
Blacksmiths have the ability to forge their own armor and weapons both for personal use and for sale to others.

What are the best strategies for developing and using the blacksmithing skill? What items are the most and least useful ones to forge? Which classes are best suited to take up this trade? Can you make a profit off of blacksmithing, and if so how? Which cities are the best places to practice your trade?

Post your strategies on how to best use and develop the blacksmithing skill, and read, rate and comment on those posted by others.
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Post Comment
# Sep 02 2000 at 12:09 PM Rating: Default
I checked the Blacksmithing Recipies and the new Full Steel armor seems to be only makable by humans. It says that it has to be "combind by human in Royal Qeynos Forge". Does this mean that ONLY humans can make these armor pieces? That hardly seems fair...
RE: Humans
# Sep 05 2000 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
59 posts
Dwarven Plate Breastplate,
Dwarven Smithy Hammer,
Leather Backing,
Flask of Water,
Earthen Temper,
Small Plate Breastplate Mold,
Brellium Chain Jointing,
3 Medium Quality Folded Sheet of Metal.

Earthen Temper:These are combined in a brew barrel
Dwarven Ale,
Lava Rock,
2 Drops of Mercury.

Alternatively the human version is:-

Royal Temper:These are combined in a brew barrel
Rain Water,
Griffene’s Blood,
2 Drops of Sunshine.

RE: Humans
# Sep 03 2000 at 9:28 PM Rating: Decent
28 posts
Well im guessing here. But with Kaladim haveing a Bloodforge forge. Im would think that maybe the smith has to use the forge of his starting town?
My question is do you have to use all four of the metal bars or just one, and what is the effecto of them? i.e. what is the diffrence of using silver vs. plat etc.
RE: Humans
# Sep 05 2000 at 9:39 PM Rating: Decent
59 posts
Found this on another page...


Dont know the difference it makes though....
RE: Humans
# Sep 02 2000 at 6:07 PM Rating: Default
I think this is refering to someone you have to give items to so he/she can combine them for u
(in other words to get a certain item for your plate recipe)
The human being refered to i think is a NPC that u just give stuff to so he can combine them for u
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 03 2000 at 7:13 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Oh, thanks a ton! =)
RE: Humans
# Sep 02 2000 at 12:14 PM Rating: Default
Given how good these pieces sound, I'd think someone wanted to keep everyone frm making them . . .

If they turn out as high an Armor as I hope they are I DEFINITELY think they'll be in demand!
RE: Humans
# Sep 02 2000 at 5:33 PM Rating: Default
But isn't all the required components and very high skill enough to keep them very rare? I just don't think that its fair... People will just make blacksmithing human secondary characters and have them do their smithing. There will still be many smiths...

I hope that others can make the Full Plate. To make it so only humans can is RACISM
RE: Humans
# Sep 03 2000 at 10:34 AM Rating: Default

Do you realize how many things in this game are limited by race? By making it combinable only in one forge they make things more difficult. Frankly I think Qeynos was a kindness. If there is a city that is easier to build faction in, I don't know where it is. I would ticked if they'd made it, say, Ogguk. That would've been rough. Qeynos is easy. Kill gnolls.

Guildenstern, 10th lev Enchanter
Master Smith
RE: Humans
# Sep 07 2000 at 8:20 PM Rating: Decent
A point everyone seems to be missing is that it seems like 6 or 7 races are getting race specific blacksmithing items. They are probably adding a code where only a person of a specific race can click combine on the forge.
RE: Humans
# Sep 18 2000 at 2:48 PM Rating: Default
That should be interesting...if We Illusion ourself as Enchanter to let say Human...can we use the forge and make human armors? about the Iksar...etc...
RE: Humans
# Sep 20 2000 at 9:03 AM Rating: Default
Already tried that. From what I have seen the blasted forges can see through Illusions =(

Enchanter and Master Smith
RE: Humans
# Sep 18 2000 at 2:47 PM Rating: Default
Metal Rings
# Sep 02 2000 at 8:14 AM Rating: Decent
I was taking a look at the recipe list for blacksmithing and off the bat I seen that metal rings and steel boning have the same recipe. Granted metal rings are not live, yet. However it does need to be change before going live.
RE: Metal Rings
# Sep 03 2000 at 4:19 AM Rating: Default
147 posts
There is some evidence to support the idea that the new items will only be smithable in the new forges that are to be placed in the game at thte same time that the items themselves go live. If that is infact true the recipie will not have to be changed.
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 01 2000 at 2:05 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) How do I determine how to make Bronze Armor. Is there a separate "book" with instructions on this?
RE: Bronze Armor
# Sep 01 2000 at 5:26 PM Rating: Default
If you ever find out how to "make" bronze armor, Im sure Verant would be interested. It is loot only, so enjoy banded till the trade skill revamp takes place.
Sharpening stones?
# Sep 01 2000 at 10:56 AM Rating: Default
Where do you find sharpening stones?
stones in hh keep, erudin, nfp
# Sep 06 2000 at 12:48 PM Rating: Default
The miner around corner from bank in HH keep sells ore and sharpening stones.

When you cross the portal into erudin itself you are standing by the armor, outside the armory is a vendor that sells stones, and ore also.

In North Freeport, the shop next to bards guild at west end of zone, sells ore and sharpening stones.
Sabretooth Bear Clan
Mithaniel marr
RE: Sharpening stones?
# Sep 03 2000 at 11:12 AM Rating: Decent
Shapening stones can be found in freeport at grolafh's forge and in erudin in the second zone a bloke named orefinder will let u buy. good smithing these stones are acheap way to get u to lvl 30 smithin. ken
RE: Sharpening stones?
# Sep 01 2000 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
Check for an excellent list of places to buy supplies.
Medium Quality Ore
# Sep 01 2000 at 6:46 AM Rating: Default
Where can you buy, or How do you make Medium quality Ore Brick and Blocks?
RE: Medium Quality Ore
# Sep 05 2000 at 5:47 PM Rating: Default
They are sold in the middle Windmill of Steamfont, on the Test Server, can't say for sure on Proddys though, my understanding is that most of this does not exist on Proddys yet.
RE: Medium Quality Ore
# Sep 05 2000 at 6:08 PM Rating: Default
Sorry, that's not right, I mistyped all of that... in fact, the base components for making the Blocks of Medium Quality Ore are for sale in those Windmills, but you have to combine those parts to make the final block of Ore. THere's another thread here with a more accurate representation of the formula. See that, skip this.

Khafar, Test Server
Toolboxes to 51
# Aug 31 2000 at 6:37 PM Rating: Excellent
20 posts
Most people do bits files scalars lanterns skewers, but toolboxes are a much faster method on the low end because it does not require molds(so you can do them all in north freeport without going to east).

Toolboxes are simply a bit and water -- make sure you have slots open.
RE: Toolboxes to 51
# Sep 01 2000 at 11:14 AM Rating: Decent

This one was even better before VI fixed it. Toolboxes could be made for around 1gp, 5sp and sold back to merchants for 9gp, 7sp there for a while. Oh well...I managed to make about 1k pp while it lasted....
RE: Toolboxes to 51
# Sep 01 2000 at 11:28 PM Rating: Default
I figured such might be considered an exploit -- hence I didnt make any toolboxes during that period.
Bloodforge forge
# Aug 31 2000 at 1:09 AM Rating: Decent
28 posts
Kinda in the line of the Dwarven forge string.
The new forge in Kaladim is called (i think) Bloodforge forge, I tryed to use it just out of intrest. I tryed to sharpen an axe. the message it gave me was something along the line of
These items could not be combined in these quanitys to produce anything. Try another forge.

My guess is either 1) Its for the new armor only. Easy enough to tell, is there any other new forges in any of the other towns?
or 2) Its for Quest armor, posible Dwarf only,
But as these are only guesses we will have to see what time brings.
RE: Bloodforge forge
# Sep 07 2000 at 10:35 PM Rating: Default
Actually This is a NEW Forge and will only
be good for the new armor types that are coming
out from the Test Server in the NEXT patch.

Each City now has a named special forge for
crafting Race Specific Plate armor which is I
believe magical in nature the forge enchants the
armor on creation. That is a far as I understand
it I guess we will figure out more when the patch comes. One other thing to note is that only a
Blacksmith from the Forges Race can craft the armor ie:
Only a Dwarf Blacksmith can Create Dwarvern Plate in the Bloodforge Forge.
Only a Human Blacksmith can create Full Plate in the Freeport Special Forge
etc etc you get the idea

Cleric of Brell
Dragon Warlords
RE: Bloodforge forge
# Sep 02 2000 at 6:04 PM Rating: Default
That's the message when you goof on the recipe ::wink::

Next time try to be more careful about what you're putting into the forge and the amounts.
RE: Bloodforge forge
# Sep 03 2000 at 9:25 PM Rating: Decent
28 posts
It normally tells you to try another forge?
Hmm dont remember that. /shrug
# Aug 29 2000 at 5:57 PM Rating: Default
Hey, does anyone know a website that has a trivial chart on it? Been looking, but I can't find one!

That's about it
Gengar Dreamchaser, Necromancer of the 44th level on Karana
RE: Questions
# Aug 30 2000 at 5:24 PM Rating: Default
To the first poster, varies from Server to Server. The newest Servers have less 'stuff', mundane or magical, and profits are easier to come by there. The old Servers have far too many BlackSmiths (many have pseudo-retired), and many of them are Masters. Profit'g by any Trade skill runs the same gambit, but if you plan to Master various Skills, forget the profit because you will save time and effort, oh and Money! by being able to create items by BlackSmithing for Sewing & Baking.

To the second question, look for 'KCsBlackSmithing to Mastery level'. Once you become a Master, then the remaining items to trivialize are basically Banded Armor. And KC does a good success/re-sell plan, and also shows how to PL/buy Mastery in BlackSmithing.

To both,
Good Luck
RE: Questions
# Aug 30 2000 at 3:40 PM Rating: Default
147 posts
There is a pretty good trivial chart for blacksmiting in the tradskill forums on EqStratics.
New plate recipes
# Aug 27 2000 at 10:25 PM Rating: Default
Ahem....the new plate reicpes (and most of their components) have not gone live yet. All information on them is from the Test server(and is not, for that matter, complete). These are only preliminary recipes to only one set of the new armors.
RE: New plate recipes
# Aug 31 2000 at 1:08 AM Rating: Default
Are the new plate armor pieces the same ones that are dyeable too?
RE: New plate recipes
# Aug 28 2000 at 11:58 PM Rating: Decent
It will be nice to be able to do more than just banded, as far as armor goes. Since, for the price of it, it's not worth it to buy steel armor from a merchant. Per piece prices are such, that one would almost be able to buy better from other players, in fact, it would be better to buy stuff from other players for the 400+ plat that the average piece of steel armor sells for in a shop. So, it'll be nice to see recipes for better armors, as well as items that require a skill greater than the 140s which is typically where banded and such tops out at, at least, that's been the impression I've gotten from the smithing guides. I don't know from firsthand experience, as my skill is only in the mid 80s.
RE: New plate recipes
# Feb 28 2001 at 4:07 AM Rating: Decent
smithing hammers
# Aug 27 2000 at 12:08 PM Rating: Default
Anyone found where these can be bought?
The Correct answer to all of this is...
# Sep 05 2000 at 5:56 PM Rating: Default
They are bought from Vendors in Blacksmithing areas. I do this on Test (not available on live servers yet). Once it goes live, try the following locations: Armor by Ikthar in E Freeport, one of those vendors has Smithy Hammers (18lbs each, roughly 12pp). And I've found Dwarven Smithy Hammers in Kaladim, in the Mines next to the Bank (same weight and price). I'm not sure if they are used for different sized Armor yet, more later on that.

Also, keep in mind, you can make Plate, or Full Plate. For Full Plate, replace Medium Quality... with High Quality... on the armor recipe.

Khafar, Test Server
RE: smithing hammers
# Aug 29 2000 at 1:20 PM Rating: Decent
Hello people, the smithing hammer has to be made the proposed ingredient list is 1 block of ore 1 water
RE: smithing hammers
# Sep 01 2000 at 11:51 AM Rating: Decent
I have a question, would that be a proposed ore of 1 quality block + 1 water? 1 normal block of ore + 1 water creates a folded sheet of metal. I am just wondering if the are planning this or if they will be changing the components required for the folded sheet of metal. Any hints would be appreciated.

21st winter Shaman
Master Smith
RE: smithing hammers
# Aug 28 2000 at 2:49 AM Rating: Default
147 posts
Until the smithing updates go live (they are currently on test only), you will not be able to find it on the regular servers.
RE: smithing hammers
# Aug 27 2000 at 5:23 PM Rating: Default
I havent been able to find a damn Smithing Hammer anyware.

RE: smithing hammers
# Sep 03 2000 at 10:41 AM Rating: Default
did you think that maybe you can't find them yet since it is not live yet??
hmmmmmm cud be :)

chohagg soulheal
49 cleric of brelle
meber of legion of valor
BB server
# Aug 28 2000 at 12:53 PM Rating: Default
There are smithing hammers in Cabilis at the Warrior guild.
These are used for warrior pike quests.

I also heard a rumor that if you kill the dwarven smiths in crushbone, they drop a hammer.
Not sure if this is true, since I won't personally kill them.
RE: Cabilis
# Aug 28 2000 at 4:12 PM Rating: Default
Smithing hammer or forging hammer? The forging hammer is dropped by the smith in crushbone. Also they can be aquired by getting 4 pieces of scrap metal off the clockworks in Steamfont and turning them in to Sanfryd Featherhead in Ak'Anon.
MQ Folded Sheets
# Aug 27 2000 at 2:11 AM Rating: Default
OK anyone have any ideal as to where to get the Medium Quality Folded Sheets for the new Plate Armor?

Or is there a hidden receipe for that too?

Torylori Cloudwalker
37th season Barb Shaman

10th Season Barb Rogue
RE: MQ Folded Sheets
# Aug 31 2000 at 1:18 PM Rating: Default
It doesnt say Medium Quality on the normal servers. Is MQ from test servers at the same place?
RE: MQ Folded Sheets
# Aug 28 2000 at 2:10 PM Rating: Good
They are made with 3 larcg bricks of medium quality ore (Steamfont windmill) + water = one block of medium quality ore

Then one block of medium quality ore + smithing hammer + water = one medium quality folded sheet metal

Ervyn Peregrinus
40th Druid of Tunare
RE: MQ Folded Sheets, correction
# Sep 06 2000 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
449 posts
Recipe for folded medium quality sheets is:
block of med. qual. ore, water, smithy hammer

from new recipe listing on allakhazam.
RE: MQ Folded Sheets
# Aug 28 2000 at 6:04 PM Rating: Default
Great thanks :)

Torylori Cloudwalker
37th seasoned Barb Shaman

10th seasoned Barb Rogue
Starting cities
# Aug 26 2000 at 8:00 PM Rating: Good
Would it be possible to smith in qeynos (easily). i mean where are all the materials? could you go to highpass or something, or do you have to move to freeport?
RE: Starting cities
# Sep 06 2000 at 9:44 AM Rating: Decent
It's possible to smith in Qeynos. The problem is that your closest source of ore is Erudin. I'm not even sure where in Erudin it is, but I've been told that there is a vendor who sells in Erudin. I know that ore and stones are sold in Paineel. That vendor is the male in the pottery shop.
smithing in qeynos
# Sep 06 2000 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
449 posts
The ore in erudin is easy to get to. Problem is molds, you will need to trip up to qeynos hills, and possibly Halas to get what you need.

I made an erudite enchanter. At level one they can gate. I maxed out charisma, I took boat first time to qeynos, got bound there, got money from main character, then boat back to erudin. When you get to dock follow arround to big stone entranceway, you transport in via a pool of water inside, at the transport spot you will see the armor, the vendor is right outside the armory.

Depending on strategy you take, you need vast quantities of metal, molds which do not stack. For practical purposes you should just travel to freeport and plan on spendng a month there skilling up. I took my barbarian with many 100's of pp. Smarter classes will not have to spend as much, and intel jewelly helps you skill even faster.
RE: Starting cities
# Aug 27 2000 at 12:53 AM Rating: Good
In my personal opinion, Freeport is the best place to smith to banded level... The ore and furnace is in Nfp for easy creation of metal bits, then you can go to Efp and get some molds and use the furnace there... Just make sure you have good faction with everyone and a lot of money!
RE: Starting cities
# Sep 01 2000 at 11:21 AM Rating: Default
I am told that FP is the ONLY city where all the components for virtually any smithing item currently available can be made. You might have to zone a few times (NFP-WFP-EFP and back), but this is much preferable from having to run the Karanas or Steamfont-LFay-GFay-BB.

One other hint: for obvious reasons, the forges in EFP and NFP are almost continually in use. What to do if you have components but no available forge? Well, there is a fourth forge, located in WFP in the Militia House. It is on the deck in the back yard of the building. Enter the Militia house, take the first right, then the first left and up a flight of stairs. At the top of the stairs, turn left, take a step, and turn left again. If I am telling you this correctly (it's been a while since I mastered smithing), there should be a door directly ahead of you. Go thru that door, turn right and there should be the forge right in front of you. This one is almost never in use.
RE: Starting cities
# Sep 05 2000 at 1:33 PM Rating: Default
There are six regular forges in Freeport, two in each zone.

NFP: near bank and outside Groflah's.

EFP: outside Armor by Ithkar and down in the "lower-level" area.

WFP: in the militia house and in the fighters guild (near the arena).

Since neither ore nor molds are available in WFP, these tend to be the least used.

Casters: if you can, bind yourself near Groflah's or Ithkar's/Trader's Holiday. This way, you can gate in close to either ore or molds.
Dye's for Armor
# Aug 26 2000 at 1:57 PM Rating: Excellent
I wonder if a non-shamen can create the Dye for armor. As it stands a Non-Gnome can do tinkering but will never advance in the skill (Making high end items impossable), so if the skill required to make the Dye is low enough could a Non-shamen create the Dye alabit with an increased difficulty? Somthing to try if you got the cash I guess... Have to see what the trivial rating on dye creation is...
Dyes will be able to be made by shaman and rogues.
# Sep 02 2000 at 5:43 PM Rating: Default
I hate typos.
Dyes will be able to be made by shaman on rogues.
# Sep 02 2000 at 5:42 PM Rating: Default
No text.
Freeport vs. Kaladim
# Aug 25 2000 at 12:26 PM Rating: Good
184 posts
Hey anyone wonder why the race most acknowledged for smithing (even by the Qeynos Merchants) is probably one of the worst places to learn smithing? You have to travel several zones to be able to smith in Kaladim, and they aren't small zones either. Yet Freeport (the "white-trash-trailer-park" of Norrath) is the best place to work your trade. From a Roleplaying aspect, this has always bothered me and I consider it a sad oversite by Verrant.

[No offence to those of us who live in trailer parks, we understand what is meant ;) ]
Charisma in Trade Skills
# Aug 23 2000 at 7:36 AM Rating: Excellent
141 posts
Everyone needs charisma! If you are performing a trade skill that requires you to buy from or sell to a vendor then you NEED to get enough charisma gear to get your cha over 103. The cheapest charisma gear thats not too hard to get, where to get it, and probable prices with (pp/cha), are:

Mystic Doll, Feerrott, 3 cha, Free (0)
Medal of Merit, Qeynos, 5 cha, Free (0)
Silver Cats Eye Necklace, Jeweler, 3 cha, 1.5pp (.5)
Silk Evening Tunic, Qeynos, 5 cha, 5pp (1)
Crude Stein, Feerrott, 15 cha, 30pp (2)
Electrum Cats Eye Bracelet, Jeweler, 4 cha, 8pp (2)
Golden Cats Eye Bracelet, Jeweler, 7 cha, 26pp (4)
Splitpaw Tooth Necklace, SK/Paw, 5 cha, 25pp (5)
Opalline Earring, Unrest, 5 cha, 30pp (6)
Electrum Star Ruby Ring, Jeweler, 7 cha, 128pp (18)

That is more than enough gear to get anyone with a base charisma of 40 to 103 for optimal prices, so anyone can leave out the expensive or harder to get gear.
As an example of what this will do, if you fletch from 1 to 100 skill selling arrows back to the vendor, you will spend approximately DOUBLE the money at 60 charisma that you would at 103.
RE: Charisma in Trade Skills
# Aug 24 2000 at 1:09 PM Rating: Excellent
16 posts
One point the previous poster may not have made quite clear - at 103 charisma you get the best price it is possible to get.

Faction also can affect pricing, if it is below indifferent. Factions beyond indifferent don't seem to affect prices.

Certain vendors charge more as well, such as the jewel merchant in WC who charges somewhere between 1.5 and 2x prices on everything. This usually only occurs on merchants in the middle of nowhere (also saw an inn in LRathe which charges 3x price on bandages)

Couple other items that might help:

Silk Evening Tunic (+5 cha, purchase in S Qeynos for about 5 pp in front of Lion's Mane Inn)

If you're a shaman/cleric/druid, you can use a Clay Resistance Deity (made with pottery real cheaply) that gives you +2 charisma and fits in the range slot.

Splitpaw Tooth Necklace (+5 cha, but far cheaper than plat cat's eye)
or Medal of Merit (also +5 cha, quest in Qeynos)
or Order of Thunder (also +5 cha, dropped in Qeynos Aquaducts by Drosco)
or (can't remember name) the +3 cha item dropped in Blackburrow

Silver star ruby veil is +5 cha & far more affordable than plat. No point in saving 50 plat by buying something that costs 600 :)

Drake hide leggings (cha +5) if you get real desperate, they're great armor for chanters/monks too.
Dark Elf Smith Question
# Aug 21 2000 at 10:43 PM Rating: Decent
HI, I have begun sinking platinum into smithing making toolboxes, and later lanterns. I no longer get skill from making lanterns, and according to what i have read skewrs are the way to go to get my skill up to armor making levels... but i can't seem to find the skewer molds in neriak. Can anyone tell me where to buy them?

Aspiring Smith
RE: Dark Elf Smith Question
# Sep 21 2000 at 12:21 PM Rating: Default
What I am doing for this is running to Freeport with a 8 empty tool boxes and offering any newbe 3-5gp to fill one of them up. When all 8 are full I gate back to the forge.

These skewer molds cost around 15cp each so 8 of them would be 120cp, so you giveing them over double for them. Overall this is MUCH cheaper then makeing banded.

I use tool boxes becase they are cheep to make, have a wt. of 0.4 and hold 8 things, Backpacks cost 7-8gp (for me)

Buzzaro Da Buzzard
22 lvl Troll Shaman
Mith Marr
Blacksmith 76
RE: Dark Elf Smith Question
# Sep 02 2000 at 6:35 PM Rating: Default
As a Dark Elf master smith myself, the easiest way to get skewers molds was to waste a friend's time. I was lucky enough to have a friend willing to make a human chanter to mule the goods back and forth for me. Also being a necro, I had to watch where I forged (in the Militia house.) This got me from 64 to 115 in a few hours. I also made quite a few skewers. If you don't feel like making 8 billion metal bits, I suggest finding some poor sap who is excited about the updates and thinks he will beat the current masters to the money :) Have him make the bits for you, seeing as he will need the skill anyways (thats what I did)

Krullen Palehorse
20th Necro on The Seventh Hammer
RE: Dark Elf Smith Question
# Sep 02 2000 at 6:38 PM Rating: Default
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention (in case you didn't figure it out.) Use FREEPORT!!
RE: Dark Elf Smith Question
# Aug 23 2000 at 1:55 PM Rating: Good
19 posts
This is an excerpt from "UngaBunga's Guide to Smiffin". I'm not sure if it's against Allakhazam policy to add URL's to other sites, so I'll just say you can find it at somwhere. - Tyldak


More Muling, oh joy, well, maybe not (68-101+)

Skewers, what fun. Again, you can't buy them anywhere. Why not? Because you are evil and they are only sold by "good" merchants. Again, the choice is yours. You can mule them (kinda boring), or you can start making banded (very expensive). I tried muling, but found I was getting nowhere and that my skill goes up faster with banded gorgets (1 gorget mold, 1 flask of water, 1 sheet of metal). If you do choose to go the banded route, make gorgets like I did. The molds are cheaper at 3sp each, and I do not fail too often. Who knows, you might get lucky and find lots of players that want to buy gorgets, don't count on it though. I've sold 5 or six to players, the rest have gone back to the shop. As I said, this is very expensive. It took me nearly 400pp to get to master following this guide, but it is really the only choice you have unless you want to skip right to sewing kits.

After master (101-135)

Ahh, sewing kits. Finally, something that is not so expensive to make. Still not great, but at least they only cost about 5 gold to make instead of 1.5 plat. Sewing kits are made by placing one thimble mold, one needle mold, one metal bit, and one water flask in a forge. I started making them at master since Gorgets become trivial at 105 anyway, and I was flat broke. I relocated to Oggok, got bound there, and started spending some intimate time with the forge turning one and a half packs worth of ore into metal bits. The molds can be bought from Murga in the Feerrott.

this should quickly take your skill to 135, from there, you have only one way to skill up. Keep in mind that this only yields small sewing kits, so don't plan on making any money from them.

# Aug 21 2000 at 10:09 AM Rating: Default
Dark Elves and Blacksmithing, what would be the best way to level up for Daek Elves?
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 20 2000 at 4:58 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I have heard many rumors saying that soon you shall be able to maake steel are These Facts or just Rumors?
RE: Steel Armor
# Aug 20 2000 at 11:47 PM Rating: Default
I read this same thing on a post at stratics from gordon so it should be true
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 20 2000 at 11:46 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 19 2000 at 1:08 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssstttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 19 2000 at 1:10 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) umm WTF is your problem?
Dwarven Forge?
# Aug 18 2000 at 6:37 PM Rating: Default
Is the dwarven forge any different from a regular forge besides only for dwarves?
RE: Dwarven Forge?
# Aug 26 2000 at 10:25 AM Rating: Default
Nope, nothing special about Dwarven forges, except that they are in Kaladim. Even though traditionally Dwarves are master weaponsmiths.
RE: Dwarven Forge?
# Aug 28 2000 at 12:48 PM Rating: Default
The Dwarven Forge is not the same as the regular forges.
It may be used for the new armor soon to come out(it's on test).
I believe its for the dwarven race based Full Plate.
just a guess :)
speed smithing
# Aug 18 2000 at 9:03 AM Rating: Good
30 posts
ok i found a web site that is great for you smiths out there:
i can sum it up quick train 20 points into smithing then start making steel bonding once it is triv start on sheets of metal then on to banded gorgets with the metal sheets you made boom in about 6 hours master black smith with a cost of about 300 to 400 plat (ouch) but in one day your a master smith not bad and thanks for the speed guide Fedakin

Zaphed Fizzler
halfling druid innoruuk
RE: speed smithing
# Aug 26 2000 at 3:18 AM Rating: Default
1,075 posts
Yeah i posted something similar in a smith guide, there is no point in doing the lower crud unless you are trying to be the first smith selling banded on a new server. You can master or near master smithing in about 4 hours for 400 plat or so just going to banded gorgets with a char with that much money and a couple things to give you 99 charisma. You will end up doing fairly okay just selling the stuff back to the vendor.

Another speed shortcut is to buy in the order you smith. When i got to cloaks i first tryed this out (170 skill now, going for max) I had like 6 empty backpacks, 20 water in each, then went and bought cloak, sheet,sheet, cloak, sheet sheet, cloak sheet sheet, rapidly in that order until was full (making sure that it evened out) I was also bound at the OTHER forge in east freep in the slums, in case someone else was using the first one right then i just inner zoned gated to it (fast ; ) ) it was faster than waiting and NO ONE hardly ever uses that forge in slums.

Doing it the right way is goofy as far as I'm concerned if you have the money. The right way is a carpal tunnel inducing waste of time.
RE: speed smithing
# Aug 19 2000 at 9:10 AM Rating: Good
I am sorry, but that is not only a poor way to up your skill, but also a EXTREME money pit. I used the standard method of 20 points metalbits out the wazoo, did scalers, lanterns, skewers and such till I reached max on skewers, and I spent about 10 hours on it and only spent about 150 - 200pp on it total. Much better trade off in my opinion.

But again, this is only my opinion.
RE: speed smithing
# Aug 19 2000 at 1:36 PM Rating: Default
Man...did you read the header? Its called SPEED SMITHING. not..10 hours of sitting on your fanny ******** around with metal bits out the wazoo... The guide is about SPEED. I am currently doing this right at skill about 4 hours. Yes i agree its wicked expensive. Ive spent well over 500pp so far on this skill. In my opinion i dont think the skill is worth it but im going to keep going until i max it out just because ive come this far. If your going for speed..this skill just isnt for you.

I mastered pottery in less than 45 minutes. now thats a skill. heh.
RE: speed smithing
# Aug 22 2001 at 10:52 PM Rating: Decent
I started smithing with a 21 skill and now have a 64 skill in about 1 hour and made 40pp selling studs.
file molds in fp
# Aug 17 2000 at 7:55 PM Rating: Decent
i need to make steel bonings for a quest, yet the recipe calles for a file ... i cant seem to find any vendor that sells file molds in freeport ... are they sold elsewhere? please post ...
RE: file molds in fp
# Aug 18 2000 at 8:36 AM Rating: Decent
I believe that Tislan in "Traders Holiday" (down the street from Armor By Iksar and the forge) has file molds, as well as a large selection of other types of non-armor and non-weapon molds.
RE: file molds in fp
# Aug 18 2000 at 1:05 PM Rating: Default
File molds are sold at Velith and Bardo Imported Goods, which is just down the street from Traders Holiday. The vender is in the corner to the right, inside the store.
RE: file molds in fp
# Sep 05 2000 at 12:04 PM Rating: Default
I didn't find any there when I looked, maybe they're not there??


Apprentice Smith
Journeyman Fletcher
Apprentice Tailor
Horrible Baker :*)
RE: file molds in fp
# Sep 07 2000 at 9:41 AM Rating: Default
Yes they can be found at Velith and Bardo Imported Goods, which is just down the street from Traders Holiday. The vender is in the corner to the right, inside the store.

Made about 100 of the the things now

Starting Out.
# Aug 17 2000 at 3:59 PM Rating: Good
The best city to start smithing is undoubtedly Freeport. Everything you will need for the trade is located either in North Freeport (ore, sharpening stones), or East Freeport (molds).
When starting out, I recommend you don't spend any training points, you'll want them later.

First, buy a load of sharpening stones and sharpen rusty weapons until it trivials at 27.
From 27-41 make scalars.
From 41-68 make lanterns.
From 68-115 make skewers.
From 115-135 make sewing kits.
From 135-175 make banded cloaks.

After that, there is nothing (currently) in game that you can make to raise your skill any higher. You should know that going from 135-175 cost me upwards of 1kpp, and my necro has an intelligence of 192...
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 27 2000 at 10:26 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) yeah my half elf druid has bout 100pp :P from fighting and selling swords found of the milers( people who hunt them said i can loot there corpses hehe) and am wondering what i should invest all that money in. imthinking bout skills, but i have NO ideaa about skills. currently imm thinking about jewlery ( if i can find an enchanter to help me out.. but if blacksmithing is a good skill, isnt THAT expensive, id like to go for this skill. Can i get a tip plz? thx a bunch :)
RE: Starting Out.
# Aug 18 2000 at 7:20 AM Rating: Excellent
Some comments :
Dark races have no access to scalars and skewers molds
so from 27 - 41 studs or small containers ( molds for containers sold in NFQ )
from 68 - 102 - banded gorget ( 1.1 pp per attemp )
from 135 - trivial banded gountlets ( 3gp for mold instead 1.2pp for cloak mold )
RE: Starting Out.
# Aug 18 2000 at 8:55 AM Rating: Default
True, dark races have no access to scalars and skewer mold, unless you work on your faction with a "light" city like Freeport. As long as you are at least dubious to the guards in FP, spend two or three hours and do the "Note for Rebby" and "Note for Janam" quests listed here in the quest database. That will up your faction with the guards and the merchants, and not lower any other faction.
Note on making banded gauntlets: They trivial at 168, and while the mold costs only 3gp, the guantlets sell for considerably less than the cloaks back to the merchants. Net loss on making cloaks is less than making gauntlets - for all you platinum counters out there. =P
RE: Starting Out.
# Aug 17 2000 at 7:59 PM Rating: Default
is it possible to make magic weapons or armor
also is it possible to make other items with lightstone besides the Wu gloves?
RE: Starting Out.
# Aug 18 2000 at 2:42 PM Rating: Default
28 posts
Currently, no.
No magic armor or weapons.
No items with lightstones.
Wu gauntlets are a tailored item.

We'll see what comes about with the implementation of fine steel armor reported on the test server.
RE: Starting Out.
# Aug 17 2000 at 6:35 PM Rating: Excellent
141 posts
Sharpening rusty weapons trivials depending on what kind of weapon it is. Daggers trivial at 21 but you can get higher if you go with the bigger stuff, with the highest being a trivial of 27 on sharpening rusty two-handed battle axes.

This post edited to reflect the accurate statements in Mybbo's reply.
RE: Starting Out.
# Aug 17 2000 at 9:41 PM Rating: Decent
19 posts
Wrong, rusy daggers are 21, rusty two-handers and spears trivial at 27.
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 19 2000 at 2:31 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) what the heck do you mean Wrong? He just said 21 for daggers and 27 for the big stuff...
Clarification, Advice
# Aug 21 2000 at 3:14 AM Rating: Excellent
In this particular case, its only you, friend. Sparr messed up, Mybarr corrected him, Sparr fixed it. Sparr fixed it in a way that confused the hell out of anyone who was reading too fast, but that's better than nothing. Read the fine print in Sparry's post if you don't believe me :)

Anyway, smithing is one of the few skills that's best to START AS A NEWBIE. Why? Because no matter how much money you have, you can't buy rusty weapons.* As a newbie, rusty weapons come as a by-product of life. Also, The chances of making something useful or valuable are higher as a newbie, especially if you/your friend/your customer is a baker or a tailor. Not to mention that if you wait until selling banded isn't worth the trouble, you've skipped one of the more profitable aspects of smithing-(indeed, until they patched it, it was the ONLY profitable aspect of smithing)

Now, due to the enormous cost, its best to start as a twinked newbie ;), but if that's unavailable to you,(first character?)don't wait until killing low level mobs becomes tedious and/or illegal, due to the PNP rules.

*You can buy them fourthhand from a shop, but that's unreliable, especially when you get above 21 and need a specific weapon to continue.
RE: Clarification, Advice
# Aug 22 2000 at 10:20 AM Rating: Default
Quoted by Samadams, "Now, due to the enormous cost, its best to start as a twinked newbie ;), but if that's unavailable to you,(first character?)don't wait until killing low level mobs becomes tedious and/or illegal, due to the PNP rules."
It is not illegal to bottom feed for materials as quoted by Abashi. You can kill anything you want as long as you do not Kill Steal which is illegal due to the PNP rules.

RE: Clarification, Advice
# Aug 21 2000 at 6:34 AM Rating: Default
Well i earned tons of plats on smithing instead of losing. Way to go was to make toolboxes and sell to nearest merchant. 15 silver for raw material, make it and sell, took shorter than a minute and tada 8 gold. Now they have nerfed it so u cant do it anymore. Before they did i got my skill up to 120 =)
RE: Starting Out.
# Aug 17 2000 at 6:34 PM Rating: Default
what are those numbers?
RE: Starting Out.
# Aug 17 2000 at 5:23 PM Rating: Excellent
I agree with most of the most of the information Jered posted on blacksmiting, except I reccomend leaving out scalers, and instead when your smothing skill caps after sharpening weapons, to make toolboxes. Toolboxes are relatively in expensive to make, can be made fairly effectively at skill level 27, and making them doesnt cap out until your skill reaches level 51. After that I recomend lanterns as Jered listed, and the rest of the list is fine as well.
Toolboxes are easy to make, the recipe is one metal bits comebined with one flask of water in a forge. Metal bits are made by combining two small pieces of ore with one flask of water, and are very easy to make. Have fun blacksmithing ;)
RE: Starting Out.
# Aug 17 2000 at 9:59 PM Rating: Default
okay... how recent is all this information... last time i had a char doing blacksmithy (granted, a few months ago) ALL rusty weapons trivial'd at 18... it would be sweet if it was higher now
new stuff on test?
# Aug 17 2000 at 3:45 PM Rating: Default
I heard about a new kind of plate on test. Any details?
RE: new stuff on test?
# Aug 22 2000 at 6:36 PM Rating: Good
30 posts
anyone know when the new smithing will hit the other servers?
RE: new stuff on test?
# Aug 22 2000 at 4:36 PM Rating: Good
16 posts
More info I got suggests:

There are 2 varieties of plate, Field and Full. Not sure where each falls in the AC spectrum, but breastplate molds are 22 and 98 plat respectively.

There are 7 coloration raw ingredients, which require a shaman using alchemy to make into dye. Each raw ingredient can be made into 3 different intensities depending on the amount of resin used. The lacquer required costs somewhere around 7 plat, so coloration adds a fair amount to cost. Not sure if it must be done when the armor is made, or if it can be done post-manufacture.

Quite a variety of weapon molds are available, including halberds, throwing weapons, etc. Also various shield sizes are available.

No info yet on recipes and if/how magic items are created.
RE: new stuff on test?
# Aug 23 2000 at 10:22 PM Rating: Decent
Where did you find the molds for the armor?

RE: new stuff on test?
# Aug 24 2000 at 1:33 PM Rating: Excellent
16 posts
I have found quite a few pieces of information on various forums about the new armor, including:

Field plate mold locations & pricing, and recipes for what I assume is fine steel armor.

The recipe uses MQ sheet metal in similar but not identical quantities to banded, a forging hammer (purchased for around 15pp in Ak Anon), a "leather backing" (made using tailoring from a silk thread (2 spiderling silks) + LQ wolf/cat/bear pelt), water, and field plate mold.

Full plate mold locations & pricing, no recipe info yet. I'm guessing it comes in non-magical and magical varieties, and the magical variety uses mithril sheet metal.

Mention of new chain molds, which will make rangers & shamans happy. Haven't seen any recipes yet though

Shield recipes have bene posted, and can be made in all sizes and AC's. Better/magical shields are alluded to, but no recipes have been found/posted as of yet.

Forged weapons have been expanded significantly, and recipes for many have been posted. Again, higher quality variants are suggested but none found/posted yet.

As I mentioned before, recipes for making armor in 7 shades x 3 tints were posted earlier, and require the use of Alchemy.

Smithing web pages:
KC's forum:
Stratics forum:
Everlore forum:
EQVault forum:
RE: new stuff on test?
# Aug 17 2000 at 7:43 PM Rating: Good
The few details we know about the current version of Fine Steel plate:

1. It comes in 5 colors (based on a picture I saw on EQCasters before it was removed)

2. For at least arms, legs, breastplate, helm, and gauntlets, the AC is 2 better than bronze/plate, and the weight is identical to plate. (based on a post I reached through KC's blacksmithing forum)

3. At least one variety of it is non-magical (the version from KC's forum)

4. Its recipe almost certainly includes the folded metal sheets that were added recently.

5. It is not implemented yet except on test, unless they're pulling a stealth-implementation on us. Which is entirely possible, given the silk bandages that were snuck in.

And rumors:

1. Coloration somehow involves the Enchanter purify mana series

2. Doing this armor requires your smithing skill to be grandmastered (175)

3. Information on how to make it is available somewhere in the game if you look hard enough (on test) according to one post I saw from someone who had claimed he had found how to make it.

Vivid Dreamings, 32nd Enchantress, Hand of Mana officer, Craftsmistress, and Linguist on Nameless
RE: new stuff on test?
# Sep 06 2000 at 9:52 AM Rating: Good
Coloration is handled with dye and lacquer. Dye is made with either poison making or alchemy, at least, according to the recipes I have seen.

I don't doubt the skill involved. Considering how much nicer this armor is, it will be worth the effort to make.

The next level of purify mana will be involved in the making of enhcanted weapons and shields, according to the recipes, again. I think it's about time we were able to make enchanted items and that they put in a use for that series of spells.
RE: new stuff on test?
# Sep 12 2000 at 8:05 PM Rating: Good
I have also found new Ore located in the Mines by the Rogue guild on a new NPC, he sells;
1) a small brick of Berillium(sp)
2) a large brick of Berillium
3) a Large Block of Berillium
4) a sheet of Berillium
5) a Dwarven smithy hammer

these items range in price from 4+pp to 42+pp(with 50 cha.).
# Aug 22 2001 at 9:21 PM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
I've got last!

--Pusbag Infection
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