Me went into dah frog town to do some raidin, kill some frogs and get some stuff. Me SK of 30 seasons, so me can gather dah shadows arounds me and sneaks around without being seen. Me moves stealf...stelth...stelf...real quiet like through frog town and see dis jail - dey holding dah young trolls prisoner. Me knows dey young cause dey only half dah size of me.
So me sneaks up on frog jailer and chop of his head with me wieghted axe. But den dah other frogs sees me and all rush to me and attack. Me not worried - me drop me axe and draw me ******* sword (it made of blacked alloy - it good) and me fights dah frogs. It tough fight, but when it done, me standing and dere lots of dead frogs laying around - me got some good coin, a fine steel sword and plenty of meat for cookin.
But der a problem - when me bust open dah locks to dah cells, dah young trolls not want to leave - me try talkin to dem, but dey not say a word - dey even look at me dubiously like me dah enemy?!? Me a SK and me not tink me had a heart, but seeing what dem frogs did to dem poor young trolls made dah dust get in me eyes and water dem up real bad - me real mad too, so since me mad me obviously not cryin - just dust.
Before me could descide what tuh do, one of dem frogs dat got away in dah fight brought back him buddies and me have nudder big fight on me hand - me had to fight all dah way back to dah swamp and leave lots of dead frogs behind me, but me vows to comes back and avenj...avanjj...gets even for dem young trolls one day.
YOU CANT FREE THE STUPID TROLL. if you can get exp from the troll then the frogloks would probably kill you because you are too low level. just ignore the stupid trolls they are just there for decoration.
this thing looks just like the one in warrior guild in the guild.. there's a frogok in a jail cell.. in froglock land.. they have a troll in the jail cell.. brb.. phone rings and rings.. Basher lord picks up phone..froglok tongue " i am willing to trade your slave then i will give you your warrior back deal?" the troll replied "hehe.. bring him outside.. i will be gladly to trade." the troll walks and walks with the froglock.. the froglocks carries the troll.. the troll drops the frog.. the frog drops the troll.. then out of no where 45 froglocks jumped out from the water.. they had kidnapped Basher lord level 90... it's time for you HUMANS to help us.. :P pnks
Posted:Jul 06 2001 at 3:22 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) An one more ting me gotsa say, yoo dark elvez dats postin bout stoopid trolliez betta shuddup, if yoo wuz on pvp yoo wuld no dat us an da ogrez an iksar iz onlee friendz yoo got, an iksar iz far away, so when yooze gettin swarmed by da little pale 'umiez yoo gonna be wishin yoo had a big trollie or ogre dere ta helpz ya
Posted:Jul 06 2001 at 3:19 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Lotta yooze on panzee normal serverz talk 'bout killin me poor npc brudda trollie, actin like yooze all big an bad, come to da Valon Zek an try too kill me trollie bruder when me iz dere, me gonna bash yoo so gud dat prizner trolliez gonna laugh stead a lookin sad.
No, They don't. So you can just back of the sad troll and kill something else. What kind of guy kills prisoners anyway. I'm a Sk and not even I sink that low.
Posted:Dec 30 2000 at 7:22 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) trolls are mean, they try to eat gnomes.
Posted:Jul 04 2001 at 10:03 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Aww, but come on, look at him, that's pretty sad, even for a troll. Besides, who need gnomes?
Mez here story of troll prisoner in guk. Mez wana save dis troll. Mez not know where dey are. Mez gotz a map from diz guy. It gud map. It gotz per'd colorz on it, it gotz diz guy on it called a "Froglok Warden", maybe he be der?
Mez been tink'n, der dis froglok prozoner in Grobb whoz wana be free too. Mez say o.k. and kill him. LOL; Da Basher not like dat mez ate der lunch and dey chased mez out o town. Dey gotz anoder one now, he wana be free to. Maybe der be a link dere? hmmm.... mez tink on dat for now.
Me barbie shammy and the sight of those trolls almost made me cry. And to think you bloody so called 'lights' kill out those poor lil trollz... Trollz can be very nice when u get to know them (and shrunk trollz are soooo cute), while most pallies are just big stupid tanks that hide their evil soul behind a shiny armor! Stop torturing the lil troll prisonnerz!!!
LoL ok first off no you cannot free them.Two the froglocks will not join in when you kill them nor will the other trolls in the other cells.they drop troll parts thats all :)the faction is obviously a hit against Grobb guards but didnt effect me since im a half elf :)
Lol (stupid Trolls) on a Guk raid on the Tallon Zek server i saw these lil guys looking sooooo sad inside their cages, so i opened it up and blasted the living hell outta him, was quite fun, I was hoping with Positive faction with the Frogloks, but only minus faction with Trolls (Lights don't need Troll faction heh heh)
hehe i agree with you im on vallon zek and im gonna go accompany a friend into lguk to get a MoD i might just blast them on the way for fun.................
Heeroyuy Flowersniffer 31st druid of karana vallon zek officer in "The Bringer of Suffering"
Dat be me brudder Bonebreakur! He finally be found! I is so happi! Me can do trick. Me get froggy meat and spices, then me cook the froggy. Bonebreakur and Spinecrak always eat da froggy.... **cries**