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10th Anniversary IRC Dev ChatFollow

#1 Mar 11 2009 at 10:50 AM Rating: Excellent
1,577 posts
You’re cordially invited to an EverQuest Developer Chat, 10 years in the making. That’s right! Celebrate 10 years of EverQuest, with developers both past and present, ZAM style.

Tuesday, March 17th, 4:00pm PST
In the #EQ channel on Allakhazam IRC
General chat during the actual event will be in #EQ-FFA

New to Allakhazam IRC? Instructions here!

The chat will be broken into two half hour segments. In the first segment, questions will focus around the first 10 years of EverQuest. In the second, we'll talk about the future! Want to participate? Here's your chance to ask a question! Please make questions concise, as they're more likely to get answered that way!

Additionally, we're going to try something different this time around. We'll be taking a few of the best questions asked in this thread, and using them during the chat. This way, even if you can't attend the chat, you have the opportunity to ask a question!

Ask away!!

Edited, Mar 17th 2009 11:54am by Tamat
Fly High Daevas,
Tamat ~ Andrew Beegle
Community Manager
#2 Mar 11 2009 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent
One of the best qualities that EQ has is the seemingly parallel balance of its classes. What were the biggest obstacles during the 10 year run to ensure that no class drastically out-powered another, yet allowed them to still be able to work together so efficiently?
#3 Mar 11 2009 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
in light of the lack of server populations to support the current raid game , and all the tension and stress it is causing on a lot of servers especially those with lost of guild close to end game content. why doe soe still finf it reasonable to allow so few customers , to actually see end game content , while it is still viable content, in hind sight was not going to 42 man raids (based on the will of less than 2 percent of the player base vs the other 98 percent) a mistake .


yes i know youll never answer this
#4 Mar 11 2009 at 1:29 PM Rating: Good
Any chance of increasing the spawn rates of namers in older expansions, along with their rare drop item? A good example of this is A lot of place holders, at least 10 namer kills and no augment, only the ring.

Thank You EQ team for increasing the fun factor for casual players !!!!

#5 Mar 11 2009 at 3:35 PM Rating: Good
54 posts
Coming from a long past of playing 1st thru current edition of D&D, plus having played the pencil and paper version of EQ, I am curious about the possibility of multi-classing.

Also is there the possibility of giving clerics a higher level memblur spell other than the level 32 Atone spell?

#6 Mar 11 2009 at 6:22 PM Rating: Decent
1,074 posts
Is the 3 person minimum for group tasks and missions a technical obstacle or a design decision?
After 16 years, I'm not listing every friggin character.
#7 Mar 11 2009 at 8:46 PM Rating: Decent
Long time user great fan of the bazaar and the economical development of Everquest. How can a bazaar go from hundreds of people selling and buying items to leaving my trader on for 24 hours and seeing 5 auctions in total. One of the most unique creations is on life support!! Why are the devs killing the bazaar? I cry a tear each day I log into the bazaar. Why is gear so common and worthless (Defiant etc)? Why strike the fun away from a rare camp that provides rewards and pride selling tradeable valuable gear? Why buy a piece of gear if it becomes no drop? Why why why would you the devs destroy the bazaar? Some people whine due to rarity why in the world did the devs change such a AWESOME part of Everquest enough to make thousands and thousands of people quit?
Love to Trade
#8 Mar 11 2009 at 9:33 PM Rating: Decent

I started playing at 13 years old in 2000 and the memories I have of the old days of everquest are absolutely phenomenal, and I'm sure a lot of other people would agree. The game system is still similar, but it was the freshness and people that made it was it was, I believe the game actually impacted me in that I will never look at another game the same way. My question is, do you think there will ever be an online game that matches what Everquest did in its' first few years in terms of creating such a new exciting way to play a fantasy game?


Edited, Mar 12th 2009 1:35am by EbnuszenEnchantrix
#9 Mar 12 2009 at 12:38 AM Rating: Decent
53 posts
Will we ever be able to reset our AA's somehow? I think this could happen against some monetary cost (platinum) or something, and a limited amount of times only maybe?

Just think of it, some of the AA's we took years ago are really useless now. Some examples:

* See Invis: about all higher lvl headpieces have Faerune on them
* Innate Str/Sta/...: at higher lvl you will be overcapped anyway
* ...

I bet everyone can come up with a few more examples like this, or made some wrong choice somewhere, especially in those times when it was not really clear what was what and what would be needed and useful later on.
#10 Mar 12 2009 at 3:38 AM Rating: Excellent
53 posts
Also a few questions on spells, Paladin specific, seen that's my main's class:

1. Will Paladin ever get a higher than lvl 59 (90%) rez?

2. Will Paladin ever get a higher than IV Yaulp? I believe Cleric has X at the moment already? Paladin being a hybrid class I can understand the difference in spells, but why not give Paladin a higher melee boost than a Cleric?

3. Why does Invis vs Undead gets overwritten by normal Invis, but not the other way round? Paladin can Invis vs Undead his group after everyone got regular Invis, but this will leave the Paladin without regular Invis himself, seen the Invis vs Undead got broken by the casting. So the Paladin will have to make a choice and in some situations there just is no choice and you'll need both, and there is not always a class present that can provide an Invis that works on all mobs.
#11 Mar 12 2009 at 7:51 AM Rating: Decent
Is there ever going to be a conversion banker for the multiple types of alternate currency?

Is there any reason the max tribute has stayed at 200,000 and not increased, especially with the introduction of heroic tribute costing hundreds of points.

Is there ever going to be a bazaar/gl doorway?

#12 Mar 12 2009 at 7:57 AM Rating: Decent

The idea of scalable content was introduced with LDON (determined by level), how about a similar for raids? Do not change the level of mobs because of the average level of the raid, but maybe by the pure numbers. There are 12, 24, etc man raids, so why not Have the same raid available for 12, 24, 36 people. Lesser guilds would still be able to see the same end content, but the bigger the raid, maybe the more available drops there are per encounter.

The guide program is a dying breed of dedicated people. The quests that they have to choose from are old and antiquated. What about allowing the playerbase to submit their own, following certain guidelines and those that make it through are then given to the Guides. This could be a way for the fans to give back and help breath life back into our beloved guides.
#13 Mar 12 2009 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent

Is the 3 person minimum for group tasks and missions a technical obstacle or a design decision?

Design decision. They don't want the missions to become solo (2 people would be one person and a merc.) They don't have the system resources in place to support solo instances like that.

The idea of scalable content was introduced with LDON (determined by level), how about a similar for raids? Do not change the level of mobs because of the average level of the raid, but maybe by the pure numbers. There are 12, 24, etc man raids, so why not Have the same raid available for 12, 24, 36 people. Lesser guilds would still be able to see the same end content, but the bigger the raid, maybe the more available drops there are per encounter.

Devs have answered this before. It's double the design time to make a second version of the raid. The way EQ is built, they can't just take the current version and scale it down and call it a day. They have to set all the values individually (MOBs attack, AC, STR, etc.) to come up to the deisred difficulty, and then do a bunch of parses, and make adjustments. I'm sure newer games have systems that make this much easier, so they can add smaller raids quickly.

Anyway, that's what I was told.
#14 Mar 12 2009 at 4:23 PM Rating: Decent
When the progression servers were launched, I came rushing back to EQ, like a lot of my former EQ gamer friends.

The fun was very short lived. The content was becomming unlocked at a mind numbing rate by a handfull of extreamly hardcore players.

I would love to see a progression server come back, but only if the content is unlocked at a much slower rate.

Having new content unlock as quickly as an elite guild can do something IMHO ruined what started out to be an awesome incentive for old players to return.

Thank- You..

Just my 2 copper,
#15 Mar 12 2009 at 6:40 PM Rating: Decent
136 posts
I would love to see a server that is not unlockable by players and is old content... Make it unlock at the same rate that the expansions came out in Real life.. instead of players having the ability.. I belive alot of old school players would return the the orginal game if they knew it would be year before the next expansion was going to be unlocked.. if at all.. And it would also be nice if the old items were not removed and all the (broken items that are no way broken now) were allowed to be gotten.. I loved the old school BMG/Rubicite/Box of Abu kar/DE illusion for anyone items.. And many players may feel same way.. and then the revamped zones should never be revamped (freeport/cazic etc.. those zones were not neccesarry to be revamped).. the only other option I would love to see is if they made a new server that was the orginal expansion but used the Newest graphics engine and therefore could have more felxabilty to what could be done to its content (almost like as tandalone new version of the game)... im rambbling now but All I know is this is the greatest game that has ever been made.. and after 10years dedicated to it Im happy to say its not failed me yet (just wish they could remove the spammers)...
#16 Mar 12 2009 at 8:09 PM Rating: Decent
What is SOE's vision for EQ1 over the next 10 years if the customer base for this game continues as it has for the past 2 years?

EQ3, Please tell us SOE is already working on this, and that it will more closely resemble EQ1 then anything else on the market.

How many Devs are actively working on EQ1 normally these days?

As servers ar merged what is done with the hardware?

Is it possible as servers are merged in the future we will see a fresh server released every few years as game populations persits?

Do Devs feel like they are biding their time here on EQ1 until a spot on another game at SOE opens?

What can we expect to see from future expansions?

Will SOE continue to progressivly make EQ1 easier and easier so the the casual player can accomplish something that only the most elite hardcore players were able to attain with a ton of work.

a goal for almost every person who has ever played EQ1 is their epics, and everyone who has finished it remembers how they felt once they finished it, the sense of accomplishment, from overcoming a VERY time consuming and difficult task. why not make EQ in the future more like this?

Why was there not more of an effort to communicate to the community that there was a possible issue with poll, or limited resources ( Devs ) to faciliate this on the old time table, all we really want is to be updated with current news more frequently.
#17 Mar 12 2009 at 8:15 PM Rating: Decent
is there ever any talk of what SOE can do from a marketing stand point to revitalize the EQ series. I have heard tons of players come up with concepts to make SOE hundreds of thousands of dollars, the ideas are out there is anyone listening?

such as make a progression server that releases then expansions at the same rate that they came out in real life. this would play to those who want to stay in old world longer as well as allow 5+ guilds to compete in end game content at once instead of 1-3. most people will play thru at least luclin which is 2 years worth of subscriptions instead of the 4 months on the combine. this makes sence from a $ stand point

Edited, Mar 12th 2009 11:31pm by Tamorto
#18 Mar 12 2009 at 9:58 PM Rating: Decent
223 posts
A few years ago it was mentioned that there were still unsolved quests in the game. Would it be possible to give us the exact number of unsolved quests as well as undiscovered items?
#19 Mar 12 2009 at 10:51 PM Rating: Decent
4 posts
This ended up longer than intended, the questions are in bold surrounded by general commentary if anyone is interested.

With the introduction of cleric mercs, every player has a 96 rez, instant cleric buffs at their beckon call, not to mention their own personal healer,..

What are the plans to increase cleric utility to make the class more desirable as a playable class and to a group?

How will Mercs be upgraded and expanded in the future?

It seems like every expansion equipment gets more and more complex. In the old days.. you used to kill mob and get gear.. put gear on. All you had to worry about was race and class and was it better than your current item. Usually the way to determine if it was better was a combination of 3 stats..hps mana and AC. Eventually spell effects were added.. then mana/hp regen.. it's since snowballed.

With SOD there are now 30-45 stats per piece, multiple versions of the same pieces of gear, multiple aug slots, multiple types of aug slots,evolving items, power sources, multiple upgrade paths with even more options. I even hear there's a bonus from the powersource if your wearing more items from the same set of gear... sigh.

Are there any plans to simplify the current equipment systems?

Can you provide the player the means to gauge what affects stats have on a character?

Can you add another section to the inventory window that displays totals for all these stats(mana regen, combat eff, stun resist.. etc)?

Honestly, I don't know how I'm supposed to wrap my head around equipment these days without some way to measure how stats effects on the player in a meaningful way. Getting one upgrade a week at most I can't judge what helps me and what doesn't.

I hear there are caps for stats. Since we now see numbers for all these stats, how are we supposed to know when we reach the cap and whether or not upgrading that stat further is of any benefit?

Maybe it's time for a built-in parser tied to new metrics that players can make sense of. DPS is common for melee, heals per second for priests?

I think it would be nice to see a trainer mode in the Guild Hall where you can take your character to try on different pieces of gear and see the effects on your stats and even run tests vs fake mobs.

Mediik 7th Hammer
#20 Mar 12 2009 at 11:19 PM Rating: Decent
4 posts
Are there any plans to stop creating new types of currency or is this trend likely to continue for every new expansion?

Will you provide a way to convert new currencies into older currencies?

The new quest piece merchant for SOD was a great addition. Are there any plans to expand on this system to help free up bank/inventory space?

Mediik 7th Hammer
#21 Mar 12 2009 at 11:32 PM Rating: Decent
25 posts
I am one of the many that would love to see a progressions server that releases 1 expansion per year, Obviously the other thing i would like to see on the new server would be no character transfers. Is this something that SOE could implement or would the server take too long to set up?
#22 Mar 13 2009 at 4:56 AM Rating: Decent
26 posts
Like a few other posts i would love to see a new progression server where the expansions are unlocked much slower than the recent progression servers were... possibly on a timelimit so everyone can enjoy the content before moving to the next expansion.. I was thinking holding a poll to determine what sort of progression server it will be after and if the progression server vote wins the new server poll would be wonderful.


edit: I also have another question involving an old world item... what the heck is the GBS used for!? like o.m.g.. and the note tovax vmar drops you turn into sragg bloodheart and they stare at each other for days... aaaaaagh.. the world of norrath needs to know!


Edited, Mar 13th 2009 9:26am by Kzun
#23 Mar 13 2009 at 5:45 AM Rating: Decent
28 posts
Are there any plans to Allow Playing Everquest on the Playstation 3?
#24 Mar 13 2009 at 7:19 AM Rating: Decent
22 posts
Thank you for the opportunity to enjoy something for 10 years. I wanted to thank you for keeping me interested that long.

1. Is it possible to allow for more character personalizing? I don't know how to design a game or the ramifications of changes. But is it possible to install quests to allow for pets to be personalized? A crest to be added to your armor if you are in a guild or have achieved a different title.

2. I don't know if I speak for the majority, but I think I would rather see the next expansion not really be an expansion at all, but an enrichment of the existing game. Can we quest more to personalize more.

3. Why did leadership die? We haven't seen anything new with leadership, but there are several things I could see that could help. Give me a more expanded health of target's target. If you have a few ranks in it, let me see my aggro score and if someone is getting close. ( I play a tank )

4. Can Beastlord be expanded? Why is it only certain races have an affinity for this class? I understand why Ogre's can't be clerics or monks, but every race in every fantasy game in history has some sort of relationship with an animal. Froglok beasty with a mosquito pet, gnome with a spider, elf with just about any animal?

I tried to keep this short, my apologies.

Team Foustes:
Foustes 85 Paladin Xegony
Sebeena 85 Monk Xegony
Napy 85 Wizard Xegony
#25 Mar 13 2009 at 8:17 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Given what the beastlord is, it makes sense that only the shaman-capable races would have beastlords running around.

Which, of course, doesn't answer why Frogloks didn't get a BST option. My guess is that SOE just didn't want to ***** with another pet after the fact. Particularly after nerfing the sizes on the scaled wolf & gator.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#26 Mar 13 2009 at 9:05 AM Rating: Decent
267 posts
A few years ago it was mentioned that there were still unsolved quests in the game. Would it be possible to give us the exact number of unsolved quests as well as undiscovered items?

And as a corolarry to this, how about some hints on where to start to help us clear these quests up?
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