
Blacksmiths have the ability to forge their own armor and weapons both for personal use and for sale to others.

What are the best strategies for developing and using the blacksmithing skill? What items are the most and least useful ones to forge? Which classes are best suited to take up this trade? Can you make a profit off of blacksmithing, and if so how? Which cities are the best places to practice your trade?

Post your strategies on how to best use and develop the blacksmithing skill, and read, rate and comment on those posted by others.
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# Jul 27 2014 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
can a dwarf do blacksmithing
# May 29 2020 at 6:24 PM Rating: Decent
Yes. Any race can.
Great source
# Jan 14 2013 at 6:21 PM Rating: Decent
3,021 posts
A great CURRENT source for very useful info for levelling all trade skills.
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
Blacksmithing to 250
# Jan 01 2011 at 7:32 PM Rating: Decent
I'm a level 219 trying to get to 250 making Indium Breatplate Template. Greigs end is a great place to farm the Indium as well as pelts, jewels, powders and spell scrolls. The thing I will say to my displeasure is I have done over 600+ combines and have gone from 219 to 242. It seems to me in this case that the smithing tradeskill is more of a waste of time and money. I have been farming for about a week now and still haven't gotten to 250. I was looking to see if there are any items I could make to help my other chracters but really not much. It seems EQ has put more emphasiss on new levels to keep those getting to the top playing and forgetting what got us all here........the old days!!!
Blacksmithing to 250
# Jan 01 2011 at 8:33 PM Rating: Decent
I gave incorrect information. It wasn't 600+ combos but close to 300+. Sorry about the ims-information.
Skill Caps
# Apr 09 2008 at 3:37 AM Rating: Decent
9 posts
I see it's been awhile since I was here...looking for answers :-) It took a year, but now have 3 toons nearing the caps of 300 on their skills: smithing, tailoring, jewlery. Have been using aa's to get the Salvage & Mastery points. Have also gotten the trophys for all the skills they do. (By the way!! Anyone doing any skills should get their trophy! Quest is given in Freeport and evolves with your skillups) But how do you raise the cap above 300?? There are receipes out there much higher than 300 and once you hit that 300 cap, how will you know what skill level you have attained if you can't raise that cap??
Smithing cap
# May 18 2007 at 3:19 AM Rating: Decent
9 posts
I have a Vahl Shir, beastlord, lvl 57 smithy. In the skills window of inventory it shows the blacksmithing cap of 200, not 300. Also for my High Elf, mag., lvl 43 who tried smithing it shows a cap of 200. All the other characters on the same account: enchanter, shaman, warrior all show caps of 300 for smithing. Can anyone tell me why only 2 of these characters have caps of 200 and how can that be raised?? I have all 13 expansions so should have all the updates.
Smithing cap
# May 18 2007 at 8:11 AM Rating: Decent
1,352 posts
only 1 skill can surpass 200 if you do not train the Tanaan AAs. Does the vah shir already have a tradeskill above 200? I just created a vah shir shaman and he Does see 300 as his smithing cap.

Edited, May 18th 2007 9:22am by DukeLatan
Smithing cap
# May 19 2007 at 5:17 AM Rating: Decent
9 posts
She bakes also, stopped doing that awhile back, dont' remember what lvl she attained, but will check to see if that is over 200. Are you referring to the AA's you get by lvling?? I can raise her skill lvl by putting AA points into smithing?? Even if another skill is over 200 already?? I will take a look at that too! Thanks a bunch for answering :-)
Smithing cap
# May 19 2007 at 8:50 AM Rating: Decent
1,352 posts
only one tradeskill can surpass 200, but if you train the Tanaan AA in the general tab you can raise another skill over 200.. 1 more tradeskill for each level of the skill. It dosen't actually raise the skill though of course, you still gotta do that through combines to get skill ups, it just allows another tradeskill to be raised past 200 (only 1 can without the AAs)
DoN Augment and Armor Question
# Dec 19 2006 at 6:23 PM Rating: Decent
I have been reading about DoN Armor and Augments and I have a question about them:

1. Once you have created your Armor as well as Slot 11 Augment how do you combine the Augment or add it to the Armor? Do you just place the augment in slot 11 of the Armor or do you have to do this in a forge. Please explain. Thank You.
DoN Augment and Armor Question
# Dec 19 2006 at 10:19 PM Rating: Good
3,705 posts
You use an augmentation sealer. They look like rectangular birdbaths, and can be found in several places. First, there is one in each ldon camp. They also can be found in 1) the bazaar, in the tradeskill area, 2) Abysmal sea, near the magus, 3) the guild hall, 4) Lavastorm, at the mercenary camp and probably somewhere else I am forgetting.

You click on the birdbath, just like a forge, and you will get a two slot container. One for the item, one for the aug.
Fine Steel weapons a little extra PP
# Sep 14 2005 at 12:38 PM Rating: Decent
Here is something I've noticed. You can sell fine steel weapons to vendors for 4-6 PP. You can also throw them in the forge with water and get 2 small bricks that you can sell to vendor for about 5 PP each. This doubles your cash for fine steel weapons. Melting down some weapons also gives you a piece of fine steel save these up and combine them into small bricks to sell for 5pp

It's not much but every bit helps
trivial above 250
# Jun 29 2005 at 11:41 PM Rating: Decent
From what I've been reading it seems that the skill cap in any tradeskill is 250. If this is the case how does anyone know what the trivial is on anything above 250?
RE: trivial above 250
# Jun 30 2005 at 11:03 AM Rating: Good
3,705 posts
Well, first of all, Sony raised the trivial to 300 recently. Second, when you learn a new recipe, it shows up in the tradeskill UI, which shows the trivial.
RE: trivial above 250
# Jul 07 2005 at 4:57 AM Rating: Decent
thank you for the info :-)
# Nov 27 2004 at 12:13 PM Rating: Decent
need to learn to forge!!!

send any info to
Gukta forge
# Aug 22 2004 at 12:32 AM Rating: Decent
Does anyone know anything about the cultural forge in Gukta (not the one in the mercantile)?
making weapon's
# Jul 13 2004 at 11:13 AM Rating: Decent
just started weapon smithing today. How do find out what to combine to make things? Say I want to make a sword? Any help would be appreicated.


Thanks in advance.
Beyond Tarnished weapons
# Jun 20 2004 at 7:29 PM Rating: Decent
After you make a rusty sword into a tarnished sword, can you make it a sharpened sword? Is the best you can do to it is make it tarnished? If you can do more at what skill level and how?

Any info would help.. Thanx
# Apr 05 2004 at 6:07 PM Rating: Default
okay my skill is at 106 and was wanting to know whats the easiest way to 250.

Lanvaren 55 pali
karana server
RE: smithing
# Apr 05 2004 at 8:12 PM Rating: Good
3,705 posts
Go to look up the guide "the economical smith". All the answers are there.
RE: smithing
# Oct 06 2004 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
There is no such guide at
# Apr 05 2004 at 6:05 PM Rating: Default
# Feb 23 2004 at 7:28 AM Rating: Excellent
I have a 44 level dark elf, that I started with smithing years ago, before Luclin and before newbie armour quests. I only got her to about 75 trivial and started running out of cash, and playing a lot of alt characters. I just came back to smithing with her recently and got her so far up to 140 trivial only to realize: I think I'm wasting my time and money! Most of the stuff in the game that you can craft seems to be not even as good as the stuff you make now for your start-out set (newbie armour quests). What this means is unless you have the 250 skill in smithing, as well as master tailoring and brewing (or hopefully have a friend that is.. because its way too expensive to pay for materials in bazaar) your skill is essentially a money sink. No one wants to buy seafury, ornate chain, banded, or gothic ringmail anymore!! If it wasn't for the fact that I'm lucky enough to have two opal encrusted steins to shave some of my costs, I think I'd give it up! Sony/Verant should try to cut us people who are actually roleplaying a break and not make items that a level 10 can get better than what a level 65 can craft. I still love Everquest, but it's getting ridiculously unbalanced with fancier and fancier items that anything older (quested or crafted) might as well not exist.
65 Druid of tunare trying to Grandmaster
# Feb 22 2004 at 1:47 PM Rating: Decent
71 posts
Anyone know the best way to get your skill up with the least amount pp spent? Also, my skill is 118 now, but trying to get to 250, how would i go about doing this, I would love to make the stuff those Karana bastards get to make, but what can you do, A druid never gets to pick the deity. So, if I was a Wood Elf druid of tunare, how would I go about it, the best way.. PLEASE HELP.. Oh, btw if you guys have something to email me, I am at

Shinradd Oom
brick to peses back to brick
# Feb 13 2004 at 3:29 PM Rating: Decent
I found that if u get small brics of ore and combind them with a chisal to make 2 small peses of ore the combine 3 peses of ore and a flask u make small brick and repet u loos one but it isent that much and if u combine tarnisht wepons with water flask u dont have to by brics so

1. tarnisht wepon + flask of water = small brick of ore

2. small brick of or + chisal = 2 small paes of or

3. 3 small peases of ore + water flask = small brick of ore

4. repet steps 2 + 3

this givs u a lot of combins for low cost of two or three water flasks

? is the traver for smithing caped at sertan lvls or can i have a lvl 1 car with 250 trever curent at trever of 50 lvl 13?

sorry for spelling hehe

not sher of compind result of tarnisd wepon and flask need more reserch

good luck :)
# Jan 28 2004 at 5:31 PM Rating: Default
Hi i was wondering can anyone blacksmith? or is it specific races and classes if u can help me email me at

RE: Help
# Mar 29 2004 at 12:36 AM Rating: Decent
38 posts
anyone can smith, regardless of race/class/diety/level, the only limitations are cultural smithing (different stuff for different race/diety) and how much cash ya got
and to answer a q from a earlier post, yes you could make a lvl 1 toon to use as just a tradeskiller, but why? alot of the really nice stuff you can make requires nodrop ingredients that you cant get one one toon and hand to another
# Jan 02 2004 at 11:26 PM Rating: Default
Please send me a guide of blacksmith.

# Jan 02 2004 at 11:22 PM Rating: Default
Please Sinuuyanea Nocturne, Heretic Mistress
send me one of your guides it will be much apreciated!
thank you!
# Nov 24 2003 at 7:01 PM Rating: Default
Smithing has been both fun and tough to skill up in. I was shocked at the ease with which I skilled early and later dismayed with the difficulty. I am a Shammy with good gear and when buffed for smithing I have a 250 STR and 250 Wis, but have done as many as 150 combines to get a single level then gotten the second on the next try.
My biggest frustration has been the LDoN Temper material has become a PP boom for many players and that has made it hard to find any for under 150 PP. What a rip off, don't they know the armour we make is not even worth that much. I have already reached 192 smithing and am stuck with costs that are pushed up by players trying to make a buck.
I honestly think I am not going to make armour for anyone unless they pay me in temper materials in the future. My guild and family are the only ones getting armour cheap in the future.

Just my thought.
Rugtukk 44 Shammy
dont tell anyone
# Sep 26 2003 at 1:37 PM Rating: Decent
Huberto is at 135 in smithing and in search of
HQ ore. The economical smithing quide mentions
fine steel (FS) weapons can be found in Stonebrunt
Mountains (SBM). I went to check.

There is the little town (2 on eqatlas map) with
a wall around it and 4 buildings inside near the
north and center of the zone. Just north of the
town is a camp of Kobolds (1 on eqatlas map) who
drop FS weapons. It turns out the town has a
forge. So you can collect some FS weapons, then
go to town and convert them to HQ rings. By the
time your done converting, the Kobolds have respawned.

I like SBM because the cats there never drop
ruined pelts, and all smiths need lots of
pelts for padding. The leopards, and yellow
tigers have pelts. The white tigers never have
pelts. Between the town and the Warrens entrance
are plenty of cats.

As an aside, what is a good way to contact smiths?
I have found 2 on Karana, but they want 2k pp
for lvl 250 combines. I understand the smiths
put a lot of work into getting to 250, but I am
just a modest paladin doing the work of Mithaniel
Marr and don't have that kind of money.
DE Smithing
# Sep 24 2003 at 2:54 PM Rating: Decent
OK, guys, I'm a Dark Elf Smith on the Zeb server. Does anyone out there know the best location to hunt shadowed men? I'm a level 35 necro, so unfortunately, I don't have any dismissed summon spells. Buying from Bazaar is out of the question, people want like 100 pp per essence of shadow, and it takes 2 for each piece. If you have any suggestion, let me know!
RE: DE Smithing
# Sep 26 2003 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
There is a shadowed men camp in the north west
corner of west commonlands. But it is often
camped for the shadow rapier for jboots quest.

There are other camp of shadowed men. Check this
link for a list
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