I, Sanctimonius Pontificus, Holiest of Paladins, have this day soloed a Servant Swordfish which dropped the tooth.
At lvl 61 I entered SG through CS, pacified the bulthar, pacified the seahorses and swam to the right where the swordfish likes to swim around. I waited in a spot underwater far enough to avoid seahorse aggro.
I was self-buffed only and chain cast Holy Might and Force throughout the fight, pausing once to cast Celestial Cleansing on myself.
Yes I had to LoH. I also had to use 9 out of 10 charges of Stinging Wort, but the fight ended with me at 40% health, the evil fish dead, and me gating to Thurgadin to attempt my 7th Shawl!
Praise Marr!