Jewelry Making

The Jeweler can make magical rings, bracelets and necklaces that add to the player's abilities and stats.

What is the best way to develop and use the jewelry making skill? Which recipes are the best and the worst ones? Can you make a profit from making jewelry, and if so how? What class is best suited to this skill?

Post your strategies on how to best use and develop the jewelry making skill, and read, rate and comment on those posted by others.
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evalyn of bristlebane
# Sep 25 2001 at 11:24 AM Rating: Default
electrum jewellry starts to become trivial at around 75, however i started practicing with it long before then because the higher end gems are very expensive, i am now at the stage where buying gold and malachite and practicing them is cheaper than the electrum and opals that i am currently working towards being trivial, to those more experienced jewellers i would ask am i any less likely to get a skill increase from practicing something thats 50 points above my trivial level?
RE: evalyn of bristlebane
# Nov 21 2001 at 10:12 PM Rating: Decent
well i do nto know for sure but i did not seem to notice a big change in skipign form silvre and jade to electrum and malachite in the rate of skill up btu i did find that it is a bit glitchey there were times i whent 5 tries and got 5 skill ups in a row regardless of the outcome and a few miniutes latter whent 10 tries and 1 skill up
Wolf's eye agate
# Sep 22 2001 at 1:16 AM Rating: Decent

I have tried several places to find wolfs eye agate and can't seem to find it anywhere if you know where or any other details please let me know :)

RE: Wolf's eye agate
# Oct 12 2001 at 7:19 AM Rating: Decent
They are sold in Qeynos clost to Wiz, Ench and mage guild is.
RE: Wolf's eye agate
# Sep 23 2001 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
I was just working on jewelcraft. I saw those stones in the caster's guild in West Freeport.
help please
# Sep 16 2001 at 5:59 PM Rating: Default
I want to get started making jewelery, but I have no Idea where to find a jewelers kit, can anybody help me?
RE: help please
# Nov 30 2001 at 4:13 PM Rating: Decent
They can also be found in the blue building in North Freeport. Not the one near the bank, but the one next to the *Coalition of Trade* building. (Also near the Guard House.)

The merchant *Amber* lives upstairs. :D
RE: help please
# Nov 21 2001 at 10:15 PM Rating: Decent
there is alot of places you can get the kit to start this craft most big cities have a gem store and most also have a shop that sells mettal bars and every vendor i have seen with the kit is also selling the bars needed and a few gems

PS the kit looks like a bag and has 4 slots
RE: help please
# Oct 06 2001 at 1:44 PM Rating: Default
The Glas house in Gfay
RE: help please
# Oct 06 2001 at 1:44 PM Rating: Default
The House of Glass in Gfay
RE: help please
# Sep 23 2001 at 1:18 PM Rating: Default
I got mine at Firepride's in North Qeynos. The lovely ladies who run the jewelry side of the shop also sell the metals and many of the gems you'll start with.
# Sep 16 2001 at 4:20 PM Rating: Default
First of
all that Mayce guy must be real stupid if he thinks that jewlery making was made just for enchanters sure its expensive but to think that only chanters can do jewlery making...come on use your brain
RE: Mayce
# Oct 22 2001 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
Sure, anyone can make jewelry. But good luck selling unenchanted jewelry.
RE: Mayce
# Nov 21 2001 at 10:26 PM Rating: Decent
and good luck covering the added expense of purchising a enchanted bar off a chanter for a few pp so lets see a silver star rose quatz sells for about 4pp the quartz costs about a pp the silvre is i think about a gp so the enchanter charges you a pp to enchant the silver making the total cost to you 2pp + a bit of change makeing it a 2pp profit but for the enchanter he makes a 3pp profit on the same combo so he could in essence sell it for 1.5 pp and still pull a bit of a profit where at that price ot compeat you would be losing a pp each shot so enchanters can always under cut the non chanter jewlers
Enchant metal spells.
# Sep 16 2001 at 1:14 AM Rating: Decent
Where are the locations of all the enchant metal spells? Preferrabley in non-evil race city.
RE: Enchant metal spells.
# Sep 22 2001 at 6:47 AM Rating: Decent
Silver, Electrum, Gold and Platinum are all available from Felwithe Enchanters Guild.
RE: Enchant metal spells.
# Nov 21 2001 at 10:35 PM Rating: Decent
also in eurian libary and i think i seen them in freeports as well but at 12th any race rhanter can get thigns form good or evil with the goods useing the illusion DE and the DE's useing the 4th lvl illusion human as long as you are agnostic most places in any city good or evil is safe since not haveign a god eases tention with those that hate evil or good gods thanks to EQ's perfict religion sence all guards and npc's have yes there will still be some NPC's that see through the illusion but there is a good way to test where you will be in trouble get a mule made of the race and get someone to invis you and roam the city con everything when they do not con indiff then you know that one can see you so far as a DE chanter agnostic i been allover NFP and EFP and WFP as a human and over many other citys and not had any problem wiht gettign found out but i con evreything i can in new cities and even in ones i travil normal in ( nevr know when a bored 50th or better chanrms a few key guards and casts see invis on them)
# Sep 13 2001 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent
Since DolphinDude did not explain what the purpose of velium, I ask "What IS its purpose? what does it do differently from platinum metals?"
I read somewhere velium makes the piece of jewellery god specific. Not sure. Can someone clarify this?
RE: Velium/shmelium
# Sep 15 2001 at 8:51 AM Rating: Default
Vellium is an upgrade to platinum, just like electrum is an upgrade to silver, and gold is an upgrade to electrum. For example. A platinum bar and some gem make a +5 fire resist, +5 cold resist item. Than a vellium bar and the same gem might make a +6 fire resist, +6 cold resist item.
Enchanting Jewellery
# Sep 13 2001 at 10:26 AM Rating: Decent
Where are all the closest locations to Felwithe to get all the different metal enchantment spells?
RE: Enchanting Jewellery
# Sep 19 2001 at 12:20 AM Rating: Decent
RE: Enchanting Jewellery
# Sep 19 2001 at 12:20 AM Rating: Decent
I believe you can get at Enchanters Guild in Fel now
Re: Velium
# Sep 10 2001 at 6:49 PM Rating: Good
Ok, it IS a type of jewelry... only works 50 percent of the time when you get skill to 250. (According to friend) but it DOES have a purpose and the main reason im posting this is cause I dont really care for when people brag, so to make them feel a bit worse, im a 26 enchanter with (163 jewelry making) but anyways that's it!

Uaieo Aieou, enchanter of 26th season
Drinal server of mithaniel marr
Re: Help!
# Sep 10 2001 at 6:45 PM Rating: Decent
Ok, Felwithe IS the best city to practice jewelry. It contains all of the Enchant: series, all of the metals (except velium), and a good amount of gems including malachite through opal and rubies, sapphires, fire emeralds, and star rubies. On top of this, the place where u get the silver/electrum/gold/platinum is in the same zone as the place where you get gems... in case your wondering, upstairs inside Shop of all Holos is where u buy the gems, except sapphires, star rubies, and fire emeralds which are sold by the lady who sells the metals.... This lady is right by the little lake next to the fishing shop and standing in front of a forging place for blacksmiths. I have found this zone to be the best considering everything you need is all in the same zone and it has a good variety of gems. Plus, u can sell a lot of those +2wis earrings and such to newbs in Gfay! well g'luck!

Uaieo Aieou of the 26th season
Drinal Server of Mithaniel Marr
RE: Re: Help!
# Sep 20 2001 at 6:26 PM Rating: Default
I dont agree, the same can be said of Freeport. I am not an enchanter so i do not care about the spells but as far as bars they are all available in the same shop, and jewels are a plenty. So to say it IS the best is merely an opinion and not necassarily(sp?) true.

Athium lvl 14 wiz
Re: Fire Opal
# Sep 10 2001 at 6:40 PM Rating: Decent
Ok, I am not exactly sure how you get it, except Im not positive but i think a person next to the banker in Rivervale sells them. If not there, just auction... they usually run 40-60pp

Uaieo Aieou, enchanter of the 26th season
Mithaniel Marr
# Sep 10 2001 at 10:53 AM Rating: Default
where can i find a fire opal ??
RE: stone
# Nov 08 2001 at 5:49 AM Rating: Default
Fire opals can be bought in the temple of solusek ro from a female NPC...sorry I can't remember the name but if you hail her she says something about lambent armor and will offer to sell you one for 55pp
RE: stone
# Oct 05 2001 at 6:29 PM Rating: Default
i found a fire opal yester day in the science building in freeport.
# Sep 02 2001 at 11:36 PM Rating: Default
in felwithe they have the spells for enchanting bars of silver and stuff at the library in the enchanters guild? is felwithe the best place to practice jewel craft?
RE: help!
# Sep 07 2001 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
243 posts
Being a high elf, I buy my jewels there, and my spell there, ofcourse. I can't find a merchant there who actually sells silver, just the jewels. But the girl in the glass-whatever in Kelethin does sell Silver.
I can't say it's the best, but it is your home town, and those are usually the best prices.
Ofcourse, post lvl 8, I don't do any shopping without the proper illusion and alliance. I even use it in Felwith JUST to make sure I am getting the best prices.
Freeport is the metropolis of trade skills, and you should be able to find everything you need there. Definately use Illusion Human and Alliance here. Oh, you need to cast both BEFORE you actually approach the merchant. Otherwise, you need to either invis or zone and zone back to reset the alliance you have with the merchant. That was my experience, atleast.
RE: help!
# Sep 25 2001 at 11:29 AM Rating: Default
Best prices? Hmmmmmmm....... Prices are best anywhere for me.Up my cha buff, & crude stien, put on my 4 cha bracelets, Poof!!! Cha 154. Then I smile at the merchant, while in the appropriate form( Yes, I love my illousions), & cast benevolance. Then laugh as the Fear'dal merchant gives you cut rate prices, Knowing that he has no clue you are a Tier'dal! Use you abilities to thier best advantage, all can make jewelry, but the fact is the Enchanter will get the best prices, & make them enchanted.

Wrayyth Athiyk'faer
Qu'ellar D'oloth
28th Enchanter on Xev
RE: help!
# Sep 28 2001 at 6:09 PM Rating: Decent
67 posts
Anything past Amiable and 106 CHA is a waste. That's the best price you'll get.
RE: help!
# Sep 24 2001 at 4:47 PM Rating: Decent
The woman standing next to the fish place in Felwithe sells all metals up to and including platinum.
Do your research
# Aug 29 2001 at 12:07 PM Rating: Default
Really folks, if you haven't figured it out by now, you can get the answers to the majority of the questions posted here by going to the following two sites:
I'm an untwinked level 8 enchanter and I'm off to a good start as a jeweller by doing a little research. I highly recommend printing out the trival tables and the supplies locators on the two sites above.
# Aug 27 2001 at 8:35 PM Rating: Decent
Hi im a lvl 26 enchanter with a skill of 115 in jewelcraft. I was looking through my spell lists and i realized that I get Enchant Velium at lvl 34 i believe. Says it enchants a bar of velium... so i am assuming that like the other metals... i can enchant velium and make velium jewelry? Why cant i find any info about velium jewelry? Does it exist? If not.. what is the use of this spell...blacksmithing or somthing to do with metal? Also.... whats the deal with imbued jems? Can i make jewelry with those and increase the stats... or is that for something else too? Why cant i find info on imbued jem jewelry? maybe that doesn't exist... Well, im really confused... i have done quite a bit of research on jewelcraft (hey i got myself to 115 and im only lvl 26) so i have a feeling that my questions are going to be hard to anwser. Anyways... someone please enlighten me! thanx...

Gwendyln Goldenlight
High Elf Enchanter
RE: Velium
# Aug 29 2001 at 7:49 AM Rating: Decent
251 posts
some of the sites have been slow to add the velium jewelry. Several have the charts up now tho. The imbued gems are used in several tradeskills including jewelry to make diety specific jewelry. See the following chart which has all velium and imbued jewelry.

Oh and Enchant Velium is at 44. The other enchant metal spells are for smithing or at least nobody seems to have discovered another use for them.
The Power of Hate conquers all foes.
Leader of The Silent Minority a Rathe Guild
Enchanting Metals
# Aug 27 2001 at 12:51 PM Rating: Default
Can my enchanter only enchant one bar at a time, or is there a quicker way?
RE: Enchanting Metals
# Aug 27 2001 at 8:39 PM Rating: Decent
One at a time. I know.. it sux... takes a lot of mana too. Get a clarity if possible.

RE: Enchanting Metals
# Aug 28 2001 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
243 posts
A tip I discovered as I began working. I can usually enchant about 3 or 4 bars at a time, depending on if and when I fizzle. I then go into Meditate and while medding make my jewelry. It helps cut down on down time, because I am multi-tasking. :) Ok, it doesn't cut it by much, but every little bit helps when you are only lvl 8.

Oh, if you have worked your skill enough before reaching lvl 8, then make yourself a couple of silver jaded rings as soon as you can. Extra mana to work with. +5 each. Eh, but it's still mana in the hand

oh, the punny chanter.


Opal Bracelet
# Aug 25 2001 at 5:12 AM Rating: Default
Does anyone know what an opal bracelet is good for? I found this thing on a sentry in KC. When I went to sell it (with a CHA of 123 to a vendor that looks warmly upon me) I was offered 80pp!!!

I was surprised by that so I kept it. There is nothing fancy about it. It is all/all. I had someone identify it and the only new information I got was that it was LORE!

Any jewelers out there have any clue about this item?
Trade Skills
# Aug 19 2001 at 7:54 PM Rating: Decent
34 posts
These sites are good enough to help get you to master skills, so i highly recommend them in addition to allakhazam's magical realm =o)
Although I recomend Raul's site over EQ traders, you should check out both.

Raul Quanilesti's Ever Quest Skills Page

EQ Traders Corner
# Aug 19 2001 at 6:51 PM Rating: Default
Do you become trivial off types of metal bars or types of gems?

P.S. looking for a kind enchanter friend on Bristlebane

9th season gnome mage
RE: Shortius
# Aug 27 2001 at 8:46 PM Rating: Decent
sorry if that last one wont work try this site for the trivial chart. :)

RE: Shortius
# Aug 27 2001 at 8:44 PM Rating: Decent
You become trivial off of metal types..
The order goes silver, electrum, gold, platnum
Get a trivial chart off of
Its the best one i have found so far.

# Aug 19 2001 at 5:46 AM Rating: Default
Check out for trivial list and other links to jewelery do ya research FOLKS
Juhn on the Rathe
# Aug 19 2001 at 5:44 AM Rating: Default
LETS STOP with the STUPID questions like what metal does what,, you need to do your RESEARCH on this website UNDER TRADES SKILLS get your printer warmed up
Juhn on rathe
# Aug 19 2001 at 5:39 AM Rating: Default
So you got your enchanted silver now get some gems start with the first one at the top in vendors inventory. there in order of difficulty and price .put ya malatite and silver in jewelers bag, i like to count to 40 then hit combine.WALAH you made you first piece of jewelery. not sell it back to vendor and keep on goin. Most folks dont want nothin but the platinum stuff skill 200,, GOOD LUCK FOLKS.....Juhn one of many on the Rathe,,,,,,,,, 35 enchater skill lvl 158 atm
Juhn of the rathe
# Aug 19 2001 at 5:31 AM Rating: Default
So you want to learn JEWELERY.Yes a few points in guild is required. next enchanter makes the best jeweler. give your toon HIGH INT and your spell enchant silver(electrum,gold,platinum)all can be found in library in neriak,or enchanter guild Felwith (new).OK NOW GET SOME SILVER
# Aug 15 2001 at 7:32 AM Rating: Default
Greetings, I just wanted to say that most of the jewelry I made with a skill of 4 was pure luck. Now I make anything from rings to earrings with minimum difficulty. The only advice I can give is make sure you have plenty of money to buy all the materials needed and if you are in a guild, have your Enchanter enchant the bars for free.
# Aug 15 2001 at 7:09 AM Rating: Default
Hi all. Let me just begin by saying that i am only a lvl 3 wizard and my jewelery making skill is 18 ! I made a BIG mistake. I spent 40pp on buying 2 stacks of silver bars and 3 stacks of different jewels , then another 10pp having an enchanter enchant them ( i probaly got ripped off but then again she did enchant 40 silver bars !!! ) I still have many bars and jewels left but i was in a rush to make far i have made like 20 rings and only sold 1 silver mala ring for 3pp ( hehehe ) ! i just wanted to tell the newbies not to make the same mistake i did. Dont rush for money , work with unenchanted jewelry first cuz even if you do get your first couple of bars enchanted , no one is going 2 want to buy them !!!! Oh and by the way , i did put my first 15 points into jewelry !!!!!

Glacierice lvl 3 wizard / lvl 11 shaman / lvl 7 warrior / lvl 4 necromancer / lvl 5 druid / lvl 3 rogue........i like a little bit of everything !!
# Aug 14 2001 at 7:57 PM Rating: Decent
I just started Jewelcrafting on my alternate char I gave him a bit of money so hes at skill 50 right now... my question is what lvl can I start making electrum stuff? like what lvl will I actually succeed enough of the time to not loose all my money... Thank you all for you time bye bye
RE: Electrum
# Sep 25 2001 at 11:47 AM Rating: Default
OK, 50 skill, huh? I went the smart way, I think, I go cheap, & admit to a lot of failures, but I raised my skill to 47 on silver, the spent a day, & about 200pp, making nothing but Electrum malchite pieces, electrum is about 2 pp, & malachite is bought for silver. Cheap, especially when you think about silver for some GP, & a emerald for 68pp. Bye the end of the day my skill was over 70, & I was broke, but happy. Now I'm fighting with the prices for Gold, & still working with malachite, My skill is now 97, & after a few giants learn to fear my power, I will raise it once again. Jeweling is a fun skill, But VERY expensive. Good luck

Wrayyth Athiyk'faer
Qu'ellar D'oloth
28th Enchanter, on Xev
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