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Simple Green Dye  

No Trade Quest Item
WT: 0.1 Size: SMALL
Class: ALL
Race: ALL

Item Type:Armor Dye
Lucy Entry By:xFaeldi
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-07-28 08:24:08
Page Updated:Sat Sep 7th, 2019

Expansion: Serpents Spine The Serpent's Spine

Rarity: Common
Level to Attain: 1

[Quests | Comments ]

Crafted: This item is crafted by players.


This item is used in quests.
Expansion List - Premium only.

Crescent Reach
Quest Name
Simple Green Dye for Crescent Reach

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Simple Green Dye for Crescent Reach
# May 10 2017 at 5:38 AM Rating: Good
671 posts
Recipe: Simple Resin and Green Plant Extract in a medicine bag trivial 38

Simple Green Dye for Crescent Reach

You say, 'Hail, Alchemist Garai

Alchemist Garai says, 'Greetings to you also. Have you come to look at the fine [wares] here in Verlig's or are you looking for [training] in the craft of alchemy?'

You say, 'training'

Alchemist Garai says, 'The Circle of the Crystalwing have decided as a group that the best way to teach is by experience. You will be given a series of tasks that you can use to learn about the skill you are working on. When you are ready, simple tell me that you are [ready to start] and I will assign you a task appropriate for your skill.'

You say, 'ready to start'

The Second Skin is always asking for more dyes. Here is a batch of supplies to make some for them. Be sure to follow the direction given to your carefully, and if you need more supplies, do not hesitate to ask me for more [supplies].

You have been assigned the task 'Simple Green Dye for Crescent Reach'.

Create 20 Simple Green Dye using tradeskills

You receive 20 Simple Resin and 20 Green Plant Extract.

Combine one of each in your medicine bag until you have 20 completed combines (your skill should advance to 38 very quickly).

Deliver 20 Simple Green Dye to Alchemist Garai

You have assisted Crescent Reach

Your faction with the Circle of the Crystalwing has been adjusted by 10.

You gain experience!
Aanuvane Bristlecone 350 Baking, Brewing, Jewelry Making, Tailoring, Blacksmithing, Fletching, Pottery, Research, 250 Fishing
Muertenie Petitmort 350 Master Tinker
Kadcea 350 Master Alchemist
Orelinde 350 Master Poison Maker
Kynsh/Rabon/Atracker and a whole host of additional alts
Povar via Quellious via Rodcet Nife

Simple Green Dye for Crescent Reach
# May 10 2017 at 6:29 PM Rating: Excellent
Kynsh wrote:
Recipe: Simple Resin and Green Plant Extract in a medicine bag trivial 38

Simple Green Dye for Crescent Reach

You say, 'Hail, Alchemist Garai

Alchemist Garai says, 'Greetings to you also. Have you come to look at the fine [wares] here in Verlig's or are you looking for [training] in the craft of alchemy?'

You say, 'training'

Alchemist Garai says, 'The Circle of the Crystalwing have decided as a group that the best way to teach is by experience. You will be given a series of tasks that you can use to learn about the skill you are working on. When you are ready, simple tell me that you are [ready to start] and I will assign you a task appropriate for your skill.'

You say, 'ready to start'

The Second Skin is always asking for more dyes. Here is a batch of supplies to make some for them. Be sure to follow the direction given to your carefully, and if you need more supplies, do not hesitate to ask me for more [supplies].

You have been assigned the task 'Simple Green Dye for Crescent Reach'.

Create 20 Simple Green Dye using tradeskills

You receive 20 Simple Resin and 20 Green Plant Extract.

Combine one of each in your medicine bag until you have 20 completed combines (your skill should advance to 38 very quickly).

Deliver 20 Simple Green Dye to Alchemist Garai

You have assisted Crescent Reach

Your faction with the Circle of the Crystalwing has been adjusted by 10.

You gain experience!

Thanks, all added.
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