Player of the Week: Zatra

(Date Posted: August 8, 2008)

Real Name: Mark
Allakhazam Name: mvillanova
Character Name: Zatra
Character Race: Iksar
Character Class: Shadow Knight
Current Level: 75
Current AA Count: ~250
Deity: Cazic-Thule
Server: The Combine
Guild: Shattered Equilibrium
Guild Website:
Guild Rank: Leader
Length of Time in Guild: 1 year
Real World Location: Texas
Career / Employment Industry: Research Scientist, McAfee Inc.
Hobbies: Fishing
Family? Married, 2 kids, son Cavan - level 75 Beastlord in my guild
A Short Biography: 35 years old, spend a lot of time at home with my kids or out camping and fishing with them.

Besides EverQuest, what other MMORPGs have you played?
WoW (hated it), EQ2 (hated it), AoC is OK but it's not EverQuest.

How did you find out about EverQuest, and when did you begin playing?
Had many friends who played years ago but I was too busy then. One day my son asked me to buy him a new game for his PC so we went and looked around. EQ caught his eye so we bought it. This was about a year and a half ago.

Do you know anyone in real life who plays EverQuest?
Just my son. Many of my old coworkers used to, but switched to WoW.

How did you come up with your main character's name?
Random like most of my toons. I often take a random and cut it shorter for ease of use.

What factors affected your choice of race / class for your main character?
I like the thought of being evil. The added challenge of being KoS everywhere was a bonus for me. I also liked a hybrid class, magic and melee mayhem in one.

About how often do you play EverQuest, and how long is a typical playing session for you?
I play nightly and all day Saturday. I'm the tank so it's normally helping on epic hits, tanking a grind group or helping level lower level guildees.

How do you spend your time in game?
I try to do it all: questing, grinding and seeing zones I've never seen before. Yesterday I went to Kael and killed everything (sadly King Tormax was not up). Later we went on an epic hit in Western Wastes and stayed to kill all the major dragons. I like new experiences.

What other class/race combinations have you levelled past 35?
Did I say i prefer evil races?
72 Dark Elf Cleric Kala
59 Iksar Shaman Khortiz
57 Dark Elf Wizard Uumr

Approximately how much of the EverQuest world have you experienced?
I like to think 10% but its probably less. The last few hotzone sets led me to new places. Lately I am going to older zones solo just to see them.

What is your favourite expansion?
I'd say Velious. The zones are so creative and fun to be in.

What is your least favourite expansion?
Ykesha, the least creative, it seems to me like they rushed this one.

What is your favourite zone?
Kurn's Tower! How can you not love Kurn's?

What is your least favourite zone?
The Hole - Epic 1.0 SUCKED.

What is your favourite NPC?
The jester of bristlebane! Cool heals/mana at random.

What is your least favourite NPC?
The jester of bristlebane! I hate shrink!!

What is your favourite raid encounter?
I think raiding Arcstone for guildees to get the cloak/ring/augment. It was one of my first raids and we wiped time after time so now its fun to spend a day killing those named and members get pretty excited over the gear.

If the war between Firiona Vie and Lanys T`Vyl erupted again, which side would you take?
Evil must triumph over good!

Describe your most memorable moment or proudest accomplishment in game.
My son's Shaman epic 1.0. He was so proud that he was one of the first in the guild to get it. My 1.0 as well since I had to do most of it alone. Did I say I hate The Hole?

What is the largest amount of platinum you have ever had at one time, and how did you go about accumulating it?
250k. I saved every copper to get cultural armor. Selling goods on my trader, hunting giants, farming gems in Bastion of Thunder. I did whatever it took!

What are some things you would change or implement in order to improve EverQuest?
Pay more attention to the Shadow Knight as a class. We are the best class in the game and they keep taking power away from us, nerfing quests that SK's excel in to make it harder for us and all around screwing us as a class.

What types of spells, skills, disciplines, and/or alternate abilities would you like to see added to your class?
Lifetap plants, just kidding - they already did that. What were they thinking!? Overall I am pretty happy with the class. I would like to see a riposte disc. I think we are great tanks but this would even us out with the other tank classes.

If you were responsible for organizing and running a GM event, what would it be and how would it play out?
Yeah I'm not so big on that kind of thing. Let's all drink some Minotaur brew and go raid Crushbone.

If you had to start over from scratch, what race/class combination would you choose?
Iksar Shadow Knight. I cannot imagine a better class for me.

How do you describe EverQuest to your coworkers or computer-illiterate friends?
I don't.

What is next for you in the world of EverQuest?
More raiding for my guild, more clicky items for myself and seeing more of the EQ world.

** Pick the winner in a battle between...

Kaladim vs Oggok - Oggok, Kaladim guards are gimp. I know they try to kill me often.

Innoruuk, the Prince of Hate vs Cazic Thule, the God of Fear - Cazic-Thule, Inny is a wuss.

Orcs of Crushbone vs Gnolls of BlackBorrow - Gnolls but not by much.

Muramites of Discord vs the Drachnids of Darkhollow - Muramites, how can a spider defeat those Kyv archers?

Meldrath the Malignant vs Mayong Mistmoore - Never killed or been killed by either, can't call it.

Tradeskilling vs Questing - Questing.

Instance Zones vs Static Zones - Instanced, no trains, no fighting over camps, peace and quiet to do murder and mayhem.

Monster Missions vs Project M (PvP as Monsters) - Both suck.

Soloing vs Pick-Up Groups - Soloing, people do some of the dumbest things sometimes.

GM (real people) Events vs Scripted (computerized) Events - Whatever.

Arena Royal Rumble vs 1-on-1 Duel - Dueling, man against man.

Kunark vs Velious - Velious just for the scenery!

Planes of Power vs Gates of Discord - Planes, genius... just genius.

Depths of Darkhollow vs Omens of War - Omens.. MUSHROOMS!? Thats almost as bad as frogs!

The Serpent's Spine vs Secrets of Faydwer - SoF is not open on my server.

Ranger vs Druid - Druid, I mean come on. DS and AFK, Ranger dead.

Bard vs Enchanter - Bard, play some funky music white boy.

Monk vs Rogue - Monk, where did he g... Loading.

Paladin vs Shadow Knight vs Warrior - SK all the way!! Pallys are girls and Warriors are too dumb to even compete with them!

Allakhazam vs Illia - Illwhat? is that next to Undershore?

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