Player of the Week: Walex

(Date Posted: August 17, 2007)

Real Name: Dayton
Allakhazam Name: Walex
Character Name: Walex
Character Race: Dwarf
Character Class: Warrior
Deity: Brell Serilis
Server: Xegony
Guild: Iratus Lepus
Guild Website:
Guild Rank: Member
Length of Time in Guild: 4 months
Real World Location: Redmond, Washington
Career / Employment Industry / Current Level of School: I am a sophmore in high school and I work at Pacific Sunwear which is a clothing store.
Hobbies: EverQuest, long walks on the beach, bike riding
Family? an older brother (who got me started on EQ) an older and a younger sister.

Besides EverQuest, what other MMORPGs have you played?
My friend gave me a week long trial to WoW. It was just a waste of my time, the graphics made my eyes hurt and the gameplay just wasnt there for me. Other than that, just EQ for me.

How did you find out about EverQuest, and when did you begin playing?
My brother got me hooked on EverQuest while he was a beta tester (yes, I was 8 years old). I tested a little bit with him and have been playing ever since with no breaks.

Do you know anyone in real life who plays EverQuest?
One of my friends from when i lived in Arizona but he has since quit. Other than that, no.

How did you come up with your main character's name?
I wanted a short one that people would not mind typing and then just used the name generator.

What factors affected your choice of race / class for your main character?
My brother played a dwarf cleric and we decided to go for the warrior / cleric combo so we could duo mobs. I picked a dwarf because thats what he was.

About how often do you play EverQuest, and how long is a typical playing session for you?
I usually log on 5-6 days a week and usually play about 5 or 6 hours at a time.

How do you spend your time in game?
Mostly I only log on for raids but on offnights I spend my time doing solo tasks like the TBS hand aug or farming since I'm poor.

What other class/race combinations have you levelled past 35?
A 58 human monk, a 68 wood elf druid, a 35 high elf magician, a 43 darkelf cleric (on Firiona Vie) and a 75 dwarf warrior.

Approximately how much of the EverQuest world have you experienced?
Nearly all of it. The only expansion I havent entered close to every zone in is TBS.

What is your favourite expansion?
Ruins of Kunark. To me, this expansion was when raids really took off. I loved the Trakanon raids.

What is your least favourite expansion?
Legacy of Ykesha. Seems like a waste of space to me and an attempt for soe to get money out of me. I never had much to do in there.

What is your favourite zone?
Karanor's Castle. I pretty much was there for all of my 50's and now whenever I go back I have fun farming all the named mobs and visiting Venril Sathir for payback.

What is your favourite NPC?
Trakanon because I loved raiding him and now whenever I have free time I go back and farm him.

What is your favourite raid encounter (if different from NPC)?
Mayong Mistmoore in Demiplane: All the mechanics behind it and how there is no room for error makes me sit on the edge of my seat and that adrenaline feels good.

If the war between Firiona Vie and Lanys T`Vyl erupted again, which side would you take?
Firiona Vie because I'm a good guy.

Describe your most memorable moment or proudest accomplishment in game.
When I finally finished my epic 1.0. It wasnt even an upgrade for me by the time I finished it but it took me 2 years from the time i finished it and it felt great to finally have it done.

What is the largest amount of platinum you have ever had at one time, and how did you go about accumulating it?
About 700k. I mostly got it from farming kunark mobs and selling the loot. I duoed Lord Nagafen a couple of times and got big money for some of his loots.

What are some things you would change or implement in order to improve EverQuest?
I never liked the trash clearing on raids. Seems like a waste of time to me. Tacvi was perfect with only I think 2 mobs between each named mob. Also, the petition system is pretty lame too. I would fix the rez bug too. I hate LD.

What types of spells, skills, disciplines, and/or alternate abilities would you like to see added to your class?
A dicipline that heals would be nice. Perhaps something that exchanges endurance for health.

If you were responsible for organizing and running a GM event, what would it be and how would it play out?
In the Rathe Mountains there would be a named hill giant guarded by a bunch of higher level hill giants and whoever kills the named in the center gets the loot.

If you had to start over from scratch, what race/class combination would you choose?
I would definitely pick a human monk. A human because i hate Cabilis and a monk because of all the special abilities they get...mainly Feign Death and mend, the DPS they dish out is nice too.

How do you describe EverQuest to your coworkers or computer-illiterate friends?
Since most of my friends play WoW, I tell them its the same idea as WoW...just way better.

What is next for you in the world of EverQuest?
My guild just recently killed Mayong Mistmoore and Ayonae Ro and next up is TSS raids. We are working on the faction for those right now.

** Pick the winner in a battle between...

Grobb vs Ak'Anon - Grobb because the trolls would eat the gnomes before they had a chance to do anything.

Giants of Velious vs Akhevans of Luclin - Giants of Velious because...they just would.

Saryrn, the Mistress of Pain vs Terris Thule, the Dream Scorcher - Saryrn because she casts more DoTs and Terris couldn't get cured fast enough...

Muramites of Discord vs the Drachnids of Darkhollow - Muramites because Tacvi trash would own the Hive Queen event.

Tradeskilling vs Questing - Tradeskilling is long and brainless work and questing actually involves strategy and skill.

Instance Zones vs Static Zones - Static zones because I like to talk in /ooc. Instances are lonely.

Monster Missions vs Project M (PvP as Monsters) - Monster missions. They are lame, but the experience they give is crazy and I got a ton of upgrades from them when I was younger.

Soloing vs Pick-Up Groups - As a warrior I can't really solo anything that gives off exp, so that leaves me with grouping. Pickup groups don't usually bother me that much.

Guild Raiding vs Grouping With Friends - Guild raiding. I live to raid. It's the only thing that keeps me playing any more.

GM (real people) Events vs Scripted (computerized) Events - GM events. Its more exciting when the GM's control what the NPC's are doing and they can manipulate the fight more.

Arena Royal Rumble vs 1-on-1 Duel - Arena Royal Rumble. In 1 on 1 duels, one person has the better gear and will win most often but in Royal Rumbles, anything can happen.

Faydwer vs Odus - Faydwer. I never spent much time in Odus but I grew up on Faydwer and always go back when I want to go home.

Kunark vs Velious - Kunark. Cant beat Veeshan's Peak and Trakanon.

Planes of Power vs Gates of Discord - Planes of Power. The progression was amazing. No factioning...and 72 man raids were fantastic.

Depths of Darkhollow vs Omens of War - Omens of War. I have spent so much time in Anguish I know all of the encounters inside and out and every time I go back I love it.

Bard vs Enchanter - Bard. Fading memories trumps everything.

Monk vs Rogue - Monk. A rogue cant kill what he cant backstab, and a monk would FD if he got low anyway.

Paladin vs Warrior - Warrior. No reason other than I play a warrior and have to be confident in myself.

Allakhazam vs Illia - Allakhazam. I dont really have a use for spell info.