Guard Nash  


Level: 40
Expansion: Original
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2020-06-28 23:08:58

Known Habitats:
  Qeynos Hills
Factions Increased:
  Circle of Unseen Hands +50
  Corrupt Qeynos Guards +30
Factions Decreased:
  Merchants of Qeynos -20
  Antonius Bayle -30
  Guards of Qeynos -200

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Related Quest
# Jun 27 2020 at 12:27 AM Rating: Excellent
528 posts
Killed as part of this quest

Edited, Jun 27th 2020 1:27am by Bobbybick
Faction info for killing Guard Nash
# Apr 09 2015 at 10:53 AM Rating: Good
1,563 posts
First let me say this guy is very MR, and very FR. Fire pet did little damage, had to dismiss it and summon water pet who did a little better. Be prepared for a tough battle!

[Sat Mar 07 15:15:33 2015] Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos has been adjusted by -200.
[Sat Mar 07 15:15:33 2015] Your faction standing with Antonius Bayle has been adjusted by -30.
[Sat Mar 07 15:15:33 2015] Your faction standing with Corrupt Qeynos Guards has been adjusted by 30.
[Sat Mar 07 15:15:33 2015] Your faction standing with Circle Of Unseen Hands has been adjusted by 50.
[Sat Mar 07 15:15:33 2015] Your faction standing with Merchants of Qeynos has been adjusted by -20.
[Sat Mar 07 15:15:33 2015] You gain experience!!
[Sat Mar 07 15:15:33 2015] Guard Nash's corpse says 'My comrades will avenge my death.'
[Sat Mar 07 15:15:38 2015] You receive 1 platinum, 2 gold and 5 copper from the corpse.
[Sat Mar 07 15:15:43 2015] --You have looted a Qeynos Kite Shield.--
[Sat Mar 07 15:15:44 2015] --You have looted a Malleable Loam.--
[Sat Mar 07 15:15:45 2015] --You have looted a Fine Steel Short Sword.--
[Sat Mar 07 15:15:47 2015] --You have looted a Head of Guard Nash.--
# May 22 2004 at 10:53 PM Rating: Decent
I tried this chump with my 53 Druid. I started off with half mana and figured that it would be an easy fight. Well I ran out of mana and had to zone. He resisted my snare everytime and only one or 2 DOT's stuck before I ran out. I medded up and went in again. I didn't bother with snare and just casted conjuration DOT's and still restisted quite a bit. But I got enough of them to stuck and finally won the battle. He took me down to 13% because of cast times and him being able to teleport right up to me thanks to DX9.
RE: Owned
# Mar 10 2005 at 1:52 AM Rating: Decent
as a 53 necromancer i have killed him quite a few times now i have his head and cant figure out what its for? any clues.........
Tough SOB
# Sep 07 2003 at 2:20 PM Rating: Decent
Me (50 enchanter) and a 56 cleric took him out today, resisted all my spells excpt Tash, cleric couldn't land anything either, so we ended up letting my pet tank it and the cleric healed and sent in the hammer. Overall it was a pretty tough fight and we were both OOM at the end.
52 BST
# Sep 03 2003 at 3:39 AM Rating: Decent
Wimp. Resists are very high though, resisted every slow. But from there on out he was eaten. Hit me 5 times in a 50 second battle. Hit me for 49, 49, kick for 20, 95, 115, and from there he ran.
RE:RE: nash cons 45ish
# Aug 04 2003 at 5:54 AM Rating: Decent
LOL i have killed him many times as a 51 necro <because we rule> just send in pet BoD hot pet sit keep your healing shadows on pet and BoD up relax and enjoy the show
# Jun 09 2003 at 3:41 AM Rating: Decent
Well im back and making my way around Norrath to kill everything while this guy was on the path and instead of giving him a hand with that rapid grizzly bear he was killing i owned him in a matter of seconds comon nash you should know better to attack a animal while a ranger was around GIMME YOUR HEAD BISH
Re: Oh please
# Apr 08 2003 at 7:09 PM Rating: Decent
this guy hits really really hard and has uber (my 36 SK that is) and my 40 cleric friend took him out today, he droppedd a head each time we killed him, along with a fine steel long and qeynos kite, dont have a SS but can take one, still have head =) if you dont believe me e-mail me at for SS

36 ShadowKnight of Bertoxxulous
Proud Member of Epic Shadows
#REDACTED, Posted: Oct 15 2002 at 5:22 AM, Rating: Unrated, (Expand Post) I'm a 52 Mage. I summoned my pet full phantom plate armor for AC, gave him an elemental defender for more AC, and dmg shielded him with Shield of Lava. Nash resisted all my nukes so that they only hit for 12dmg so I stopped. Pet beat the **** out of Nash and had half power left. He's a ***** if you know how to fight him. And by the way, stupid dumbass Illia's beastiary is WRONG because it says Nash gives GOOD faction with Qeynos Guards. And now you have set my faction even lower. Thanks you ****** tards
Just Looted..
# Jun 07 2002 at 6:18 AM Rating: Default
Just looted his head, anyone know what quest it is for??

Smakkemz Soulsmakker


Noble Alliance
RE: Just Looted..
# Aug 17 2002 at 3:15 PM Rating: Decent
Also just looted his head, still no ideas looking around jaggedpine right now for some answers.
RE: Just Looted..
# Apr 28 2004 at 1:02 PM Rating: Decent
Looted Head last night. It is probably not Jaggedpine as this guy is on guards of qeynos and merchants of qeynos faction (not corrupt guards). I would try qeynos aqueducts personally. I don't think anyone has made a character that started there in a long time. heheh.

-Forzz, 44 DE Cleric <evil legions> drinal
Oh please
# Sep 22 2001 at 12:35 PM Rating: Default
Everyone should know by now that these high lvl guards punch WAY above their weight,its mainly the massive hp that fools people.I've watched a 50 mage trying to fool with Nash...he had his pet destroyed in 20 secs and then ran away,I've also watched a 52 necro have a go...he at least got Nash to half life before his pet was turned to bone chips.Nash hits for 120 max and that makes people think hes easy,but you have to count a triple attack (360),a kick(80), a punch (100)and hes also very fast. As for all the idiots who say they wooped has ***...i suppose you have screenshots to prove it?
HehHeh..thought not, and if you really did beat him then maybe its time you had a go at Lancot-please post a SS of you wooping his *** too.
RE: Oh please
# Apr 13 2003 at 3:57 PM Rating: Default
I just whooped him today(54 warrior), not very hard, I was at half life before the fight too. Not a whole lot of HPs like people say. Hits hard, but not often with the right AC. Drops the head.

Kriste Awmighty
54 Warrior
Solusek Ro
RE: Oh please
# Mar 20 2003 at 1:33 PM Rating: Decent
actually I kicked the snot out of him, no screen shot, but got his head in the bank to prove it, took a while because his resists are INSANE, but I'm a bard, so when he resisted it meant nothing more then a longer kite, he seems to be weak to disease and posion, not REALLY weak, but those have to be his lowest because thats ALL that whould stick on him.

Edited, Thu Mar 20 13:28:56 2003
RE: Oh please
# Dec 30 2001 at 11:40 AM Rating: Default
Im a 52 Necro. Ive killed this chump before. Its easy.

Cast pet, buff pet then send em in. When pet gets below 1/4 life run a good distance till you see pet drop off target. at that time stop, cast pet, buff pet. by this time the fool is running over to you for another round.

only took me two pets and two pet buffs. Cake work and some decent exp.

You want a screen shot? send me an email.
# Aug 21 2001 at 8:32 PM Rating: Excellent
Found this guy to be quite magic resistant, as 47 Troll shaman figured I'd have some lunch. At FM he reisted all my "eat the guard for lunch" spells. After he taught Labn00 not to interfere with him, a promptly ran to north qeynos like a screamming school girl
Guard Nash
# Aug 20 2001 at 5:31 AM Rating: Decent
40 posts
I am camping Neclo there at guard tower and Guard Nash has passed by a few times. I am a lvl 54 and he conned blue to me.
# Jul 30 2001 at 12:58 PM Rating: Default
Guud Mojo
# May 28 2001 at 10:19 PM Rating: Default
Nash is a *****. I killed him with mny 50 pet and im 58 Shanmen. I was in Qeynos Hills and was bored so i was playing out round. I took on everyone in Qeynos Hills that was KOS to me and im a troll by the way. NAsh tok about 2 mins with me pet and i had 3 Hp bars of health when i was done with him. The only challange was the blue Qeynos City Guards they was nice xp hehe. So Root works with Nash just took about 24 trys.

Troll Guud Mojo
lvl 58
#Anonymous, Posted: May 28 2001 at 10:14 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
Guard Nash
# Jan 03 2001 at 2:07 AM Rating: Default
If you attack Talyn Shoontar the master poacher, Guard Nash will kill you.
RE: Guard Nash
# Mar 28 2001 at 10:12 AM Rating: Decent
# May 29 2000 at 2:43 AM Rating: Decent
This guys is definately NOT level 4. And he has a nasty habit of ksing from everone in sight( He even kses from me if he is out of sight) Stay away!
# Apr 22 2000 at 6:47 PM Rating: Decent
This guy is not 50. I con him blue at lvl 47
nash cons 45ish
# Jan 14 2001 at 11:52 AM Rating: Default
nash cons 45ish but if u even try to kill him u will be wooped, ive seen lvl 54 necros die from him, and i mean nash didnt even break a sweat, he res all there spells ate there pet and just wooped them so hes a miss con like everything else in the dame game
RE: nash cons 45ish
# Feb 08 2001 at 3:45 AM Rating: Good
wrong, wooped his but and i was lvl 45 at the time. he cons even to 40 still. A 54 necro dies to him then they were not much of a necro.
RE: nash cons 45ish
# Jul 21 2003 at 8:23 AM Rating: Default
You can have the best 54 necro out there with the best possible gear and he will still lose because Guard Nash will always resist any spell. If you dont believe me just try it yourself.
RE: nash cons 45ish
# Jul 15 2004 at 5:08 PM Rating: Decent
14 posts
I did do this myself but I was not 54. I was 52 and all I did was send my 49 pet in and casted Splurt on Nash.

None of my other spells would land, even my debuff "Scent of Teris". I tried, Bond of Death, Envenonmed bolt, and engulfing darkness. I am not sure if there are other spells that will stick on him. I do know I killed Nash two times today and splurt landed every time.

The fight lasted 2 mins, and he had knocked my pet down to 20% of life and Nash was at 30%. So what I did was, started to cast another pet, before the spell went off, I told my pet to go away, and my new pet killed him.

It was rather simple, and I then proceeded to kill the tower guards, the monk and wizard and Holly. I suggest you look more into things before posting stuff.
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