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Round Cut Malachite  

Augmentation Attuneable
Augmentation type: 10 11
WT: 0.0 Size: TINY
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Item Information:
Increases power equivalent to the setting that it is in.

Item Type:Augmentation
Charm Effect:Increases power equivalent to the setting that it is in.
Color (RGB):0, 0, 0
Merchant Value:0 pp 0 gp 5 sp 0 cp
Lucy Entry By:KyrosKrane (Veeshan)
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-07-27 11:42:14
Page Updated:Thu Oct 9th, 2008

Average Price: 5pp Pricing Data...
Rarity: Common
Level to Attain: 1

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Round Cut Malachite (Info/Market)
# Feb 29 2008 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
This slot 10 or 11 augmentation gives you a Sv Poison bonus.

*Warning* Make sure you put it in the right slot if your augmenting trio jewelry. Do your slot 11 aug first to be safe.

Attuneable means you won’t be able to trade the aug once you put it in the item. You can however remove and reuse it when you up-grade to a higher lvl setting for it. The old setting will revert back to tradable form so you can sell or trade that when you’re done using it, but not the aug itself.

To get the full benefit of the aug you must wear the appropriate solo/duo/trio item for your lvl. I’m told that you get the next lvl bonus if you are really close to the rec but I can’t confirm this.

There is a wonderful tool out there for playing with all the different setting and aug combinations. I’d like to give credit to the creator of the “Gnomish Jewelcrafting Gizmonotron” for the basic information on stats here. To it’s creator, my thanks and appreciation. Google the quoted name for the tool and you should get the link. So far in my experience, and the experience of others, the tool has been accurate.

Here’s what you get:

Silver + 1 No lvl Rec
Electrum + 2 No lvl Rec
Gold + 4 Rec lvl 20
Platinum + 5 Rec lvl 35
Vellum + 8 Rec lvl 50
Palladium + 11 Rec lvl 60
Dwerium + 14 Rec lvl 70

This aug has a fairly low trivial and the gem costs about 5 silver so the cost is very low and because some npcs sell these all the time they are easy to get. No farming required.

Warning on Silver:

In my opinion there is no use at all for silver because Electrum has no lvl rec and gives the higher stats even to lvl 1. Unless this changes, Electrum is the twink jewelry.

Now Bazaar Info:

Extended Warning on Silver: The only exception to using these augs in Silver is if you can make it yourself and can’t make or afford something better. If you’re buying a set, keep in mind you pay for the setting and the aug/s that go in it. In most situations there will be better options for low lvl players than silver and usually at a much lower price. Never pay much more than 20plat for silver jewelry, if that. Silver only costs 10 plat and can be enchanted by low lvl players. The stats are better in Electrum even for a lvl 1 player so the value for Silver pieces just isn’t there. There’s no call to charge newbies or anyone else the 1k+ prices for the silver trio that I’ve seen up on Bristlebane.

I’m just not sure now about the market for the slot 10 saves. I’ve only occasionally put them out, and sold a few, but haven’t tested the save market over a long stretch. I know most players are going for HP, Mana, or AC, and some make a grab for stats at lower lvls in order to help hit the cap on the important ones. But I’ve been told that at high lvls the Stats are less desirable because they are capped but the Saves are not. I rarely notice the slot 10 saves up at all, but it’s just possible there is a small market for them similar to the market for the Stats. I wish I could put up more aug choices for people but they take up so much space. Without a good test period I can’t add much else. I would say be careful if you are going to cut some of these for anything other than skill-up. Check the bazaar on your server and then be prepared to have to sell them off to an NPC if they don’t move for you. However, that said, I would try a higher price for these, maybe something around 100plat if that’s competitive, because if my information is correct it’s the high lvl players who will be buying them most and they won’t mind paying for the convenience. But that would just be a guess, I'm not sure. It may be worth a try anyway. Whatever you decide, Good Luck.

Edited, Jun 29th 2008 4:56am by HuntingAnnie
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