Player of the Week: Wuvarien

(Date Posted: February 9, 2006)

Real Name: Matt
Character Name: Wuvarien
Character Race: High Elf
Character Class: Paladin
Deity: Tunare
Server: Stromm
Guild: Euphoric Aftermath
Guild Rank: Member
Guild Website:
Length of Time in Guild: 10 months
Real World Location: England
Career / Employment Industry / Current Level of School: College

Besides EverQuest, what other MMORPGs have you played?
WoW - hated the animated graphics.

How did you find out about EverQuest, and when did you begin playing?
I used to play Runescape (shiver) but then started to look for something a bit more complex. I started playing in Sept '03.

Do you know anyone in real life who plays EverQuest?

How did you come up with your main character's name?
Just kept pressing the random name button (I didn't know you could choose your name >.<

What factors affected your choice of race / class for your main character?
The values of a paladin and the high elf look seemed to appeal to me.

About how often do you play EverQuest, and how long is a typical playing session for you?
Every week or so, and roughly around 3 hours.

How do you spend your time in game?
Grouping or raiding.

What other class/race combinations have you levelled past 35?
Beastlord - Vah Shir
Necromancer - Gnome
Cleric - High Elf
Shadowknight - Iksar
Paladin - High Elf

Approximately how much of the EverQuest world have you experienced?

What is your favourite expansion?
Dragons of Norrath - loved the dragon theme.

What is your least favourite expansion?
Prophecy of Ro - was useless to me.

What is your favourite zone?
Unrest - the memories.

Describe your most memorable moment or proudest accomplishment in game.
Getting my 1.5.

What is the largest amount of platinum you have ever had at one time, and how did you go about accumulating it?
35k, went on a spending spree in bazaar.

If you had to start over from scratch, what race/class combination would you choose?
Iksar Shaman.

What is next for you in the world of EverQuest?
My 2.0.

** Pick the winner in a battle between...

Felwithe vs Neriak - Felwithe
Solusek Ro, Lord of Flame vs Karana, the Rainkeeper - Karana
Muramites of Discord vs the Drachnids of Darkhollow - Muramits
Tradeskilling vs Questing - Tradeskilling
Instance Zones vs Static Zones - Static Zones
Monster Missions vs Project M (PvP as Monsters) - Neither
Soloing vs Pick-Up Groups - Soloing
Guild Raiding vs Grouping With Friends - Grouping with Friends
GM (real people) Events vs Scripted (computerized) Events - GM Events
Arena Royal Rumble vs 1-on-1 Duel - Arena Royal Rumble
Faydwer vs Odus - Faydwer
Kunark vs Velious - Kunark
Planes of Power vs Gates of Discord - Planes of Power
Depths of Darkhollow vs Omens of War - Omens of War
Bard vs Enchanter - Bard
Monk vs Rogue - Monk
Paladin vs Warrior - Paladin
Allakhazam vs Illia - Allakhazam.