Player of the Week: Truheart Puretone

(Date Posted: October 20, 2006)

Real Name: Geoffrey
Character Name: Truheart Puretone
Character Race: Wood Elf
Character Class: Bard
Deity: Bristlebane (are there others?)
Server: The Nameless
Guild: Unyielding
Guild Rank: Member
Guild Website:
Length of Time in Guild: 3 months
Real World Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Career / Employment Industry / Current Level of School: Programmer/Web Development/BS Computer Science
Hobbies: Gaming, Programming, Reading, Sky Diving
Family? Wife (Diniria)
Allakhazam Name: GeoffreyF
Allakhazam Profile: Truheart Puretone

Besides EverQuest, what other MMORPGs have you played?
Ultima Online
Star Wars Galaxies
EverQuest 2
I pretty much try every MMORPG that comes out.

How did you find out about EverQuest, and when did you begin playing?
I happened across EverQuest in the gamestore about 2 weeks after release.

Do you know anyone in real life who plays EverQuest?
Several people including my wife :)

How did you come up with your main character's name?
The first bard that I had was named Trystin Truheart - I deleted him and created a new bard called Truheart and liked the name of the Puretone discipline so I came up with Truheart Puretone.

What factors affected your choice of race / class for your main character?
I wanted a char that could solo if I wanted to. I also wanted to be able to help other chars but do a bit of damage myself. The shaman appealed to me but the bard more so because of the ability to cast (sing) while moving.

About how often do you play EverQuest, and how long is a typical playing session for you?
Every day - typically 6 hours a day.

How do you spend your time in game?

What other class/race combinations have you levelled past 35?
Shaman, necromancer, enchanter, cleric, rogue, warrior, beastlord.

Approximately what percentage of the EverQuest world have you experienced?

What is your favourite expansion?
Omens of War - I enjoyed the challenge of fighting mobs that we were underequiped for at the time. It was very difficult and brought a lot of fun into the game.

What is your least favourite expansion?
Legacy of Ykesha - Boring expansion. Really didn't have much to offer.

What is your favourite zone?
I can't say that I have a favorite zone at this time. It really depends on what I want to do when I'm playing so it varies.

What is your favourite NPC?
I'm not sure if he's there anymore but there was a mob in Innothule that would cast a throwback spell of some type on you if you hailed him. If you positioned yourself corrrectly, he would toss you halfway across the zone :)

If the war between Firiona Vie and Lanys T`Vyl erupted again, which side would you take?
Lanys definitely. I never liked Firiona Vie.

Describe your most memorable moment or proudest accomplishment in game.
Running from Qeynos to Freeport without SOW at level 1. Hey! I found it amusing!

What is the largest amount of platinum you have ever had at one time, and how did you go about accumulating it?
1 million plat. Farming miscellaneous mobs for drops and selling them.

What are some things you would change or implement in order to improve EverQuest?
I'd really like to see a new model update. I think they did a great job with drakkin and I'd like to see this pushed out to the other races.

I'd also like to see an integrated IM client built into EQ so that you could chat with friends on MSN, AIM, Yahoo, etc.

What types of spells, skills, disciplines, and/or alternate abilities would you like to see added to your class?
Although I doubt we'd get it, I would love to see a pseudo rez like shamans and druids get. I can't count the number of times I'm alive after a wipe and nobody is around to get a cleric up.

I'd like more passive aa that would increase our singing abilities.

I'd also like to see them remove the mod cap.

If you were responsible for organizing and running a GM event, what would it be and how would it play out?
I wouldn't do it. GM's are underappreciated and I wouldn't place myself in that position :)

If you had to start over from scratch, what race/class combination would you choose?
Drakkin Mage - it's the only class that I've never toyed with and the drakkin models look damned good.

How do you describe EverQuest to your coworkers or computer-illiterate friends?
I don't. Not only am I a hermit but I'd rather not look like a geek :)

What is next for you in the world of EverQuest?
Finish collecting all of the illusion items!

** Pick the winner in a battle between...

Allakhazam vs Illia - definitely Illia - look at all those mobs she's got to call for help!