Aten Ha Ra  

Quest NPC

Uploaded July 27th, 2017 by Neromoon1
Updated July 29th, 2017

In Vex Thal: Aten Ha Ra is the end-game boss of the Shadows of Luclin expansion. Her Spawn time is 7 days or instant after a server-down and her total hitpoints are around 1.75 million.. "Akevan Warders" present in her room indicate other mobs in the zone are still up and that she will be casting a 100k Deathtouch often if engaged.

  • HP Estimate: 1.75 million
  • Single-Target Rampages: Yes

In the Plane of Shadow: Located in the palace entrance room, just north of the zone-in area. For all things Rain of Fear, check out this overview of the expansion.

Immune to stuns.

Categories: EverQuest | Templatized
This page last modified 2017-07-09 06:26:42.

Level: 100
Expansion: Rain of Fear
Effects Used:Ritual of Summoning
NPC Added: 2013-04-17 16:33:31
NPC Last Updated: 2020-11-14 18:07:44

Known Habitats:
  Plane of Shadow

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