway if you see him tell him to stand still and figure out where he was and is going then kill him n tell me please thanks
RE: whereisthisbugger
# Jan 12 2001 at 5:05 PM Rating: Default
I am sorry i didn't catch this one sooner. I hve killed it and received the bracer. I found him outside of kurns abovce the pit. I have also found the byrunai caller there too. I killed hiim around lev 14 but have not seen him since and i am 24 now. Good Luck to all!
#Anonymous, Posted: Jan 12 2001 at 5:05 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I am sorry i didn't catch this one sooner. I hve killed it and received the bracer. I found him outside of kurns abovce the pit. I have also found the byrunai caller there too. I killed hiim around lev 14 but have not seen him since and i am 24 now. Good Luck to all!
#Anonymous, Posted: Jan 12 2001 at 5:04 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I am sorry i didn't catch this one sooner. I hve killed it and received the bracer. I found him outside of kurns abovce the pit. I have also found the byrunai caller there too. I killed hiim around lev 14 but have not seen him since and i am 24 now. Good Luck to all!
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 14 2001 at 4:19 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) STOP SAYIN TH SAME THING!
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