Target:Nexus Scion in Dreadland (Light blue to 80)
Pet without any buff or items,but I have all the SoF pet DPS AA maxxed.
Each pet has a 10 minutes fight log.Here is the result:
Average hit goes from 72 to 76
Pet Accuracy goes from 54.3% to 55.2%(might be marginal error due to small sample)
Pet DPS goes from 76 to 81.(Bear in mind,this is without any buff/item.)
And now the pet-tanking part:
Mob's average hit goes down from 686 to 639,thats 47 less damage per hit.
NPC's hit% decrease too,from 43.8% to 42.3%,so pet got 1.5% avoidance it seems.
If anybody got better focus,please post the parse if you have one,thanks...