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Forest Stalker's Vambraces  

No Trade
Slot: ARMS
AC: 24
STR: +2 WIS: +7 AGI: +2 MANA: +30
WT: 6.0 Size: SMALL
Class: RNG
Slot 1, Type 7 (General: Group)
Slot 2, Type 21 (Special Ornamentation)

Item Type:Armor
Appearance:Velious Chain 2
Color (RGB):45, 150, 100
Submitted By:Anaxagoras
Lucy Entry By:unknown
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-07-27 08:29:31
Page Updated:Mon Oct 24th, 2016

Expansion: Scars of Velious Scars of Velious

Rarity: Rare
Level to Attain: 50

[Comments ]

This item is the result of a quest.
Expansion List - Premium only.
Quest Name
Ranger Kael Armor

Zone(s) Found In:

Zone Name
Kael Drakkel

Uploaded November 27th, 2008
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# Mar 17 2004 at 9:40 PM Rating: Decent
The faction to do this quest is not worth your effort. You are better off with Tae Ew Sleeves till you get elemental or Ldon gear.

Tae Ew Sleeves
Weight: 3.0 Size: MEDIUM
Slot: ARMS
AC: +17 Dex: +3 Wis: +3 Agi: +3 Fire Resist: +5 Cold Resist: +5 Mana: +30
Classes: Rogue Shaman Ranger Berserker
Races: All Races
Slot 1: Type 7
Last updated: Tue Mar 2 16:59:55 2004
RE: Faction
# Mar 17 2004 at 11:13 PM Rating: Decent
These Are the ARMS to get !!

Incorporeal Arms of the Specter
Weight: 3.0 Size: MEDIUM
Slot: ARMS
AC: +29 Dex: +6 Sta: +6 Cha: +6 Fire Resist: +7 Cold Resist: +7 Magic Resist: +7 HP: +80 Mana: +70
* Gizula 1492 AP
* Kipler Steffeal 1492 AP

Some questions awnsered
# Nov 06 2002 at 2:50 PM Rating: Good
Hello all --

In an effort to save time I have consolodated a few notes that I have from my scrapbook, and I have posted them in the various Kael quested armour pages to help people out.

1. Yes, Halfling rangers can equip these. The screen shot is pre-halfling-ranger era, and Illia will update if one of us send in a photo.

2. Yes, wonderful AC. Kael Armours tend to be more AC based with lower stats and saves than their CoV faction armour counterparts

3. Yes, there is a soft cap for AC. Most level 60 rangers try to shoot for about 1100/1200 AC and then work either hp, saves, or stats depending on their playstyle and hunting locations.

4. I love my Kael armour as it allows me to focus AC in a few of the items and then a bit more flexable with the other items that I have to focus them on either stats or resists.

5. These are giant faction quested legs. There are 3 major faction groups -- Dorfs, giants and dragons. Giants are further divided into Kromiff, Kromzek, and Tormax faction. In order to do this quest, you will need to get your Kromzek faction to warmly, and it is pretty smart for you to get your Tormax faction to at least Dubious. Kromiff faction is not required ( I was KOS at the time of my turn in), but it makes it a lot easier for you to get around in Kael if you are not concerned about all the Kromiff trash bonking you. (On a side note, I found it a small challenge and a lot of fun attempting to sneek around and camoing trying to get past them all -- the journey is half the fun :-) /giggle)

6. For more details on the quest check out the quest and the required gemmies for each item listed above.

7. For improving your faction there are a series of different quests that you can do to impove your giant factions. It is theorectically possible to become Ally to all 3 Kings (Dorf, CoV, and Tormax) it is very very difficult to maintain these factions if you are in a raiding guild. (To do this Kill giants to improve/max your COV and Dorf fctions and then kill Velks the Sorc about 40 times .. difficult, but not impossible) Most people find that hunting the CoV dragons and drakes while hoping for a set of chain to drop is generally enough. Killing some (100) dorfs, turning in their heads(30 or so) and turning in Kobald paws (eeks I had turned in too many to count) from Velks lab will generally finsh your faction hits off to the point where you can complete the quest.

8. The Kael armour items drop in the Temple of Vesh. in the north and west wings. The west wing is commonly hunted for this purpose. There are a couple points in which to pull to, but I like the "zone out" room if LTK is not up. If she is up then we raid her and then do the armour farming :-)).

9. Generally, a well balanced team of 3 velious equiped groups is the number I try to shot for when we do this. Standard mix of 3 MA type, 2 chanter, 2 shammy, 3 cleric as a baseline, with the critical pieces being a CoV faction mage available to CoTH the raiding groups into whatever location you want to pull to, and some form of FD puller. Round out your 18 people with a smattering of rangers rogues, casters and such, and you should be set for a happy hunt.

10. Watch the gating mobs - mobs gting and getting summoned is never a fun way to have a raid end. (Remember white and blue ... white and blue ...)

Just a few notes and comments. Hope this helps someone :-)
Halfing usable?
# Jun 12 2002 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
Can Halflings Use this armor ?
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 07 2001 at 4:06 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) How much is this worth?
RE: How much is it?
# Aug 19 2001 at 3:51 PM Rating: Default
It's no drop twit.
RE: How much is it?
# May 23 2002 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
It can me multiquested, twit.
RE: How much is it?
# Sep 15 2003 at 8:05 AM Rating: Decent
On top of that ALL VELIOUS quest armors on the fiornia vie server are tradeable, but then again most everything is.
# May 13 2001 at 5:14 AM Rating: Good
I have no idea why the ghoul messenger would come up on the Forest Vambraces page but I'll answer the question anyway. The Ghoul Messenger is part of easy 2 step quest(1-Kill 2-Give note in) for the Short Sword of Morin(6/22 some stats) also known as the SSoM. However with the introduction of Velious-native weapons, it makes the SSoM obsolete.

As for you asking that question, you are in for christ sakes. You could've found that out within 3-4 clicks.

For the first question, I am having trouble deciphering your grammar. But according to what I can understand: I have never engaged in pure-PvP combat or guild-wars so I cannot answer that question. Chances are that guild wars dont occur very often. Unless ofcourse that you play on the "Zeks."
#Anonymous, Posted: May 09 2001 at 10:50 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) what type of ranger only weapon does the ghoul messenger drop? It it a good weapon or not?
# Apr 03 2001 at 11:19 AM Rating: Default
i have a ? if any yur in a guild war and some1 kills u can they take a item of yurs if so can they take a no drop item
RE: Question
# Mar 29 2002 at 3:15 PM Rating: Decent
No Drop items are exactly that - no drop. which means if you are killed in PvP the person cannot loot them because they are on a PC's corpse. That should answer your question if i read it right.
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