I noticed that there is a lot of 'new' smithing items. The question is how much does it cost to make, and then how much would they be sold for? Some tier'dal armor is just not worth the cost when you can buy sebilite, crusty or darkforge for the same price or less. Let me know if you play in Lanys T'Vyl
guess its a stupid question since i dont know anything about mistmoore, but what do trolls from grobb have to do with mistmoore? would have more expected this to drop from there.
All of these new troll cultural items are recycled items. So this uses the venerable old MM shields in it's recipe, hence the name. Same things with the yaks and everything else. They scavenge the old items and make them better. I think it's really a cool concept.
wow! thats awesome! all you paladins of innoruk are going to love this!
lol, seriously though, this is a very nice shield, wouldn't be supprised to see quite a few of the evil shadow knights using this when their not using the big 2-handers. would work nice with a greenmist.
"how many twinks does it take to ***** up a lightbulb?"
Yes very awesome, gonna equip my druid with it as soon as i got funding for it. Bought the shield for a minor casters-raid and suffered the wis stats in favor of sv, used it ever since that experience. And hopefully i can find that master smitty with trophee that upgrades this shield. Even more sv's additional mana plus extra wis. Wich means i can trade in my velium jasterring for velium diamond ring to get even more sv's. This shield will surely let me beef up my resists in several ways. Virtually every class should have it but int casters are excluded, oh well at least some ppl might enjoy those stats for tradeskilling.